Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1117483-my-car
by Alexis
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1117483
this is about me wanting to get a car and not being allowed.
Why can’t they just get me it? It’s so stupid, it’s only a car. I’m not asking for a million dollar car. It’s a small eclipse convertible. Well what do I know? Maybe they will get me it. They have to reason not to… right? I mean I’m such a good daughter. Yeah fine I talk back sometimes, but it’s normal I am 16. They wouldn’t want me to be a perfect little angel. I would be so boring! I have character; I guess I do talk back sometimes. Once in a blue moon… well, maybe a little more, I guess I could cut back. Who am I kidding no I can’t. When I’m pissed, I’m pissed. If I want it then they better get me it!
Blah blah blah clean your room. Do the dishes. You never have chores. I hate when my parents say that! I do chores! Really! I know I do. Yesterday I, well I, I was tired I can have a day off sometimes. At least I didn’t make a mess. I really could have made a mess. I didn’t so therefore they definitely should get me a car. I deserve it. The cleaning lady is coming today anyway, she does a better job. I mean she gets all the nooks and crannys! When I leave my room I feel like a tornado hit and after she comes I feel like the cleaning fairy came!
Pink is such a pretty color. Hot pink! That’s the color I’m going to paint my car… if I get it. Why wouldn’t they get me my car anyway? I’m not a drug addict or anything. I’m not like a 16 year old mother. I’m responsible! Well as far as they know I am. I’ve never had the cops call or come to my house. I have never been suspended. Yeah, but I do get C’s, I don’t do chores… I am pretty spoiled… Who cares? It’s their fault they raised me that way.
I can’t believe I’m Cleaning my room. If it gets me my car, then I’ll clean my room everyday for a year! I don’t know why I even said that. It was a lie, if I said that to my Mom she would laugh at me. I’ll keep it clean enough though. I refuse to do my laundry. Keeping my room clean should be enough. I would mess my clothes up anyway. I don’t know how to do laundry, and I would probably shrink all my clothes to fit my dog. Then they will call me irresponsible, and have to buy me all new clothes.
If they get me my car they will be the ones to benefit in the end. Then I will finally get a job… maybe. Ill just tell them I will. I mean I can’t get a job unless I have a car. Well that’s my excuse even though I can. I just will say that I cant drive to my job so there is no point in getting one. I guess I could use my parents cars, but they aren’t always home. Oh and my sisters car, well that’s too ugly. Its beat up, and she ruined it. Its way to close to the ground, and its not cute at all!
You know what, if they don’t get me my car then I’ll just rebel. I’ll be really bad, bad to the point that they can’t take it anymore and they will have to get me it!
Maybe ill be really good. Good to the point that they cant stand it, and then they will be forced to buy me it! I’ll be so good it will get annoying, and they will want me out of the house.
They really should get me one. They didn’t get me that my size Barbie I wanted, or that tiffany’s bracelet, or that jacket from Abercrombie, or the sneakers I wanted, or that new cell phone, or that cereal. Even though I only wanted it for the toy inside they still should have gotten me it. If I count up all the things they didn’t get me it will equal almost enough for a car! Plus they did get my sister a car!
My All I ever hear my parents say is Alexis your always on the computer get off and do something productive. If I get my car ill be out and not able to be on the computer. Unless, my car had a computer! Who am I kidding; I have to get a car first.
I have an idea. Ill keep my room clean, and I wont get any C’s or be caught by the cops. Then I know they will get me my car. I just know it!
… I hate cleaning…

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