Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1117496-Loving-Jackson-again
Rated: GC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1117496
On the run from murder

Ashley woke up on the kitchen floor, her chest was throbbing and when she looked down it was covered in blood, so was the floor. He first thought was Jessie, how long had she been out? Where was he? Then she heard the child’s sobs coming from behind her. Fighting down the nausea and dizziness trying to pull her back under, she turned her head and saw her 6-year-old son holding a gun.
“Jessie, give me the gun. Are you alright?”
“I shot daddy, I thought you were dead and he was going to kill me next. I shot him.”
“Jessie, it’s okay now. Give Mommy the gun” He handed her the gun, she laid it on the floor beside her. She couldn’t see blood on her son.
“Jessie are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m Okay but I think Daddy is dead. I’m sure I killed him, I was so afraid mommy.”
“It’s going to be okay, just give me a minute to pull myself together. Where is he?”
Jessie was turning white as a ghost and his body was beginning to shake, he had tears running down his face.
“On my bedroom floor. Mommy there is so much blood on you are you going to die too. Please don’t die mommy.”
“ I’m not going to lie to you I am hurt but I won’t die.”
“Mommy I was so scared I ran away when he came after you with the knife, but I went and got his gun he noticed it missing and came after me I shot him. I have to go to jail now I killed him.”
“Shhh baby don’t think about it right now,” She had to think quickly, she started slowly pulling herself to a sitting position. She brought the gun up on her lap just incase Jessie was wrong and Michael wasn’t dead. She would protect her son with everything she had.
Ashley slowly started pulling herself up, until she was standing. She felt the nausea roll over her again, she must have hit her head hard when she went down. Keeping the gun in her hands she used the wall for support on her way to Jessie’s room. When she noticed her son starting to follow her she said, “Jessie wait in the living room for me. I’ll be right back.”
Jessie had closed his door when he came out. She opened it slowly looking around the room. Michael was there on the floor, she watched his back for any movement and none came. She moved closer to his body, moving slowly the whole time until she reached down for his pulse. Nothing, Michael was dead. Ashley wanted to dance for Joy, but at the same time felt guilty for feeling that way. The relief seemed to give her a new onset of energy. She placed the gun on the dresser, it was over. She had to get Jessie away from here before anyone knew what happened. She could go back now, back to Jackson. It had been so long she was sure he had found someone new. But Jessie needed to be safe if she could get Jessie to him then she would come back and handle this.
She wished there was a phone in the house but that call would have to wait. It was Friday night and Michael wasn’t due back at work until Monday night. So no one would miss him. She walked out the door and pulled it closed she looked around the hallway and her eyes went to the lock systems on the outside of both doors. She would be leaving one prison for another. She needed some proof she was sure Michael’s friends would cover up what really happened in this house. She went back to Michael’s body and took his keys out of his pocket, then went to his office. She unlocked his desk and found the digital camera. She took it into the kitchen and took pictures all the way around the table with the milk spilt, the knife and blood on the floor. Then she took pictures of the locks on the outside of the doors and Michael’s body then she went into the bathroom and took off her shirt and took pictures of the knife wound in her chest. It was deep it needed stitches but a hospital would just ask questions. She got out the first aide kit and cleaned it up as well as she could. She put antibiotic cream on it and cut up band aide’s to try to butterfly it closed. She finished it up with Gauze and put on fresh clothes. She took the memory card out of the camera and placed it in her sock. She had to leave and leave now. She went into the living room to get Jessie; she had the keys to the car. Jessie was sitting on the couch crying. He looked up as his mother walked into the room.
“Do I have to go to Jail now?”
“No, listen to me Jessie, if anyone ask’s you what happened I killed daddy, do you understand me? I shot the gun.”
“Mommy you said I can’t lie and that’s a lie I shot him.”
“Jessie you were scared it’s okay but you have to listen to me, I shot daddy.”
“No, if you go to Jail I will be all alone.”
“No Jessie you won’t be. I have someone you’ve never met he will take care of you. He will protect you with his own life. I have to come back here and tell what happened but you’ll be safe. His name is Jackson Davis”
“That’s my middle name Davis. I’m scared I don’t want to stay somewhere with out you. You can’t leave me mommy.”
“Jessie right now we need to get out of here.”
She went back to Michaels desk and found the money she knew he kept hidden.
