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Rated: GC · Novel · Ghost · #1117492
What Howie left her
Jessie woke up in the morning feeling like she had never gone to bed, probably because she tossed and turned all night. Jason had told her she would have enough money to never work again. How was she going to raise a child on her own. How dare Howard die and leave her to deal with this mess alone. She was so angry with him, but he left her with a blessing. At least she still had a part of him to hold onto. She called her Doctors office before anyone else woke up.

They had a nine o'clock appointment open so she took it. Writing a note and leaving an extra set of keys to the house in case they needed to leave, she snuck out of her own house. It was still early so she drove to the shop first and cleaned out Howard’s locker. She wanted his family to go through his belongings before they left. Next she was on her way to the doctors.

Sitting in the room waiting for the doctor to come in, she picked up a baby book and put her hand on her stomach, yes she was pregnant and she was happy about it.
"Well Jessie, let me be the first to congratulate you." Dr Cameron held out his hand, she shook it.
"Thank you."
"Does Howie know yet?" Pain filled her heart and eyes as she answered him.
"I think he does, he was killed two days ago in an accident, I'm willing to bet he knew before I did."
"I'm sorry Jessie I didn't know."
"It's okay really, I lost Howie but I have a special part of him growing inside me."
"I want you to start taking prenatal vitamins, you need to get some blood work done also." He started writing on his tablet.
"The funeral is today, can I do the blood work tomorrow?"
"I don't see why not, make sure you eat right." He ripped the top page off and handed it to her.
"I will, I promise, this baby means way too much to me."

Jessie left the office with a prescription for prenatal vitamins and orders for blood work. She headed back toward her house to give the good news to his family, but when she got home everyone was gone. They didn't leave a note. Lying down on the sofa she began to relax and had the most wonderful dream.

Howie was lying there with her, he was kissing her telling her how happy he was that she was having his child. Then he told her it was time to let go, she had something else to hold onto. He told he to trust herself and her feelings. Someone was meant for her and not to let fate take away what was coming. She didn’t understand.

The next thing she knew she had two little boys tickling her."Don, Tommy, leave Jessie alone she's tired." Linda had tried to sound firm but whispering was not going to get the boy’s attention.
"No it's okay I'm awake." Jessie sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
"I'm sorry Jessie, they just love people." Linda sat down in the chair and her boy’s crawled up on her lap.
"No reason to apologize, where's everyone else?" Jessie was looking around the room.
"They'll be in, in a few minutes. Jason is getting the packages out of the van."
"What packages?"
"Mom thought we all need something different to wear. She gets in these moods sometimes."

When everyone was in the house Jessie asked them to all come into the living room. "I need to tell you all something. I'm going to have Howie's baby."
Everything went nuts at that moment. Linda and her mother were shocked, Jason and Missy just giggled and Mr. James chose that moment to show up at her door.

"Mr. James, I missed you last night at the viewing." His eyes were marked by dark smudges, and it looked like he hadn’t slept in a week.
"I'm sorry Jessica, I'm afraid I have more bad news."
"What's wrong?" She motioned for him to take a seat on the couch. He shook his head and continued standing.
"I have to close down the Company."
"What? Why?" Jessie plopped onto the couch this was too much. First Howie now her job, her friends, they were her family.

"My father passed away last night, I'm on my way back to take care of my mother. It was in my fathers will that upon his death the company be sold and the money distributed between all of us kids."

"I'm sorry Mr. James." She stood up and walked to him. She placed her arms around him to offer her support.
"Today is our last day open."

"Then let's make it the best." Howard’s body on the back of the tow truck would be the end of the company. Howard would take the last ride.
"We will Jess, I promise." He walked to the door and left.

Jessie began to worry death always came in threes. Who would be next? Jason's mom sat down beside Jessie, "Dear, that baby is part of my son. Will I be allowed to be a part of its life?"

"Of course, I'm not sure how were going to do this with me here and you there, but we'll come up with something. It's bad enough this baby will never know its father, it will know the rest of the family."

"Do you have any family here to help you?" Sara reached over and took Jessie’s hand.

"I have no family at all." Wow she really was on her own, no not alone she had her baby.

"Jess come back to Texas with us." Sara had such a wistful look in her eye, it was hard for Jessie to say no.

