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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1117207
Manipulation at its finest...
After hanging out with Viggo Mortensen and Karl Urban for several hours one thing was quite clear to Frankie Cruz, Viggo and Karl drove each other mad, in a good way of course. And, despite her attraction to both men, Frankie understood that they were strictly hands-off, tonight anyway.
The three had met tonight at a small bar, Jeremy's, which was an hour outside of Boston. Viggo and Karl had given a lecture at Emerson College in Boston earlier in the day. The nightlife in the city rubbed Viggo the wrong way, so they took a car and headed out of the city in search of entertainment.
This was how they found Jeremy's. It was relatively quiet since it was a Tuesday night, the occupants being mostly men with a few females sprinkled in. Considering themselves as close as brothers, it was no surprise that the same girl caught their attention. She was sitting alone at the bar, paying more attention to Sports Center than the numerous looks and glances she elicited.
Viggo and Karl watched with some amusement as several men approached her. They were all dismissed as soon as they spoke. Karl took a swig from his beer, "You know, I bet I catch her attention."
Viggo just laughed and shook his head, "Go ahead, man, you'll be right back here beside me in two minutes."
"You think so?" Karl asked, a devious smiling spreading across his face.
Viggo leaned back against the wall, "Yeah, you could never get a girl like that. You're way too young and inexperienced. A girl like that needs someone who has skill and the know-how to keep her satisfied."
"Older? Experienced? Skilled? You surely are not referencing yourself," Karl smirked. "You're old enough to be her grandfather."
Viggo's eyes blazed. His arm lunged out and knocked Karl upside the head. Karl, shocked at the strike, retaliated immediately, similarly smacked Viggo. The end result was Viggo springing at the table, the table being pushed out of place and Karl falling to the floor.
As if the loud thud had not attracted everyone else's attention, the insane laughter that ensued afterwards sure as hell made everyone glance across the room. Frankie amused by the two men, picked up her drink and sauntered towards the table.
Karl saw her approaching her as he picked himself up off the floor, "Ha! See! I told you I'd attract her over!"
Viggo scowled in response, "Yes and it only cost you making a complete ass of yourself to get her to come over." Karl stuck his tongue out. Viggo rolled his eyes, "Oh, that's mature."
"You would know, grandpa," Karl reached for his beer again.
After recognizing both men and seeing them cause a scene, Frankie simply had to say hi. She stopped at the table, "You two enjoying yourselves?"
"We are now. Will you join us?" Karl asked, gesturing towards the empty chair.

Three hours and twelve beers later, "Hey! You three, we're closing up!"
"Yeah, Jimmy, we're leaving!" Frankie hollered back.
Once outside, Frankie walked to her car, followed by Viggo and Karl. She turned to look at her new friends, "Well, guys, it's been fun."
"C'mon, love, it's still early," Karl beamed at Frankie, then glanced at Viggo, "We're not that intimidating, are we?"
Frankie laughed, "You're awful cocky, though aren't you."
"Well if the shoe fits," Karl shrugged with a grin.
She smiled at the simple pun, she glanced at Viggo, "What about you big guy? Up for coming back to my place?"
Viggo nodded, "Yep, sounds good."
"Great!" she gestured across the lot, "That your car?" They both nodded. "Well, bring it around and follow me."
Viggo turned towards the car. Karl hung back, "Do you live far from here?"
"Not at all. We'll be there in no time. There'll be plenty of time for all of us to do… whatever," she said deliberately casual.
Both Karl and Viggo hung on her words. Viggo momentarily slowed but continued forward. Karl licked his lips in anticipation.
They exited the lot and headed west. Viggo was driving. Karl was chattering in the passenger seat.
"You think she really meant 'all of us'?" Karl asked.
Viggo stared straight ahead, "That's what she said."
"As in…both of us? At the same time?"
Karl was very excited. Viggo could easily sense that, "It's not going to bother you then?"
"What's not going to bother me?" Karl asked.
Viggo felt himself pale slightly, he was glad they were in the dark, "Both of us…you know…"
Karl was caught off guard by the question and thought for a minute. This was Viggo after all, one of his closet mates. They kept no secrets from each other, "No, why should it bother me? I love you, man. We share everything else, why not a woman?" Karl laughed and slapped Viggo's thigh.
