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by Ziro
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1119699
In The Dark - Chapter 4, focuses on the character Aster Marshwood.
Chapter 4 - Aster Marshwood

"Dark tales told by the townspeople about Everdark and the creatures that roam in its forests do not bother me at all. My father used to tell us stories about Everdark and that a good man lived there for almost forever.

I was eight years old when I first saw the man my father was talking about. He was taller and a lot younger than my father. He looked like 25 by then. A handsome man he was that I even had a childhood crush on him. His dark hair and red eyes gives me the chills but his smile, it melts me. We never heard any new from him since then.

A year later, my father sent me to the Divine Cathedral of Light across the sea, to a far away country, so that I can study. Since then, I've been married to the Church and to God.

After almost 10 years, I returned to Everdark, to my homeland. Though the skies were always cloudy and the mist could cover the whole world of Everdark, I was so happy to be here, back here. I could see again, the silhouette of the castle atop Everdark upon the moonlit night.

At home, in MarshWoods Inn, I shared the gift of knowledge to my siblings, Dia and Milo, who are a lot farther than my age. It seemed like they've grown too fast or I was just too long away from them. Now they're growing and learning a lot of things and time passes by so quickly. Two years later, father had suffered a heart disease and died only a few weeks later. We were left alone, just the three of us. Mother was gone a long time ago. Now I can be sure, our mother is not alone in heaven. Though our father is gone, the legacy of Marshwoods Inn still continues. Milo, Dia and I continued running the inn so I thought my life as a teacher would soon end, until...

One night, a familiar face caught my eye, a lady in a black dress and a dark cloak, came into the bar. She had bright blue eyes and hair that seemed to gleam in gold. I thought I knew her from before and I was correct. That was Estella, but it seemed to look like as if time stood still for her. She was still as beautiful as the first time I saw her. Nobody else in the bar noticed her except us, the Marshwoods.

She came over to the bar, 'I'm looking for an Aster Marshwood,' she said, 'I'm sorry for what happened to your father. We've heard.' I can see it in her eyes that she was sincere.

'Vladmir and I would like to give our condolences to him,' she said as she gave us a small bag of gold. 'This is to express our deepest gratitude for him.'

I didn't know what to say but, 'Thank you.' Tears fell from my eyes, tears of mixed emotions.

As soon as I have wiped off the last tear, she said, 'I've heard that you have been blessed with the knowledge of the Divine Cathedral of Light.'

I was quite surprised to hear that she knows about it. How could she have known? I didn't ask her and just nodded. 'We would love to if you could teach our daughter,' she said as she held a golden crucifix by her neck.

'Su-sure,' I replied quite confused about all the happenings.

I started the very next day, I insisted that I would come over instead of her daughter going down Everdark. I have brought quite a few things because she said that I might want to stay for the whole week rather than going down and up the mountain everyday. The hike through the rocky road of Everdark was scary. I've felt that the trees or something in the woods was watching me. And as I went deeper through Everdark, the mist became quite thicker and the wind it blew colder. I could hear the crickets and the owls and some sounds that might have been howls of wolves. I was thinking of going back but I didn't, I believed that this is what my father had wanted for me. I looked back to see how long have I've been walking and saw that I could see some part of the whole town while other parts are covered by the tall trees. Minutes have passed and I felt quite tired, soon, I saw the castle gates. By the gates, I saw her, Estella, she was waiting for me. I wasn't scared of the thought of being alone with a vampire, because of my faith in God and in my father's stories.

We walked inside a great hall and at the end of it was a little girl that seemed to be more alive than them. She was not as pale as her mother and her father, who was beside her. Her father stood tall, with his long black hair quite covering his face.

As soon as I was in front of them, he showed his face, and smiled at me, 'Hello Aster.' I remember him, he was that stranger in the bar my father talked about. He was the childhood crush I've had. His smile was warm until now. He looked the same as I first saw him.

'This is Eno' he said as he looked down on her, 'Eno, this will be your teacher, Ms. Aster.' I leaned down at her and took her hand, warm as the sun's rays.

