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Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1115155
It's a script for a what!? A REMAKE!!!
The Cast (proposed)

Mike: Himself, boyfriend of Jenny
Jenny: Herself, girlfriend of Mike
Andy: Himself, brother of Jenny
Alan: The Master
Juan: Torgo
Cindy: A wife
Patty: A wife
????: A wife

Wide camera shot -
Mike, Jenny, and Andy are hanging out at the home of Jenny and Andy. They're just sitting around watching TV or whatever.

Close up of phone -
The phone starts to ring. A hand picks it up

Scene change -
Mike has the phone to his ear and says "Hello?". He listens and his facial expressions indicate something strange is being said.

Scene change -
Camera behind Mike. He says to the person on the other line - "Hey, wait. You're speaking to the wrong person."
He pulls the phone away covering the microphone and turns to Jenny.

Camera on Mike -
"I think you should talk to this person" Mike says to her.

Camera on Jenny -
"Why?" Jenny says annoyedly and reluctant to talk to the person on the phone.

Camera on Mike -
"Just trust me. I think you better talk to them" Mike says

Camera on Mike and Jenny together in frame -
Jenny takes the phone, and Mike steps back. Jenny's back is to Mike. She puts the phone to her ear.

Camera on Jenny -
"Hello?" Jenny says into the phone.
She listens quietly as the person on the other line explains things to her. The call is over and Jenny hangs up the phone. She stays quiet.

Camera on Mike -
Mike is still standing behind her, and he's concerned.
"What happened?" he asks Jenny.

Camera facing Jenny, Mike standing behind her together in frame -
Jenny is still turned away from Mike and says "My grandma died."
She pauses for a moment, then says "The funeral is in 2 days."

In the next scene Jenny is in her room packing things into suitcases and other luggage.

Scene change -
Jenny is walking out her front door carrying her luggage. Mike takes some of the bags to help her. They move towards the car, and we see there are already other bags loaded. Mike and Jenny load the bags into the car. Andy is relaxing near the hood of the car as he waits. The bags are now all loaded, and Mike closes the trunk. Jenny and Andy get in the car. Jenny gets in the shotgun seat, Andy gets in the back seat, where he is surrounded by more luggage. Mike gets in the driver seat.

Scene change -
We see an inside view of the car (camera person sitting in back seat) and Mike starts the car and starts to back up.

Scene change -
We see the trio in the car with luggage driving through regular city streets (with views from within the car, and other views with the camera person following them in another car)

Scene changes -
Now the trio is moving through streets in the city limits, near the desert areas. Sand and desert shrubs and low mountains and hills are visible everywhere.

Scene changes -
The trio moves into a much more deserted area, and the streets are not paved anymore; they are merely dirt paths where other vehicles have passed.

Scene changes -
Interior view of car (camera facing Mike)
Mike says: "Uh. Shit."

Scene changes -
Outside view of car about 30 feet away from camera. Car approaches camera, then stops about 10 feet in front of it.

Scene changes -
Inside view of car (camera facing Jenny)
Jenny says: "What the fuck, Mike! Are we lost!?" she's mad at him.

Scene change -
"Not really. We just have to go back a little to find the road." Mike says (camera facing him)

Back to Jenny -
"That's a bunch of bullshit. You fucking got us lost!"

Scene change -
(Camera facing Andy) Andy stays silent watching them argue.

Back to Mike -
"Okay!" he says frustratedly

Scene change -
Outside view of car. Car turns around and heads back (going away from camera)

Scene change -
It is dusk now, and the trio still has not found the paved road. The car is running low on gas (we see an inside view of the gas gauge)

Camera on Mike -
"We can't make it to the road right now. The gas is low, and it's getting dark"

Camera on Jenny -
Jenny is leaning on the door looking out the window. "Whatever. I don't give a fuck"

Camera on Andy -
"I saw some houses when we were coming down this way the first time. Maybe we can stay there for the night"

Camera on Mike -

Camera on Andy -
Andy motions with his hand and says "Just keep going straight, you'll see them right now on the left"

Camera outside following car -
Trio in car is moving down the dirt path and comes to a fork on the left. The car slows down and stops at the fork, but does not turn onto it.