"I don't think that's possible. My memories of Howard are here."

"You don't have to decide this minute, just think about it. You may have never married my son, but you both loved each other. To me you are my daughter, if you ever need anything I will be here for you." Sara stood up and walked towards the room she was using.

"Thank you." It was time to get ready for the funeral, now Jessie had a reason to say calm, her child.

Jessie showered and dressed first. She left her makeup off just in case. Jason drove them all to the funeral home. Jessie and Howie's family was showed to a room on the side that was just for family. They were the first to arrive, Jessie walked up to the casket.

"Howie, I don't know when it happened, but thank you for the part of you growing inside me. It's going to be hard raising a child on my own, but I will take good care of this child. I always did love you, I was afraid you'd leave me like you did. Today is the last day I can see your face, I don't think your brother looks very much like you now that I've been around him. You are much better looking, I will miss you for the rest of my life, I will never quit loving you." Jessie turned and walked back in the family room.
Howard was standing beside her, “You won’t have to raise our babies alone. Jason will take care of all of you. I’ve always known he was more right for you, you’ll see.”

The service was short but sweet, no matter how hard Jessie tried she couldn't quit crying. Everybody had left the building and the family was allowed to take a final look at the body before the casket was closed.

Jessie lost all control at that moment. "I'm not ready to say good bye, Howie I need you. If you leave me like this I will never forgive you. Howie you promised you'd never leave." Jason put his arms around her.

"Jess, Howie didn't leave because he wanted to. Look at me. The baby needs you to be strong. I know my brother, he's trying to accept this too, it's not any easier for him."

Jess looked at Jason and knew he spoke the truth. The casket was closed, and carried out to the back of the tow truck. The truck had been washed and waxed the bed of the truck was clean and shinny.

Jessie watched as Howie took his final ride in a tow truck. Jeff helped her up into the truck. Howie's family was in the limousine directly behind them. Behind the limousine was a line of Tow trucks two miles long. Jessie was proud at that moment. Howie had touched a lot of lives for all these people to be here. The rest of the cars followed the trucks.

Watching as they set the coffin down next to the gravesite she felt the utter panic arise inside her again. She was hanging on by a thread.. A prayer was said and everyone laid a rose on the coffin, and walked away. Jessie looked at Jason, "I don't think I can walk away, Jason, I can't do this." The tears were falling down her face her vision was becoming blurred.

"Jessie yes you can, I'm right here beside you. We'll do this together. I feel like a part of me is gone, but we have to walk away now."

"Jason can you hold my hand."

"Sure Jess."

Jason took her hand and led her away from the gravesite. Jeff was waiting at the truck for her. "Jessie, do you want to ride back with me?"

"No, I don't ever want to see a truck again." Jess took off walking Jason followed after her. "Jess, let's ride back in the limousine."

"You do what you want, I feel like walking."

"Then I'll walk with you." He fell into step beside her

"You're family needs you."

"Your right, because you are now a part of my family."

"No, I was too stubborn to marry your brother." She stomped her foot then sat on the ground.

"You will always be family to me, the video you showed me of my brother, that was the only time I saw him carefree and happy." Jason hunched down sitting on the balls of his feet.

"I just want to be alone okay?"

"Where are you going Jess?" He reached out and laid his hand on her shoulder.


"It's five miles from here." He stood up.

"You are a pain in the ass Jason Diamond. I live here, don't you think I know how far it is? Before I met Howie all I had was a job, no car, and an overpriced falling down around me apartment. Now Howie's gone and I have a house, car, baby, and no job!"

"Jessie, I already told you, you don't need a job."

"I'm not taking Howie's money. Put it away for the baby, Howie left me alone, I don't want anything from him." Her anger and pain was boiling over.

"Jessie, the baby is something he gave you." He was shouting back at her now.
"I worked for it too."

"Jessie, lets go to the house read the will and then you can decide what you want to do." He took her hand again.

"Fine, but I'm not taking the money." Turning to walk back the way she had come from she felt another scream well up in her throat.

This family was everywhere the limousine had been following behind them at Mrs. Diamond's request She would sure be glad when they all went home and she could get some piece and quiet. She felt like her every move was being watched. She knew they meant no harm, but it was really starting to get on her nerves.

