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What forms my writings and writing philosophy: A key to recognising allegories in my works |
My works are biult upon two foundations, the first being the revelation of the truth about us as human beings and also about the world at large, both now, in the past and into the future. I don't express intellectual truths or fanciful truths that can only be understood or acknowledged by a select few of especially enlightened individuals, I express the truths so obvious that we all as humans fail to see them or refuse to believe them. My belief is that "THE MOST DANGEROUS DECEPTIONS ARE THE MOST SIMPLE DECEPTIONS," and yet again "NO DECEPTION IS A SIMPLE DECEPTION." The second foundation upon which my works are built is morals and ethics. These simple philosophies and rules which include respect, sacrifice, family, honor, etc, and above all God, these are the pillar stones of humanity and without them man is nothing more than an animal or plant. two pivotal elements in all my works are warfare and teh unseen. There can be no good story written that excludes warfare, because life in my estimation is one big ongoing conflict. Any story the does not include the element of war or conflict is unrealistic, and therefore it is a lie. The unseen is also a pivotal element within my stories because it is by the unseen that we are deceived or are made privy to the truth. It is the fact that humans disregard or don't believe in the unseen factors that renders the majority of us deceived. Just Because accordring to what we can sense, with our four senses, things appear to be real, does not mean that it is real, the senses can be fooled, altered or eliminated. Therfore we must define our realities by an unseen factor. humans since they were created have used unseen factors to create a stable core to make sense of their irrational perceptions, such as dicipline, belief systems, common cause, warfare, fear, love, desire, power, and the list goes on. For me that unseen factor is religion and specifally, in my personal case, a relationship with God. Through Jesus the unseen is revealed and deceptions are expossed. When we begin to recognise the unseen we begin to see the truth despite the contrary indications of our senses. "I AM THE (WAY)THE (TRUTH) AND THE (LIFE), NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER BUT BY (ME)" The basis of my work, revolves around four major principles. they are, in order of importance, Truth, The Unseen Eleminets of life, Morals, and Warfareconflict. all of which are the stuff of life. the prupose of my works are to draw peoples attention to the simple truths and deception that are present in our world today, have effected us in our past and that are poised to shapr our futures. My obsession with the truth fuelds my desire to reveal deception at any cost to myself. however so not to isolate, blame or villainise, I place my truths in fictional formats, which may sound Ironic. however this way not only is thre reader greatly entertained but he is also exposed to informatina dn truths that he may not have been aware of. tyhus my works amy be descibed as allegorical fiction. |