“Jessie lets go.” She looked around the room and remembered what she needed, she grabbed Jessie’s baby album and his birth certificate out of the desk. She drove to the train station but found out there were no trains going to where she had to go. So next she went to the bus station, but that would take to long. She drove back to the train station and called a taxi. She left the car there hoping that they would go to the wrong place if they thought she took a train. The taxi took them to the airport and she bought to tickets to San Antonio, the flight wouldn’t leave for another three hours. She bought a hamburger for Jessie and watched him eat while she went to a payphone. She dialed the number. Her heart stopped when a woman answered. “Jackson Davis please.”
“He’s not in right now, can I take a message?”
“Please, can you tell him Ahley Trigger will be arriving at the San Antonio airport I really need to see him. I don’t want to bother him but this is really important. I have something of his I’m sure he wants.” She gave the woman all the flight information and times then went to wait with her son. Every time security came near her she wanted to cry, she just knew she looked guilty. She bought a book at the gift shop and started reading to Jessie, he was tired it was past his bedtime. Finally they announced the flight and she boarded the plane with her son.

“Mommy where are we going.”
“Somewhere I should have never left. I can’t stay with you, but you’ll like Jackson. I was going to marry him before Michael came and took me away. I should have trusted him then, I want you to trust him now.” Ashley could feel herself starting to run a fever. Her chest was starting to hurt real bad again. She should have bought some Advil at the gift shop but her adrenaline had masked the pain. Jessie finally fell asleep and Jessie called the flight attendant over and asked if the had anything for a headache, she came back with two Advil. She would have liked to ask for more but that might seem suspicious. She closed her eyes for a while and slept.

Jackson came in from the stable and Laura was waiting for him. “I just took a phone message for you.”
“Who was it? You could have let the Machine pick it up.”
“Ashley Trigger.” Laura watched the color drain from Jackson’s face. She should tell him what was said but she liked watching him change colors.
“What did she say? Did she say where she was? Damn why didn’t you call my cell phone?”
“Calm down. She said she was flying into San Antonio and would like you to meet her at the airport she has something of yours to give you.”
“What? After seven years she just happens to want to return something to me? She didn’t take anything of mine, hell for that matter she didn’t take anything of hers when she left. Not that she had much. When is she coming in?”
“Here’s the flight information.” Laura handed him the paper and watched, as his eyes grew large as he read it.
“Damn, she waited to call just before she bordered. I should just stay at home. But then again I’ve been looking for some answers for seven years, Even you couldn’t find anything on her when you tried to find her for me.”
“I would say you need to get your butt in your truck and take a drive, that’s what I would say. She sounded really upset like she was scared or something. I’m trained to pick up on that stuff. I think you need to let her explain things to you before you run over her with a steam roller okay?”
“Yeah. Tell your husband dinner is off, I’ll call you guys tomorrow and let you know what she said. I’d like to talk her into coming back here with me, but she left the night before our wedding for a reason.”
“Yes, but listen before you judge her okay? I’ve watched you put your life on hold for seven years.”
Jackson didn’t even take the time to clean up he headed straight for his truck. The 72-mile drive seemed to take forever. He had memories of Ashley running threw his mind all the way. The year they had dated had gone by so quick, then when she said she marry him he was so happy. She was young but so was he. He had his ranch, he was ready to add a wife and a family. He stopped dead right there, a family? They had made love by the creek the night she said yes. Is that what she had for him? No, she would have never left if she had been pregnant. He needed to quit guessing at things, he would have his answer real soon. He found a place to park at the airport and waited at the baggage claim, after everything she put him through it would serve her right to think he didn’t care to show up. Besides that way he could see her before she saw him. He watched the monitor the flight was on time and landing. He looked around to find the perfect spot so he could see her coming. He waited, and waited, everyone had retrieved the luggage. He saw nothing with her name on it. Maybe she had missed the flight. This was a sick joke, he couldn’t believe he came all the way just chasing another dead end. Just as he gave up and started to leave he heard his name being called on the overhead speaker. “Jackson Davis please go to the nearest Security officer.” Repeated over and over. He found one there at the baggage claim. “I’m Jackson Davis, whats going on?”
“I need you to come with me. Were you expecting someone on this flight?” He thought no I always stand around an airport this late at night. Instead he replied, “Yes”
“Ashley has taken ill they are taking her to the nearest hospital you need to come with me.” What was going on here? If he asked he was sure he wouldn’t be told so he followed him to a security office where a little boy waited for him. He knew instantly it was his son, he had pictures of himself at that age. He was a dead ringer, the boy just stared at him. The security officer asked to see Jackson’s ID and then told him he could take the boy. Jessie asked him, “Are you my moms friend? They wouldn’t let me go with her, can you take me to her?”
