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Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1120690
Don't take the "religious" parts seriously. This is completely FICTIONAL.
She looked up, upon the face of the oh-so-forgiving God. She couldn’t comprehend it—this being, who had such immense love for every one of His creations, now looked upon her lowered form as if she were Lucifer himself instead of a once loyal creation and follower. He, who had been the coracle from the crumpling world of humanity to the grand, yellow sands of heaven, who had taken every poor soul into His warm arms, and whispered sweet words into their ear—now set His starting, somehow cold, gaze upon <i>her</i>.
She had once been elated to sit where she now coward under their gaze. Once, she was over whelmed with joy just to use her one great gift, and to sing beneath their approving eyes. Now, staring up into those blue eyes that were both oceans and sky, she was perplexed. She pondered to herself just how she had done it; how she had given up her gift and her joy, just to go against The Creator that she had loved. And worse, just how could she have given it all up for <i>him</i>.
“And finally! Mutiny, against the Almighty, our—and her!—Creator,” the voice broke free, above all murmurs, and brought her bright green gaze up to the conceited little man that stood beside her Lord. “Her sentence, Eternal life, upon the corrupted realm known as Earth.” That wasn’t right…That couldn’t <i>possibly</i> be right! She wanted to shout at him, tell him it wasn’t right! Tell him it was wrong, she wasn’t as corrupted and she wasn’t so sinful. All the others had fallen Hell, as the humans ignorantly called it… They couldn’t send her to such a place as Earth, full of ignorance and shame…
However, instead of these shouts and protests, something else broke from her vocal cords, escaping into the air was a chilling screech of pain. Her wings, they fluttered with agony, as if trying to get away from the burning sensation rushed through every golden feather.
Thoughts attempted entrance into her mind, each hurriedly presenting themselves before disappearing in a flash. Not one she comprehended, until finally, cursed words entered her mind…
<i>Step one, Destruction: An angel, cannot be discarded into any Unholy Realm, until it itself, is unholy. Such a sentence is normally given to a corrupted soul, therefore, only one Holy thing remains. The golden feathers, which grow from the Angel’s back. Before ‘falling’, the wings must be torn, stripped, or decade from the Angel’s back, as they are blessed signs of Holy creation…</i> She was taunting herself, the thoughts being her own, yet not the thoughts she would have liked to listen to. Why would any creature have to memorize such terrible words? Now that they had broken free, it seemed she knew them too well. Now that she had remembered them, they wouldn’t stop. Now, she knew her fate, and she knew how it would end, from the very beginning, she would word it all with her thoughts.
Her eyes now burned red with pain, and rose from the ground, up to His once warm face yet again, and still she couldn’t understand. He forgave humans for their indulgence, ignorance, and hatred countless times, yet He would allow this to be her fate…
For a moment, she thought about hating Him. She wanted to hate Him so bad, and yet, she didn’t know if she did. She had never felt hate. She wouldn’t recognize it if she did. She was like a child, aware of the emotion, yet never feeling it herself. Did she hate him? She couldn’t tell—She wouldn’t be able to, until she fell…
<i>Step two, Falling: Only after the destruction of the wings, can an Angel full-fill its sentence. May that be the Cursed Hell or the Helpless Realm of Earth. As is decided by His will.</i>
He back began to throb, her legs started to ache, and her heart trembled with emotion. She knew hate, and she did hate. She hated Him, she hated the sin Lucifer had planted within her, she hated seeing the sun, and not being able to stretch her wings, and feel its graceful rays upon her golden feathers.
<i> Step three, Naming: An Angel, as it is no different—better or worse—from any other, is given no name, unless it has fallen to corruption. And then, it is different. It is unique to its once brothers and sisters, therefore less then them. No longer is it better than human, or as great as Angel. They are given a name.</i>
Dark, tired eyes rose up to the skies, waiting silently and patiently, as she had forever. However, no sooner had she gotten her eyes to the clouds above, had the dark voice fallen down to her ears.
“<i>Ebony, as your soul is to once be; Grey, as your soul will one day hold both the darkness of corruption and the brightness of love, you are condemned—Damned to an eternity, upon this land. Hell shall never expect you, and Heaven has forgotten you.</i>”
“A helpful bit of news,” she mused spitefully, knowing they now heard nothing, for they no longer cared.
Turning slowly to her new world, her burning red eyes hardened to a magnificent garnet. They would no longer show emotion, but only a cold, stone gaze.
<i>Step four, Discovery: The angel, if it could be called that, will now venture into the new lands, which will never compare to the beauty of the home they once had. It shall do as it wishes and find what is pleases, as it is cast down from Heaven’s eyes, and the watchful gaze of its Creator, and forgotten by Him.</i>
Ebony looked upon the world about her, and for a moment, understood. For a fleeting moment, she knew its beauty, and what had made it special in His eyes. A smile first came to her lips, and then, slowly filled out into a smirk that ruined all Godly features she may have had left. Then she spoke, her voice wicked in its words, though lovely in its tone—the voice of an Angel.
“Step five, Will: The Angel, now corrupted and perhaps no longer even an Angel, discovers misery, the hate, the fear, and agony of the new world. And she smiles to it in greeting. For now, it all begins. As it is Her will.”
© Copyright 2006 Melanie (mel.anie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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