Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1115861-Summers-End-Chapter-One
by Alli
Rated: 18+ · Novel · LGBTQ+ · #1115861
First Chapter of Book One of a series of four lesbian erotic romance stories
Summers End Part One – Sexy Introductions.

The early morning sea breeze had started to abate by the time Loren finished her morning run and was headed back to the bathhouse for a quick shower before beginning her shift as a private beach lifeguard. Her body glowed with a patina of sweat as she trudged through the thick sand toward the bathhouse. She glanced down the beach to see it was still vacant as she slipped inside for a shower, knowing it would soon have the end of the season sun worshipers coming out to cherish one of their last opportunities of the year to soak up the glorious rays. Just a few more weeks and summer would be officially over for the season, and the quiet solitude of the sparkling beach would again be welcomed by the locals.

Loren had taken the job as a Lifeguard for several years during the summer to supplement her Professor salary from the local university and to allow her some beach time as well. The beach was a private and secluded location, which made the job much easier than working on a public beach and the scenery on most days was breathtaking. The sugar white sands and the Mediterranean blue waters made for a serene backdrop. Now and then a late afternoon shower would interrupt the sunbathers otherwise it had been an uneventful summer. Loren sighed audibly as she realized that soon Labor Day would be over and the beach would virtually be abandoned for the season.

Loren leaned back on the lifeguard chair and contemplated the past year of her shattered life. Since Liz had left her for one of her Graduate Assistants, Loren had tried to put the pieces of her life back together. The love she had for Liz was so strong she felt they would be together forever and when Liz made her grand departure Loren’s life was completely devastated. There were many days if it had not been for her good friend Vanessa Green, who helped her maintain her sanity, Loren felt she could not have gone on. Van tried her best with limited success to help Loren crawl out of the hole she had buried herself in at home. Van frequently stopped by Loren’s to take her out to dinner and insisted she attend all the home matches of the volleyball team Van coached. Despite Van’s efforts, Loren continued to struggle, sinking deeper into despair with each passing day. She was convinced that her one chance for true love was ended and that she was doomed to spend the rest of her life alone.

Van would do anything in her power to see Loren happy again since she had always been in love with Loren. Loren, although aware of Van’s feelings did not have the flame of attraction she had for her, but did cherish Van as her dearest friend. She thought of Van more as her sister than a potential lover and the years of their friendship did nothing to change those feelings. Van had the looks and personality to have her choice of lovers was bewildered by Loren’s immunity to her charms, but that never prevented her from appointing herself her guardian angel.

She sighed as she slumped deeper in the chair and tried to push the dismal thoughts from her brain. She had a great job, eager students; a steadfast friend in Van and that would have to be enough, she thought as she gazed across the calming waters.

The first few sunbathers started coming onto the beach about nine in preparation for the peak tanning hours of ten to two. They nodded their hellos and moved on to their usual locations down the beach, spreading blankets or lounge chairs that were accompanied by a small cooler and an occasional radio or CD player. Loren sat back and sighed as her quiet morning solitude on the beautiful beach was invaded.
The morning was calmly slipping by so Loren decided to hit the water to cool her body. Though it was late in the season, the dog days had moved in and the heat and humidity were sweltering. Loren could feel little rivers of sweat roll down her chest and back as she pulled off her tank top and shorts and headed for the surf.

Despite the heat, the water felt cooler this season and provided a welcomed relief from the oppressive heat of the lifeguard stand. As she waded into the water, Loren felt the heat leaving her body and imagined a faint hiss of steam as the cool waters rose past her waist. She dove into the water and came back to the surface slicking her shoulder length dark hair back on her head, squeezing the excess and letting it drip back onto the glass like surface of the water.

The surf was unusually calm today adding to the placid mood hanging over the beach. Loren counted sunbathers as she waded back into shore and was surprised that there were so few people out for the day. When she reached the stand she patted off the water with a soft towel, put her shorts and sunglasses back on and crawled back up on her perch. The searing sun quickly dried her hair and the remaining droplets of water on her skin.

