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by Faced
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Melodrama · #1117872
The Jackson family's lives are changed forever with a visit from Uncle John.

Wesley Williams II

Characters Age
Mrs. Jackson 40
Mr. Jackson 42
Uncle John 57
Charles Jackson 17
Abby Jackson 15
Janet Jackson 10
James Jackson 10
Sarah Jackson 11
Michael Jackson 8
Teacher 1 36
Teacher 2 30
Teacher 3 47
Teacher 4 32

Scene 1
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are sitting in the living room

Mrs. Jackson- Children, clean up. Uncle John will be over in a few minutes. Abby, fix me a cup of tea and prepare some crab cakes for our guest.

Children- (From off stage) Yes, mother.
(there’s a knock on the door)

Mr. Jackson- I’ll get it. It’s probably Uncle John. (Mr. Jackson opens the door to reveal Uncle John standing with a large bag in his hand.) Well, come right on in.
(All children except Abby run into the living room. They greet Uncle John and annoy him by trying to find out what’s in the bag. Abby slowly walks onstage and gives Mrs. Jackson the tea. She sits the crab cakes on the coffee table.)
Uncle John- Alright! Alright! You’ll find out what’s in the bag if you step back. (The children step back) I have presents for you kids!

James- Oh, boy!
(Uncle John hands out the presents to Charles, Abby, James, Sarah, Janet, and Michael. They open them.)
Charles- Cool! An I pod!

James- Yo! That tight new G-dog CD.

Sarah- A new pair of kicks!

Janet- A new Baby Phat outfit!

Abby- A jar of mayonnaise?

Michael- Huh? What’s this? A bird beak?
(Uncle John hurriedly snatches the beak from Michael.)
Uncle John- (Quietly) How’d that get in there?! (To Michael)
Oh it’s nothing but a bird beak…

Mrs. Jackson- Hold on, Uncle John. Are you trying to give my child a joke present?! Because that’s not funny at all. Do you see me laughing?

Uncle John- (Quietly, to himself) Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt… (To Mrs. Jackson, sorrowful) No, I didn’t intend to play a joke on your son. (To all) It’s the Parrot’s Beak. Surely, grandma has told you all about her old Parrot’s Beak. (The rest stare blankly at Uncle John) Well, it was a gift given to her grandma. She said her grandma got it from a nice old lady named Maria Plateau from a down in New Orleans. She was so confused as to why the lady was called a voodoo witch; she said her grandma and Maria had been best friends. It’s been passed down through the family ever since… from my great great grandmother to father, they’ve each given it to a member of the next generation who they believed deserved it and now I’m passing it on to you Michael.

Mr. Jackson- Just what’s so special about a parrot’s beak?

Uncle John- It’s said that it grants ten wishes to each successful heir. Four were already used by the time I got it. I used four to get you all these presents. (Quietly to Michael) Just remember, Michael, don’t use it selfishly.

Michael- Yes, Uncle John.

Mrs. Jackson- Well, what do you say for getting such a wonderful gift?

Michael- Thank you Uncle John.

Mrs. Jackson- All of you!!!

Children- Thank you Uncle John.

Uncle John- Oh! Look at the time! I’d better be going!

Mr. Jackson- Let me walk you out.
(Uncle John leaves)
Children- Bye, Uncle John!

Mrs. Jackson- Why don’t you give me that beak so I can keep it safe for you, at least until you decide to make your wish.
Michael- No! I know! Why don’t we make a wish with this thing right now?

James- Yea! Let’s wish for a million dollars!

Janet- It’s not gonna work, James.

James- Yes, it is Janet!

Sarah- I want to make the wish!
(Sarah snatches the beak from Michael)
Michael- No! Me!
(He snatches it back. They both continue fighting over the beak. Mrs. Jackson takes the beak from them)
Mrs. Jackson- No. I’ll make it! I wish for one million dollars!
(Nothing happened)
Janet- Told ya it wasn’t gonna work (pokes her tongue out at James.)

