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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Political · #1119971
Chapter 2 of The Revolutionary. Alex must decide what he is going to do with his life.
“From the end spring new beginnings.” –Pliny the Elder

Chapter 2

New Beginnings

Alex awoke in his cell the next morning. He glanced over at the table. Over forty pages written last night, his writing hand still ached. He walked over to the sink and met his reflection in a dirty mirror. He noticed some dark circles forming around his eyes. He really didn’t like how he looked right now. Overall he was a healthy twenty five year old man. Six foot, mid-length black hair, which was tossed around randomly this morning. “I look like shit.” He thought to himself.

Alex sat on the floor and began to stretch. Morning yoga always helped him get focused for the day. He stretched his body until he was feeling loose and limber. He then sat cross-legged and began to meditate. Alex was in a deep meditative state when he was made alert to movement within his cell. A guard was apparently trying to get his attention.

“Get up and follow me. Your lawyer is waiting outside; you have been released.” The guard explained.

It was 10:30 a.m. and Alex was a free man. As he walked outside the prison Alex spotted Albert leaning against a wall.

“Albert! I know it was you who got me out of there. I can’t thank you enough man.”

“I told you it wouldn’t take long, apparently they didn’t care that you were released, the real goal was to tarnish your career.” Said Albert.

“And a good job they did with that,” Alex stretched out both of his arms. “It’s great to be out of there.”

“Don’t get too comfortable just yet,” Albert said while pointing to a black van sitting across the parking lot.

“Feds?” Questioned Alex.

“Yeah they have been here all day waiting for you to get out, I’m sure you are going to be tailed wherever you go around here.”

“Do they really consider me to be a threat? I haven’t done anything worthy of being watched. Maybe it’s a punishment for the speech.” Said Alex.

“Well, anyone who questions the government and is as bluntly truthful as you are bound to be considered a threat.”

“Well I’m not going to be here long, I’m going to my apartment to gather my things and then I’ll be out of this country tonight.”

“Where are you headed?”

“Somewhere I have always wanted to visit. I want to see the rainforests of the Amazon. I’m going to head to Brazil.”

“Why the whole way down there, what’s there for you?”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s the perfect place for me to be alone and away from here.”

“Best of luck man, lets get out of here I’ll give you a ride.” They walked over to Albert’s car.

Alex arrived at his apartment and immediately started gathering what he needed to travel. He certainly wasn’t traveling light; he was leaving for an extended period of time, possibly forever. He had a mental list in his head of what he would need; Sleeping bag, tent, medicine, grooming equipment, and of course his toothbrush. Not to mention a stack of blank journals and plenty of pens.

After Alex had his gear packed into his hiking backpack he proceeded to the bank to close his account. As he walked into the bank he noticed the teller staring at him. Obviously the man had recognized him.

“Hey, aren’t you that nutball that was on TV?” Questioned the teller.

“Yup, that’s me,” Alex said grinning. “Here’s my license, I would like to close my account today.” Alex handed his license to the teller.

The teller put his information in the computer. He was a little surprised when he saw the information on the screen.

“According to this your final balance is $131,000, would you like a cashiers check?”

“Cash please”

“Cash? I have to call the manager over here, I think he is going to need to open the vault for this.”

The teller called the manager over.

“You would like this account balance in cash sir?” Asked the manager.

“Yes please, just make it all hundreds.” Explained Alex.

“Yes sir, I am very sorry to be losing your business, would you like me to put it all in a cash bag?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

Alex walked out of the bank with One hundred and thirty one thousand dollars in cash. He stashed the bag in his backpack and hailed a cab to go to the airport. The cabbie rolled down the window.

“Where ya heading buddy?”

“Take me to the airport please.”

“Sure thing.”

They arrived at the airport. It was getting dark. Alex grabbed two hundred dollars from his bag.

“That’ll be sixty two fifty buddy.”

“Here you go, keep it. Thanks for the ride man.”

“Are you serious? Holy shit, thanks man this makes my night.”

“Have a good one.” Alex said as he waved to the cabbie.

Alex strapped his backpack on and looked at himself in the reflection of the front windows. He had a plain black t-shirt on and a gray pair of slacks. Much better than the suit and tie he was used to wearing. He proceeded inside and walked up to the ticket window.

“I would like one ticket to Brazil please, anywhere in Brazil, the next flight you have.”

“When would you like to return? Also, any preference for class?”

“One way, no preference for class.”

The ticket woman typed a few things on her computer. “We have a flight scheduled to leave for Rio in a few hours. It’s coach and for one person it would be Eighteen hundred dollars one way”

“I’ll take it.”

“Ok, it will be leaving from tunnel fourteen at 7:00p.m. How would you like to pay for this?”

“Cash, here you go.” Alex handed her the money.

“Ok, here’s your ticket and your change, have a great flight.”

Alex made his way towards tunnel fourteen. He decided to sit down on one of their luxurious couches.

“I got a couple hours to kill here. Might as well use this time to my advantage.”

He got one of the journals out and started writing. The time passed quickly for Alex; before he knew it he had written fifteen pages.

Just then the intercom came on “The flight leaving to Rio at tunnel fourteen is now boarding, please proceed to tunnel fourteen. Thank you for flying Metro Air, have a great day.”

“I wonder if they really care whether I’m having a great day or not” Alex gathered his pack and made his way towards the tunnel. Just as he was about to board two tall suited men stood in his path, blocking the tunnel.

“Where are you headed Alex?” Asked the first man. .

“I do believe that’s none of your business, may I ask who you are?”

“FBI agent Johnson and my partner here is agent Richards.”

“Agent Johnson and Richards. One is a penis and the other is a dick, nice to meet you both. I’m sure you both must be busy, you’ll have to excuse me my plane is boarding.” Alex tried to walk around them.

Agent Johnson grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer. “Listen here smart-ass, I don’t have time for any nonsense. I’m glad that you are leaving, its good news for the both of us. I was told to follow you anywhere you went around here. Good thing you are taking your terrorist ass out of here. You saved me a headache. America doesn’t need people like you trashing the place”

“Awwww.” Alex said while making a sad face. “You both came here to see me off, how sweet.“ Alex made his way into the tunnel. He turned to face the two agents and blew them a kiss. “Bye bye boys.” Alex said with a smile.

“What a little piece of shit.” Said Richards.

“Forget about it man, lets go grab some lunch.”

Alex walked through the aisle and found his seat. He sat down and reclined back.

“I can’t believe those guys came here to hassle me, the government is acting like a school yard bully trying to pick a fight with me. Good riddance I say, I’m ready to move on.“ Alex thought to himself.

“Please fasten seatbelts and prepare for takeoff. Thank you for flying metro air.”

The jet took off into a setting sun. Alex watched as the city became smaller and smaller. His former life was being left behind. He hoped his new life would be better.

“The perfect start to a new beginning.” Alex thought to himself.
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