As she looked down the beach she could see the waves of heat reflecting on the sand, giving the entire beach a mirage like feeling. She must have closed her eyes for a moment and when she reopened them a lone white clad figure was making its way down the beach. Loren’s eyes were glued to the cat-like movements of this person as she made her way past the sunbathers and almost floated past Loren on her way to her chosen location. Much to Loren’s delight, she picked a spot only a few yards passed the lifeguard stand and separate from the other sunbathers.

Loren thought to herself, I hope I’m not drooling, as she watched the thin white cotton coverlet reveal long tan legs and a gorgeous figure as the coverlet was pulled off over the head of this new sunbather. She felt herself swallow hard as curly blonde hair was pulled up into a ponytail and saw a flash of white as the sunbather smiled, noting that Loren was watching her closely. A flush of heat rushed to Loren’s face when she realized she had been caught gazing at the tantalizing beauty. With tremendous will power she pulled her eyes away from the golden beauty and gazed out to sea in an effort to calm her racing heart.

Even at the ripe old age of thirty-five Loren was confident that she was in good shape. Her daily workouts and runs on the beach not only kept her body in shape but also helped ease some of the sexual tension of not having a lover, however, Loren doubted there were enough miles on the beach to satisfy the hormones pulsing through her veins at the mere sight of this woman. Loren was a little embarrassed by the physical response her body was having and reluctantly tore her eyes away from the scantily clad sunbather.

Loren gazed down the beach in the opposite direction for a few minutes, hoping the attraction would subside or at least give her the time to reestablish control. Loren felt the sun was cruelly targeting her as its sole victim as sweat trickled down her chest and small droplets formed and dripped audibly onto the lifeguard’s perch. What had started as a calm, quiet morning was turning into moments of pure torture for Loren.

Loren had absolutely no control over her eyes as they wandered back to the spot this woman had chosen to sunbathe. She was amazed to see that she had spread out a sheet and was sitting on it applying oil to her skin; which made her body shine against the white sand. Loren watched as she smoothed the oil into bronze colored skin from hip to toe and then let her fingers trail slowly up to her stomach. Unable to look away, Loren’s hormones raged through her tormented her body as she watched the woman caress the oil into her stomach and across her chest, allowing her fingertips to slide underneath her scant top to coat the soft skin hidden underneath. A gull screeched out a cry at this point as it dove for handouts tossed into the air down the beach and Loren gasped at the sudden outburst.

Startled back into reality she sank back into her chair and was glad to see several sunbathers heading for the water to cool off which would give her something else to focus on other than the glistening body lying suddenly all too close to her. She watched as the couples frolicked in the water, splashing one another and diving through what small waves they could find. Her eyes were on the water, but her mind was nowhere near the surf.

When the couples decided to head back to the sand, Loren’s eyes were drawn back to the blonde who had turned on a small radio to a local R&B station and was lying on her back. Loren’s eyes traveled down her body, aching to touch the firm breasts and smooth thighs and she felt her mouth begin to water. As if reading her mind, the blonde took her right hand and traced a line in the heated oil down from her cleavage to directly above her pubic bone. Loren moaned softly as she watched the young woman softly stroke her skin, absentmindedly playing in the oil with her fingertips.

Loren was captivated by the woman’s movements; she could feel her nipples pressing hard against the fabric of her top and had to fight her hands from making the same movements down her body. Her body was screaming with need, as she watched this woman tease her body with the lightest of touches, Loren was unable to look away and end the torture. There was no doubt left in Loren’s mind how her lunch break would be spent today. She knew that she would be in for a long restless night as her mind would be unable to shut down enough for her to go to sleep. She could feel the wetness as it flowed past her lips and soaked through her suit. Enough was enough and she pulled her shorts off and walked quickly into the surf. Loren knew she would not last until her lunch relief arrived so she waded out deeper into the water.

The young blonde smiled and watched as the Lifeguard slid the shorts down her long muscular legs and strode toward the water. She knew the effect she had on women and wasted not a moment on her efforts of teasing the attractive Lifeguard. She had watched her from a distance earlier in the week and had become mesmerized by the way she moved; the smile she so eagerly shared with the children and sunbathers who had approached her as she sat like a Goddess on the Lifeguard stand.

