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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1120121
The Shadows Chronicles Saga continues.
The dark mountains is a place that has a passageway to the valley of light. It is a long journey to the dark mountains. It will take the trio two months to get there on foot. As the trio head for the dark mountains, Unaa started to move further ahead.

Drake then said, “She is just a year old and do not yet understand what’s going on.”

“I truly want to help you and Unaa.” Jacob said. “The shadows also told me that it would be safer there for the both of you.”

“Really?” Question Drake. “I have not been to the dark mountains, as I was told that it is very deserted and opened.” said Drake.

“All I know is that the shadows do not want the two of you to be harmed. They told me that there is a passage that only a dragon or a unicorn can see. I was told that it is a place full of life.” said Jacob.

“Well, we do need food soon. It will take us a while to get there.” said Drake.

“Let’s see… there is a small village just on the other side of this hill.” Jacob said.

“Unaa, hold up.” bellowed Drake. “Do not go over that hill.”

Unaa stopped a looked at Drake. She wanted to yell, but she smelled the humans and ran straight to Drake.

“Are these humans ok?” asked Unaa. Jacob touched Unaa’s nose and smiled. Unaa just jumped back and let out a snort. “I will go see, ok.” Jacob said softly. Drake looked at Unaa and watched Jacob go over the hill.

“I am sorry that I got mad.” Unaa said quietly. “I am not sure what to do.” she added. Drake laughs and said “no need for you to be quite here.”

“Ok!” Unaa said softly, but with a mysterious smile. Drake look at her and said,” Ok… you want to play… lets play.” Unaa just squealed and neigh with excitement. They both jumped and bounced at one another. Unaa started to buck and kick at Drake. Drake just moves a little bit here and there.
Their laughter could be heard all over the hills.

As Jacob headed towards the village, he could hear Drake and Unaa playing. This made him laugh. Jacob could see the village. It was nice, but it was more like a town. It had a tavern, blacksmith shop, a big red barn, water towers, and many little shops for supplies. The people here were happy. Jacob just started in to the village, when one of the older villagers came to him. You could see that this man has been around. His eyes alone tell people that he is wise beyond his years. He was wearing old, faded blue pants and a long brown shirt.

“What is all that laughter?” the villager said.
“They are my friends.” said Jacob. “I am Jacob.”

“I am Mark.” said the villager. “How may I help you?” asked Mark.

“I am going around all the villages to see what they think about Dragons and Unicorns.” said Jacob.

“Ah! We like the dragons and the unicorns, but they are all gone.” Said Mark. “I have not seen a dragon or unicorn for a year now.” Jacob smiled at him and told him that he knows of one dragon and one unicorn. Mark tearfully looked at him and said, “Do you know if the dragon’s name is Drake.” Before Jacob could say yes, Mark said, “I grew up with Drake, he was my only friend. He would hide me and I would scar him. He has been my friend for about Six years. When I got older, I was not interested in playing. I wanted to hunt and make things. Back then; it was easy to play with the dragons. Now it is almost like it is a crime.”

Jacob finally said, “Yes Drake is here.”

Mark was so happy he jumped around and started to laugh. He called the other villagers to come and see the last dragon.

“WERE IS THE DRAGON!!” yelled the villagers.
“HAY! Hold on, yes, there is a dragon by the name of Drake, but there is also a unicorn with him. She is very young and her name is Unaa.” yelled Jacob. “I will go and get them, is there any way we can get something to eat for our journey.”

I need to get them to the dark mountains. The people of the village were so happy and started to dance. Everyone started to talk and you could not understand any of them. They all wanted to know about the dragon.

As Jacob explained to Mark and the other villagers about what had been happening in the past year. Mark got the villagers to get food for the dragon and the unicorn. “You can eat with me and my wife.” Mark told Jacob.

“Ok, I will go get my friends.” said Jacob. As Jacob headed back to Drake and Unaa, he could not understand why the villagers were eager to see Drake and Unaa. Well, just Drake got them excited. Jacob decided to stop Mark and ask him about it.

“Mark, sir…” said Jacob “Can I have a few words with you?”

“Sure, you can lad.” Mark said.

“Why is it that when I mentioned Drake, everyone got happy. I also said I was with a unicorn. You see... I have been trying to help the last dragon and the last unicorn to keep this world a beautiful place. I just have this feeling that you and the other villagers are going to harm them.” Jacob explained.

“Ah, lad I see that your heart is in the right place. We do not intend on harming the dragon or the unicorn. We here believed that the dragons give us luck and the unicorn a good season of crops. We have not seen them for a long time. Last year our crops died, and we lost several children. I am sixty-seven years old. I have known Drake since I was just a boy. Drake helped our village. The village I grew up in was burned down six years ago. As for the unicorn, I have never in my days seen, or heard them. We just need a good year. I have been telling travelers that the dragons all moved to the White Mountain. You see... Drake is not the last dragon. Do not tell him. I have led four dragons into the dark mountain. This was a year ago. As for the unicorn, I do not know. When you get to the dark mountain, then Drake will see his kind.” Told Mark.