'Hello, Eno,' I said. She had dark red hair just like her father's and bright blue eyes just like mother's though she was never really their daughter. Estella explained earlier that they only took in Eno and treated her as their own. She told me how they found Eno and showed me where her real mother was now buried, a tomb that has a large cross with angel statues on it.

'Nothing from our unlife should be revealed to Eno. Everything must be hidden in the shadows only,' she told me, 'also, please do not tell her we're not her real parents, not until the right time.'

I did what I was told to do and kept every secret I should not tell.

Eno is one special girl, she is very bright and inquisitive. She loves to read books, books that are kept in Helfort's library. The books kept there were as old as the castle. Cobwebs were to be found in other corners of the library. Pages of some books seemed to have been torn off or eaten by insects. The large library was yet another dark room in the halls of Helfort, only lit by the candles in chandeliers and the light from the moon. The moon, it glows so white and it really is so beautiful but 'There is grave danger roaming about every fullness of the moon, hungry for blood,' Estella told me while I was staring at the moon one night, 'Vlad had already told your family to stay inside your inn everytime the moon is full. Even for you, it is better if you stay in Helfort at those times, this is your sanctuary in Everdark.' I was frightened but I knew now I was safe, we were safe. Safe in the company of the Everdarks.

However, there was a time in the histroy of Everdark, that the sunlight broke through the whole town. The sunlight conquered Everdark, and everybody in the village were over-joyed except for Vlad and Estella. Daylight for them would mean sleep and not knowing what could happen next. The era of the sun started and up until the afternoons, the sun could still be seen from atop Everdark. Evenings would only be for a short time and another day begins to shine again. Vlad and Estella couldn't bear the sunlight so they entrusted me to take care of their Eno. They have rested in the basements of Helfort, where they waited for dusk.

I became closer to Eno this way, that she was like a little sister to me or sometimes even like my very own daughter. Sometimes during daylight, I would take her down from Everdark to meet the other Marshwoods, she'd love that and by the time Dia's daughter, Tessa, was almost 3, Eno even took care and played with her. Unfortunately, I hadn't had much time growing up with Eno.

One day, I have received a message from the Sisters of the Cathedral that I had to go back, my heart was broken to have read the letter that I would have to leave Eno all alone in Helfort. I had to make a decision. I was all confused what path to take but ended up fulfilling the call of God.

I had to leave earlier than expected because Everdark seemed like at the very corner of the world then and my journey would be so long. I bade farewell one last time to Eno and my family before I board the carriage. I can see the sadness in Eno's face, our bond was so strong that it felt like we were part of each other.

During my time in the Cathedral, I receive letters sent by my brother or my sister, of how they are and especially, 'Eno made a new friend from the town but we didn't get to meet him yet. A nice boy he is narrates Eno but somehow weird, she tells us,' Milo said in his letters, 'It's been so long, we miss you so much.'

A tear dropped from my eye upon reading that. 'I miss you too,' I whispered to myself. 'We hope to hear from you soon. -Milo.'

A year later, the Mission of Light was over,and I have planned for so long to go back home. I know that I would miss my fellow sisters but I had longed for home too long. On my way down the road, a sudden thought struck me, I couldn't sleep and I couldn't stop thinking about Eno. My heart was beating so fast, I was so worried and frightened of what might have happened to her-- or to them. I couldn't wait for the journey to end that I couldn't help looking out the window catching a glimpse of Helfort, the highest point in Everdark. I didn't realize oneday that I had slept, maybe because I was so tired from the past days that I had no sleep. As I woke up, I was in the town next to Everdark. I looked out the window, and my heart had stopped for one second. I saw Helfort was on fire and heard chants of 'Kill! Kill! Kill the vampires!' echoing through the forest. I hurriedly ran as I got off the carriage when I was near the our home. Milo, Dia and her husband, and Tessa were outside with tears in their eyes.

'We tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen!' Dia cried as she held Tessa in her arms.

'Eno?! Where is she?!' I asked them but they didn't answer as they looked down. I looked up at Helfort one last time as it was burning. We couldn't do anything, not anymore.

Today, I still look at the ruins of Helfort atop Everdark Mountain thinking of the stories our father told us, remembering the memories we've had and missing the friends we've made."
© Copyright 2006 Ziro (zirostilo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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