Today she had intentionally moved her sunbathing spot closer to the Lifeguard stand to obtain a closer inspection of the alluring woman and to potentially chance a meeting. Though the Lifeguard was trying her best to ignore her as she baked in the sun, she knew that her closeness was having a profound effect on the woman. She watched as the Lifeguard waded into the comforting water, the gorgeous body disappearing beneath the deep-blue water. She lie there watching, her mind fantasizing about wading out into the water with the beautiful creature and her body came alive with excitement. Her fingers tingled as they ached to be running down the Lifeguard’s body exploring every inch of her. She licked her lips as they yearned to be buried in the sweet hollows of the Lifeguards neck. Her mind succeeded in arousing her body as her eyes were locked on the young woman in the surf. She noticed the young woman’s arm moving quickly in and out of the water as her hand disappeared between her legs. Her experienced eyes quickly deducted that the woman was giving herself pleasure.

The sunbather realized she had two choices. Remain and continue watching until she could no longer restrain herself from joining the woman in the water or leave and not risk an embarrassing moment for the two of them. She could easily assume her appearance had a pleasant effect on the woman, however, her lack of confidence kept her from entering the water to discover if she would be a welcomed partner to this beautiful stranger. Unwilling to take the risk of rejection, she decided to pack her beach gear and head for home.

Loren’s hands caressed her body as she envisioned the young blonde wading up beside her and touching her body with hands that were experienced in pleasing a woman. Her heart raced as her fingers worked across her clit rapidly bringing her to a climax so strong she nearly lost her footing in the sand. Her fingers moved slower across her clit, still throbbing with excitement, and she suddenly remembered she was in the open water and could be observed by anyone paying close attention on the beach. Adjusting her suit, she turned toward the beach and began wading back to shore. Her eyes went to where the young blonde had been sunbathing, and was disappointed to find that the source of her arousal was no longer on the beach. Had she seen and been repulsed by what she saw or had it been merely time for her to leave, Loren pondered. She doubted that there would ever be an answer to that question as she was probably a tourist that may never again appear on this part of the beach.

Sated for the moment, but with a heavy heart, Loren climbed back up into the Lifeguard stand. Even with her body relaxed from the orgasm, she wanted more and thoughts of the young blonde kept feeding the fire burning deep inside her. The harder she tried to force the woman from her thoughts, the more she found herself craving her. Not since Liz had she found herself so immediately attracted to someone, a thought that both excited and terrorized her. Was she ready to open her heart and be vulnerable to another, and more importantly was the woman even remotely interested in her? Her thoughts drifted back and forth between these two questions for the remainder of the day, and she left the beach that afternoon more conflicted than ever.

When she returned home that evening, Loren showered and left the house headed for a local diner where a luscious Caesar salad awaited her. After dinner she stopped by the video store and picked out a movie to watch and headed for the comfort and safety of home.

Curled upon the couch, Loren was unable to concentrate on the movie, and she finally turned it off and went into her bedroom. She pulled back the covers and slipped naked between clean, cool sheets. Sleep eluded her until she finally exhausted herself tossing and turning. Tumbling into a dream filled sleep Loren replayed the day’s events on the beach, but in her dreams the young blonde joined her in the surf and brought her to peak after peak of pleasure. The waves lapped gently against their bodies as their hands worked furiously beneath the surface. Loren’s mind kept repeating this encounter throughout the night and when her alarm went off she felt she had just fallen asleep. Her body was aglow with the passion boiling just beneath the surface as her dreams left her in a condition of high arousal. Adrenalin surging through her, Loren showered and left for the beach.

She had hardly gotten comfortable in her chair when the first small group of sunbathers arrived on the beach. The morning was beautiful, clear skies and the sun caressing the sand as the waves licked against the shore. Loren leaned back against the perch and hoped that the young blonde would return to the beach. She smiled when she saw the glowing figure walking down the beach toward her.