Jess got in the limousine, she caught a glimpse of Jeff getting up into his truck, he seemed so old all of a sudden, but then again after today Jeff had no job either. Jess just had a brilliant idea. "Jason how much money is a lot?"

"What do you mean?" He watched the wheels turning in her eyes.

"You said I would never have to work again." She was hesitant.

"Yes" What was she up to two minutes ago she didn’t want to hear about the money.

"I was just thinking. James and Son's towing is up for sale as of tomorrow, would I have enough to buy it and still have money for the baby?" Ahh now he knew where this was going.

"Depends on the asking price, you've got about 6 million to play with." This might be fun, finally she would let him help.

Jessie's mouth fell. Jason watched her face for a few minutes then he reached over and pushed her bottom jaw up.

"Jessie? Do you want to buy it?"

"I could keep Mr. James there to run it, and nobody would get fired."

"Sounds good to me, if the company is making a profit." He couldn’t let her waste the money. This just might keep her going.

"I don't think today is the right day to be thinking about this, but I can't watch all my friends loose their jobs. Do you think bad of me?"

"Jessie, there is nothing wrong with looking out for your friends."

He looked to his Mom, she spoke quietly to Jessie, "My son tells me Howie was playing games and telling jokes at a party." Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Yes Ma'am he was."

"I think you owe it to Howard to buy the company that helped make him happy."
Placing her had on Jessie shoulder she squeezed.

"I'll call Mr. James as soon as we get home."


Jessie had something to keep her mind occupied, she was making all the plans in her head. As soon as they got back to the funeral home and got into the van she started getting really excited about the idea. By the time they pulled up in front of the house she was bubbling over. She ran to the phone and called Mr. James.

He sounded just as happy as Jessie when he found out her intentions. She looked at Jason, "Can you be my lawyer and handle the paper work?"

"I don't see why not."

"Thank you Jason." She gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Jason suddenly had a very strange look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just making some plans of my own.” Jason looked at his Mom and asked her if they could talk in private. Jessie suddenly had a feeling it had something to do with her.

Jason came out of the room beaming from ear to ear, so did his mother. "Jessie, it's time we all sit down and read the will now." Why were they smiling? Everyone should be somber. Howard was gone.

Jessie sat down on the sofa and the two boys sat at her feet. Missy and Linda were all sitting down waiting. Jason looked at his mother and then started.

"As we all know Howie did some things none of us understood, like giving up his job and money to come out here and drive a tow truck. With that job he was able to buy a house and have the basic things in life. This is what he wanted, I Jacob Howard Diamond being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath the following. To my darling Jessie, you won't understand this, but it's what I want. I leave you both house's the one in California and the one in Texas. I leave you all moneys due to me, and all my worldly possessions, with exception of my motorcycle. I leave that to my brother Jason. That is no surprise to him because he is helping me write this will. Jessie your name has been added to all paperwork, house Titles, bank accounts and anything else in my name. I have one request of you to receive all of this." Jason looked at his mother as soon as she nodded her head, Jason continued. "I ask that you go back to Texas and live in our house there for at least one year."

Jessie looked at all the faces around her all eye's were focused on her. "Why would Howie want me to go back there?"

"When I asked him he said it was none of my business, then later told me if he had a children he wanted them away from the smog and gangs of California."

“Why do I get it all? You’re his family.”

“We all have our own money, houses, my father made sure of that.” Jason walked over towards his Mom and sat on the arm of the chair.

“But, it doesn’t seem right.” Standing up she started twisting the ring on her finger again.

"What size house is back there?"

"Actually, it's a ranch, the main house has eight bedrooms, the bunk house sleeps 16 full grown men. There are 20 horses, 100 head of cattle and 6 cows for milking."

"I don't know how to be a rancher. That’s too big. What was Howie thinking?" .

"Jessie, the ranch has been running just fine with the man in charge now, if you don't want to learn you don't have to. Cody is the name of the foreman, if you want to learn, he's the man to teach you. So what do you say? Coming to Texas with us?"

"I guess if I'm going to help my friends here I don't have a choice. If Mr. James didn't need my help, I would pass on the money and house and stay here. Then Jeff, Mike, Danny and the rest would all be out jobs, I guess I'm going to cow country."

"It's only for a year Jess, then you can come back here." Jason smiled at his Mother.

