Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116126-Untitled
by DTM
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1116126
Vampyre story.New & unfinished.Writing this novel with my fiance her profile is crazyxemo
                   The sunset was scarring the sky as it set over the city. Two figures sat off miles out in the open on a hill far from the city's limits. There was a man and a woman. Young, attractive physiques, enough to draw most of their opposite sex's attentions and even their own in some cases. Pale skin wrapped their frames and both had distinguishing eyes. The woman had gorgeous, penetrating brown eyes that would stare you down like a hawk or give you the most warming feeling in the world. The man had two grey orbs that could be cold as ice or turn to the prettiest blue and make you melt. They both had long dark hair and dressed in almost a gothic manner.

                   The male figure closed his eyes with a sigh as the female let out a playful yawn and jumped around in front of the man smiling.
         "Time to go play!" she said running a finger down his chest with her head tilted forward but her eyes glancing up at him in a frivolous manner. He wore a band t-shirt that tightly but perfectly fit his figure, a chain necklace, and tight torn boot cut blue jeans with a chain linking his wallet to his belt loop. His belt was studded and he wore a large belt buckle with a strange symbol upon it. She wore a black tank top that came just above her navel and a black lace see-through over shirt that still somewhat revealed her belly and arms. Leather pants tightly fit around her curvy legs and thighs. She pulled him close and ran a hand up the side of his face and gently kissed him saying afterward
         "Lets go." He nodded and grinned and kissed her again before sliding his arm around her waist as they began walking towards the city.

                   Ten minutes passed, and they came out of the field they had sat upon the hill in onto a dirt road that lead to the highway, passing by old farm houses and tobacco barns on the way. The woman would keep her eyes mainly on the man she had her arm around while he would survey the area. He bit his lip as they walked by an old man and his son parking their old pickup and unloading fishing gear into their trailer.
         "I'm tired of this hillbilly shit" the woman said looking up at her man.
         "I know Lucidia, the city will have less inbred tobacco chewers, but twice as many dumbfucks and assholes I'm afraid." her man said. She gave him a pouty face and laughed.
         "Well, if any of those city whores get a little too touchy with you, Damion, I'll rip their fucking throats out."
He laughed.
         "Exactly the same fate for any pricks comin' on to you up there." he said.
         "Oh baby, you know you're the only one I feel for!" Lucidia gazed up at him.
         "Yeah, but I'm not the only horny bastard that's gonna try and feel you up" Damion said with a half-laugh.

                   It was Pitch black out now as they reached the highway. Not many cars were occupying the road this night, but they eventually were able to thumb down a vehicle that saw them there on the side of the road in their headlights.

                   It was a white van with two passengers other than the driver. The passenger in the front rolled down a window as smoke rolled out of it. Someone coughed inside. The guy on the passengers side with the window down said
         "Hey man, ya'll need a ride man, 'cause, ya' know, we got room, yeah?" The driver took a hit off of a bowl that someone passed to him from the seat behind him and the passenger talking to them inhaled on a joint.
         "You're welcome to some of this, dudes!" the driver said leaning forward to look at them. Damion looked at Lucidia questionably and she raised an eyebrow.
         "C'mon baby, we need a ride" she said to her lover. He sighed and said
They hopped in the back seat of the van. Damion examined the occupants of the van. The driver wore his light brown hair in a ponytail and had a tie-dye t-shirt on beneath overalls patched with peace signs and the like. The passenger that spoke to them first had a shaved head and a goatee and dressed in blue jean shorts and an undershirt. The passenger in the back who passed up the bowl was a woman. She was overweight and wore too much makeup and had obviously bleached her hair blonde. She eyed Damion and he gave a weak uninterested smile. Lucidia eyed her hatefully. The passenger in the front seat had just finished packing a blunt and had lit and took a hit off of it before passing it back to the woman. She turned around to Damion and took a hit off the blunt and held it up offering it.
         "Want a hit?" she said smiling.
         "My name's-"
Lucidia interrupted and grabbed the blunt.
         "Sure!" she said a little forcefully and took a huge hit off of it as Damion looked at her and frowned.
         "Lucidia..." Damion sighed as he spoke her name. She blew out a cloud of smoke.
         "What?" she said innocently and laughed. The bald passenger had watched in his mirror on the sun visor and exclaimed
         "Holy shit girl, You've got some lungs!"
She smiled.
         "Thank You."
         "Didn't even snort or cough!" the driver said in a half whisper looking over to the bald passenger a little amazed. Damion put his elbow against the ledge of the window and rested his head in his hand, his long black hair falling into his face. Lucidia passed the blunt back up to the front, now half gone. She didn't seem phased by it at all. The woman passenger smacked the bald passenger in the back of the head right before he took a hit after taking the blunt back.
         "Did you fuckin' even put weed in that one?" she cussed at him glancing back at Lucidia who was smiling and playing with Damion's hair.
         "She should be in a fuckin' coma inhalin' the shit like that" she whispered glancing between the driver and the bald passenger.
         "Man, wastin' my shit if she ain't even gettin' a buzz off a half a fat packed blunt! man, this shit's supposed to be strong too!" he whispered to the woman passenger who was leaning up between the front seats now. Damion opened an eye and stroked Lucidia's hair, who was now laying her head on his chest and whispered to her
         "They're talking about us, Kitten."
         "About me, you mean" she said. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and he placed his hand on her thigh.