Viggo feigned a smile and agreed. His eyes focused again on the road.
Frankie clicked on her phone. She dialed. Her best friend Alex answered, "Yeah, it's me. Hey, is that camera still set up in your bedroom?" A few seconds later, "Good, leave it and put out the lube that you and Tim swear by." A moment later, "Yes, you are staying at my place tonight. Alex, just set the shit up and go into my apartment. I'll explain everything to you later. Just go to sleep at my place." Alex continued to protest, citing the day of the week. Frankie groaned, "No, I don't care if you and Tim…whatever. Just do not go anywhere near my bed or my dog." Alex started to yell, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Listen, we're about ten minutes away. Make this happen and I'll owe you big time." She disconnected. She tossed the phone down and glanced at the headlights in her rear view mirror and smirked.

Frankie led them into "her" apartment. She tossed her keys and purse onto the counter. Alex was truly amazing. Everything was perfect.
"What a lovely apartment," Karl commented glancing around.
Viggo took a few tentative steps further inside. His eyes settled on the 'Studs in Spurs' calendar on the kitchen wall. He smiled and turned around.
Karl had enveloped Frankie in his arms. She did not pull away. His lips covered hers, his hands slipping down her backside. She chuckled and pushed him away.
"C'mon," she said headed towards a darkened room. Karl moved, Viggo didn't. "Both of you," she purred, looking at Viggo.
Karl cast Viggo a desperate look so he did follow. There was minimal light in the room and Karl grabbed at Frankie again. She again pushed him away, glancing towards the older man, "What's wrong, Viggo?"
He said nothing but moved closer to the bed. Karl pulled off his jacket. Frankie gave Viggo a quick wink. His eyebrows rose.
Karl reached out for her again. She kept him at a distance, "Easy…it's still early, remember?" Karl groaned. Frankie smiled, "Besides, I've got a request of my own first."
Karl sat on the foot of the bed, "A request?"
Frankie held back a bright grin, "Yeah…I would like to see you kiss Viggo, Karl."
Both men exchanged nervous glances, searching the other for an answer. They both shrugged. Frankie swallowed a laugh. They stood up, looking very distraught and barely "bumped" lips.
Frankie rolled her eyes and sighed. She put a hand on Karl's back and one on Viggo's shoulder, "No," her gaze switched from Viggo to Karl, "A real kiss."
Frankie stepped back and watched fear grow Karl's eyes. She knew that he wanted this. Would he admit it? She looked at Viggo. He looked just as scared, but for a completely different reason.
Karl swallowed, "Okay. Ready?"
Viggo inclined his head. Karl looked at Viggo's lips, then back up into his blue-gray eyes. Their lips met at last. Immediately carnal passion held captive for years emerged and took hold. The kiss deepened and the two sunk into it. Frankie slid into the dark confines of the room and into a large plush chair.
Karl pulled away several minutes later, panting quietly, "Wow." Viggo nodded, his mouth remaining open.
Wow…Frankie could not have put it better herself. Karl and Viggo simply stared at one another. Frankie held her breath, waiting anxiously to see who would act first.
Viggo lost patience with Karl, leaned forward and kissed him.
Instinct seemed like it was on Karl's side, he could not equate the new feelings with any other sense. The source of pleasure was seized and brought closer to consciousness without a single thought, and he was kissing Viggo back in a way he would never have thought he was capable of. The immediate senses of embarrassment, anxiety and fear seemed to have evaporated, and only one thing remained, the willing surrender to Viggo's mouth. It was a long time before thought returned to him and he could look at Viggo, and finally know that his suspicions, his own feelings, the same ones he had dared not even admit in his own mind, were true. And Viggo apparently shared them too. Karl wondered if he were dreaming; could he finally experience the freedom of being honest? This was no dream. Impulsively, he tried to swallow down the wave of desire, only to see that Viggo was determining his reactions, smiling.
Viggo stepped closer, and began to tug at Karl's clothing, letting the pieces drop one after another, until, finally, the belt was gone and Karl was left in his boxers. Viggo paused, his radiant eyes tracing the lines of Karl's shoulders, down to his knees and back up, then looking into Karl's face, he searched for a sense of suitability.
