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by zelfrk
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1116758
Yumi is tired of being abused by that jerk. Will she finally crack?
Breaking out
Chapter one: Finding one's own self

Tear's started to form in Yumi's eyes as Miyabi was digging his hand in her arm as if he was trying to break it. "Why are you doing this?" said Yumi her voice soft, but shaky. "Because I told you to stay out of my way!" holding the necklace he took from Yumi, he stalked off. Yumi backed up against the wall stricken. She knew that Miyabi hated her, but not enough to hurt her like that.

The way he winked at me at the concert, I...I need to go home. Ignoring school still being in session, she ran no where else but home. She went in her room, and cried. "I wish I never set foot in that stupid school!" said Yumi in rage. For the first time, she had anger in her eyes. She felt alive. She thought back in gym class that same day with Miyoko. When they were playing vollyball, Yumi spiked that ball as if it her anger was trapped inside it.

But Yumi was not mad, she was actually happy. "Wow...Yumi! If you have that kind of strength, then why do you let that jerk push you around?" asked Miyoko surprised. "Well...I..uh... Well I don't know. I guess I don't have the heart to do that." Flashback end.

Yumi stood up, and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't see a strong independent girl, she saw scared girl who looked like the world was about to end because of a boy's emotions. She didn't want to be that girl anymore..."Oh my gosh! I forgot about the homework thing with Toshio!" Yumi changed out of her school clothes, and sprinted as fast as she could to Toshio's house...make that mansion...thought Yumi as she was standing in front of his house. "He's loaded."she said walking slowly up to the front door.

She knocked on the door a few times, and Toshio came and opened it. 'Hey. he said. I thought you wouldn't make it." "I'm sorry, I just sort of lost track of time." "No, that's cool." he said. They both walked inside. "This is huge!" said Yumi with her eyes wide. "Oh, you want a tour? It's pretty big, so you I guess you want take a look around for a bit." "Sure." said yumi.

They both walked upstairs. "There's my room, and over there is Miyabi's..well I guess you want to go check it out." he said. "Umm...I don't think so.. said Yumi her ears starting to get hot. "I..wait he lives here?!?" Yumi couldn't believe this. All she wanted to do was get away, and now she was inside of his house?!? "Yeah, but don't worry he won't be home for a long time. Sorry I didn't warn you." She finally relaxed after that being said.

"So you going?" he asked. "Oh I don't think so.." She didn' want to trespass, or something. "Well it would be good for payback...to see what he's all about I guess." he said. So Yumi walked inside slowly. This didn't look like a room of a Jerk...it just looked like any normal one-But who that on his bed? She ran out, but right into Toshio. "Whoa..was it that bad?" he asked. "Umm, no I just needed some air. "Okay well lets go somewhere we can talk, that's mostly the reason why I wanted you to come." he said.

Who was that? Yumi thought to herself as they walked in to this room with a table and some chairs. "So what did you want to talk about?" she asked. Toshio told her about Miyabi's mother passing away three years ago. "And he's never gotten over it since." he said softly. "The only thing is, is that you came on the wrong day at the wrong time to meet Miyabi. That day marked three years of his mother's death." he said.

"Wait, you know what? asked Toshio looking at yumi closely.You look just like she did back in high school. "I-I do?" asked yumi. That just may be why..Yumi thought. I remind him of his mother. "But now that you know of his past, lets talk about what happened at the concert. I know that you were the girl that Miyabi was looking at. The only thing is, he couldn't recognize you. "So that must be why he was acting the same as usual today." said yumi rubbing the place on her arm where miyabi hurt her. But Toshio noticed. "Did he hurt you?" "Well, maybe he was just having a bad day.." said Yumi.

"I can't believe he would do that..I have to talk to him." Toshio was starting to get angry inside, but didn't show it. "You don't have to do that...but I'm sure if he knew that it was me who he winked at the concert to.. he wouldn't have done that." she said trying to convince herself that, that was the case.

"Actually, he would've gotten mad and it would've made things worse." he said. "So She was the girl at the concert!" Two people walked in the room.

Chapter two: Change

Yumi walked home after that. She wasn't worried since Toshio insisted that that she wasn't the girl at the concert, and that they must have heard wrong.

Why can't I stand up for myself? Because you're afraid. Because you've never done it before no matter what the what the situation was. I need to change..I can't let him do that to me anymore. One day he really is going to hurt me...and I won't be able to do anything about it.

Yumi looked at her watch. It's only 6:00. She was going to get her friends to help her if it was the last thing she would do.

