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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1117208
Convert or fall...
Vaako strutted masterfully down the wide corridors of his ship. The other necromongers in the hall would not meet his eyes. He held that much power here. This was his mission, after all.
The Lord Marshal had sent him to Vestigone, one of the lesser moons of the Vecular system, just out the Helion system. He would not say why, but Vaako surmised that the plants of Helion were to be their next big campaign and that this moon would serve as a jump-off point between the two systems.
The complete collapse of the moon's defense occurred without any of his men joining the ranks of the Underverse. After looking over the peoples of Vestigone, Vaako determined that there were very few good recruits for his army. The Purifier and his subordinates were converting the lunar peoples quite quickly. As always, there was a small handful of people resisting the faith.
Vaako would sooner kill them all then deal with the hassle, but the Purifier insisted that every soul deserves the opportunity to be saved.
It had been several weeks since these troublesome converts had been in intense treatment. Some had conceded and converted. Others still refused. The Purifier had asked Vaako to come and speak to them once more before they were killed.
He had reluctantly agreed to this three days ago. Now he was sorry he had. He was in no mood to deal with these savages. They refused to see the true way…they should be killed. He continued on.
He entered a large, dimly lit room. There were three people chained to the wall with the Purifier and his assistants standing nearby. He examined the converts. The two males stood limply. They stood wearied…soon they too would fall. The woman caught and held his attention. She stood tall and straight as if they had just cuffed her there. She had radiantly light pale skin. Clad only in a form-fitting tank and leather pants, she seemed annoyed more than anything. Her dark hair fell around her in long streams of black. Vaako stood transfixed by her eyes though. They were a pale, translucent blue. Both men did not glance up at him as he entered, but she did. Her gaze pierced his.
The Purifier quickly explained that the men were priests of a lunar faith and refused to convert, even if it meant their deaths. Vaako was more than happy to grant their request. The assistants quickly ran them through. Both bodies slumped to the floor. The woman watched with some interest.
"Why is this woman posing such a problem?" Vaako asked, stepping in front of her.
The Purifier groaned, "She is inconvertible. She believes in nothing!"
"Then she should be more accepting of Underverse," he stepped closer, "What is your name, woman?"
She smiled, "Danuriel…at your service, Lord Vaako."
He was slightly unnerved at the way she spoke his name. Her voice was thick and husky. He then grew angry, "You don't believe our ways yet, but you will soon for it is the only way to be saved."
"Your faith will not save me," she replied. She then regarded the commander in front of her. He stood extremely tall and muscular. Last she had seen him, he was fully decked out in ceremonial armor. Now he was dressed in a short tunic with rather snug pants, which she could not help noticing. In another time and place, she would have thought twice about entertaining Vaako, but, here, in this place! Just by looking at him, she was not sure if he truly believed in his own faith. Perhaps he needed to be shown a new faith.
"It will be beaten into you. It will be etched into your very skin…" Vaako threatened. Physical intimidations usually hit home with the females quickly. He waited for a response.
She laughed, "You can beat me all you want, my lord. But then, again, I am but a simple savage…I might enjoy a good beating, especially from someone as robust as yourself."
Vaako glared unremittingly. This woman was going to test him. How dare she? Did she have no clue who he was? She would regard that comment for some time! He turned to leave. He stopped and spoke quietly to the Purifier, "One more week of treatment, then we shall see."

Vaako sat quietly. He had been away from his wife for almost two months now. He had grown incessantly tired of this moon and longed to return to Necropolis. The Purifier had been giving him daily reports on Danuriel's progress. She had thwarted all their efforts. It was suggested that she would be better off dead. He would have agreed normally, but he simply could not get those eyes out of his mind. They watched him constantly. Those eyes were endless. He left lost when he thought about them and the woman to which they belonged. He had become fascinated by her, in truth. No one had ever resisted for this long.
This woman needed to be taught a lesson through force! Vaako leapt to that conclusion. She could no longer be allowed to make a mockery of the faith through her refusals and comments. If the Purifier and his methods would not do the job, he would. He quickly demanded that the woman be brought to his chamber.
Soon, Danuriel, escorted by two guards, appeared in the doorway. The guards led her in and removed the cuffs from her wrists. They left silently and closed the door behind them. Vaako looked again at her.
She smiled wickedly, "You planning on seducing me into your faith, my lord?" She walked around the room curiously. She saw metal chains and a large spiral drill type of weapon lying on a low table, "Are these your instruments of conversion?" She found a button on the drill and pressed it. It made a loud buzz sound as the tool sprung into life. She smiled again…oh, the possibilities. She turned back to Vaako.
Dropping the drill onto the table, she walked back to him. Her blue eyes held his dark orbs, "Tell you what. Let me show you where I find my salvation and if you do not find it logical, I'll convert to your faith."
Vaako thought this over quickly. He was definitely attracted to this woman. What could she possibly say to convince him anyway? He looked down Danuriel, who smiled sweetly. He inclined his head slightly.