Karl's breath shortened and the embarrassing quickening in his loins was there again. As much as he tried to quell the storm, the emotions, they kept resurfacing. He swallowed, focusing once again as Viggo peeled off his jacket. It dropped to the floor, fully revealing Viggo's shirt and close-fitting jeans that flattered his trim figure. They, however, concealed nothing, not the peaked nipples underneath the thin fabric of Viggo's shirt, nor the suggestive mound beneath the dark colored jeans.
Karl's hands ached to remove these last barriers and see the body that he dared not think or imagine about for fear of discovery and ridicule.
"Take off your boxers," Viggo told him, turning and bending to fetch something from the small bureau.
Karl, hands on the waistband, froze. This was it. After this, there was no going back. Gulping and cursing himself, he pulled the boxers down and quickly stepped out of them. He hoped for a minute to compose himself, but Viggo was already straightening with a bottle in his hands.
Viggo smiled at him. "That's better, isn't it? Touch yourself, Karl."
What? Karl's mind faltered. "Um…" he projected.
"Touch yourself, Karl, or I don't take off my clothes."
Not exactly the response Karl was hoping for. He gaped at him. How could Viggo say such things? In such a calm way? He was so self-assured; it was like he knew every one of Karl's desires. Did Viggo doubt nothing? But his hand was already obeying. Viggo reclined Karl's body back onto the bed.
He balanced himself on one elbow, and while pressing against the maddening, straining hardness, he was infinitely aware of Viggo's focus on his hands. But soon, the pleasure of his own touch distracted him, his breath grew shorter, his erection more needy.
Viggo pulled his shirt off, still watching Karl intently. Karl found himself staring at the finely muscled man before him in awe. Viggo's darkly tanned skin and dark hair seemed to glow.
"Let me see," Viggo instructed, letting gray-blue eyes drift up to Karl's flushed and needy face.
Karl swallowed heavily as he watched Viggo tug at the buttons of his jeans. He could barely touch himself anymore. Viggo drew closer. Karl winced as Viggo's eyes explored his stiff and leaking member. One would think this should have made him yet more even more self-conscious and nervous, but Karl was beginning to understand. He was beyond these feelings now. Then
Viggo was there, standing above him, reaching down to tug off his jeans with efficient ease. Viggo's gray stare was altogether avid and disconcerting, looking at Karl as if to memorize each and every small detail.
In those eyes, Karl knew that a lifetime of experience was stored, and this moment was priming to be added to that store. Realizing this fact, Karl suddenly knew that he had been chosen by Viggo a long time ago, this was not about chance anymore, but this was something priceless and timeless. He was suddenly amazed and gratified.
Frankie felt this was time to make her exit. Besides, it wasn't as if either Viggo or Karl remembered she was present anymore. "Now you understand," she said slipping out of her chair and out of the shadows of the room.
All movement stopped, it was as if the world had stopped spinning. Frankie smiled and gave the men a quick wink. Viggo did not question the innate understanding and compassion that the young girl had expressed. The girl simply got it. He respected and would be forever grateful to her.
He turned back to Karl. Karl was watching Frankie head back out of the room. Viggo wondered if Karl was simply acknowledging and followed Frankie's original plea simply to get her into bed. Viggo's eyes unfocused as the first shred of doubt entered his mind. The door clicked shut. They both heard it.
Looking to the older man before him, Karl leaned forward. His lips enclosed Viggo's. The kiss was sweet, in the way liquor is be sweet before burns its way down.
Viggo's tongue reacquainted Karl with the warm pleasure of give and take, until finally they were locked in a harsh embrace. Karl brought his arm about the shoulders above him to bring Viggo's body down upon his own. Although he felt bold, it simply felt right.
Viggo was heavier than he looked, and his skin was both hotter and softer than Karl had expected. But then again, Karl now had no idea what to expect from any situation. Somehow he had envisioned Viggo with an intrinsic coolness, but no, Viggo burned against him. Karl shivered at being so close to that aroused body.
Viggo lifted just enough for his hands to find Karl, his head down to watch what he was doing. Karl groaned at the double stimulation of hands and Viggo's longer locks brushing slowly across his nipples.
"I have never done this to a man before," Viggo mused, slowly pumping Karl's length in his hand, his fingertips sliding over the smooth head and underneath, where he had long ago discovered the greatest pleasure lay.