Jacob looked at Mark and asked” Why should I trust you? I think that Drake you like to hear that his kind is ok. Why the dark mountains anyway?”

Marked looked at him and said, "the dark mountains have a place for all magical creatures. The shadows are from there. They protect the dragons. You might find the unicorns there as well.”

Jacob then just nods his head and looked around. All of the villagers were getting ready for the arrival of Drake and Unaa. Jacob laughs to him self and thought about what Unaa might do. The village now seems to be safe, but Jacob is going to keep an eye out, just in case. Jacob now knows about the dark mountains. He will not tell Drake… just yet, but he will tell him what the dark mountains are about.

As, Jacob walked back to Drake and Unaa, he thought to himself about how the villagers are and that Drake’s kind had been save, or so he was told. He would like to help Unaa and find her kind as well. As Jacob walked up the hill, he stopped. Jacob watched Drake and Unaa play. It was such a sight that Jacob started to laugh. He laughs so hard that he fell over and rolled down the hill. Jacob finally stopped rolling by Unaa. Unaa started laughing looked at Jacob and nuzzles him. She now can see that Jacob is a friend.

“I am glad that you are our friend, Jacob.” Unaa said with a smile.

“Me too.” Said Jacob while laughing.

Drake also started to laugh and said, “What did you find out?”

“O” said Jacob. “The villagers are happy to know that, not all the dragons and unicorns were destroyed. There is an old man by the name of Mark and he told me that he grew up with you, Drake. He and the other villagers are preparing food for the both of you. I also like to add, I am going to help you two, to the dark mountains and to find the other dragons and unicorns. Mark told me that the dark mountains is a place for all magical creators. I would like it if, I can stay with you on your journey.”

“That would be great.” said Unaa with a squeal.

“I like that too!” Drake said.

The three started to laugh and run around. Then slowly walked to the village.

As they walked to the village, Unaa started to prance. “Hay, Jacob would you like to ride in. As long as you are not too heavy.” Unaa said laughing.

“Why?” asked Jacob.

“We are friends and friends help friends.” Unaa said.

“Well, it is not that far.” Jacob said.

“I can let you ride me too. “Said Drake.

“FRIENDS” the three said together laughing all the way.

As they approach the village, you can smell the food and hear all the cheer and laughter. Unaa gave a playful neigh and Drake gave a friendly roar. Jacob, just laugh.
“Yes, it sure feels good to be welcomed.” Jacob thought with a smile. Jacob still was looking out for anything that might harm his newfound friends.

As they got closer, everyone came to see them. Unaa just playfully neigh and bounced with the children. Drake just watched. In a whisper, Drake asked Jacob, “You do not think it is safe for us here.”

“No, I do not, they have had travelers looking for dragons and I just want my new friends to be safe.” Jacob said in a whisper. “I am also going to keep an eye out for the both of you.”

“I will make sure to tell Unaa to stay close to me.” Drake whispered back.

“Welcome.” Mark said.

“Hello, dragon.” said an older woman. “I am Mark’s wife Leona.” She said. “We have a great big barn for you and your friend the unicorn to stay in for the night.” said Leona.

“Thank you, Leona” Said Drake. Drake looked at Leona and then Mark. Drake did not trust Mark. As Mark walked away, Leona walked towards Drake. “I have heard stories about you.” she said. “Really?” asked Drake. “Yes, they are all good stories. My husband has been searching for you.” Leona said.
Leona is a wise old woman, in her sixty’s. She had a long dress, the color of spring. Her eyes are blue like the ocean. Her voice soothing. Leona also had on a nice yellow shall. Drake looked at her and smiled. Leona then walked after Mark. Nice old woman thought Drake.

As soon as Unaa was clear of the children, Drake went to her and pulled her to the side. “You need to be where I can see you.” Drake said in a whisper.

“Why?” asked Unaa.

“Jacob found out that there was some travelers passing through here and was asking the villagers if they seen any dragons. He wants to make sure that we are safe. I want you to be safe.” Drake explained.

“Ok, I will keep close.” Unaa said.

Unaa just wanted to play. Therefore, she decided that she was going to play with Drake. Unaa looked at Drake and gave him a great big smile. Drake looked at her with such a surprise that he just smiled back. Drake just laughs to himself.

So, Unaa just trotted off towards the big barn. Prancing and holding her head high. Then, all of the sudden Drake loses sight of her. He looked every were. He could not see Unaa. It was like she just disappears. Therefore, Drake got closer to one of the buildings. Then he looked for Jacob and could see him by the big barn. Jacob does not look happy.

Then all of the sudden, as Drake leans around the building to get a closer look. “WHAM” Unaa jumped on Drake’s back.

“ROARRRR” Drake bellowed. “You scared me, Unaa.” He cried.

“Well, what are you doing, you looked worried.” Unaa replied.

She was laughing. Unaa laugh so hard that she fell off Drake’s back.
© Copyright 2006 Lilac Riverbrook (lilacnienna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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