Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1114096-Dear-Me
Rated: 18+ · Letter/Memo · Biographical · #1114096
A letter to myself five years ago. For a contest.
Dear Me,

It is June 2, 2006 and I'm writing this letter to you, in the past, to warn you of some of your less intelligent choices that you will be making soon. While I don't wish you to change too many things, as it would alter the present in unforeseen ways, there are a few things that would help you to be happier and healthier in the years to come.

I know you're stuck in a rotten relationship right now. You're miserable and feel as if you're totally alone. You will be finding a way to bring some happiness back into your life soon, and though most would find it wrong and immoral, it is in your best interest to do it, so I will not comment further on that point. It is necessary for your future that that remain unchanged.

Go with your instincts, for the most part. Trust them. It will all work out okay in the end. That's the important thing for you to know. Things will get better. It just will take a little more time. Don't give up.

Now, you will soon be moving. Yes, Sweet Valley will be behind you and you will find that Plymouth is much better in many ways. Your time with Joe will soon be over and this will be, over all, a good thing. But...some bad things are going to happen that will make your life harder than necessary. This is why I'm writing to you and sending the letter back through a time capsule that I came across just last week.

Once you move to Plymouth you will find yourself tempted by many men. Some of them will help you and some will only cause you more trouble than they are worth. So...listen up! When you meet Greg and Terry, trust them and enjoy their friendship. But....when you meet the one who calls himself Bones.... do NOT sleep with him. I am not going into details, but believe me...it will cause you more pain than it's worth. Good sex isn't worth what he will put you through. Don't worry, he's not dangerous. Just stupid.

When you meet Scott, you will fall in love. This is good. Don't let his occasional bad attitude get to you. He is afraid of love and relationships after having been hurt a few times. He will sometimes say and do things hurtful, but it will pass and over all he is wonderful and will bring you a lot of happiness. Whatever you do....do not act like a total bitch. Don't take things personally when he's in a bad mood...it's not you. You will find this out eventually, but some of the things you will go through could have been avoided. Especially, if you go to your counselling appointments and take your medications every day! Do not skip your meds, you need them to keep your emotions and manic episodes under control. You cause more problems than you realize because you are insecure and overly emotional.

I know, you're pissed now, but get over it. You can be happy and you will be. But, you will suffer needlessly before this happens.

Also, Scott will NOT leave you for good, even if he claims he will. He's just mad. He'll cool off and be home before you know it. So, DON'T do anything stupid that will hurt him. He'll never forget it if you do.

You know how you are, so just DON'T! He won't leave you, but he'll lose trust in you. Do you want that? NO! He has never cheated and never will, so don't do it yourself. Even if you think he means it that he's leaving and never coming back. Again...he does NOT mean it. He always comes back. Remember that and all will be well.

I hope you will take advice from yourself, as you don't take advice from anyone else.

With love,

Claire (in the future)
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