"We're on the same page then. A man has never done this to me," Karl choked out. Karl raised his head up enough to see what Viggo was doing, taking deep breaths to steady his pounding heart. He was amazed that they were together, that Viggo's exploratory grip brushed against his erection. Life no longer made sense, or seemed unfair.
Viggo lifted his head, bringing his face to Karl's, his gray eyes glowing even brighter now.
Karl panted with each stroke of Viggo's hand, and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what Viggo saw when he looked at him. Did he see the same things Karl saw when he looked at Viggo? Karl's mouth watered, and he swallowed repeatedly, desperate. He wasn't going to last at this rate, and was ashamed. As it was, he stifled a cry when Viggo's mouth found him.
Viggo's lips were everything Karl had hoped for and more, soft, sweet and yielding, but not overly dominating. Karl groaned when Viggo's tongue teased the tip of his cock, his teeth just grazing the underside of his length before his mouth slid back down. Karl grunted and angled his hips up as much as he could.
"Viggo!" Karl breathed as he threw his head back. Viggo took Karl's entire length into his mouth and began flicking his tongue across the base of the shaft. Drawing his lips back along toward the head as he did so, allowing his tongue to settle on the sensitive head for the briefest moment before repeating the whole process, over and over again. Karl's hand rested in the softness of Viggo's hair and his hips thrust with the rhythm.
Before he knew it, Karl climaxed so hard, he felt it wrench out of him violently, and he kept coming because Viggo kept drinking him down. Never had it been like this.
Finally, Viggo rose up, tore off his remaining clothes and grabbed that mysterious bottle again, showing it briefly to Karl before pouring some in his hand and then slicking the warm lubricant over Karl's erection. He put the bottle away and crawled back to the center of the bed, spreading his legs.
Against the rich scarlet of Frankie's throw, Viggo's tan skin radiated. My God! Karl's mind railed. How had he come to this point, with such perfection spreading itself for his pleasure? What exactly had he done? But it did not seem right to keep his mind in doubt when his body knew the truth. Drawn by some cosmic pull, he crawled between those sprawled thighs. Taking himself in hand, he angled down and pushed inside. It was not as easy as he thought it would be, and it was a slippery and extremely awkward business. Before long, he finally found his way in, pushing too hard in his frustration, but oh, fantastic feelings soon overcame him. The feelings of burrowing inside such willing heat, of being clenched and squeezed by intense slickness, they were too much.
And it just got better and better… to slide out of it and in it, mindlessly thrusting forward like an animal finally freeing itself of its lust and passion.
Viggo groaned and sighed, pushing back when Karl slowed, amazingly welcoming to such an inept lover. When their movements accelerated into a brutal groove, Viggo's gasping cries coupled with Karl's until they both spasmed blissfully.
"I am amazed by you," Viggo breathed several minutes later. The way Viggo spoke scared Karl. Very little truly frightened him, but this did. But looking at Viggo's smooth nakedness, He grew harder than before. Maybe this was right after all?
Viggo merely ran a reassuring hand over his shoulders and down his back, ending with a playful pat on his rear and the fear was gone. Then oil was being slicked down his cleft and worked gently in.
"Karl…" Viggo's words trailed off as his eyes rolled back and he slid a hand behind. Karl felt a gentle finger brush his entrance again. Viggo eased a finger inside, eliciting a guttural moan from Karl, the likes of which he had never heard before. A small shudder vibrated through Karl's body and then through Viggo. Viggo drove his finger in deeper, before withdrawing it quickly and replacing it with two. Viggo found the small mound deep inside, and let his fingers flick over it once, twice…
Beneath him Karl writhed, grabbing fistfuls of the throw, making noises Viggo had never heard and only hoped he would hear again.
Unable to hold back any longer, Viggo withdrew his fingers from Karl, who moaned in disapproval at the loss of the sensation. Viggo replaced the pressure there with the tip of his penis, already moist again, aching to feel at home inside Karl. He pushed in gently, allowing himself to moan along with Karl.
Viggo stayed in the same spot to let them both adjust to this new sensation, and bent to kiss Karl. Their mouths clashed hard, moved against each other wildly while Viggo's hips gently began to rock back and forth, finding a rhythm and gaining speed. Karl conceded to his primal desires, pushing himself against Viggo, screeching and growling with every thrust.