"I guess I have a lot to do don't I" She looked as if it was the end of the world.

"I'll stay and get things going on the purchase of the Tow Company and help you pack up what you want to take with you."

"Thank you Jason."
Mrs. Diamond stepped in. "The girls and I have to leave tonight we'll see you when you two get there." With that said, she was off to pack. The girls had gone with their mother and the house seemed quiet. The twins were asleep on the floor so she was real careful when she stood up, and walked into the kitchen to make lunch for everyone.

She picked up a pen and paper and started making lists of everything she would have to do before she left. This house what was she supposed to do with it? She couldn't leave it empty, Jeff and Karol, it would be perfect for them, after living there a year rent free they could have a down payment for their own house.

She had to be careful how she worded it to Jeff he wouldn't accept any kind of charity. She couldn't rent the house out to people she didn't know, could she? No she couldn't do that. Picking up the phone she dialed. "Karol, I need a big favor from you and Jeff, can you two come by tonight when he gets home?"

"I don't see why not. What's up?"

"I found out what was in Howie's will." Her voice had a strain to it.

"If it's money, I wish we could, but the Tow Company is being sold." Karol’s voice was deadpan.

"I know, I'm buying it." She was giggling. It felt great to finally be able to help everyone who had helped her.

"What? How Jessie?"

"With Howard’s money, everyone will still have a job come tomorrow, but there is a catch to receiving the money. I'll see you both tonight."

"Bye Jessie."
Jessie went to the next item on her list. What she needed to pack. She could buy all new stuff when she got there, no that would be a waste of money, what she had was fine. She would leave all the furniture and just take personal belongings. Clothes, pictures, tapes, VCR, and the nick-knack’s that Howie had bought for her. What was she supposed to do with Howie's clothes and personal items?

"Jason can you come out here a minute?"

"What do you need?" He stepped into the kitchen.

"What do I do with Howie's clothes and belongings?"

"What do you want to do with them?"

"I don't know. If your family would like to go through it then give what’s left to goodwill?"

"That sounds like a good idea, we'll sit down and go through the rest of his stuff together later."

"It's going to be hard to leave here, all my memories with Howie are here."

"Maybe that's why he wanted you to go to Texas, to get away from his memories." She noticed Jason looking over her shoulder but not into her eyes.

"But memories are all I have left of him."

"No Jess, he gave you a part of himself that is growing inside you everyday." He gaze came back upon her face.

“I'll always love Howie, I'll think of him everyday." Her eyes were springing a leak again.

"That's good, but you can't shut yourself off from the rest of the world." He handed her a paper towel.

"No, instead Howie is taking the only world I've known away from me."

"Texas isn't that bad, and it's only a year."

"Thank God for that much. How many snakes does Texas have."

"Jessie, it's not the old west, the house has four bathrooms, and running water in each one. There is electricity, water, gas, and even a microwave. Howie isn't sending you to the end of the world."

"Isn't Texas dusty?" Why was she asking these stupid questions?

"No more than it is right here." How could he stand there with a straight face and not laugh at her. She knew she was being childish.

"Do I have to cook for all the cowboys?"

"No, and they're called wranglers these days, they have their very own cook and the only one you'll probably see is Cody."

"What is Cody like?" Ah she saw that that question brought his eyes to land directly on hers. Was that anger? What was that look.

"Cody? I've never really paid any attention. He quiet, a hard worker, nice man."

"Did he know Howie?"

"They went to college together." Jason was starting to rock back and forth from one foot to the other.

"If he went to college why is he working on a ranch?"

"Maybe for the same reason Howie drove a tow truck, it made him happy." His voice was anything but amusing now.

"How far away will you be from me?"

"My house is on the parcel of land behind yours." Now that sparkle, she knew she didn’t imagine it.

"So I can see you house from mine."

"No, you’re about from here to the cemetery from me."

"How big is this parcel of land?"

"Yours is about a hundred acres."

"What was Howie thinking? I don't even know what an acre is?" Her voice was starting to rise again. She stared twisting the ring again.

"Jessie calm down, all you have to do is live in the house, you don't have to run the ranch." Maybe that was a look of impatience.

"What am I to do with myself all day long?"

"Whatever you want, you don't have to be in the house twenty four hours a day."