                   The van pulled into a gas station.
         "Sorry dudes, this is as far as we can take ya'" the driver said as they got out of the van. They walked toward the building, Lucidia ahead of Damion.
         "Man! I think I was fuckin' trippin', did you see her hit that shit!" the bald passenger was saying as they sped off out of the parking lot. Lucidia whipped her long dark brown hair around and looked at Damion. He grabbed her waist and looked into her brown eyes grinning at her.
         "Fuckin' stoners" Damion laughed as he spoke.
         "And that fat bitch up there couldn't take her eyes off of you" Lucidia said angrily staring off the way the van went.
         "Ugh, she looked like a fuckin' blonde Rosie O' Donnell or some shit" Damion said putting on a disgusted face.
         "Bitch!" Lucidia yelled sticking her middle finger up in the direction the van went.

                   They walked into the gas station and looked around. The clerk was a short pimply teen with a sandy blond bowl cut with a nametag on his work shirt reading 'Maynard'. He gave a nasal
         "Hello, how are you tonight?" as they entered. A television was running in the background with some travel show on in the background.
         "This time on 'The Outsider', we'll be visiting islands and beaches off the coast of Africa on the island chain the natives call..." the T.V. faded off into just background noise.
         "What are we looking for here?" Damion said looking around.
         "I dunno, something to eat" Lucidia said indifferently, throwing a bag of pork rinds at Damion.
         "This shit?" he said questionably looking at the store brand pork rinds.
         "Fuck no, I mean, you can, but I'm looking for some real food hopefully." Lucidia said grinning. They wandered around the store a few more minutes, one other person was browsing the isles besides Lucidia and Damion. A young African-American female. A college student possibly, by the looks probably a couple years past the drinking age. Her hair was medium length and styled up into a sort of spiked afro look. She wore black glasses, what is classified these days in style as 'emo' glasses. Her clothes fit the genre too, wearing a 'the Used' t-shirt and tight Capri’s with a white belt with the buckle to the side instead of at the front. She walked around the tile floor of the store with sandals on flapping against the floor. Eventually she walked to the register setting down a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and one of the classic Cokes in a glass bottle.
         "Five Fifty-Seven" the pimply clerk said ringing up her chips and drink.
         "Bottle opener's beside the door there" he said pointing to the old bottle opener in between the door frame and a large Marlboro poster.
         "Thank you, come again" he said automatically as she walked out the door, the bell clanging as the door was pushed open. Lucidia began walking out and Damion threw a dollar into a jar at the register that had taped to it a note reading 'DONATE: any loose change will help the kids of Collin's Children's Hospital. A blood drive will be held at the Veterans Memorial Community Center the weekend of October 25th and 26th. Thank You!'
         "Thank you sir, come again!" the pimply teen clerk said as he walked out the door.
         "Blood money" Damion said to Lucidia grinning as she looked at him for an explanation for what took him. She smiled.
         "Wanna ask missy over there for a ride?" Lucidia pointed with her thumb behind her to the young woman who had exited the store just before them. She sat with her door open and a foot out in the parking lot still as she talked on her cell phone and she placed the key in the ignition of the car.
         "I could, but where's the fun in that? I know you've got other plans than hitching to the city..." Damion smiled and wrapped his arms around Lucidia's waist.
         "...Couldn't your friend up there send us transportation or something? I mean, I know you can walk pretty fast and all, but I'm a little slower...ahhh...Fuck it...let's get some food." Damion slid his arms up to Lucidia's cheeks and added