Karl tensed up in sudden terror, but why was this the hardest he'd ever been, and confused, he wasn't sure how he should be feeling. Viggo's firm touch ran up his spine. Karl gasped, biting down on a cry. He had barely enough time to recover, when the length was pulled out again and swiftly pushed in.
"Yes," Viggo groaned. One hand pushed up Karl's sweat-slickened back, gripping the hair at the base of his skull. He thrust slowly a couple of times, then picked up the pace, angling perfectly so that Karl felt every other thrust slide against that spot.
Karl was soon lost. He had thought he understood what it would feel like, but he had not understood a damn thing. It was not just the penetration, or the movements, but all those things put together. And just holding Viggo and using him for pleasure, and giving Viggo his own pleasures was more than he had ever imagined.
Karl was surprised that he, too, was groaning at each thrust, unable to stop himself. Sweating and shaking, fevered with need, he nevertheless tried to stave off the inevitable.
Viggo pushed himself up, with great difficulty, and held Karl's hips steady as he thrust into him, harder and harder still. Karl was coming undone himself. Just a short while ago he would never have sought comfort through Viggo's touch, he could hardly believe it was finally happening. He had long imagined what it would feel like and for an even longer time, he had felt ashamed by these imaginings. The man's touch and the burn of his movements inside him was enough to release him from all coherent thought (including shame), and he allowed himself to become lost in every sensation until he felt every muscle in his body begin to tremble. Viggo's grip around his cock tightened slightly, it sent him spasming over the edge, spilling his seed over Viggo's hand and his own belly, his tight opening contracted around the shaft inside him and Viggo was lost. He released a scream and spilled himself inside Karl before collapsing on top of him.
They lay still for a long while, their breathing slowing back to normal. They soon fell asleep.

Viggo awoke first, feeling the warm sunlight on his back. He glanced around groggily. His eyes came to rest on Karl. He smiled happily. He hope things would be more open now. He sat up, carefully untangling his limbs from Karl's. He stretched his arms wide. Frankie! He looked around. He slid out of the bed and threw on his jeans. He walked into the living room. He saw no one. He called out. No one answered. Karl stumbled out of the bedroom, still half asleep. Viggo stared at him," I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
"No, it's okay. I'm…where's Frankie?" Karl asked.
"She's not here. There's no one here," Viggo said.
They quickly got dressed and vacated the bedroom. "Should we just leave?" Karl asked.
Viggo shrugged. His eyes saw something strange on the counter. He went over to it. It was a note. He read it over quickly. "Karl?" he said.
"Yeah, love?"
Viggo inwardly smiled, "Listen to this: Karl and Viggo, Sorry, I didn't want to wake you. I had to be into work for six this morning. Hope you enjoyed last night. Don't hide your feelings, you'll be much happier that way. Oh, by the way, the two tapes are for you. Use them wisely. If either of you go straight again and are in Boston, give me call. Enjoy! Frankie" Viggo put the note back onto the counter.
Karl approached the counter, "What do you think is on the tapes?"
"I've got a sneaky suspicion that we were filmed last night," Viggo said.
"No way!" Karl said. He picked the note up to read it for him. He read it and put it back face-side down. He read aloud, "P.S. Don't worry there are only two copies of that tape and you have both of them!"
Viggo laughed. They soon left together.

Alex peered through Frankie's blinds and watched as Viggo and Karl got back into their car.
They drove off, "How could you do this to me? You could have at least let me meet them!" he exclaimed.
"No, let them be. They're happy, extremely happy," Frankie poured herself a glass of orange juice.
"Okay, fine, Miss Cruz, you did a very noble thing yesterday. You brought two people together, but also committed a crime against all of humanity by only making two copies of that tape," Alex grimaced.
"Who said there were two copies?" Frankie asked, sipping her juice.
Alex clasped his hands together, "You have a copy!!! Oh, I knew you were sneaky, but I didn't know you were diabolical."
"You wanna see it?" Frankie asked.
Alex gasped, "Do I EVER!"
Frankie smiled, "Did you have sex in my bed last night?"
Alex paled. Frankie closed her eyes, "No tape for you."


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