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Rated: E · Other · How-To/Advice · #1119308
Information about making the commitment to write a novel in one month
Sign up early.

The absolute first thing you must do is decide you are going to write you novel in a month, no matter what. You have to decide that this is something you absolutely, positively want to do, then decide you will do it. Decide you won't let ANYTHING intervene to keep you from this goal. BE COMMITTED!

The next step is to sign up for the National Novel Writing Month(Nano) challenge if you plan to do it that way. There are also ongoing challenges at National Novel Writing Year, as well as a few others. Doing an Internet search using the term “write a novel in a month” will reveal forums, groups, and other support to help you through the month.

If you are not doing the November Novel Writing Month, then decide on a month you plan to do it (or months). Madchallenge is another group I am involved with that has challenges for writing a novel in a month. Once you decide which month, or decide on a group and choose their ongoing monthly challenge, sign up. That makes you accountable, as well as giving support and encouragement.

It is best to sign up as early as possible before the actual novel writing month so you can begin planning, getting encouragement, and learn how to clear you calendar for optimum performance. For example, National November Novel Writing Month (Nano) begins accepting sign-ups on October 1. I always sign up as soon as possible so I can begin thinking and planning early.

The first year I attempted Nano, I only half-heartedly committed to it. After all, I had not finished anything in my life, writing or otherwise. I didn’t believe that I would/could do it. As a consequence, I did very little planning ahead. I decided the last day or so of October that I wasn’t going to do it. I was getting sick, and just wasn’t fully committed.

I spent the first week of Nano going to the doctor and doing what I could to try and get well. I didn’t even sign in to the forum, or check my egroups or anything else. I just forgot writing, Nano, and anything to do with my computer. I had a child that had been made homebound due to emotional issues, so was trying to home school him as well. No way did I have time to do a novel!

The second week of November, I signed in to my email and saw literally hundreds of emails reporting Nano progress. Some were almost half-way finished while others were well past the 25,000 word point, having committed to 100,000 words or more. Others, however, like me, had either not started or had only a very minimum of words. But, they were excited and committed. So, I decided I would jump in, too, and do what I could.

I worked through week two and three with all I could muster. Then, in week four, I finally came down with a full-fledged case of the flu that I had been fighting all month. So, I really only got two weeks of writing time. But, in that two weeks, I exceeded 35,000 words.

I could barely wait until next year’s Nano. At that time, I was not aware of the year-long groups. I waited patiently, or rather, impatiently, until the next November.

When the next October came around, I signed up on the first day, then began planning. I waited anxiously for 12:00 midnight on October 31 so I could “legally” begin working on my novel. I was up and going by 12:01 on November 1.

ASSIGNMENT: Find a group with which you wish to do a novel in a month. It may be one of the suggested one (links in the Appendix), it may be a local group, or it may be one which you form yourself. Whichever, make sure there are several members so you can encourage each other. If there are only two of you, and one drops out (which will happen) you won't have any encouragement left.

Choose your group, join, either on internet or in person, then write a commitment statement. Put this where you can see it daily.

NOTE: If you have bought the ebook, you are entitled to personal coaching. Send me the commitment statement with details as to month you will choose, group, etc. I will send a frequent email for encouragement. I DO have your name. If someone else bought it for you, such as for a gift, then send me their name when you submit your first assignment. It is not necessary to do so each time. I will make note of your name.
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