Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116552-Phoenix-Genesis
by Kender
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1116552
The rewritten version of my Phoenix Prologue
         The darkness. It was all It could remember. The warm, embracing darkness. It explored for a while in this realm, discovered it could move in many directions. It named the four major ones, and said the other were combinations of the four.
         It had a grand old time in life. However, in a century or two, It became lonely. It decided that if It could not find something to coexist with, It would create something. However, It could not figure out how to accomplish said task. There were no building blocks of any sort and It wouldn't know what to do with them if there were.
         It pondered this for a while, and that kept It's mind of It's loneliness. It soon learned how to build.
         It discovered that if It split It-self, that It could take this power that It gained and create. So It split itself into Five, Four equal parts and one that was both more and less powerful than each of the others.
         With the power It gained from splitting itself thus, It created a crude and blank world for It's parts to finish. It endowed It's parts with the rest of It's powers, setting them upon this rough globe. It gave specific powers over the new world to each piece.
         To Air, the first, It gave power over the mind. Air was to be the smartest of them all, a scientist, and he was given the Heights as his domain. He was a man with the lightest blue tone to his skin. He had three arms, one holding a sword, one a shield, and one the fifth.
         To Earth, the second, It gave power over nature, plants and the weather. It also gave her the Lows as her domain. She also gained the power to shape the land, raising mountains, creating caves, creating desert, and other general changes. She had a greenish tint, and she had two arms only, one holding a sacred circle, the other, a red rose. The rose changed to her will, while the circle allowed her to attack and defend on a whim. She was gentle normally, but could be thrown into a fit of rage and destroy using big and small to her advantage just as easily.
         To Water, the third, It gave the power to grant others power. She had as the domain the depths, where mysteries abounded, and if you lost something or could not find something, she would either help you or hurt you at her desire. She was a slightly darker blue than her brother, but she only had two hands. With one she held a chalice of remarkable intricacies. This chalice was usually portrayed as the hilt of a sword of seawater, in which the water was both blade and guard. Her other hand was deeply enshrouded in mystery, and was often not seen at all.
         The fourth It debated over whether to call "Fire" or "Flame". He is still called different names in different regions. His powers were that of destruction and creation. He was less a being than his siblings, he was the embodiment of an energy. He could burn, then out of the ashes of the old many of the new thrived. His appearance is oft debated. Most agree that he was the most human appearing of all of them. He appeared to be a normal man, with a golden tan and fiery red hair. He was given no domain to roam, but was allowed into all domains. However, as a rule of thumb he kept out of water's, and she loved him for it.
         The fifth was small, and had no humanoid appearance. It was a rectangular object, filled with thin sheets of information. It was called the book of center. The book of center was filled with information of the past and future, and was entrusted to Air. Air built a shrine for it on the top of the new world, and today that area still has much magic.
          It set them down upon the earth and they set out, exploring their new powers. In his domain, Air set a great light, giving all the earth energy and abundance. This helped the others see what they were doing as well.
         Earth spent a long and fun time playing with her powers. She created many species of plant life, and spent many hours suiting the globe to fit them. Some she gave to water to live in her seas. She also dug trenches into which water could bring her seas to the land, helping the plants to live.
          Water created seas and rivers and lakes and so much more. She gave the water of life to Earth's creations and in exchange got many plants with which to beautify her places. She also took Fire's gifts and populated the seas.
         Fire had taken to creating animals. These beings he created from what was left of his burnings, giving them each the spark of life. He gave these gifts to his sisters and later some to his brother. The ones Fire gave to his brother Air, Air was kind enough to share with his beloved sister Earth by letting them roost in her trees.
         And so it all went quite well. One day, Fire approached his siblings with an idea. The idea was for a great project, that they would all share. A creature that had Airs love of knowledge of learning, Earths ability to change what was around them, and waters love of mystery and power.
         To the four this sounded a lot more interesting than anything he had done in quite some time. So they all started. Earth gave Fire fodder for his forges, and metal from the world's bosom. When the fire burned down the mixture of liquid metal and ash were molded by Fire into two shapes, one that looked like himself and one that looked like his wife and sister, Water. Into these water poured blood for life to flow through. As the bodies were cooling Air breathed into their mouth, giving them intelligence. Finally, Fire gave them the spark of life. Except this time, He gave them both a tiny, flickering flame, no larger than that on a candle.

         It was not long before the four learned what a mistake they had made. They destroyed indiscriminately, except for each other, where separation and discrimination was the norm. Fire, feeling responsible, built a castle around the Book of center for the four to retreat into. Air rose it into his domain, where these creatures could not reach, making it their permanent home. He also created incredibly harsh conditions around the very top and bottem of the world, the only places it was possible for the creatures to get from the world to the castle of the gods.
         And thus Jinamabi came to where it is.
© Copyright 2006 Kender (andrewhirsch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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