The young blonde smiled as she passed Loren’s chair and Loren spoke a friendly “hello” as she passed. The young blonde returned her welcome, but kept walking until she found the spot she had occupied the day before. Spreading her blanket on the warm sand she began applying oil down the front of her body. Loren was determined to hold her body in check today, but as she watched the woman caress the oil into her skin her dreams flashed in front of her eyes.

She heard a small voice which forced her to reluctantly turn away. She watched as a young girl, barely five came tottering the down the beach and promptly climbed her way up to Loren’s chair. Kayla had been a regular at the beach all summer, but had never been this bold when interacting with her, but Loren welcomed the playful distraction Kayla provided. Loren reached down and helped the small child up into the Lifeguard stand placing her beside her on the large chair. “Good morning Kayla,” Loren said to the smiling child.

“Hi Miss Loren,” Kayla said. “Can I sit with you?” she asked.

“Well of course you can Kayla,” Loren replied and flashed an okay sign to Kayla’s watchful mother. “Are you having fun today?” Loren asked Kayla.

“Yes ma’am, but I am waiting for Daddy to come before I can play in the water,” she said, her lower lip poking out in an obvious hint of impatience.

Chuckling, Loren said, “Well I am sure he will be here soon,” to the anxious child. “Until then, why don’t you help me count the seagulls,” Loren said suggesting it was a very important task.

Masked by dark sunglasses, the young blonde watched the interaction of the small child and the Lifeguard. Her heart was warmed by the tender way they laughed and named each bird they counted of the small flock gathered on the beach. There was something about her which felt comforting as she interacted with the child. She could not remember a time in her childhood when her family shared a vacation, and she found herself smiling and even laughing along with them as Kayla made up hilarious names for the unsuspecting birds. The young blonde felt her heart slipping away from her as she watched the Lifeguard.

Kayla squealed when she saw her Father walking down the beach and with a big hug and a kiss to the Lifeguard’s cheek she flew down from the chair and ran through the flock of gulls sending them airborne and leaped into her Father’s outstretched arms.

Loren watched as Kayla quickly talked her Father into playing in the water and succeeded in dragging the large man toward the calm water. When she turned away from watching them, she saw that the young blonde was watching her and her heart skipped a beat. She felt her cheeks flush and the young woman smiled and rolled over onto her stomach. Loren watched as the woman’s hands unfastened the top of her suit and removed the straps from her body preventing tan lines. She swallowed hard as she glimpsed small, firm breasts as the woman eased down onto the blanket.

The joy of spending time with Kayla was quickly replaced by the desire to be lying beside this woman, running her fingers through the oil of her well tanned body. Loren felt her body reacting to her thoughts and the sight of the lovely woman spread out in front of her burned into her brain. She tried to concentrate on the beachgoers as they romped in the surf, but her eyes kept traveling back to gaze down at the blonde beauty. She could count the beads of sweat as they rolled down the woman’s back and down her sides. Her tongue longed to capture them as they flowed from the woman’s body.

Loren watched as she stood and replaced her top as she decided to cool off in the water. She watched as step after step, the young woman’s body disappeared under the water until she was deep enough to dive into the surf. Loren watched as smooth strokes broke the water and she swam further out into the surf. Loren was about to blow her whistle and signal her back to shore, when the young blonde disappeared under the surface and began swimming toward the shore. Relieved, Loren relaxed back onto her chair and watched as she emerged from the water, her hard nipples pressed firmly against the fabric of her suit. Her hands reached up to squeeze the water from her hair as she shuffled through the thick sand to her blanket. Loren’s eyes traveled down the well-defined muscles of her arms and onto her face as she smiled and continued to walk toward Loren.

Loren felt her stomach leap when the woman lie down on her back, the water running down the oily skin of her body onto the blanket. Her body was rapidly building to sensual overload as she watched the woman before her. She watched as fingers gently brushed the water droplets down the front of her body and the woman spread her legs as she guided the water down her body. Loren moaned softly, but the sound carried across the sand reaching the ears of the sunbather, who smiled and put her sun glasses on before lying back on the warm blanket. Her eyes kept drifting across the erect nipples as the woman watched from behind her sunglasses as Loren began to squirm in her seat. The woman raised her knees and began running her hands slowly down the inside of her thighs and that was more than Loren could take.

