Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116681-Vladimir-and-Sorcha-Meet-Again-CH-12
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #1116681
This is a sample chapter, a small tease for the book, before it is released!!!
Riker lay in a pool of his own blood on the cavern floor. He had been here before, when Vladimir first took him from Paloma. Thinking of her he raised his head and tried to see through puffy eyes. Noticing that she was chained to a rock wall directly in front of him, he could barely make out her Barbie doll figure.

Tears of pain escaped his eyes as he tried to reach out to her.

Paloma screamed something to him, but he could not hear her. All he knew was the ringing in his ears probably meant he had a concussion.

Praying that Sorcha and Ronan would come before the beating began, he was once again attacked physically as well as having his shields battered at, Riker took as deep a breath as he could with broken ribs and tried to steady his nerves.


After Ronan helped Sorcha on with her proper dress attire, he left to get ready himself. As he walked out of the bathroom, Sorcha inhaled quickly, as she saw him transformed into a sex god.

Wearing skin tight leather pants the exact color of his enraged eyes, a black net shirt, and knee high biker boots dyed black, Sorcha was instantly turned on.

Riker seeing the look in his beloved’s storm grey eyes knew that he was looking as sexy as she was. Sorcha had protested loudly when Ronan had picked out her outfit, but it was worth it. The effect it was bound to have on Vladimir would be entertaining in the least. Knowing Vladimir’s tastes in women is what had motivated Ronan to pick out this particular outfit.

Sorcha with her light auburn hair put atop her head in curls and secured there by chopsticks, was dressed as a common Las Vegas Pleasure Palace hooker. In tight vinyl shorts, that barely covered her buttocks made of black leather, and a grey vinyl tank top, her outfit was completed by a dog collar with a ring set in the middle, and thigh high black leather boot.

Having a runner’s body, with voluptuous curves in all the right places made it easy to dress to kill. Feeling extremely sexy, Sorcha found that this was the first time since becoming a vampire that she felt totally at ease in her ‘dress’ for vampiric success clothing. Partly due to the fact that it was similar to the clothing she wore when she went for a run, and partly because of her rage.

“Are we ready to go? I will call Carl around to drive us in style.” Ronan asked with a wicked grin.

Smiling widely with fangs already showing, Sorcha responded, “I guess I should go sober, although a little home made brew would hit the spot.”

Rushing her, Ronan sank fang into her breast and sucked gently. Lifting his head and licking his lips he responded, “Drink from me and it will give you power, I will give you power.” Exposing his neck, he offered his very life essence to her, as she looked on in hunger, but not a hunger that the beast controlled; she slowly leaned into him and nuzzled his neck, but did not draw blood.

“Shan’ne’Neal, we need to hurry if we are to be fashionably late.” Ronan urged as Sorcha sank her delicate fangs into his pulse.

Sucking gently, she drew just enough of his powerful blood to feel high. Pulling back from him and hugging him close she whispered, “What does that mean? Shan’ne’Neal?”

“It means so many things, but for the most part it means; my beloved.” Ronan whispered back, with more loving endearments in Gaelic.


Stepping into the stretch limo was always an experience for Sorcha. It made her feel like she should be going to prom, or a wedding. Sliding across the large black leather seat, she exhilarated in the feeling like somebody going out for a special occasion.

Sliding in beside her, Ronan knew what she was thinking. She had told him the first time she had ridden in the limo, how it had made her feel, and every time since then she always got the same look on her face. It was excitement and nervousness, giddiness and wonderment, all at the same time.

Looking into Ronan’s eyes her heart felt like it would break by the loving hunger she saw there, mingled with a hatred she hadn’t known he could possess. Sorcha knew that the hatred was not directed at her, but it still shocked her to know that he could be capable of it.

“What is it Ronan?” She asked quietly, worry written on his face. “Before we get there tell me just this once what you are feeling. Please.” She was almost begging.

“I fear for your safety, and therefore I do not as much control over the situation as I would like. I know that you will probably be able to trap Vladimir in that neat little trap you have set, but…” Ronan broke off as they turned into the long driveway into Vladimir’s estates.


A butler with a wide nose and beady eyes answered the door and bowed them in. Taking Sorcha’s trench coat with the utmost care, he raised his eyebrow upon noticing her dress, but said nothing. Gesturing for them to precede him down the long hallway, still he had not uttered a single word.

Stepping past them to open a door, the butler moved aside to show a dark staircase leading into, what seemed to Sorcha, a black pit deep within the Earth.

Sorcha glanced behind her, and saw that they had been followed by dozens of little flittering bugs. When one of the bugs got close enough to see clearly, she saw that it was not a bug, but in fact a tiny fairy. Holding out a finger to allow the fairy to land, Ronan just shook his head, and wondered what she would think of Vladimir’s little abominations.

The female fairy landed delicately on Sorcha’s outstretched forefinger and viciously bit into her, trying to feed on her blood. Sorcha shook her hand urgently, not making a single noise as the little vampire flew away, and the only sound in the doorway was a tinkering of bells, which came from the flying fairy.