"So what did you call us here for again?"asked Eizo. "Well remember when we all got a makeover to go to the concert? Well I think I'm going to need that physically, and emotionally..." Yumi said. "But why? You're just fine as you are!" Don't let those mean kids make fun of you Yumi-san!" screamed Eizo. "Oh shut-up and stop screaming!" said Miyoko. "I know why you want to do this. You're going to stand up to him tomorrow, and you're going to do it with confidence. And me and Eizo will be right there with you. We'll even change with you.

3 hours later....

"Wow Yumi! You look so...cool!" They made sure when they made her up that she didn't look like she did at the concert but close enough. (She was wearing a black fitted long sleeved blouse that went right over her hands, and some baggy pants-her hair was curled and she had on makeup, but not as much as she did at the concert.) "Thanks...you guys look great too..so I guess this is it." said yumi. "Umm, not exactly. you may have a look, but that still doesn't mean you can stand up to him." said Miyoko. "How do you feel when he's rude to you?

Yumi thought back. She could start to feel her eyes burning now. She couldn't cry..not now, in front of her friends. She did't want Miyabi to hate her, or hurt her.

But if she kept like this, she could really get hurt. "You guys are right...I can't let him do this to me anymore.." Yumi rubbed her arm. She wasn't going to let it happen again, and she was going to keep to that.

Chapter three: Don't stand for that!

So Yumi woke up to smell of her mother's cooking. She walked down stairs fully dressed, and ready to face the day that awaited her.

"Are you hungry sweetie?" her mom asked her. "Um, no thanks. "Wait a minute." Said her mom confused. "Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" "Uhh...the principal said that we didn't have to wear it today." Yumi didn't like lying to her mother, but she decided it was for the best. "Okay!" her mother said joyfully. "Have fun at school!" Right, she thought. Fun...


"Are you guys ready?" I asked. "Yep!" said Eizo. "Ready when you are!" said Miyoko. "Oh, but Yumi I would warn you not to stand up to him unless he does something to you first, or he'll really get angry. We all know what he's like. He can get pretty dangerous." said Miyoko. "Okay, I'll remember that let's go in!." I said.

I could tell, something had changed inside of me. I felt confident. And that I could explode any minute if someone tried to mess with me. Plus I had my friends here to stay by my side. All three of us didn't wear the school uniform this morning.

Miyoko said that it was the first step. Try not to act like yourself. Show him that your not afraid to get into trouble. As we walked inside, I saw toshio by his locker. But it looked like someone had punched him or something. His lip was bruised.

We were going up to him to say hi. "Hey Tosh.....but the rest of the Orochi band was coming our way. My confidence level seemed like it just hit low again. No one else had seemed to be in the hallway now but us. And judging by the scowl on Miyabi's face, he wasn't too happy about it. I knew that he had noticed my new look, because his eyes softened for a brief moment. But went back into anger.

"What the heck are you freaks doing here?!? Especially you, you little idiot! I told you not to cross my path, remember!??" He was steaming now, and stepping closer in the process. "Leave her alone, she doesn't deserve this from you. She go's to this school too, you know!" said Toshio. Miyabi turned his face slowly. "I-thought-I-told-you-to-stay-out-of-this!" He screamed.

I was tired of this now. I was in rage. I just couldn't take it anymore. He hurt me, he insulted me, and he went too far. I even think that he hurt Toshio Because of me. "NO!!!" I screamed. "I HATE THIS! EVER SINCE I STOOD FOOT IN THIS STUPID SCHOOL, YOU'VE BEEN NOTHING BUT FREAKING TROUBLE TO ME! AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON'T GIVE A CARE IF YOU HATE ME OR NOT, BECAUSE YOU ARE THE LAST THING ON MY MIND!!!! I knew I was turning red. I was shaking madly now. Even Miyabi looked shocked to see me in such rage. "LISTEN YOU LITTLE MAGGOT, I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE TRYING TO SCARE ME CAUSE YOUR FAR FROM THAT! Yelled Miyabi. And with that, he pushed me...hard.

I don't know what came over me. I don't even know who I did this for. All I knew, was that I was angry. My hand bundled into a fist, and WHAM!!! I punched him as hard as I could. He even staggered a bit. Everyone was quiet now. "Don't you dare ever try that crap with me ever again!" I will never forget the look in Miyabi's eyes. They looked like they were filled with hate, but fear too. I saw him wince in pain. And his time out of all times, it wasn't miyabi who stalked off, it was me. All me.

I felt something inside of me that I never felt before...Power. And no one could ever take that away from me.


© Copyright 2006 zelfrk (zelfrk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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