Loren carefully crept down from her perch and slid the shorts down off her body and slipped her t-shirt over her head. She needed the comfort of the cool water to soothe her heated body. She walked quickly past the woman careful not to look over to see what she was doing next and made her way into the water.
Loren waded into chest deep water while her hands began to caress her body. Her left hand slid under her top, fingertips brushing across hard nipples, bringing a soft moan past her lips and onto the water. Loren’s right hand slipped into her bottom to find her clit swollen and very sensitive. Her hands moved in a fury as her mind returned to her dreams, and she envisioned the blonde moving between her legs taking Loren’s throbbing clit deep into her mouth while penetrating her wetness with two long, experienced fingers.

Watching from the shore, the blonde knew what Loren was doing out in the water and she decided today was the day she would throw caution to the wind and join the woman in the water. Her desire escalated as she stood and made her way into the water before her courage faded and she missed another chance.

Loren had closed her eyes lost in the intense pleasure her body was feeling and was unaware that someone had moved up next to her. Her eyes flew open when a soft voice asked, “do you need some help with that?” The blonde stood next to her facing the shore and without invitation, allowed her right hand to stroke down Loren’s belly and between her thighs. She could feel Loren’s hand busy teasing her clit and reached past her to press two fingers into the liquid fire now burning between Loren’s legs. Loren’s knees went weak as this stranger began to stroke her slowly, pushing deep past any remaining inhibition Loren may have had.

Loren looked into the face of the blonde and found emerald eyes staring back at her, penetrating her to the core. She smiled at Loren who watched as the blonde’s left hand went below the water and disappeared between her legs. With that same rich tone in her voice she whispered, “I want to come with you,” as she began stroking herself with the same rhythm she was using on Loren. Loren now lost in oblivion to anything other than the waves of pleasure that were coursing through her body, arched her back as her orgasm crushed down on her. She bit down on her lip to prevent the scream that was waiting on the edge and looked over into those green eyes as the blonde moaned her pleasure of Loren’s muscles pulsing against her fingers.

In a bold move, Loren reached between the blonde’s thighs, covering the blonde’s hand with her’s, slipping the same fingers inside. With fingers entwined, they pushed deep and fast into her wetness, the extra fingers providing the last needed stimulation to send her into her own realm of pleasure. She let out a loud groan as her hips thrashed beneath the water, sucking fingers deeper inside. The intensity of her muscles squeezing their fingers was incredible and Loren felt another blissful spasm overtake her body making her knees buckle under her.

The blonde moved quickly to steady Loren and flashed a smile that melted away the last bit of control she had over her body, leaving her unable to stand without support. Her arm draped across Loren’s shoulder brought her dangerously close and Loren was unable to control the urge to kiss her. With complete disregard to the sunbathers on the shore, Loren pulled the blonde to her and kissed her softly on the lips, lingering, enjoying the taste of salt on her lips.

“My name is Loren,” she said, and the blonde smiled that wicked smile and said, “Hi, I’m Darby.” Embarrassment suddenly overtook Loren and she blushed profusely as if what just happened between them had finally made it to reality.

Sensing Loren’s sudden shyness Darby said, “Thanks for letting me help you out there.”

Loren stammered a response, “anytime.”

Darby answered, “Well how about again tonight”? Loren’s heart dropped into her stomach. Loren just knew she must have been suffering from some type of delirium that this absolutely adorable woman could not be hitting on her. Speechless, Loren could only nod her head. Darby said she would write her address and telephone number down for Loren and she would see her at six as she turned and headed back for the shore.

Loren sank under the water, hoping if she was in fact dreaming the coolness of it would wake her, but when she surfaced she turned and saw Darby reach the shore and head for her blanket. She felt her hands trembling when she reached up to slick her hair back and looked at her watch. She was amazed to see that it was almost one. Jimmy her relief would be here soon and maybe he would not mind starting his shift a little early today.

