Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1114183-Chronoflux
by ricsal
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · History · #1114183
An Inventor who created a time machine to save the future.
Footsteps of the two best friends were heard running and splashing on the puddle of water. Sam & Mike were running away and hurriedly hid near the trash bin. Only the sound of their breathing and heartbeat were heard in the cold dark night. Sam turns and stares at Mike while he still panting for air.

“Mike, why are these weird people chasing us?” He stares at Mike’s pale face.

“It’s not us, it’s me. They’re after me…”Mike turns to look at Sam.

“You? You’re kidding me right?” Sam couldn’t believe what his best friend has said.

Mike just kept quiet and stares at the moonlight, “Funny that they came and hunt me now. Why can’t they hunt me from the past?” as he murmured to himself.

“Mike…what they hell are you talking about man? Hunt you from the past?” Sam becoming more confused by his friend behavior.

Mike turns to Sam with a serious face, “What I’m going to tell you is the truth, but it’s up to you if you want to believe me or not…”

“Okay…just tell me the reasons…” Sam wiping the cold sweat on his face.

Mike lift up his sleeves and show Sam a device that stuck on his right arm.

“What the hell is that?” Sam points his finger on the device.

“It’s a Chronoflux, a device that can create a portal to other dimension or time….” Mike saw Sam’s confused face and he smiled.

“In dummy words, it’s a time traveling device my friend…” He grinned at Sam.

Sam kept quiet for a while and nearly laughed but he stop when he realized they are still in danger.

“You’re lying…there is something else right?” Sam sheepishly smiled at him.

Mike doesn’t find it funny. He pressed a few buttons on the device and at the same moment a holographic images appear with quantum signatures.

“Now you believe me?” he stares at Sam.

“Oh man…it is true…no wonder you went missing for these past few months. You’re doing time traveling…” Sam itchy fingers kept touching the Holographic image.

“I didn’t do time traveling for fun Sam, I’m changing the course of history. As you can see around us, things change” He points out on the thing changes to Sam.

“It can’t be man, everything looks the same to me…” Sam scratches his head.

Mike took a deep sigh, “Did John Fitzgerald Kennedy died in November 22nd 1963?”

“What? If he’s dead then why does the current president is John Fitzgerald Kennedy J.R?” Sam winked his eyebrows at Mike.

“You see, the history has been changed by me! John F. Kennedy should died in November 22nd 1963, but I saved him. I pushed him aside before the bullet hit his head” Mike bring himself up and raised his hand.

“I don’t know, it doesn’t seems as if there is any changes around here man…all look the same to me” Sam scratch his head again.

“Okay, I know you very good in History. Tell me, about the Black Plague, Small Pox and Influenza that kills millions of human. What happened after that?” Mike still trying to prove Sam the truth.

“Hmm…they all suddenly vanish without a trace. Well, it didn’t kill millions, it killed only few thousands people then it disappeared” Sam saw Mike staring at him.

“Well, doesn’t it sounds funny that it’s gone just like that? It’s because I saved them. I gave the medicine from the future to them to stopped it on time” Mike grab Sam's shoulder.

“Relax Mike, you’re hurting me…” Sam stares at him.

Mike sighed and look at Sam’s eyes and sat again beside him with his head bowed down, “I made a mistake, I thought by changing the disaster from the past, I can save the humans from extinct & fighting each other. It doesn’t turn out to be like that. It’s all written and I just changed the most important part of history. Now, John F. Kennedy J.R is in a heated argument with the Asian country. The plague and diseases that supposed to kill us are actually supposed to help us in controlling population. Now, Europe and Africa have population crisis and they are nearly dividing the people. Because of that, Asia has problems fending off illegal immigrants from Europe and they still need to hold their population in other Asians country that has refugees”

“What you mean is, all of this happened because you change the history?” Sam stares at Mike.

“Yes, I changed it and now, these Androids from the future are looking for me. But if they want to kill me, then they better kill me before I invented the Time travel machine. Why finding me now?” Mike scratching his head.

“Maybe the old you doesn’t realized yet what is going to happened but the now you is trying to stopped a future from happening?” Sam gave his wild theories to Mike.

Mike eyes become wide…”That’s it! That is so true man! Sam, you’re a genius!”

“What? I’m right? Hey, I am a genius okay, just that clumsiness runs in the family. That’s all” Sam furious with Mike.

“Okay-Okay, relax man. That’s it, they trying to stop me from destroying the future…they can’t kill me from the past because I am the root of all history. So the only way is to kill me who has the intention to…s…t…o…p…me from the past…” Mike kept quiet for a while.

“You going to stop yourself? How?” Sam kept a lookout at the surrounding while talking to Mike.

“(Smiling)You should know how I am right? Nothing can stop me from finishing what I do, but I will try to stop myself from making the device. I need to go back from the past” He pulled up his sleeves and pressed the key dated to his past. A Holographic images appears and he presses the last button.

