Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1114084-Sex-With-Strangers
by Libido
Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1114084
A casual night of intercourse can change a life forever...
         Charlie Gamson had met Kelly Eisner only hours before. They had talked at the bar, introduced as friends of friends, sparked by the gradual flow of liquor and sprites. Their conversations had changed from the mundane to the personal, and as Charlie’s pals took to the dance floor with their girlfriends, the two single collegians found themselves orally entwined. Her kisses were as sweet as the fragrance of her skin, and Charlie enjoyed them thoroughly, his tongue and lips wet with the scent of cherry apple. She was an NYU pre-med student, intelligent and sexy, a self-proclaimed fun-seeker, the type of girl who enjoyed wild times after a long hard week of school. Charlie was a slacker of sorts, not especially dedicated to any major as of yet, still exploring the academia, neither seeking a long-term relationship nor wanting one.
         As the minutes moved on, they followed one another to the far corner of the club. There a shaded area, away from the others, served to quench their lust. Kelly’s auburn hair cascaded about her shoulders in glimmering fashion, and her soft sensual hips rolled kindly to his movements, urging Charlie’s body full advantage of her waist.
         They stood pressed against the wall, enshrouded from their dancing friends, bodies moving as one, mouths brushing across the open expanses of warm flesh. Her silk crimson dress flowed firm against her breasts and ended abruptly below her most upper thigh. As her fingers fondled his hair, Charlie made no effort to refrain. His hand slipped mindlessly beneath her dress, caressing the amber thighs, rolling across the ruffles of her panties. She showed no protest to his advances, and smiled in fact, her legs enclosing about him as she dared him further.
         As Charlie felt his heart beat faster with the fondling, he whispered in her ear, and she acknowledged, slipping out the back door as they left hand-in-hand.
         He stopped the Mercedes at his apartment, and they both headed out.
The lights were off, but he flicked them on upon entrance, and Kelly paused to take in the view. The place had been cleaned recently and the fastidious leather couches and seats lay soaked with upper-class New York panache. The lamps had been dimmed to a faint glow, and a fire crackled in the hearth.
         As Charlie took Kelly’s coat to the hanger, he found himself staring at her, an insatiable fire swelling amid his chest. He asked her a question, something about her medical classes, but she brushed it off. “Come here,” she whispered, motioning with her finger. Her icy blue eyes wooed him closer, and he found her at the door of the apartment, meeting her inviting lips. There they stood kissing and then Charlie began to caress her. He hoisted her dress above her waist, pinning her to the wall, kissing the flesh beneath her neck.
She moaned his name with reverence, and he felt his loins take fire, the blood pounding through his veins. His fingers worked on her thong, and he shuddered against her, his hands clasping her firmly by the rear. As they French kissed, Charlie could once more taste the delicate blend of wine and tequila, and he groaned as she wrapped her legs about his lower back.
         Pulling her from the wall, he dropped her to the floor and she yanked viciously at his shirt. Charlie pulled free the buttons and tossed it to the sofa. Her moist lips swept across his heart and he felt her tongue curling like a devilish snake.
         They struggled with the dress, and Charlie grabbed at her shoulders, his hands trembling with the effort. After a few moments she steadied him, and with relatively ease, she slid it loose, bending downward to pull the clinging red free of her legs.
          Charlie stopped when she did so and backed away, his eyes basking with the allure of her body. Her breasts stood round and full against her black bra, and further down, below her toned abdomens, a skimpy black line of silk ran between her thighs. Charlie could make out the small glint of silver at the center of her stomach and realized it was a belly button piercing. Kelly watched his eyes with amusement, a sultry smile on her face.
         He pulled free his kakis and seized her in one feel swoop. Kelly encircled his neck with her arms and she pulled him closer, beckoning Charlie to take her, moaning as his lips consumed her cleavage.
         They stumbled half-drunkenly into the bedroom within minutes, and Charlie felt Kelly submit all womanly will, her tender flesh warm in his arms.
         He hit the foot of the bed first. Kelly met his eyes and gazed downward. Charlie followed her fingers as they crawled to the fringe of his boxers. She leaned closer to kiss his stomach, and then pulled free his drawers in one swift swipe. Charlie felt her hands stroke along his member, and then she pushed him downward, onto his satin sheets.
         He struck the bed with a soft thud, and watched her undress the rest of her clothing.
         Kelly unstrung the bra with deliberation, looking to both shoulders as she eased it to the floor, her mouth agape in half-smile. She bent over then, her hair dangling out in front of her, and untied her thong. She slipped the panties to the floor, and lowered.
         Charlie watched her crawl upon the bed, ascending the length of his body as her mouth and tongue slithered between his legs. He grimaced as his phallus turned moist with her saliva, and felt her thighs press against his sides, the sight of her naked flesh leaving his vision tingly.
