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Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Comedy · #1116804
Me and my best friend goes camping and ends up playing some tricks on the guys.
We got you!

It was going to be the best summer ever. However, I did not know it would be the summer to remember. I was 13 and excited about being a teenager and doing different things that I had never got to do before. My best friend had asked me to go camping with her. After hours of begging my parents and saying stuff that they had let my brother do they said yes. I was so excited! I had pretty much figured that they would say ‘no’ considering I would have to leave the next day.
The next day I was home alone, and excited about leaving. Jamie did not get to my house until 11:00am. I had been up since 8:15am. We had to go back to her house for a while then we were off.
Once we got there we had to help unpack. Then we had to figure out where to sleep. We decided on the horse trailer in case we wanted to sneak out or come in late. We made out beds, then we had permission to go ride around. On the trail we ran into Dylan and Dakota. We asked them what was going on. They answered, “Nothing much, we were just out taking a ride. Do you want to come?” We decided to go with them.
After we got back to camp Dylan and Dakota came over. We just all hung out, talked, and had a blast. They went back to there camp around 4:00pm and told us to come over anytime. We asked Dallas and he said that was fine as long as we came back by 2:00am. We agreed that was completely fair. We left around 5:30pm and when we got there the guys were just talking and told us to set down. Then after about an hour they asked us if we wanted to go riding. “Why not nothing better to do,” is all we said. We jumped on the back of Dylan and Dakota’s horses and they took us back to camp so we could get our horses.
While we were on the trail, Dylan’s cell phone rang. It was Andy. He had just got to camp and wondered where we were. We turned around and went back to camp to find Andy. He had brought Tyler. JOY! We saddled up two more horses and we were off on another trail. Jamie and I rode in back. The guys kept looking back and smiling at us. We knew that they were up to something. However, just what we were not sure.
After we got back to camp Dylan and Andy just left. We decided to go back to our camp for a few hours. It was only around 9:00pm and we still had a couple of hours left. We thought that we could take showers and get something to eat. Then we would go back over.
Around 11:00pm, we went back over, Andy and Dylan still was not back. I asked Dakota if he was getting a little worried about his friends and smiled and said no. something was up. Dakota went in for a few minutes so I and Jamie was going o go see what was really going on. We went over to Dylan’s camp but only his parents were there. They said that all the guys were over at Dakota’s. We said thank you and walked away. On our way back we kept thinking of what the guys was going to do to us.
When we got back Dakota asked where we had gone. We told him that we had just went on a walk around camp he shook his head and was like whatever. I do not really believe you but whatever. We asked if he and Tyler wanted to go back to our camp for a few hours. No, let’s stay here. We said that was fine.
After about 2 hours I was really starting to wonder where Andy and Dylan had went. Mostly just wondering what they were going to do to us. Dakota just ignored us when we asked and came up with a new topic to talk about. Then my phone started to ring. The number was restricted so I answered it. It was Dylan. You could tell by his voice. I asked him where he was at, he tried to disguise his voice, but it was not working. I hung up on him. Then it started to ring again. This time it Brock’s number (he is one of my senior friends). Why would Brock be calling me? However, when I answered it was not Brock. The voice sounded like someone I knew. Then all the sudden there was a scream. We all jumped on one of Dakota’s horses and took off.
When we got onto the trail, the scream stopped. What was going on? Dakota insisted on us riding farther. It was only around 12:45am and we had another 2 hours or longer before we had to get back to camp. The farther we rode the deeper into the woods we rode. Then we went off trail. What was he thinking? Dakota said he knew where he was. I bet he did because we were lost.
Then Dakota told us to go right and that he and Tyler were going left. We agreed. Well I had this idea to follow them. We jumped off of our horses, tied them to a tree, and started to walk quietly behind them. You could hear Dakota and Tyler talking. However, they were whispering and we could not make out what they were saying. As we got closer, you could hear all the guys talking. Then Dakota said that he had sent us in a different direction.
Then I had an idea. We should scare the guys before they get a chance to scare us. How could we manage that? I started thinking. A great idea suddenly came to me. I walked slowly so there was no chance the guys would hear us and find us. I mean what could be better then leading the guys on. Come on we might be blondes but were not stupid. When we got back to our horses, I told Jamie to untie out horses and walk away. These horses are gentle and would stay where you put them. Well, we hoped they would or we might be in some trouble considering they aren’t ours.
It was like 5 minutes when we heard them coming. We were hiding and were in a good place. Then I heard a voice say, “Hey, there are the girl’s horses. What would the girls horses be doing out here and the girls not with them?” They all started freaking out afraid that we had gotten hurt or somebody took us. Andy and Dylan started to blame Dakota and Tyler for sending us in another direction. I was trying so hard not to laugh out aloud but it was so funny. Then they decided to look for us. I would have think that this is a bad idea. Well they didn’t think so.
We decided to crawl deeper in the woods before they found us. Then my cell started to ring. I had forgot to put it on vibe so it was really loud in the woods. It was Dylan. I dropped the phone and started to walk faster. Then I heard someone pick up the phone and they were gone. ‘Come on guys they went this way,’ I heard someone say. This is so funny is what I was thinking the whole time. This was so mean but then again funny. We would just consider this pay back for what they were going to do to us.
Then out of nowhere, some grabbed me. I started to scream. Then somebody grabbed Jamie. She was screaming so loud. Then we heard the guys scream. Therefore, we rather scared them but we were the ones being drug away by somebody I probably knew. Then the guys, you could hear them running and saying,’ this way, hurry up.’