         "And a ride." and smiled. He walked over to the girl as Lucidia watched by a gas pump. She didn't notice him standing there at first so he spoke up
         "Hey there, think you could give us a ride?" she looked at him and her face showed a bewitched entrancement. She fell for an insta-crush on Damion and would do whatever he said it seemed. She closed her cell phone without saying goodbye and Damion lessened his pull over her.
         "What's your name there honey? I want you to meet someone" Damion said looking back to Lucidia letting her know to come over.
         "I'm Vickie, Victoria Chance..." her voice trailed off back into a paralyzed trance as Lucidia walked closer.
         "Well, nice to meet you there Vickie" Lucidia said smiling.
         "Do you know what's happening? No? Well, you're about to die...it shouldn't be painful really, in fact, Damion here can vouch that sometimes it can feel so very, very good" she said winking at Damion and licking her lips. She waved her finger in a come hither motion at Vickie and she stood out of her car, now paralyzed and showing some fear in her eyes, down to the depths of her soul. Lucidia bared her teeth showing off dangerous fangs and the lamps around the parking lot flickered as she went in for the kill. Her canines pierced the flesh of her neck and punctured the carotid artery. Blood gushed into Lucidia’s mouth and she moaned taking it in, stopping only after the blood no longer continued to be pushed out, and let Damion in to suck the rest from the dead girl. The most precious of the blood was tasted while the heart was still beating Lucidia thought and so she wanted the first taste. She wiped the blood from her mouth and sighed.
         "Damn, I'm tired now, used most of my energy up there, but now that we've fed I'll be feeling much better in a few hours" Lucidia got in Vickie's car, a white Toyota Celica. Damion finished feeding and stuffed her body in the trunk.
         "I get next kill, alright?" Damion said asking for approval. Being Lucidia's fledgling and lover he did nothing without her approval.
         "Of course, baby" Lucidia checked her eye makeup in the car's mirror.
         "Goddamnit!" Lucidia yelled as Damion walked around to the passenger side of the Celica.
         "What?" he said frowning and looking around the area.
         "It's a fucking automatic..." Lucidia tapped her foot around where the clutch would be and swore
         "Shitty car.."

                   The highway stretched out across a long plain illuminated in the dark by the flashing neon of the road lines. The speedometer read 90 and it didn’t phase Lucidia. The two were obviously packed with energy. Damion’s grip on Lucidia’s Thigh determined the speed of the moving vehicle.
         “Your friend better be expecting us.” Damion said with a smile, glancing over to Lucidia to see her reaction.
         “He’s scared shitless.” Lucidia responded, laughing at the thought of a petrified servant who would bend to their every need. Lucidia took a deep breath and closed her eyes momentarily to take in the feeling of power and dominance she was being overpowered by. Her first kill of the night gave her an unusual confidence.
         “That girl had something different.” She said, arching her back to stretch and letting out a slight moan of pleasure. “She’s exciting…or, was exciting.” Lucidia looked over at Damion. His eyes penetrated her soul and knew exactly what she wanted. As Lucidia watched the highway, Damion examined every inch of her body. He ran his fingertips across her neck and up the side of her face. Lucidia giggled and shrugged her shoulder. Damion leaned in closer to Lucidia and whispered in her ear.
         “You’re my sexy mistress.” His voice was deep, and the feeling of his lips against the side of Lucidia’s face made her knees shake. Damion tightened his grip on his lovers thigh. His strength was pleasure to Lucidia...

© Copyright 2006 DTM (aenima at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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