          Her skin was gentle to the touch, hot and smooth, comfortably nudged against his pelvis. He reached out to feel her hips.
         She gazed with a smile, her nipples hanging in the air above him, and she arched her back forward. Kelly began to sway gently and stared downward to find her outlet. Holding her buttocks, Charlie pulled her upward slightly, and felt himself permeate freely, breaking through her maidenhead. It was wet inside, deep and visceral, an environment conducive to his hardened member.
         “That’s it…” she breathed.
The pressure built at the point of Charlie’s entry, and he exhaled deeply, gripping the covers as Kelly’s body rocked atop him. Her hips rumbled against his waist, and Charlie could feel the friction of their organs, a painful pleasure burning within his groin.
         Within moments her rocking turned to violence, and the two of them kissed vigorously, gasping and whimpering between shudders. The covers stirred tumultuously, the springs of the bed coiled and clanged. Charlie felt Kelly’s breasts flattened against his chest, her wet nipples burrowing into his pectorals like drills.
         As the moments ensued she raised upward, forcing Charlie deeper inside her, and her hair cascaded over her shoulders, bouncing and flopping with the mutual convulsions. Charlie glanced downward, and his eyes came alight, absorbing the way her abdominals strained between his legs, the way his member disappeared into her body, the way her belly button stud would gleam and glint with her contractions.
         As it continued, Charlie became submissive to Kelly’s thrusting, and he would groan her name, reaching up to fondle her breasts, cupping her supple rear as she tore through him. At one point when she began to gasp, Charlie would spin her around, and he would force her to the bottom, spreading her saturated legs out to the sides, pinning her hands to the bedcovers as he attacked her open thighs.
         Kelly could do nothing but accept. She held him by the shoulders as he went in on her. Her legs encircled Charlie’s lower back, and he pulled them nearer. She skewered her hips with each penetration, tightening her grip, moaning his name, her wondrous face pressed downward against the pillow.
Kelly breathed sharply, rocking upward as Charlie’s phallus slid through.
          “Oh… god…”
She dropped her hands to the bed.
          Charlie looked into her eyes and battered her. Her wet breasts plumped against his chest. Kelly countered with her contractions. She squeezed tightly; Charlie groaned and looked for their union. Her vaginal muscles bulged against him, and he convulsed, fresh fluid releasing almost instantly.
         Her bellybutton ring strained against him. He could feel the cool slick of metal, the smooth sweated feel of her skin making friction against his. It was blissful.
         They had intercourse for most of the night. It varied in style and approach, but the intensity seemed to prolong almost indefinitely. Their drunken lusts, uninhibited and uncontrolled, led to lascivious events. They became a tangle of limbs and appendages, scratching and tearing, churning and expelling, boiling about the sheets and covers like mindless animals.
         It was a release, a momentous, unending flow of orgasms and utterances. They didn’t need reasons or excuses; their bodies were reason enough. Charlie satiated the desire, forcing his aching organs inside of Kelly, ravaging her body, covering her in his fluids, wrestling her to the position of his choice, battering every square inch of her goddess-like physique.
          As the hours wore on, he abused her further. He fought her with unmet vigor, and his arms forced her to bend and twist, the muscles of his pelvis jutting as his lower torso thundered inward through her womanhood. He pulled her by the hair, flinging her thighs backward, ignoring her pleas to stop, groaning with her internal contractions, grunting as she cursed in shrill tones, her flushed skin asking for more, her open mouth reveling in the harrowing pleasure of his rending.
          They reverted back to primordial ways, nothing but to feed that basic desire, nothing but to delight in that archaic pleasure, nothing but to, for one night, explore their physical limits.
         When it finally ended, there was nothing left to do. They plopped to the sheets, exasperated, exhausted, and incapable. Sleep came without hesitation.

                                                                     Charlie opened his eyes slowly upon awaking. He squinted gingerly at his clock. It was 11:00 am.
         Rolling to his left, he extended his arms. When he hit nothing but empty sheets, he looked up sharply, realizing that he was alone in the bed. The satin covers lay about the floor in disarray, and the bed seemed sunken, as if somehow the mattress had given way.
         Charlie winced as he raised his head, a sharp pain shooting through the muscles of his neck. Scrapes and claw marks, still fresh from the chaos, singed throughout his sticky flesh. He was sore, from head to toe, feeling like a football player after a week of strenuous practices. The aching at his loins had subsided, but he could see that his skin was raw, and the monotonous pulse in his head was a nagging reminder of the alcohol he had so carelessly consumed. Groggily he lifted himself up from the bed, hearing a squeak as the springs breathed a sigh of relief.
         On his drawer he spotted a small piece of paper, and he picked it up, eyes scrutinizing the quickly scribbled handwriting.
                   Thanks for the amazing night. Maybe we’ll meet up again sometime.