These two people took us to a cabin. Then they told us to look away. The voice was so familiar but I couldn’t think. I was still in shock. Then I recognized the voice. It was Brock. However, what was he going to do to me? Then after a moment, I realized the other person was Justin. When they walked away I, told Jamie and she started to laugh. Brock goes “shut up or else.” “You can’t make me shut up so ha-ha! Are you going to get the golf putter out? Because if you are I want you to know that I’m really scared!” Then Jamie and I both cracked up laughing. Then I was like I no who you are so just give it up. Then we asked if they were in on this with the guys. He said yes. The only reason that they were is because Andy and Dylan had seen me setting beside him in the gym and figured it was the perfect what to scare us.
Then I asked if he would rather scare them then wait and take us back to camp. He agreed. So once again we headed back into the woods. This time we went to where out horses were at and waited. We could hear the guys screaming and talking to each other. That was funny. Andy and Dylan were still blaming Dakota and Tyler for telling us to go in that direction. How much stupider could all the guys get? Then Dakota was like “I’m going back to camp to see if they are there.” They all agreed so we got ready to scare the hell out of these guys.
They were coming back very quiet. Well, kind of quiet for all them being together. When they went to get onto their horses they all realized that there saddles were loose. Therefore, as they were fixing the saddles all four of us went up behind them. Brock was behind Andy, Jamie behind Dylan, I was behind Tyler, and Justin was behind Dakota. The whole time we were standing there we were never seen. Then when we grabbed them they all started to scream. We all cracked up laughing. I was always told that guys are supposed to be tough. Apparently, not because these guys were screaming like girls.
Then Brock and Justin just disappeared. Where did they go? Then I started thinking and was a little confused. They had not said anything about leaving. Oh, well maybe they had to go somewhere while the rest of us were laughing.
We went back to camp after that. We got chewed out from the guys all the way back. However, it was worth it. When we got back nobody was at camp.the guys finally gave me back my phone. I decided to call brock and Justin to see where they were at. I got voice mail on both of them. Where could they have gone? I asked the guys if this was all fixed up. They said no that we were even and that they were done scaring people for a while. Like they ever scared us. Ha-ha! For all they knew some one had taken me and Jamie and it was entirely all Dakota and Tyler’s fault.
It was around 3:00am. We were supposed to back an hour ago. We decided to head back to camp to see if anyone was waiting on us. Everybody was asleep. We were like let’s go back over. When we go back over there the guys were all asleep. I felt bad scaring them again but this maybe our only chance.
We went around trying to think of what to do to them. Nothing came to mind. Then of course leave it to Jamie. “Let’s take the horses and tie them to the chairs that they are asleep in!” this would be good. We got 4 horses and tied each of them to a different chair. Then we took two horses a piece and pulled them. The horses started to walk causing the chairs to tip over and the guys to fall out. They were screaming louder. It was mostly just cussing us out. I cracked up laughing because it was so funny. Then the guys all said, “you two have stuff coming’ to you and it will be so bad that you will never do nothing else to us again.” Sure we won’t and walked away.
Later that morning we were getting really bored because the guys wouldn’t talk to us so we went back to camp laughing about all the stuff that we did to the guys. What could they possibly do to us? The only one I would be worried about is Dakota and I’m sure that he would do something to me and Jamie?
When we got back we climbed into the horse trailer, laid down, and laughed harder then we had laughed earlier. Jamie was like, “We are the only girls who would have enough nerve to do something like what we did.” We might as well have fun know because in a couple a couple of years we will all have boyfriends/girlfriends so we won’t be able to have that much fun. We went to sleep that night proud of what we had done.
When we got up it was around 8:15am and most of the adults were still asleep. We were trying to be quiet. When we walked into the camper Jamie’s parents were looking at us weird. When we asked what was going on they just looked at us and walked out. Jamie told me to go ahead and take a shower and that she would find out what happened, and then she would tell me. I agreed and went ahead and took my shower. I heard Jamie come in when I was getting out of the shower. I asked her and she said that they wouldn’t tell her. While she was taking her shower Meagan woke up. I asked her if she knew what was going on. She answered, “Yes I do. I wouldn’t be t worried about it as long as you didn’t use the sheer blonde shampoo.” I started thinking. I used that shampoo.
When Jamie got out of the shower I told her what Meagan had said. She had this look on her face. She told me to blow dry my hair first. I agreed and if anything was wrong, whoever did this was going to be dead. When I was done my hair was white. After Jamie had finished her hair was snow white. We started to scream. Rhonda came in the camper and asked, “What happened?” “Look at our hair is all we had to say.” She looked at us and cracked up laughing. How could she be laughing? This was not funny. Then she told us that the guys had come over earlier and asked us to put bleach in your shampoo. We said “no” until we found out everything that you two did to them. We put our hair into ponytails and went to find the guys.
When we got over to there camp they looked at us and laughed. Then they asked, “What is the matter? You both seem kind of mad.” “Were past the mad stage,” Jamie answered. Then Dakota said, “Just agree that were even.” I said, “No we are far from even. What we did wasn’t a month worth of damage.” They all cracked up laughing and then answered that this was payback for everything that we have ever done to them. We said “whatever” and laughed.
When we got back to camp everyone was up. Apparently they all knew what was going on because they looked at me and Jamie and cracked up laughing. I never knew what was so funny about that joke. Now if they were the laughing at all the stuff that we had done to the guys I would have been laughing with them but what they did to us no.
We called it even for this camping trip even though we didn’t think so. The next camping trip the guys better watch out because they are going to have some bad stuff happen to them. It will be twice as bad and the guys will never see it coming.
© Copyright 2006 Ford roxs (farm_fordgirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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