Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116011-Kasih-LOVE
by yks
Rated: E · Poetry · Community · #1116011
This is my Indonesian poem with the english translation as well
Kekeringan yang melanda
membawa kepedihan yang tak berhenti
Di tengah keramaian
menanggung malu yang tak berkesudahan
Derita yang membaur
memberikan kesesakan yang berkepanjangan

Tiada patah
semangat yg ada
Tiada henti
kasih yang di beri
Tiada kesudahan
berkat yang melimpah

Pengorbanan yang diberi
hanya membawakan berkat yang berarti
Hanya satu yg teruji
kasih setiaNya yang melebihi
Tanpa arti hidup ini
jika tiada kasih

Deserted has come
to bring pain that never stop
In the crowd
bearing the shame that never end
All of the pain
giving a choking that stay long

Not broken
the strength that is within
Never stop
the love that is given
Never end
the abundant blessing

The sacrifice that is given
only to bring blessing that is meaningful
Only one thing that is sure
His love is abundant
Life is meaningless
without the love
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116011-Kasih-LOVE