Glancing at Ronan, she saw the smirk on his face, and the amusement in his eyes. Quirking her eyebrow, she shouldered her way past him and walked through the doorway and down the steps.

The braod stairwell was large enough for three people to walk shoulder to shoulder, and taking the extremely steep steps two at a time, Ronan quickly caught up with her.

Sorcha was shocked when they reached the bottom and Ronan wisely showed no reaction to her half lurch as they paused for a moment, in the candlelight.

Taking a quick look around, Sorcha felt that they were in an antechamber of some sorts, underground for sure, because to walk that far down in they must be well beneath the Earth’s surface.

“Now the party shall begin.” Ronan said calmly, as he stepped up a large metal door and pounded the knocker three times. “Please Shan’ne’Neal, do not lose your cool. Vladimir will say and do many things that you will not like just to goad you into making a rash decision.” He added as a warning to behave herself.

Nodding once, with her assent, the door swung open and a voice Sorcha had heard only once beckoned them to enter.

“Please, Ronan, Sorcha come in and make yourselves comfortable. I would like to welcome you to my lair.” Vladimir called out.

Upon stepping into the room, Sorcha and Ronan stiffened with anger, the moment they laid eyes on Riker’s bloody body. Turning in a slow circle Ronan sought out Vladimir’s person, seeing him up against the wall across the room and behind them, Ronan was suddenly worried that this might not be for show after all.

Slowly walking up to Riker, Sorcha was afraid to kneel down to check his vitals. She knew that he was alive, but other than that, she could not discern his status. Following Ronan’s gaze her eyes locked with Vladimir’s.

Upon getting his first look at Sorcha, Vladimir could not keep his eyes from her form. “I can understand why you abandoned me for her Ronan.” Vladimir said not tearing his gaze from Sorcha’s. “My dear Sorcha, how nice it is that we are meeting again.”

Tearing her gaze from Vladimir’s she looked for and caught Ronan’s and not saying a single word their eyes spoke a mountain of emotions, and the foremost one, was killing Vladimir.

“I truly wish that I could hear what is going on in that beautiful head of your Sorcha. I’m sure Ronan won’t mind if I take a peak, would you Ronan?” Vladimir asked still staring intently at Sorcha.

“Actually I would mind, so why don’t we the unpleasantness for the end of our visit and get down to the terms of releasing our pet, Riker.” Ronan shot back equally as neutral.

“Let us sit and have a drink while we negotiate then.” Vladimir, finally tearing his obsessive gaze from Sorcha glanced over his shoulder and suddenly the walls were exposed from behind long black curtains.

Every inch of the stone walls had an artistically posed body. Some could be identified, while others looked to be in a half shape shifted form. Humanoid bodies with shaggy tails and elongated snouts were the most common.

‘Paloma!’ Sorcha screamed inside her own head, as she recognized the Barbie doll figure and baby blonde hair. Staring at her, not moving, Sorcha wondered if she was still alive. She could feel the pity for the tortured vampire welling up from deep inside.

“Vladimir, I would also condition for the release of Paloma, along with Riker.” Sorcha commented as she was taken by the arm, gently, by Vladimir and sat down in a comfortable arm chair.

“I highly doubt that that request will come to pass. You see Paloma is one of my favorites, and the price I would ask is very high. Besides, I don’t think your beloved would let you stay here with me, so out of the question. Unless of course you are willing to take her place?”

“She is not, and no I wouldn’t allow her to stay here with you.” Ronan calmly replied with steel in his voice.

“My dear Vladimir, I would hate to have to disappoint you, but as we do not even know each other, I would have to say that my answer is no. I am a firm believer in learning from my mistakes, and as my last rash decision changed my life forever, I have learned to be a bit more cautious.” Smiling brightly at him, Sorcha flashed her fangs.

“Ha Ha Ha,” Vladimir laughed as he sat himself next to her. Picking up a small bell, he rang it slightly and the main course walked in.

A leggy redhead, with fake breasts two sizes too big for her body, crawled in on all fours. Pressing her face into Vladimir’s boots, she proceeded to lick the toes and beg for attention.

Casually stroking her head as you would a housecat, Vladimir opened the tables of negotiation. “Firstly, I ask for the return of your pet that you share him with me. Secondly, I ask for Ronan to return to me and continue to succeed the crown.”

“Out of the question.” Sorcha replied. “Since it is that you stole my property, I will open with my own demands, the least being the immediately release of My Pet.” Sorcha fingering her lower lip, continued, “And as how I would think that you did not want to offend me, than I would also ask for the release of at least two other. I also insist upon knowing the fate of Mildred, and the other student she spoke of.”

Smiling at her evasiveness, Ronan couldn’t have planned a better meeting, deciding not to enter into the negotiations quite yet, he sat back, watching and listening to the word play between the other two vampires.

After nearly four hours of argument back and forth between Vladimir and Sorcha, Ronan cried out, “Enough! I am sorely disappointed in your hospitality Vladimir. Never when I was present at a table were there any refreshments offered. I grow tired and wish to be fed as is my right as a guest in your home.”

