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The random thoughts of a drifting mind |
May 28th, 2006~ Happy 38th to my mother. looking younger all the time..... ~ IN MOST CASES, YOU ARE DIFFERENT THAN ALL THE REST. YOU DON'T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE WHIRLWIND OF CHAOS. THE TIMES YOU WORRY ME IS WHEN YOUR SAD. YOUR EYES GIVE YOU AWAY. THE TEARS WASH AWAY THESHIELD THAT YOU KEEP UP, BLOCKING THE REAL YOU FROM US ALL. JUST RELAX AND KNOW THAT EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALL RIGHT. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ THE LINE ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ As another episode begins, take a journey down that yellow brick road into the inner city of turmoil that haunts us all. Your background is the foundation that your life's path is built upon. A life declared normal stays on the course laid out so plainly before us, memorizing every step. An individual who tries to carve his own path, to control his own destiny is shunned by society, like a campfire drowned at the break of dawn. We must create our own unique spark to lead us through the darkness. How can you be that way..... I hope that all your life you never live up to who you see in yourself. You will never compare to what you wish you could be, never able to dance amongst the stars you have always dreamed of reaching. I hope that the people you take for granted, the people you assume love and support you, well... don't. I hope they don't love or trust you and look at you as if you were just another tolerable annoyance. Have you ever been so contrived by another person that you cant control the emotions they evoke? Pushin buttons.. huh?? Well be cautious with the pressure you apply to an already volatile subject. Just be careful and watch your back. ~*~True wisdom isnt derived form acquired knowledge but rather observed and calculated from experience.~*~ Everything comes from within and when you dont possess that driving force of ambition, you cant succeed in your dreams. You wont be able to reach your fantasy of life and feel as if you have accomplished what you strive for. Black and White is all they will ever see, making no waves in the real inner beats of reality. I wont be subjected to reducing the intesity of my thoughts just because you cant handle the real the raw me. I lose all ability to maintain control, always forgetting that the mere normal visions cant comprehend. Of course, they know nothing better than to assume its an aggressive personal attack to their character. Simply put, it's only my thoughts searching for the inner essence of the original me. I want you to connect I want you to be a part of me and understand. You always come so close until you cross that line. You saw my beauty. You saw what you were supposed to see. But that little part of you, the part that you have obtained from others, is what crosses that line into argument, into misunderstanding and making our path all the harder to follow. I want you in my life and sharing all my joys and tribulations. Embrace Life and sit back . Let me lay beside you and just enjoy our journey together. ~*~ May 29th, 2006 ~*~ ~"A man is not measured by his elevated states but rather by his biggest asset, his heart which yields a venture to his soul."~ REFLECTIONS OF A WISE SOUL... (AND YOUNG) -"The only way to comprehend the soul-transforming agony of a broken heart is to simply imagine a flower. A small delicate flower such as a tulip or a lilac. Possibly just a simple rose. An ordinary white rose that exudes beauty, innocence and an attention-grasping quality that you can't help but admire. Looming above is your broken bleeding heart releasing destroyed coagulated parts of your energy, your one unique soul. Now the flower has suddenly morphed into a recluse, introverted, wilted plant. All the beauty, trust and love that your heart cherished has been stolen. Without these attributes, your inner being, your energy and your soul will never be whole again." WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? WHAT IS THE HUMAN CONDITION? -"When the moment arises that my life achieves completeness to the utopia of heaven, I want to resonate with a complete heartfully contentness with not only my contribution to the world and the human rae, but most importantly to individual lives. I want to be resigned to the fact that every decision I mad led me down a path of meaning and importance. That is the meaning of life, the defining purpose for our existence. Whoever created us wanted us to learn an essential lesson. A lesson you must learn before you could ever enjoy the glory and beauty of the stars and the ambiguos undying love that rests in heaven. We are destined to love but before we can truly be worthy of true love and understanding, we must learn to love ourselves. We ust reach inside our inner depths and find out what makes everyone of us unique and undeniably graceful. Only then can you truly love and undertand all things real or imagined." TRUE GREATNESS CAN NOT BE ACHIEVED WITHOUT APPRECIATION AND RECOGNITION BY YOUR BROTHREN, YOUR FELLOW MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RACE. May 30th, 2006 xoxo~She's in love~xoxo ~*~ The day began with a fresh start. Every minute, every second of every day they are together gives them another chance for survival. His love for her may fade in and out from day to day and her love may do the same. However the one thing that holds strong is the faith they have in each other and the faith they have in their love. She arises from slumber with no memory of yesterday's blunder, no recollection of all the things that stirred her anger the day before. Her eyes adjust to the dark and focus on the man resting beside her. She knows that it's all gonna be okay... ~*~ In another's eyes im just a woman loving you When you've lost sight of your dreams... You can follow me. always ambiguos, crazy sexy cool chaos |