"Okay, I'll cross that bridge when I get there." She was out of questions, she realized he must think she was nuts if those were the best she could come up with.

"Jess, it's going to be okay, you'll like the ranch, it has Howie's sweat and heart in it. Howie had no problem giving up his partnership in the law firm, but he refused to sell the ranch. He wanted you both to live there someday with your children."

"Okay, I get the idea, what else do I need to do?"

Jason looked at her list, "Put in a change of address with the post office. Do you have any family to notify?"

"No I'm alone in the world again." Would these tears never end?

"What do you mean again?" Moving closer to her he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I had Howie, now I have myself."

"And a baby, and our entire family." Frustration was starting to erupt inside him.

"Your family."

"Your family Jess, if Howie was your family, we all are. Just because you two never said I do in a church doesn't mean a thing. You two loved each other more than any two people I know." He moved away and slammed his hand down on her counter.

"I'm sorry Jason I didn't mean to upset you."

"I just wish you would accept us like we have you." With his voice barley above a whisper, she wasn’t sure she had heard him.

"You knew about me, I knew nothing about any of you."

"Well get ready sister because we're here now and we're not leaving. Howie would never have left you except in death, and I'll be damned if I leave you either. The good lord and Howie dropped you in my lap for some reason, it's not my job to question why, it's to take care of you." His eyes were burning into hers.

"Your not my guardian angel." She pulled away and moved to the refrigerator and opened it.

"I just might be, Howie wasn't just my brother, he was my twin."

"What is the big deal about being a twin?"

"I feel what he feels, and vice versa. We know each others thoughts, I don't know how to explain it to you. I have been absolutely happy for the last four years. Then in the middle of the day on Monday I start hurting all over my body, I hear a voice begging me not to die, telling me she would marry me if I would just live. Telling me she would never forgive me if I died. Sound familiar?"

"How?" Jessie was totally at a loss for words.

"I told you Jess, I don't know how, it just happened. So yes I do feel responsible for the mother of my brothers child."

"I'm sorry."

"So am I because you are the hardest woman to get along with."

"Why do you say that?"

Jason could see she was about ready to cry again, he had to say something to make her fighting mad to keep her from crying. A fighting Jessie he could deal with, a crying Jessie he couldn't.

"Because you are always asking why and making more out of things than what is there. And your so damn cute, and my dead brothers girlfriend."

"How dare you, I am not a puppy, I'm not use to following behind someone with no idea of where I am going, and I'm not cute! Babies are cute." She was trying to walk past him and out of the kitchen,

"How dare I? All I'm doing is trying to help you and your making me feel like a tyrant." He moved and stepped in front of her standing, blocking her way. He had a sudden urge to kiss her.
Thank God his mother chose that moment to interfere. Coming out of the bedroom, she stepped in between the two of them. Leveling her eyes straight at him, he knew that look it said back off, you’re going to blow it.

"Are you two about done yet?"

"I'm sorry mom." He willed his eyes to tell her he got the message loud and clear.

"So am I Mrs. Diamond."

"Both of you are hurting over the loss of Howie, but so am I and your two sisters.” She looked at Jason, “You don't see us yelling at each other” Softer eyes turned towards Jessie.. “Jess you and Jason were probably the two people who were closest to Howie. You share a bond with each other, the sooner you both realize it the better you will both be. From this point on Jess you are to call me mom just like my own children, you are a part of this family. This time next year you can tell us all to kiss your... you know what I mean. But for the next year we will all get along. Especially you two, am I understood?"

Jess and Jason both looked at each other, "Yes."

"Jessie, you are cute." It was Missy who had spoke this time. "Missy, you will stay out of their arguments. They are both jealous of each other for the bond the other had with your brother."

"Yes, Mom."

"Now, am I the only one in this house that is getting hungry?"


Jessie felt like she was starting to go crazy, her quiet little world was getting turned upside down. "I'm sorry I'll finish Lunch."

"Jess, if you don't mind I'd like to help you" Linda stepped into the kitchen.

"Sure Linda, let's go."

When they were in the kitchen and the rest of the house seemed quiet, Linda looked over at Jessie. "My brother isn't always like this, in fact I've never seen him like this."

"I'm just not use to having a family, Howie was the closest thing I had ever had."

Jess tried to remember her parents but she couldn't. Linda didn't say anything else, she just quietly helped, until the twins were awake.