As she walked toward the shore Loren saw Darby, her beach gear in tow, place a piece of paper on the guard stand. With a quick wave to Loren she disappeared down the beach toward the bathhouse.

Loren climbed out of the surf and toweled off, slipping the still damp shorts back on before sinking back into the perch. Reaching down she picked up the paper with the address and telephone number and smiled at the note, which read, ‘Can’t wait to see you again, followed by her address and telephone number. Loren smiled and stared quietly out to sea and watched as dark storm clouds began to form. If those keep building Jimmy won’t have to worry about working today she thought. Her sunbathers must have also seen the clouds to as they began to pack up their belongings heading for home.

Jimmy was strolling down the beach and passed the last of the visitors headed home. Loren told him there wasn’t any need for him to stay, since the storm was rolling in and he gladly took off for parts unknown. Loren gathered her small bag and walked toward the bathhouse to lock up for the evening.

The breeze was picking up, blowing the palm trees; hiding the sound of the shower in the bathhouse. Loren opened the door and nearly fainted when she saw Darby in the shower, curtain left open and lathered from head to toe with soapsuds. Before she could turn to leave quietly, Darby looked up and motioned her to join her in the shower. With a fleeting thought, Loren turned and locked the door from the inside and quickly stripped out of her shorts and suit.

When she stepped into the shower, Darby immediately wrapped her arms around Loren and pulled her tightly into her. She parted Loren’s lips with her tongue and kissed her hungrily as her body rubbed the soap into Loren’s body and her hands explored down Loren’s back. Darby felt Loren trembling as she took Loren’s hips in her hands and pulled her closer. She slowly ground her hips into Loren’s body as they kissed, their moans muffled by the building wind. Darby stepped back, moving them under the flow of the water, soap sliding off their bodies as Loren’s hands moved between them and found Darby’s breasts, cupping each in her hands, lightly stroking the hard nipples.

Darby reached down to place her hand between Loren’s legs but Loren gently pushed it away. Breaking the kiss, Loren lowered her head to take a nipple into her mouth, suckling it gently, nibbling lightly. Darby’s hands were buried in Loren’s hair pulling her head closer wanting her to take more, but Loren resisted, choosing instead to continue teasing Darby for several minutes. Darby stepped back against the wall using it for support as Loren took her breast fully into her mouth, sucking it deep into her mouth. Darby’s moans were growing louder as her arousal continued to build inside her.

Loren’s hand reached down and began to tease Darby’s lips as her tongue and teeth continued pleasuring her breasts. Darby pushed her hips toward Loren trying to impale her trembling body on Loren’s fingers, but Loren carefully avoided her thrusts and continued her teasing. Breathlessly, Darby whispered, “Baby, please touch me” and Loren entered her, driving two fingers deeply inside Darby making her gasp in excitement.

Darby groaned, “Oh yes Loren, that feels so good,” encouraging Loren to move inside her faster and deeper. Loren’s fingers were coated with Darby’s juices as they drove in and out of her, her wetness making a sucking sound as Loren pulled out. Lost in her excitement, Darby continued thrusting her hips onto Loren’s hand.
Loren stood up and covered Darby’s mouth as her fingers slid deeper into Darby filling her body completely causing her body to convulse as she began to climax, rocking harder against Loren’s hands giving her total control over her body. Darby’s body coiled and released as her orgasm continued for several minutes, her breathing rapid and gasping. Loren’s fingers remained still, deep inside Darby as her muscles pulsed against them. Every movement to slowly withdraw her fingers caused another ripple of spasms to run through Darby, until she was finally spent.
Loren held her in her arms for several minutes and then rinsed her weak body and gently toweled her dry before she rinsed off. Darby’s eyes were glazed over as she slowly slipped on shorts and a top. With a satisfied grin she looked at Loren and said, “You had better get a nap in, because you’re going to be in for a busy night tonight.”

Loren smiled back at Darby while slipping on her shorts and said, “Will do,” and then kissed Darby before unlocking the door. They walked out together and with a smile, went in their separate directions.
© Copyright 2006 Alli (alli at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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