Outside view of car; close up to windows -
Windows lower and the 3 people look out the left side of the car to see the houses.

"It doesnt look like anybody lives there" Mike says

"We should probably check it out anyway" Andy says

Outside view of car, camera panning to follow car as it turns into the fork

Scene change -
There are 2 rundown houses in the dirt lot. The camera is in front of the house on the right, and it is facing the house on the left. There is somebody (Torgo) seated on the porch. The trio's car comes into the frame from the left and slows down to a stop.

Camera on Jenny inside car -
"There's a fucking hobo. There could be more. Let's just go"

Camera on Mike from outside driver side -
Mike is looking out the window and says "Hold on". He turns off the engine and opens the door.

Camera inside car facing out driver's window. Camera lightly focused on person sitting at the porch, and Mike walks away from the car and towards the person. Mike reaches the person on the porch and starts talking, but he is far and we cant hear him.

Scene change -
Far view of the dirt lot with 2 houses and the car to get sense of the desert and creepiness.

View inside car -
Camera on Jenny: "Go see what the hell he's saying"
Off camera we hear the door open and then close (Andy is getting out), Jenny's eyes are following him, then she says "Wait, dont leave me here!". She quickly gets out of the car and follows Andy as she walks out of the frame.

Scene change -
Torgo is sitting on porch (frame right), Mike is frame center, watching Andy and Jenny coming. Andy and Jenny enter at frame left.

Camera on Andy -
"What's going on?"

Camera on Mike -
"I was asking this guy if we could just park the car here for the night" Mike says

Camera on Torgo -
"My name is Torgo. And I told you already, the Master will not approve" he says frustratedly

Camera on Andy and Jenny -
They look somewhat confused.

Camera on Mike -
"He keeps saying some 'master' doesnt approve of anything" Mike then turns to face Torgo "We're just gonna leave the car where it is and sleep IN the car."

Camera on Torgo -
He gets up quickly and looks around in a paranoid manner, then looks at Mike "Take your car and LEAVE! You must understand you cant stay here!"

Camera on Mike -
"We don't have enough fuckin' gas to make it back to the nearest town" Mike turns away "Just fuck em" He starts to walk back to the car "Lets just sleep in the car"

Scene change -
Torgo on frame right. Jenny and Andy exit frame left. When they're out of the frame, Torgo shouts "You are warned!!"

It is night now. We see alternating scenes of Jenny asleep, then Mike asleep, then Andy asleep. They are all inside the car.

Camera on Torgo -
He is sitting on the porch, slouched, with eyes closed.

Close up of Torgo's face -
He opens his eyes, and gets up (exiting frame right)

Scene change -
Wide shot of Torgo coming from frame left, approaching the car on frame right.

Scene change -
Camera on Torgo looking through the windows, inspecting the people inside.

Inside view of car -
Camera on Jenny asleep

Camera facing Torgo -
Torgo makes a facial expression as though he's found something interesting, then quickly moves away from the car (exiting frame)

Camera on Andy -
Andy opens his eyes.

Scene change -
Outside view of car, Andy opens his door, and sneakingly gets out, and closes the door quietly.

Scene change -
Torgo runs behind the house and out of view.

Camera on Andy -
Andy is suspicious and goes to follow Torgo (exiting to frame left)

Camera situated at Torgo's porch -
Car in center frame background. Andy is approaching the camera, staying low and quiet.

Scene change -
Torgo is going up a hill with desert shrubs

Scene change -
Andy is going up the same hill, but he hasnt reached Torgo yet.

Scene change -
Another angle of Andy going up the hill, but he has lot Torgo, and stops to look around.

Scene change -
Andy is standing and looking around, Torgo comes behind him and hits him in the back with his walking staff.

Scene change -
A fight ensues. (Details to be established during filming)
© Copyright 2006 Cardinal Iris (cardinal_red at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1115155-Manos-The-Hands-of-Fate