After Lunch the women all loaded their bags in the van and left for the airport. Jessie started to ask Jason what he was going to drive then she remembered the motorcycle. She walked over to the key holder by the back door and picked up Howie's keys and handed them to Jason.

"These are yours now."

"Thank you Jess."

"Why don't you go in the bedroom and go through Howie's things and see if there is anything you want to keep."

"We have plenty of time for that."

"I can't sleep in there, too many memories."

"Maybe that's why he wanted you to stay in his house."

"At the end of the year can you help me find a buyer for the Ranch?"

"If that's what you want sure."

"I'm going to be surprised if I make it that long."

"You'll do fine."

"Stop this!"


"First you try to fight with me now your agreeing with whatever I say."

"I'm not agreeing, I'm just not fighting with you."

"Mommy’s boy huh?"

"Jess, I made a promise to my mother and I intend to keep it."

"Jason I have a serious question to ask you."


"Earlier you said you felt everything Howie felt right?"


"Did you feel it when he....We.... you know." She just couldn’t look into his eyes.

"When you two made love?" His voice was husky, with a tint of laughter in it.

"Yes." This wasn’t funny.

"What would make you feel better?"

"I want the truth."


"Thank God." She walked back into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Why?" He sat down beside her.

"I would have felt like I was cheating on Howie."

"Don't worry about it."

They sat in silence staring at the same blank TV set watching nothing until the doorbell rang. Jessie jumped and then answered the door. "Karol, Jeff, I'm glad you two could come over, I have a problem I'm hoping you can help me with."
Jeff was the first to speak. "Mr. J. told me your buying the tow company." She led them into the kitchen to sit at the table.


"Why?" Why did Jeff have to question everything?

"Because I have suddenly come into a large amount of money and I think it's a good investment. I need a job to come back to."

"What do you mean come back to?" Jeff sounded angry. What was it about her today that she was getting this response for trying to do a good thing.

"That's where you both come in. Howie put a clause in his will, in order for me to get the money, I have to live in Texas for a year."


"I don't know, maybe he thought it would be easier to get along without him without all the memories, I don't know. I was wondering if you two would stay here at the house for me. I don't want to rent it out to people I don't know."

"How much do you want for rent?" Jeff seemed to be watching her every word and she was starting to get nervous about this.

"If you two will stay here and keep my garden up and take care of the place no rent. I don't have anymore payments so it wouldn't be fair of me to ask you for rent."

"Jess, we would have to pay you something." Karol spoke for the first time.

"Why? Your doing me a great favor." She watched the light go on in Karol’s eyes. Jason walked in the room and stood at the counter.

"Jeff that would give us a chance to come up with a down payment for the house."

"Jess, when will you be leaving?" Jeff seemed so torn, she wished he would just spit out what was bothering him. Jessie looked at Jason. He casually said. "Three days."

Jessie looked at him. "What?" This was news to her.

"I said I have to be back in three days."

"So why does that mean I have three days?" Her voice was rising again.

"Because, you’re going back with me." He stated this so matter of fact she wanted to scream again.

"Here we go again." Throwing her hands up in the air she stood up.

"Jess, is he giving you a hard time?" Jeff had risen from his chair also.

"Nothing I can't handle, He just has this macho man thing going."

"Jessie, I'm not going to argue with you, in fact I think I'll go to bed. Goodnight everyone." Jason walked out and went to the bedroom.

"Jess, are you okay with this guy?" Jeff was looking too deep in her eyes. She looked towards the clock.

"Sure, we just love to give each other a hard time. If Howie was here I'm sure he would kick his little pompous brother in the butt."

"So your okay?" The wariness in his eyes told her it was time to change the subject.

"Yes, I do have some more good news."


"I'll be coming back with a baby, I found out this morning that I'm pregnant."

Karol's mouth fell open again and Jeff reached out and hugged her as soon as Karol got her mouth closed she said "Congratulations."

Howard went to his brother that night. ” Jason, I knew you’d be right for her. You were sneaky with that clause in the will and very lucky she didn’t ask to see it. Soul of my soul, you have to listen to me. Jessie is afraid to be alone, she need someone who can stay in her life. I’m counting on you to take care of her. Marry her and give my babies the Diamond name.”

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