         There was no number, no promise of further engagements. Nothing to suggest a future relationship. Charlie rubbed his eyes and walked away.
         After he had showered he received a call. He picked up the phone to find his friend Greg already in what seemed to be mid-conversation.
          “Charlie boy! How are you, man?”
Charlie cleared his throat. His voice was coarse. “I’m fine.”
         There was a laugh at the other end.
“Sounds like a rough night. How’s the hangover?”
         Charlie shook his head. “I’m alright.”
Again a half chuckle. Then the voice turned serious.
          “Say, Charlie, you didn’t happen to hook up with Denise’s friend, did you? We couldn’t find either of you two in the club after we left the floor. I told Mick you were probably going down on her in the lady’s room! That would be like you, ya scoundrel!”
         Greg laughed. Charlie merely sighed.
“I only remember bits and pieces,” mumbled Charlie.
         Greg gave his agreement. “Me too, man. It was a crazy night. It’s like a fog in the ol’ memory.”
“Alright, well I was just checking in on you, man. Take it easy today. I sure know I am!”
          “Sure. I’ll talk to you later.”
“ Ok, man. Cya.”
         Charlie hung up the phone and turned to face the bed. He would need to wash the whole thing, down to maybe even the mattress. He sighed.

         A month and a half passed with little enjoyment. Charlie spent the days doing his new job, as a salesman at Best Buy, and he went straight from work to class, enduring the evening curriculum, burning the midnight oil with heaps of schoolwork and papers. He had finally decided to settle on a tentative major, and his studies in Engineering left him with no spare time to do what he relished. It was a commitment to school that he had never known, and Charlie found that while his brain was expanding at the rate of a hot air balloon, his mind was becoming diluted and weary.
          He spent the most of his free time locked away in his apartment, watching the tube, switching from ESPN to Sci-Fi, desperately searching for something to reenergize his spirit. At times his memory would drift back to that hazy night with Kelly, and he would wonder about her, imagining her as a rising medical student, brilliant yet beautiful, fatally attractive to the masses of men.
         One day, a particularly dreary afternoon, he was alone in his home. He had been allowed a day off from his job, and he had spent it at home. He was sitting on his sofa, sipping a Corona, when a ring came at the front door. Startled, he jumped up and kicked the extendable foot rest to a close. He offered a quick run through of his air, ensuring a half-decent appearance, and made his way to the door.
          Charlie didn’t bother to look out the window first. Instead he opened the door haphazardly, and his eyes widened as he saw who was there.
         It was Kelly.
Her eyes glazed across him as he pushed the door aside, and Charlie could see that fatigue too was taking the better of her. Her face was paler than he had remembered, and her soft features were ingrained with worry. She extended a soft smile, but it was hesitant, and Charlie could see it was for his benefit only.
         Still, she was as beautiful as ever. The pink blouse adhered to her curvatures comfortably, and as Charlie’s eyes descended, he could make out the familiar gleam of her belly button ring.
         She watched him for a moment, picking at the frayed edges of her denim miniskirt, and then she peered inside, her gaze discreet.
“Is it ok if I come in…?”
         Charlie snapped to.
“Yea, of course.”
          He extended his hand in invitation, shutting the door behind her.
“Can I get you something to drink or…”
          “No thanks, I’m fine.”
Charlie nodded. He watched her take a seat on the couch.
          He sat down on a chair across from her and waited.
Kelly crossed her legs and sighed. She rubbed her fingers against her eyelids and looked up. Charlie noticed that her hands were shaking.
         He said nothing, but he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. There was an inexplicable tension in Kelly that seemed to pervade the room. Something was off.
         She took a moment to collect herself and then bit her lip, those glacier eyes searching Charlie for understanding. Charlie shifted awkwardly and tried to avert his sight, but it was impossible. Her gaze was that of somebody in dire straits. She was worn and grim. There was something she needed to say.
          “I came here for a reason…” she started. Her fingers once more began to rub against her skirt, picking at the denim.
         Charlie stayed silent.
“I didn’t want to tell you until I was certain…”
          A dark cloud lurched in Charlie’s throat. His fingers tightened on the chair.
And then her eyes locked.
         Charlie met them bravely. He suddenly knew what she was going to say.
Kelly respired.
          “I’m pregnant, Charlie.”
         In that moment Charlie could’ve heard a pin drop. He let out a pent breath and looked away. To think about it was one thing, but to know it, to hear it out loud, to have it forced upon, thrown inevitably in his face like a bad dream; that was something entirely different. The first thing through his mind was doubt.
          “Are you sure?”
She nodded.
          “After I missed my period, I took the home pregnancy test. The urine strip turned up positive.”
Her eyes shifted to the carpet.
