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Rated: E · Chapter · Family · #1116275
6th chapter in my series of shorts about Renave
From the time Renave was a small child…actually as far back as he could ever remember there was one thing only that he looked forward to each year…no it wasn’t his birthday or even Christmas…in fact it wasn’t really a specific date that he looked forward to…it was a time each year where things changed and became more beautiful…when people began to think of others and not themselves…when silly commercialism went to the wayside and people became enthralled with helping each other with no look for repayment…Renave’s one true love throughout life was the fall season…it meant getting to start a new grade with new friends on the horizon…it meant the world became a kaleidoscope of unidentifiable colours…the air picked up a sweet aroma that somehow transformed you and you were left helpless but to stand and stare at the magical picture before you…Renave could never understand how nature could so transform herself that would leave you breathless if you dared to enter her presence…no other season carried this supremacy…it was Renave’s firm belief that if any other season were to vie for this supremacy or this clout were to be shared that the human race would not be able to function and thus it was only once a year that we were gifted with this brilliant display…this specific autumn season we are looking at happens to be in the year of Renave’s 16th year upon this great planet…Halloween had passed with an array of costumes and enough candy to drive a dentist into early retirement…Renave had his sights on the most precious time in this splendiferous season…when everyone stops and gives thanks for all that is given to them and looks to help others who are less fortunate then themselves…a person with as gentle of spirit as Renave carries cares more about the people and the emotions rather than the monetary gain that one receives when they help another individual…he made up his mind the year before that this year, his 16th, would be the greatest year to date…with his parents permission he set out to accomplish this wonderful goal he’d set up…he’d been working a lot over the summer and continued to hold his job while he was at school…as he went to his savings to see how much he had saved up over the past months he was amazed to find more than he expected…attached to a small wad of bills was a note from his dear parents lending their support to his scheme…as the weeks progressed things came together slowly but surely…at times his goal seemed to impossible and that things would never come together…but thankfully, with some help from his parents, he was able to attain his goal…on the eve of this blessed and most respected holiday Renave put the finishing touches on his gift…that night Renave slept not a wink for his adrenaline would not stop rushing nor his eyes close…nonetheless he did not pay the following day for his lack of sleep…in fact most said it empowered him to great feats…as the town awoke that morning and stepped out their doors each found a lil note attached to their doors…each note was personalized to the family and handmade…it invited them all to a engagement to be held in the town square…the families were breathless with anticipation for the appointed time to gather…when it arrived the bundled up against the chill of the sweet autumn night and traversed to the center of town to see what was so important it warranted a personal invitation…what met their sparkling gaze was a town square so transformed it seemed to have been transported from a faerie tale…but this was no tale from the Brothers Grimm…that night was a night the town would soon not forget…it brought them all together in a utopian harmony…they ate, drank, and shared tales…and as the evening progressed there were short breaks for entertainment…the local band played some music, there were stories to be told aloud, and memories to be shared…each person left that night with a greater feeling of oneness in their community and all were very thankful to Renave…he said he could not have done it alone and he also said that it was no trouble for such a community as theirs was deserved nothing less…Renave slept that night as well as he ever did and all night a perfect peaceful smile was upon his lips for he had pulled off the greatest thanksgiving gift ever…and the smiles upon everyone’s faces as they left was the greatest, and only, reward he wanted
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