“Yeah,” He looked at security “Where did they take her?”
“County hospital, it’s the closest. They couldn’t wake her up when the plane landed, we called for the paramedics and they took over.” The man looked at Jessie. “Jessie I hope your mom is okay, go with Mr. Davis now okay?”
“Okay.” Jessie picked up the one bag with his baby album and birth Certificate and stood up. Jackson started walking to the truck with him. “So kid, what happened to your mom?”
“She hurt not sick, My daddy stabbed her.” Jackson stopped walking and knelt down in front of him. “What did you say?”
“I said she’s hurt I killed my daddy so she brought me to you. She’s going to tell them she shot him but I did. He stabbed her and I thought she was dead so when he came after me I shot him. This is all my fault.”
“Jessie, it’s not your fault and your mom was right to come here. Let’s get to the hospital.”
Once they were in the truck he called Laura. “How fast can you and Randy get to San Antonio?”
“We could leave now, what’s wrong I know that voice.”
“I’ll tell you more when you get here but Ashley and her son are in real big trouble. I may need your FBI connections. We’ll find out more when you get here, your better with kids than I am.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“We’ll discuss it when I don’t have a six year old sitting next to me.”
“Ah six?”
“Yeah, I think she did take something of mine with her after all. Her husband stabbed her and her son shot his father and she wants to take the blame for it. Get up here as soon as you can I’m almost at the hospital now, I’ll have to turn off my phone.”
“We are on our way.”
Jackson disconnected the phone and looked over at his son. He was crying without making a sound but the tears were flowing in a stead stream. “Hey buddy I’m going to help I promise okay?”
“Mommy told me I couldn’t tell anyone what really happened but I told you and now you told someone else.”
“It’s okay, you did the right thing by telling me the truth. Lets worry about your mom first okay?”
They pulled up in front of the hospital and parked. “Jessie I need you to do me a favor okay. I need you to lie to these people and tell them I’m your dad. I wouldn’t ask you to lie except that they won’t let me see your mom or tell me anything unless they think we are married.”
“Okay, but I think we both know that’s not a lie.”
“Your mom told you?”
“No I found this while I was waiting in the security office. Mom taught me how to read. You are my real dad right?” Jackson looked at the piece of paper Jessie handed him, it was the birth certificate. Listed, as the father was Jackson Davis.
“Yeah Jessie.” Jessie stared at him a minute and said. “I’ll call you daddy here but no where else, you should have come after us instead of letting him do what he did.”
“Jessie I swear I didn’t know about you. I have looked for your mom but no one knew where she went.” They got out of the truck and headed for the emergency room. After going through many people he finally found someone to let them back to see her. She had regained conciseness. “Jackson I’m sorry, I thought I was okay. Jessie I’m sorry if I scared you. You okay baby?” He looked at his mom.
“Yeah, but I know Jackson is my dad. I read the piece of paper. Why did you stay with him?”
“Jessie, we will talk later I will try to explain. I love you, I have to do what we talked about now. Don’t be mad at Jackson I never told him about you.”
“Jackson, I need you to take care of him. I killed a man in Florida I have to go back and face the music.”
“That’s not how I heard the story.” She looked at Jessie and he dropped his face. “Oh baby, it’s okay. I have to protect him I have to do this.”
“No, what you have to do is tell me what happened starting 6 years and 8 months ago.”
“As soon as they let me out of here I’m refusing to stay. I’ll check into a hotel and when Jessie goes to sleep I’ll tell you everything.”
“No, for once we will do things the right way. You will stay in the hospital. Randy is on his way here, he can take Jessie home and we can talk.” He walked over took her hand. “I’ve been looking for you, I don’t want you to disappear on me again.”
“Your wife won’t appreciate that.”
“What wife?”
“The one that answered the phone.”
“That wasn’t my wife that was Randy’s wife.”
“Oh, I thought….never mind I still have to go back.”
“Where did he stab you at?” Her hand went to her chest. “It’s bad but I’ll be okay, it just had a infection starting, but they are taking care of it.”
“He peaked under her gown causing Ashley to turn bright red and flinch because he was so close. The anger he was feeling was evident for everyone in the room. “What did you tell the hospital?”
