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Rated: E · Chapter · Children's · #1116277
chapter 8 in my series of shorts about Renave
Awash in a sea of despair and anguish our beloved Renave seeks a day in solitude…a time and place where he can refresh himself physically and mentally…as the weekend approaches he can think of nothing else…anticipation runs rampid in his mind and body…he can barely sit still in classes on Friday…he gets home and doesn’t even sit down…he quickly packs up a few belongings…gathers his camping equipment…he spends several minutes trying to get it all to fit on the back of his motorcycle but with much perseverance and patience it finally all fits without compromising the balance or maneuverability of the machine…he leaves a brief note for his roommate and with that he ties back his hair and puts on his helmet and drives off to begin his weekend…as he slowly climbs out of the city limits not even the slow traffic could quench his thirst for nature and serenity…in fact it gave him time to relish in all that was around him…as the city grew small behind him so did his troubles melt away…he knew they would be waiting for him upon his return…but taking this trip was what he needed…and he knew that for him to survive he has to take care of himself first…as the fresh mountain air started taking up residence in his lungs a slow smile crept onto his face and soon set up a permanent residence in the form of a grin which he could not remove…the day was perfect…the air pleasantly warm and the sun could not have been any brighter…as he pulled into the campground he smiled a hello at all those who came across his path…he found a spot next to a small creek to which he would listen to as he fell asleep…there was nothing more comforting than falling asleep listening to the gentle trickle of water over stones…he set up his small tent and brought out his sketch book and grabbed a bottle of water and set off to find a place to draw…as he wandered through the campground he found a small path that led off the side of the mountain…it took him to a small perch from where he could look over the valley…he sat down to draw but found himself just absorbing the beauty and majesty before him…time just seems to halt and yet when he wakes from the reverie it is almost dark…he quickly heads back to camp and starts a fire and cooks himself some dinner…by firelight he writes down some things in his book…he feels sudden clarity and keeps writing for about an hour or so…too soon the chill of night surrounds him and he is craving more warmth than his fire can offer him…putting out the flames and coals he crawls into the safety of his tent and sleeping bag…soon he is warm and fast asleep…the fresh air and tinkling of the brook making for the best sleep aid…he is awakened by the gentle warmth of the sun trying to penetrate the tent walls…he snuggles down into the warmth of his sleeping bag dreading the cold that awaits him outside this cocoon…alas the persistent noises coming from his abdomen told him that arise he must…all around the campground smells of breakfast were spreading increasing the persistence of the rumblings…all smells were sharpened and his appetite was enormous…he ate more than he thought he would, making him grateful he’d packed extra helpings of food…after securing his campsite he took off to find a new path and adventure…as he hiked along passing other hikers he became more and more lost in the world that was nature…a calm overcame him and all else was lost to him…he found a scenic viewpoint and sat down to spend the day there…there was a small creek near by should he get over-heated…he spent the time drawing what he saw and what came to his mind…and at times he would just sit and write down his thoughts…though most times he felt it most effective to draw what he was feeling or to impose his feelings upon the scenery around him…as the day wore on peace settle into his soul and he felt refreshed and revitalized…better equipped to face the troubles he knew were waiting for him…he stayed watching the sun set over the valley before turning his weary body home to his tent…early the next morn he drove back home…feeling willing and ready to face all that faced him…he even hummed a little tune as the city drew to within view…he looked back once more to the mountain that had opened it’s arms to take him in when he needed it most…with a soft smile he turned once again to the city and drove on…….
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