Mr. Jackson- Enough! It is way past all of our bedtimes. Besides, I have to get up early in the morning and go to work. I think it’s about time we all hit the sack.

Scene 2
Morning in the Jackson’s house. Mrs. Jackson is standing in the kitchen.
Mrs. Jackson- Children, wake up or you’ll be late for school!

Children (except for Abby) - (from offstage) Yes, mother.

Mrs. Jackson- (Knocks on cupboard under the sink) Abby, wake up and come out and fix your brothers and sisters some breakfast. And when you’re done be sure to clean up after them. I don’t want my kitchen looking like a pigsty. Be sure to water the living room plants and vacuum the upstairs hallway. And don’t forget to clean the bathrooms.

Abby- But mom, I might be late for school.

Mrs. Jackson- (hissed) Well, then you’d better get a move on. (To herself) Children today! They just talk to their parents any kind of way. Let me go back to bed before I wind up hurting somebody up in here. (Mrs. Jackson leaves the kitchen to go upstairs. The children are racing down the steps.) Looking sharp Charles! James, pull up those pants. Janet, you might want to change that shirt!

(Abby has prepared bowls of cereal for the other children. She stands by the sink with her arms folded as the other children enter the kitchen. They sit down at the table and eat their breakfast.)

Sarah- Ha ha! I’m going on a field trip today. We’re going to the city museum today! I’m gonna have so much more fun than y’all.

James- At least my class has extended recess today! I’m gonna play on that new swing set all recess long.

Michael- Well, I’m not gonna have any fun.

Janet- Why not, Michael?

Michael- You know the bully at my school? Butch Killsalot? He found out about the Parrot’s Beak that I got last night. He said that if I don’t bring it to school today and give it to him, that he’d kill me.

James- Dang! Nothing gets past that bitch--

Charles- James!

James- -- I mean Butch!

Janet- Well, why don’t you just give it to him?

Charles- That’s surely not something worth getting killed over.

James- Chill out, Charlie boy. You act like he gonna die or something! It’s just a little fight!

Michael- The problem is: I don’t know where mom put it since last night. And she won’t tell me either. To make things worse, Dad’s at work so I can’t tell him. Guys, I don’t know what to do!

James- Yo, dog! Keep your cool! I got yo back!

Sarah- Please, James. Butch could crush you with one finger!

James- What chu tryin to say-- (James advances on Sarah)

Charles- (interrupting) Look, we don’t need another fight here. Michael, just make sure you tell your teacher before school today.

Michael- Alright Charlie.

(Horn blows repeatedly)
Janet- That’s the bus ya’ll. Let’s go!

Sarah- See ya, Abby!

Scene 3
Evening. The Jackson residence. Mrs. Jackson sits in the living room.
(Charles enters)
Charles- Mom, I’m home.
(Mr. Jackson enters)
Mrs. Jackson- Have you seen any of your younger brothers or sisters? Usually, you’re the last one to come home.

Charles- Maybe they have detention or something.

Mr. Jackson- My children? Dentention? Never!

Mrs. Jackson- (angrily) Well, they never told me about any detentions! Oh no they did not! OOOh! When they come home I’m gonna—

Mr. Jackson- How about this? Let’s give them until 7:00. If they are not home by then, we’ll know something’s up.
(Lights down. Lights up. Abby appears in the living room.)
Charles- It’s 7:00

Mrs. Jackson- Abby, why don’t you put your “brand new jar of mayo” to good use and fix me a sandwich?

Abby- (suppressed tension) Yes, mother.

(Abby leaves. There’s a knock at the door. Mrs. Jackson moves to answer the door.)
Mrs. Jackson- (opening the door) Who is it?

Teacher 1- Hi. I’m Sarah’s teacher. And I have some terrible news…

Mrs. Jackson- What did she do? She got in trouble? I knew she had it in her. She’s as sweet as an apple to me. But I knew it was too good to be true. What did she get? A detention? Is that the bad news?