          “I had a friend in the lab conduct a clinical blood test for me, just to be sure. I couldn’t believe it for myself. The result was irrefutable…”
         Charlie could see Kelly’s eyes welling with tears, and he clenched his jaw.
She tucked her hair behind her ears.
         “The baby was conceived that night… right over there…”
Her eyes moved to the door of his bedroom. Charlie felt his face flush and he pushed off the chair, walking to the side of his T.V. He stared into the blank screen, measuring the glare of her reflection. She sat unmoving. She was waiting for him to respond. What was he supposed to say? What did she want to hear?
         He still couldn’t believe it. It still didn’t make sense. It was impossible. Birth control never failed. What was the point of fucking birth control, if you still got pregnant? They were drunk; they were just having a good time. This kind of shit didn’t happen. He was barely 21, not even out of college, and yet here she was, telling him he was going to be a father?
          “I hardly remember that night…”
Charlie said it silently, more for himself than for her. Kelly smoothed the skirt along her legs.
          “I’ve had morning sickness. Several times over the past few weeks. I’m already halfway through the first trimester…”
          Charlie looked at her. “Didn’t you use contraceptives?”
“Always. I’ve been on birth control pills. They’re the best protection out there. But not even they are full-proof…”
          “It just doesn’t seem possible…” Charlie murmured.
Kelly interlaced her fingers. Her eyes searched the floor.
“I had multiple orgasms that night.”
          She pursed her lips. “Both clitoral and vaginal. That level of stimulation is…”
She paused. “Unheard of…”
Her eyes moved to his face. “You barely had a refractory period at all. That increased the chance of fertilization…”
          Kelly shook her head. “I must have mistimed my pills. I must have forgotten to take them on the first day of my menstrual cycle…”
          There was nothing Charlie could do. He conceded the fight. He slumped to the couch beside Kelly. She offered him a glance. He met her gaze.
          Without thinking, he touched her hand. She allowed him to clasp her, and he slid his fingers into place. His other arm slipped about her waist, and he pulled her closer. Kelly leaned her head against his chest. There was nobody to blame. They were both at fault. Charlie wanted to scream, he wanted to curse at somebody, apologize for his promiscuity. It was too late. He knew his options. Only one was clear.
          “I want you to have the baby,” he whispered.
Her voice cracked and Charlie saw a tear, small and thin, streak down her cheek.
          “So do I.”
He kissed the top of her head.
          Kelly brushed the tear away. “I had them test me for STDs too,” she said.
She watched for Charlie’s alarmed expression.
          Kelly smiled. “I’m fine,” she said, squeezing his hand. “Everything turned up negative.”
          Charlie sighed.
“I just needed to know… with the baby and all…” she murmured.
          Charlie gave an understanding nod.
“Things are going to be different from now on,” he said.
         Kelly watched him.
“I guess this means we’re officially dating now…”
She raised an eyebrow in Charlie’s direction, and he summoned his best frown, laughing with Kelly’s sudden nudge to the ribs.
          “Look more excited than that!”
Charlie wrestled her to the sofa and she giggled a protest, her tiny fists raining punches along his shoulders.
          “Don’t Charlie, please don’t!”
          He smiled and pressed his lips to her stomach. He blew a kiss, loud and squeaky, and Kelly began to laugh. She shot her fingers upward against Charlie’s neck and tickled.
          “Nice try,” He smiled, pushing them aside. His hands clasped her by the tummy and he spun her, plopping her gently to her backside. She kicked her legs wildly as he tickled her midriff, and after a few minutes she relaxed, her face blushed with laughter.
          “That’s no fair,” she squeaked. “You’re stronger than I am!”
Charlie smiled and planted a kiss to her forehead. “I had no idea you were so ticklish.”
         She nuzzled her head against his shoulder. “There are a lot of things we don’t know about each other…”
Charlie nodded. “We have time. I want to learn everything.”
          She cast her eyes downward, to her belly, and Charlie guided her hand to the spot, coming to a rest atop the center of her flesh. As they lay there–at that very moment–a being was growing, expanding beneath those layers of tissue and flesh, born of blood and jubilation, created on a fateful night, a new life form, an even blend of mother and father, waiting, in due time, for its chance to push free.
          Charlie wished he could see it, then only a fetus, fulfilling the miracle of life.
“This won’t be so bad,” Kelly chirped.
          Charlie held her hand. “You think?”
She looked at him and leaned in for the kiss. “I do. I really do.”
          He smiled. “Yeah, me too.”
Kelly stroked his arm.
          “I think I like you, Charlie Gamson.”
He pushed her hair away from her eyes. She gazed upwards.
          Charlie kissed her.
“I think I like you too, Kelly.”

                   (What's up guys. I would appreciate it if you sent me a review or maybe just a rating. Tell me what you think. Let me know if you hated it or loved it or anything in between. Thanks.)
© Copyright 2006 Libido (mangeyone at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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