“Mike, are you sure about this?” Sam grabbed his best friend shoulder.

Mike smiled at him, “Yes, I'm sure…”

At the same moment, a dimension was open.

“Is that the portal?” Sam walking near to it but Mike grabbed his hand.

“Come on! Let’s run! That is not my portal. It’s a time rift! Someone’s coming out from it…” He explained to Sam while they start running.

They ran quickly and the same time Mike kept looking at his device for time confirmation. The Androids came out and starts shooting at Mike but not Sam. He ran out of the alleyway and accidentally hit a police officer so hard that both of them fell down. The police officer becomes unconscious while Mike regains his posture. He turns to look at the Androids that still chasing after them. Then he turns back to Sam.

“Sam, I can’t run away any longer. It’s now or never…” He yelled at Sam.

“Wait Mike! I’m going with you…” Sam ran to him.

“No Sam! Once you went in to the portal, they will start hunting you too. Here, take this…” Mike throws another device at Sam.

“What is this?” Sam takes a look at it.

“It’s a time shield where you will not get affected by the changes. Keep it, I want you to see the truth behind my discovery. At least, you will be the one watching it. So long my friend, die old and be happy…” Mike waved at Sam and at the same time he pressed the time confirmation button. In a flash, he disappears without a trace.

“Mike!!!” Sam shouted. But he knew his friend had gone back to stop himself.

4 months into the past,

“Come on, I should have figured out the bugs that disturbing the Chronoflux by now. Wait a minute, there something wrong with the wiring” Mike starts to change the wiring in the Chronoflux device.

Suddenly when he pressed the button to activate, a Holographic Image appears. “I did it! I made the Chronoflux functioning!” Just as he celebrating his achievements. A time rift appears and came out Mike from the future.

“What the? Is that me?” Mike looks at himself as the rift close back and disappears.

“Yes, it’s you from the future. I came to stop you” Mike glares at himself.

“What? Stop me from what thing?” Mike from the past became confused.

“From making the Chronoflux. I was wrong, everything has been fated, we can’t change it” He explained to Mike.

“I don’t believe you, we can change it if we want to” His past still stands on his belief.

“Listen to me! It will bring only chaos to the world! I’ve seen the future 4 months from now that everything will change. What we believed in will eventually eat us up. That’s the reason I came back from the past to stop you from making a future that is not for us Humans” He came near to his past.

“A future that is not humans? What are you talking about?” He still stands on his belief.

“In the future, there will be androids and cyborg that will take over us since we humans starts a cold war with each other. We became too advanced that we create an artificial intelligence, which is far superior to us. We are extinct in the future, and the ones to be greatly blame is US” Mike sat on his old chair.

He kept quiet for a while and then starts to smile “How should I believe you? There is no proof. I will still carry on with this mission. Your mission failed but mine will be different. Get out of my sight” he points the door to his future.

Mike stands up and walks beside him “I know this is going to happen. I will not stop until I achieved it right? Today, that word will come to light. As we talked, the Androids will come here any moment to kill me. Since there is nothing I can do about it, I guess…”

“You guess what?” his past glares at him.

He took out a gun and points at Mike’s head, “So long Mike, history can’t be change and we shouldn’t be exist by the way. I will save the future…good bye…” He shot Mike’s head and fell to the ground and die instantly.

Mike brings down his gun and look at himself lying motionless on the floor. “So this is my death, and I get watch it. At least, it will benefit the future of mankind…” He fell down to the floor.

His body starts to become weaker and weaker. He stares at his fading hands. He smiled and took out his Chronoflux and the past Chronoflux. “This thing should not exist” He turn his gun around and hit the Chronoflux with the gun handle breaking it into pieces.

“Good bye Sam…” his last words as he slowly fades away.
Back in the present day,

The Androids came out of the alley and searching for Mike. Sam stares at them and regains his posture. “You will not kill my friend!” He ran to them to stop them, but before he could put his finger on them, they starting to disappear.

“What the?” soon he realizes that his surrounding starts to change. Time shield starts to activate by itself, protecting Sam from the changes of the world. The newspapers and buildings changes back to the real present.

“Mike, what you’ve said is true…”

Soon, everything changes to normal. Everyone on the road seems oblivious to their surrounding but the only witness that saw what had happen is Sam himself. He knew that his friend has done it.

The Policemen woke up from his incident and trying to check his gun, “What the? Who took my gun?”

Sam eyes becomes wide and remembered that Mike once said that himself is a stubborn guy. He knew by now that changes happen because Mike has killed himself. His tears came down for his best friend and he smiled “For the best of the future eh Mike? Thank you…”

He walks off to the dark of the night with tears still dripping down for his dear best friend, an unsung hero who save the world.

© Copyright 2006 ricsal (sallehsaidali at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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