Teacher 1- No. No, that’s not it at all. (Pause) Well, I don’t know how to break it to you, Mrs. Jackson, but your daughter has died.

(Abby returns to the living room with the sandwich)

Abby- Here’s your sandwich, mother.

Mrs. Jackson- Girl, I just found out that my child is dead! Does it look like I want a sandwich right now?!

(Abby leaves angrily)
Teacher 1- Well, today when we were on a field trip, Sarah ran out into the street and got rolled over by a speeding bike.
(Mrs. Jackson cries)
Mrs. Jackson- No! This can’t be happening! It’s not true! You’d better be faking me out!

Teacher 1- I’m sorry Mrs. Jackson. I am for real. I never meant to make your daughter die. I apologize a trillion times. The school has donated two-hundred thousand dollars for all of your troubles. (Teacher 1 hands Mrs. Jackson the money.)

Mrs. Jackson- This will never make up for my Sarah (sniffles).
(Mrs. Jackson closes the door)
Charles- Poor Sarah!
(Charles runs out of the living room. Mr. Jackson sobs along with Mrs. Jackson.)
Mrs. Jackson- How can I live without Sarah? She’s gone fore—
(Another knock on the door interrupts Mrs. Jackson.)
Mr. Jackson- I’ll get it. (He opens the door.) Hi. You look like James’ teacher.

Teacher 2- That’s because I am James’ teacher, and I have some bad news about him.

Mr. Jackson- Oh no.

Teacher 2- James tried to do a fancy flip off the school’s brand new swing set today and broke his neck. I’m very sorry about this. I hope that you’ll accept this donation of two-hundred thousand dollars for all of your troubles. (Teacher 2 hands Mrs. Jackson the money.)

Mr. Jackson- This will never replace our precious James. (Mr. Jackson closes the door. Sadness and Anger.) This is preposterous; I’ve lost two children—

(A knock on the door interrupts Mr. Jackson)

Mrs. Jackson- I’ll get it. I have a feeling I know who it is. (Mrs. Jackson opens the door. She is extremely upset.) You must be Janet’s teacher.

Teacher 3- Yes I am, and I have some terrible news.

Mrs. Jackson- Let me guess, Janet’s dead and you’re going to give me a two-hundred thousand dollar donation.

Teacher 3- Wow! Are you my psychic friend?
(Mrs. Jackson snatches the money from Teacher 3 and slams the door in Teacher 3’s face)
Mrs. Jackson- Great! Three of my children are dead. It just can’t get any worse than this.
(There is a knock on the door.)
Mr. Jackson- I’ll handle this.
(Mr. Jackson walks over and opens the door.)
Teacher 4- I’m afraid I have some horrible news about Michael. He’s dead. I tried to stop them from fighting. But Butch overpowered me as well as 4 other security guards as he beat your son to death. I’m terribly sorry. Here’s a donation of two-hundred thousand dollars to help soothe the pain.

Mr. Jackson- This money can’t bring back our Michael.
(Mr. Jackson closes the door. Abby walks back into the living room.)
Mrs. Jackson- (Sad.) Oh, Abby could you go get me some Kool-Aid.

Abby- (Resolute) NO! No, mom, I will not! From the day I was adopted, you never treated me with any respect. You make do all the chores around the house and then some! If you didn’t notice, you have five other children. Why don’t you ever call on them to fix you a sandwich?!! I have barely been to a day of school my entire life because I’ve been too busy trying to clean up the entire house all by myself that I’d miss almost all of my classes. The only words I knew were “Yes, mother” and “Here’s your sandwich mother.” In order to deliver this well planned out monologue to you I had to salvage the words from the conversations that I’ve heard in this house over the years that I’ve lived here. I don’t have a clue as to why you’d adopt a kid that you wouldn’t even care for! Well enough is enough! It stops right here, right now. KRYSTAL JACKSON I’m leaving!!! (Quietly) And I hope you get what you deserve!
(Abby leaves the house)
Mrs. and Mr. Jackson- Wait!!!!!
(Two-hundred thousand dollars appears in the living room. Mr. Jackson picks it up. He rubs his chin in curiosity.)
(Awkward silence.)
Mr. Jackson- Krystal, I think that I’ve just experienced an astonishing epiphany.