His wrists and ankles strained against the leather restraints. His chest rose with his body in a gentle arch, eyes closed with a sharp intake of breath. Slowly the breath was released and muscles relaxed, sinking back to the bed. Her smooth cool hands ran up his trembling thighs. Her soft breathing increased; while his grew more erratic. Her tongue traced a warm trail from his groin up to his abdomen and then to his chest to the chin and ear, earning her a shuddering sigh. Her moistened lips curled into a cat-like smile.
"Do you like that?" she purred into his ear.
Vaako nodded, panting softly, "Very much..."
"We've only just begun. There's plenty more where that came from." She smiled again and her mouth connected with the skin below his ear, causing him to arch again. She was going to enjoy this far too much.
She quickly straddled him. Her fair fell around their faces as she leaned closer. Her lips next brushed against his temples, "Are you interested in learning more or does your faith prohibit such activity?"
He scowled, "My faith embraces such earthly activity. It serves as a reminder of our humanity in this life."
"What about your wife, my lord? How will she take your earthly activities with me? Will she be so accepting?"
Then he nodded, "The Dame and I have an understanding."
Danuriel wanted to laugh. She was going to have to meet this Dame one day. She surmised that they would get along quite well seeing how tightly wound the Dame kept her husband.
However, the Dame wasn't here now and she sensed Vaako's muscles straining, seeking to touch her. Danuriel kissed his neck and grinned at the resulting arch of his body against her. He was naked; she still wore her tank and shorts.

She tugged the tank over her head and tossed it behind her. She leaned over him so her breasts were positioned before his face. "Could you resist it, my lord, if the faith called for it?"
He lifted his head, his breathing sped up. She didn't know if he was pondering the question or not, but his eyes were slowly dilating. She whispered softly, "My lord, I do not think that you could rightly resist me." She pressed herself close so that his lips finally enclosed her nipple and soon began sucking unrelentingly. She moaned shamelessly out of need and desire. Her back arched allowing him more access to her chest.
Vaako had never known lust and need like this before. His member was pressed hard against her behind, yearning for entry, for some kind of release.
Danuriel reached back to stroke him. "My lord, hard already, huh? Good boy..."
Her hazy blue orbs met his as her fingers wrapped around and squeezed the hilt of his penis. He gasped and jerked, his teeth gritting. She smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth. He kissed back feverishly and their tongues met ever so briefly.