Staring incredulously at him Vladimir thought about what was said, “Of course, you are right my dear Ronan. I have made a final decision as to the terms being argued here anyway.” Lifting the head of the redheaded pet, who to anyone appeared to be asleep, he gently guided her onto the table and positioned her on her back with legs parted for the taking of nourishment. Gesturing to Ronan to lead the drink, Vladimir watched him covertly.

Ronan nodding his approval at the choice of a meal slowly lowered his head to drink from an inner thigh. Next Vladimir gestured for Sorcha to quench her thirst as.

Sorcha lovingly tracing curly-Q’s on the woman’s forearm, gently took her fingers and raised them to her lips. Licking each one daintily, she turned the hand over, and exposing the inside of her arm, Sorcha stretched the skin taunt as not make it too painfu,l fed from her wrist.

Vladimir watched the entire scene with avid interest and chose his next words very carefully.

“I will release your pet and all that I require is a kiss.” He stated smoothly.

“Pulling her teeth out of the redheaded pet’s wrist, Sorcha licked her lips slowly and sensually and asked. “I think that we could agree to that. What do you think Ronan?”

Repeating her action, Ronan replied, “Done, if Sorcha agrees to kiss you then we will have our pet released.”

“Oh no Ronan, it is not her,” Pausing he gestured to Sorcha, “but you that I wish to kiss. After all, at one time we enjoyed kissing. That and much more.” Vladimir replied wickedly, thinking that it would diminish Ronan in Sorcha’s eyes.

Glancing between Ronan and Sorcha, Vladimir was troubled by the look of acceptance that she gave him. Nodding back to her, Ronan stood and started to walk closer to Vladimir.

“I had not realized that Ronan had told you of his past.” Vladimir stated mockingly, “If I had known then I would have asked for two kisses, one from each of you.” Sighing loudly he continued, “But alas you have outsmarted me, and gotten the better deal.”

“I’ll tell you what Vladimir, you have not entirely reconciled with me and for the forgiveness of stealing from me, and I demand that you kiss me as well.” Sorcha stated with eyebrows arching ever so slightly.

“Done.” He cried, and stood, quickly taking Ronan in his arms for a loving embrace. Slightly tilting his head to the side, his open mouth sought out Ronan’s and they kissed. It was a kiss of past love. Something that should never be shared, it was almost secretive.

Stepping back from Vladimir, Ronan looked into his passion filled eyes and knew that his own were a match. “Oh Vladimir, if only things had been different…” Leaving the rest of the thought unsaid he turned to go and free Riker, nodding ever so gently at Sorcha to take care of business.

“Now it is my turn, and I only hope it is half as pleasurable.” Sorcha said coyly and walked into Vladimir’s open arms.

Teasing him slightly she drew up and back, just out of reach. Licking her lips in anticipation, Sorcha swallowed hard enough to be heard, and crushed herself into him. Grasping her buttocks, Vladimir was taken aback, by the force at which she used to kiss him.

As they settled into a long, hungry kiss Vladimir attempted to probe her mind. When he met up with her shields, he ever so gently pushed and was exhilarated to find that her shielding was not as well constructed as that of her pet’s.

Shifting his weight to a more dominate position, he backed her up against a wall and lifted her legs to fit around his hips. Slowly grinding into her groin he matched pace with his tongue, and pushed at her shield a little harder. Finding that his probing had slowed, Vladimir was confounded as to how she could strengthen her shield while his aura was in the midst of it.

Deciding that her shielding was indeed too strong for him to breach without her noticing, he tried to draw his aura back into himself.

At the realization that he could not, Vladimir ripped away from her and stumbled into a chair. “What are you doing to me?” He screamed at her. “Release my aura at once!” He demanded desperately.

Again Vladimir looked his eyes onto Sorcha, this time in fear. Pulling at his aura desperately, he could not release himself from her trap. "What trickery is this?" He cried in anguish.

“Now, now not so hasty my dearest Vladimir. I thought that this was a peace talk, and having agreed upon the terms, you have violated my trust once again by trying to rape my mind. I demand to know what has happened to Mildred, and the other man that was at her house.”

Gasping in terror at being trapped so easily Vladimir could barely talk, “Mildred is safely at home, I had a minion drain her into unconsciousness. He was not strong enough to turn her, so she will be fine. As for Hunter, he is on my wall next to Paloma; you see Hunter is a shape shifter, and my slave. I forced him to change halfway and them stapled him to my wall with silver so that he could not change back. Now release me before you cut me off completely. If I die you will never make it out of here alive.”

“Two things, your word that we may leave in peace…” Waiting for him to nod, Sorcha continued, “And we are taking Hunter.” Raising her eyebrows, she patiently waited for Vladimir’s response.

“Fine, release me and you will have my word on both.”

Releasing him instantly, Sorcha bent over him and licked his lips. Turning on her heel, she walked to Ronan and took Riker from him so that he could rescue Hunter.

“We will be meeting again, and next time I do not think that you will come out untouched.” Vladimir yelled in rage at their retreating backs as they slowly made their way out of his lair.

More to come…stay tuned…
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