Mrs. Jackson- What?

Mr. Jackson- It seems that we have lost 5 of our children and we collected two-hundred thousand dollars for each of them. Honey, what did you wish for last night?

Mrs. Jackson- One million dollars.
(They gasp in horror.)
Mrs. Jackson- It’s all my fault! I lost my children by making that stupid wish! It’s all my fault!
(Mrs. Jackson leaves the house.)

Scene 4
Inside Mrs. Jackson’s car. Mrs. Jackson is driving.

Mrs. Jackson- What was I thinking?! I shouldn’t have touched that thing let alone make a wish with it! I knew of its powers. I knew what it was capable of. I shouldn’t have let my jealousy overpower me. When we were kids, John, I was always envious of you and how mom gave you the parrot’s beak and not me. But now I see why. I don’t possess the same amount self-control and kindness as you. What kind of person am I? I adopted a child that I didn’t even care for. How sick! I took out all my childhood jealousy on that poor defenseless girl. I just wanted to see how it felt to not be the favorite. But I can’t just tamper with someone’s life like that. (Pause.) You were right Abby; I will get what I deserve.
(Suicide: Swerve. Crash. Boom.)

Scene 5
The Jackson residence. Charles sits on the sofa. Mr. Jackson paces the room repeatedly dialing numbers on his cell phone. The television is on.

Charles- Dad, come and see the news! Quick!

Mr. Jackson-You’re mom’s not answering her cell phone. What is it?

Charles- Doesn’t that look like our car?

Mr. Jackson- It sure does. (Pause.) Oh my goodness! That’s my license plate number! I don’t believe it! She ran off a cliff with the car!
(Mr. Jackson and Charles begin sobbing.)
[Mr. Jackson- Damn! Just two more months and we would have fully paid off that Mercedes-Benz!]

Mr. Jackson- (Insanely.) Wait! I’ve got it! (He smiles.) (To himself) Where did Krystal put that beak?

Charles- What, dad, I didn’t hear you?

Mr. Jackson- Oh nothing. (Stifles crazed laughter.)
(Mr. Jackson begins to tear apart the living room in search of something.)
Charles- What are you looking for, dad?

Mr. Jackson- Nothing, boy! Now leave me alone; I can’t concentrate!
(Mr. Jackson continues in his violent search.)
Mr. Jackson- I’ve found it!!! (He reveals that he’s found the Parrot’s beak.) (To the beak) You evil little thing! You took my family from me! Now you’ll pay for it!!! I will destroy you!!!
(Mr. Jackson proceeds destroy the beak to the ground with incredible force.)
Charles- No, father don’t!
(Mr. Jackson stops right before it is destroyed.)
Mr. Jackson- You’re right. I won’t destroy it. I’ll finally put this damned thing to good use! There’s still one more wish left on this thing! I’m gonna wish for my family back!

Charles- Father, no, don’t do it! I can’t imagine what they’d look like. They died horrific deaths. They’d look horrific too.

Mr. Jackson- (more insanely) I don’t care! I want them back no matter what they’d look like! (Holds the beak high up) I wish for—
(Charles smacks the beak out of Mr. Jackson’s hand.)
Charles- Please, don’t make the wish!

Mr. Jackson- Why you disrespectful little… (Mr. Jackson punches/ pushes/ slaps Charles all the way across the room. Mr. Jackson grabs the Parrot’s Beak.) I wish for my family back! (There’s a knock at the door) It’s them! They’re back! (Mr. Jackson runs for the door. He opens the door.)

© Copyright 2006 Faced (foolface06 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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