Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1119760-Realize
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1119760
A poem written by myself about a year and a half ago about my first true love.

Why do things have to be this way-
Living life from day to day,
Not quite sure of which road to take.
So torn apart and confused in many ways.

I have finally found the perfect man for me,
I just wish he would open his eyes and see-
Someone is here for you who truly cares-
No matter what happens, will always be there.

I think he cares quite a bit about me-
Maybe I’m just too blind to really see.
He’s dealing with so much in his life-
In him I see so much tension and strife.
I want to help relieve his stress and pain-
I want to tell him all but only put myself to shame.
For every time I begin to speak of the situation,
I become weak and lose all concentration.
And when I look into his beautiful face,
My mind wanders while I fall into a daze.
His personality is that of such a rare and unique kind,
Such an imagination within an incredible mind-
I have found the one that’s so hard to find.

I first thought my feelings were only a crush,
Then they grew stronger, I thought into lust.
Now that I really know this man as himself-
It may have been only lust then that I felt,
Though I know now that my feelings are none of the above;
For I have fallen madly in love.

Now the one that I feel so deeply toward,
Wants to leave this place in search of better and more.
He says he wants to go to a new place and start over again-
Build for himself a new home, make new friends.
I beg and plead for him not to go,
Only too soon will he be on the road-
Gone forever, here no more.

I pray for one chance to be with this man,
To be his woman; for him, I’ll do all I can.
I want to give him all of my love and provide all he needs;
Always here to rely on and in one he can believe.
I would give him the world and more if I could-
I want all bad dismissed from his life leaving nothing but good.

Baby-I know you’re so tired of it all and want to run away;
But there’s much need for you here, please will you stay?
I can’t go on living life thinking of what may have been,
For so long ago my heart had welcomed you in.
Stay, please, you will have no regrets.
I really love you so let me help you forget-
All the tension and pain exposed into your life.
I offer endless care, love and only want to treat you right.
You deserved much TLC many years before now;
You’re an amazing fan and should be crowned.
Accepting me into your heart is much to ask of you,
But trust me with this chance to help forget the old and start new.
The last step will be only for you to choose,
Though I know the final decision will lead you only to gain, not lose.

This is the final decision, all up to you.
But I believe that whichever road you choose,
Your future is bright; filled with only happiness and love-
You will finally let go of that first path which became so rough.
Giving up crossed your mind so many times before-
And now here’s a chance to create your own cure.
I hope you look forward to this next step in your life,
Hopefully remaining painless, taking away any shame or strife.
No longer will you be forced to fight,
For things and feelings you deserved years before now;
Now being better than ever, and your life is surely bound-
To be full of great and continuous success throughout.

I pray that you stay, give me this one chance to help-
Completely change your life around.
But if that is not what’s destined for you,
Then go! Get out of this town!
Better things are awaiting you somewhere-
Along with your one true love to provide endless love and care.

Please make good decisions and don’t ever forget me-
The girl, you know, who cared so much and saw what others ignored to see.
You are so rare; the one and only of your kind.
With such a beautiful body, one incredible mind-
You will never be forgotten and I’ll love you for all of time.

Don’t be scared to pick up the phone and give me a call.
Yes it hurts to watch you leave but I must remain strong.
I have been here for you and will continue to do so.
Now, these things you should already know-
If you change your mind, my doors will always open to you,
So don’t hesitate to come back and begin here new.
I will always stand by, no matter the outcome of the situation.
I hope my feelings towards you have made a difference and you have come to a realization
The actual depth of my feelings for you took even myself time to grasp.
Well I hope this hasn’t thrown you off track.
I had so much to say before you’re gone for good,
I hope you know how special you really are and my words were clearly enough put.
I pray every day to be the love of your life,
If not now hopefully soon, we’ll be together and things will be right.
If we never again see each other, remember all I have said.
You truly are special, one and only of a kind.
You deserve only to be treated right,
So get ready babe, it’s your time to shine!
I now feel peace in my heart, with love for you that will last forever.
I am real and please, always remember: this is how I truly feel.

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