Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116984-Rape-of-Innocents
Rated: XGC · Poetry · Death · #1116984
Craziness of pleasure when raping.
Skulls crushed under my feet
Souls being ripped from their bodies.
Tears mingled with the smell of blood
hair being pulled.
Hearts being broken
Lifeless bodies cast aside as if they were yesterday's trash
I am master of my domain.
I am king and ruler of this place i call home
Welcome to your worst nightmare
Which happens to be my dream come true.
I am ruler and I will tear you limb from limb.
I will make you scream like a child
You will whimper at my smile
You will squirm as I reach for your body
And you will scream as I plunge myself deep into you.
Scream, cry, moan and beg
Nothing will make me stop
My cum on my legs as I hurt every ounce of your being
Watch me as I burn your child alive
Watch as I pour acid on your wounds.
Scream, as the pain becomes unbearble
Writhe in agony as I beat, burn, mutilate
Ahhh how I cherish those sounds
Whine, gag, and suffocate on your own vomit
Die for all I care you are useless to me
You are but a toy that I wish to play with right now.
When i get bored or when you die I throw you away
But not after I eat your heart from within you
Not until I tear every ounce of flesh from you.
Limbs being pulled out of joints and sockets
Virginal asses being ripped from end to end
Yes go and scream
Does that hurt?
Good let me push it in deeper
Ahhh yes so tight and warm
Scream and plead I do not care
I am enjoying myself with this virgin meat.
Ooh I can taste your fear.
Let me swallow that fear with my body
Mutilate, gag, choke, and die.
I dont care. But for now you are mine.
I command you to cry and beg and die.
Lifeless body dead as I keep plunging my manhood deep into you.
You are dead now
© Copyright 2006 Terra_Onyx (hispandoll at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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