A bead of fluid appeared at the tip of his member and his moans grew louder as her movements quickened. Then Danuriel leaned down to taste him. She hungrily licked up the drop, his hips bucked, but she grabbed him tightly around the base again. His moans came off sounding like muffled cries and he collapsed back against the headboard, still agonizingly hard and unfulfilled.
She gave a soft laugh, "Not yet, my lord, after all, patience is a virtue." Her hand lessened its grip ever so slightly.
"I don't..." His voice was faint and he was out of breath as he strained, writhing slowly. "...I don't think..."
Her smile grew, "Of course you think, my lord. You most likely think too much as most men do," She finally dragged her lips across his throbbing tip, enjoyed the moan that escaped from his lips.
His head turned, eyes still shut tight, teeth bared slightly. "Danuriel…"
"Yes, my lord?" Another kiss, and this time her tongued snaked out against him. He whimpered. "Soon my lord...then I'll be all yours...just a little bit more fun first, for both of us. Do it for the faith, my lord..."
With this she leaned back and took him deeply in her mouth. He arched and groaned loudly. She knew he wanted to grasp her head and hold her where he felt most comfortable, yet all he could do was push his hips upward to thrust into her throat. He started to move, pushing slowly, up and down, again and again, muscles contracting and straining. Danuriel smiled as she sucked, her fingers finding their way around to his sac and rubbing it with each slow deep thrust. His thrusting was beginning to grow faster, more frantic.
She knew exactly how to make him come. The women of her planet had learned millennia ago how to get what they wanted. She knew all the rights places to hit to speed up his release or she could draw it out for hours. Choices…Choices. She could bring it on immediately now, by whispering the right words in his ear, or kissing him just right, or licking him in just the right place.
Her tongue swirled and licked, she clutched his buttocks as he thrusted forward. Once or twice her mouth trailed below to lick and moisten the soft sac hanging heavily. She cooled her salvia as she blew on to it and his cries grew louder. She knew he was ready. This was how he needed it. Her mouth returned to his cock and her hands stroking his backside.
"Danuriel..." he moaned. His voice was beyond desperation.
She pulled her caresses back just long enough to whisper, "I know, my lord. Believe me, I know."
A quick bite, a lick. She pressed a finger at an exact point between his legs. He gave a final thrust and sob of undulated lust escaped from his lips.
"Unh!" Vaako's entire body plunged upward matching his hips, his member deep into her throat. Thick saltiness flooded her mouth. His muscles shuddered wildly in orgasm. They both sank down into the mattress, wet and hot and panting. He was too classic. She hadn't taken a partner who made her this excited in some time. Her faith rarely allowed for such experiences.
She loved the smell of his sweat, strong and musky in the darkened chamber. He was so strong and virile. Potentially dangerous. It was no wonder how he was a commander, if he fought on the battlefield with even just half of the rage he had in the bedroom, his faith would be long spread through the galaxies.
Danuriel didn't dare mention this to him though. It would be pointless. She had her own lessons to teach. She had control and she wanted to keep it that way. Instead she turned and straddled him again, her finger slid up around his face, she kissed him deeply. His kiss was hungry, passionate and full of want. She'd promised Lord Vaako a conversion and he was going to get it.
She removed her wet shorts, tossing them over the edge of the bed and straddled him naked for the first time. It took only a short time for him to become erect again. This time she mounted him, smiling at his throaty cry, and moved, allowing his own movements to carry her along. Her legs clasped his thighs tightly and her hands pressed upon his abdomen. She would have liked to feel his hands upon her breasts.
Danuriel pulled herself away and crawled down to untie his ankles. She crept back to the head of the bed and undid his wrists, bringing his arms back so his hands squeezed upon her breasts. Vaako took a nipple between his forefinger and thumb and stroking and pinching it until it felt hard. He leaned over and started sucking that sweet nipple. His tongue around it, giving it quick nibbles.
They kissed, and after a brief moment his hands clasped her arms powerfully, mouth sucking at her hard. If she did not know any better, she could have sworn that he was of her own kind. Such ferocity, fury and rage were not common among beings from other galaxies. The necromongers, especially, were not known for their passionate lovers. Ah, but, Vaako was different.
She managed to speak aloud. "You know how you want it...come and get it...I'm all yours now, my lord."
Vaako gripped her arms even tighter and they had to break their kiss. She turned herself over onto hands and knees and spread herself open. Not a moment later he had pounced onto her, his hands pressing against her belly, and he buried himself within her, earning a fervent gasp from her. His eyes closed from the exquisite pleasure. She arched her neck back as he started thrusting, his breath hoarse and quick.
Danuriel's eyes shut and her lips curled again in a faint smile as they rocked upon his bed, "Yeah baby...you know it...just like that...mm-hm...come on, baby..."
He growled softly and his teeth scored her nape. His hands moved up to her breasts and squeezed painfully hard, but she reveled in pain it seemed. He reached down to rub at her clitoris, and back to clutch her buttocks, parting them further, grinding himself against her body. She knelt as he pushed himself at her repeatedly, his motions growing faster, deeper. He gave a harsh groan of lust. Vaako's hand slid up her spine. She shivered and moaned softly.
Danuriel tossed her head back, "Come on, baby...my lord...come on..."
And now the rest of the act was just a blur...Vaako pounding into her furiously, as hard as he could, throwing back his head with a long low sound, herself arching and crying out with each thrust. As Vaako was thrusting inside of her, he reached down to caress her clit with his fingers.
God, he was good. A shame she had to do what she had to leave once this was over. She'd been instructing him in her ways long enough. Too bad...his love was exquisitely refreshing. Perhaps there is still hope for these mindless necromonger machines.
Vaako jerked and grunted loudly, hips spasming, hands holding her in place for his orgasm. Danuriel gasped and whimpered, clutching the sheets. He barked and his seed spurted inside her. His hands relaxed their hold on her hips, let go of her; his flaccid member slipped out of her body to retreat between his legs. He collapsed onto his back, panting heavily against the elaborate headboard. She joined him, snuggling up under his arm. His hair hung out in damp spikes, his face glistening from their exertions; yet he opened his eyes and gave her a tired smile, and she kissed him lightly.
"How'd you like it tonight, my lord?" she asked softly.
"That was an experience I shall not soon forget." He replied.
She giggled and stroked his chest, hearing his sigh. She would not forget for some time either. Another believer…yet another convert to the faith. She watched as he slowly drifted into a light sleep.

Some weeks later after Danuriel had mysteriously disappeared from his chamber, Vaako lay quietly with Dame at his side. He glanced a look down at his wife. She was sleeping soundly, seemingly sated for once. Yet he found himself feeling rather empty. He sighed deeply as he longed for just a taste of the salvation he had once known.

© Copyright 2006 LOTRjunkie009 (lotrjunkie009 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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