“I told them I was on vacation and mugged. I don’t know if they believed it or not.”
“How long did they want to keep you here?”
“They said over night.”
“Okay we’ll stay. Randy should be here soon, he’s bringing Laura with him, she’s an FBI agent. That might be the best thing we have going for us.”
“I just don’t want anything to hurt Jessie.” Jessie moved closer to his mom.
“I’ll be okay mom it’s you that got hurt.” She smiled at her son. The nurse came in and took her temperature. “We really wish you would stay so we can monitor you a little longer.
“My wife has decided to stay, she was worried about me instead of herself. My brother is coming to take our son home, I’ll stay with her.”
“If that keeps her here then that’s fine. I’ll let the doctor know he’ll be pleased. An hour later Randy and Laura walked in. Jessie started shaking and grabbed onto Jackson’s leg.
“I did it not my mom you can’t take her away!” Ashley was the only one that knew what was wrong.
“Michael was a cop. It’s the uniform.”
“Jessie this is my brother, he’s your Uncle Randy he’s a good guy I promise.”
“He has a uniform and a gun.”
“No one is taking your mommy anywhere” It was Laura that spoke to the child. “I’m your Aunt Laura, lets you and me go talk and let these grown ups talk okay? Are you hungry or thirsty?”
“I’m thirsty.”
“Ashley I’m going to take him down to the cafeteria okay? Is there anything he can’t have?”
“That’s fine. It’s late just keep him away from sugar. Diet soda or milk or juice is fine.”
“We’ll wait for you to join us Randy. I take it we are taking Jessie with us?’
“Please we’ll pick him up tomorrow when we get home.”
They left, Randy looked at Ashley. She was a lot thinner then he remembered. She looked white as a ghost. “Ashley, Tell me as a friend not a cop what happened.”
“I killed my husband.”
“Ashley tell me the truth I’m going to help you and my nephew, trust me please? I can tell you’ve been through a lot, trust me. You know Laura is getting the whole story out of Jessie as we speak.”
Ashley knew this man. He was a friend. She might not be able to pick up where they left off, but she could have the chance to watch her son grow up if Randy could help her.
“They took my clothes I have a memory card from a digital camera in my sock. Michael was going to lock Jessie in his room I stood up to him and he lost all control he picked up the steak knife he had been eating with and stabbed me. The rest is what Jessie told me. Michael went after him, he thought I was dead, Jessie had grabbed Michaels gun and when he came after him he shot him. When I came back to I was laying in a puddle of blood I took the pictures and Jessie and I ran.”
“Why didn’t you call the police?”
“They are all of his friends they would have killed me, or worse. They would have covered up what happened. I want Jessie safe then I’ll go back and confess.”
“Why confess, you didn’t do anything. Laura will have some agents headed to the house. We’ll get to the bottom of all of this. You and Jessie are in protective custody as of now. I’ll go see about getting the memory card and taking a look at the pictures.” Randy looked at his brother, “I’ll ask the hospital for a pair of scubs, and I don’t want my nephew shaking every time he looks at me.”
“Thanks Randy. I’m staying here I’ll call when we are on our way to the ranch.”
“Okay. Ashley, don’t run this time, let us help.”

Laura was sitting across from the little boy. He was so scared he hadn’t taken but a sip from his milk. “Jessie, do you trust your mom?”
“She came here because she knew we would all help her and take care of you. Can you tell me what it was like at your house?”
“My dad, or I thought he was my dad. He didn’t like my mom or me much. He used to lock me in my room for days at a time. Mommy would sit outside and read to me and tell me stories. Then he started locking her in her room too. I would get so hungry. I could hear my mom crying. I think her hurt her a lot. She always had bruises. He was mean. One time we tried to get away but one of his police friends found us at the bus station and they took my mommy away for a while. When she came back to the house she was hurt real bad, for a long time.” Laura was fighting back tears, she couldn’t let Jessie see her cry. Randy walked in wearing a pair of hospital scrubs, and she wanted to kiss him for being so thoughtful.
“Why don’t we get this little guy to the house and put him to bed. We’ve got some work to do.”
“Sure. Jessie your mom and Dad will pick you up from us in the morning okay?”
“Okay, just don’t leave me a lone with him.” He was pointing at Randy.
“He’s a good guy I promise, but I won’t leave you a lone with him.”

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