Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1112691-The-Hidden-Ninja-Naki
by Luna
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1112691
There's a new Ninja In the leaf Village. Is she a threat or a companion?
Part One:
Kakashi kept an eye on the trees. He had a feeling that someone was follwing them. Naruto glanced over to see a worried look on his face. Naruto, " Whats wrong Kakashi Sensi?" Kakashi," I think we are being followed." The girl eeped quietly. She didn't want to get caught. She leaped to the next tree but the branch was weak and she fell off. Girl, " AHH!" She hit the ground. They all turn around to see a mysterious looking gril rubbing her head. She had Long blue hair a bit dark in color, wearing a ninja headband under her bangs with a lightning bolt symbol above her Greyish eyes. She wore a black shirt with a blue puffy almost like samurai pants and black sandals. She wore another headband as a belt. Naruto," 2 headbands! I thought we could only have one?" She smiled laughing at him. Girl, " I'm the best ninja in my clan so i was awarded with another headband." Kakashi noticed the Lightning bolt and was a bit confused as he never saw this before. Kakashi, " Why os there a lightning bolt on your headband?" She laughed again at their stupidness
Girl, " Heh. I from a hidden village between Sand, Mist,Leaf. Were not known yet but shall be soon. We are silent, deadly Ninja's Taught in the skill of Speed, And in Disguise."
Sasuke, " And yet here you are revealing yourself." She gasps and hits her face in stupidity, and groans. " So much for a great ninja." She glared at him, Moving her fingers in a fast speed that you caouldn't even seen them. Girl, " Hidden Ninja Jutsu!" She Dissapeared in a poof of smoke. Kakashi, " Everyone. Get Ready for combat."
------End Of part One--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Key Note: I hate Sakura.. So she won't talk much in this story, My spelling sucks)

Part Two:
naruto Falls over in pain, " What the?" A konai becomes visible in his leg.
Sasuke," Even her weapons are invisible." he grunts. " This is dangerous." kakshi points to his covered up sharigan eye. Kakashi, " But we have a secret weapon." They smiled. " Listen. If i am able to find you in one guess you must reveal yourself and tell us who you are or I'll will kill you,." A konai appears in the ground enxt to naruto, it as a not attached. Naruto opens it up and nods at kakashi. kakashi jumps at a tree and grabs a big swosh of air. A girlish scream echos, and reveals the msyterious ninja in his arms.
Girl, " But how?" Sasuke sat down in disapoibntment.
kakashi, " naruto was to my left but the konai hit in his right. So i fiugred you were to the right.." She glared at him. " Not buying it huh?.. Fine i used my sharigan eye." He lifts up his headband to show his red eye. She gasps. Then mumbles, " stupid sharigan." They jumped down off the tre and sat around in a circle to hear her story.
Girl, " My Name is Naki Orika. I realy am the best ninja in my village cause not that many have progressed enought to be called a ninja. As for the secound headband. Tis to represent my job As Co-Leader of the village." They looked a bit confused.
Naruto, " Co-Leader?" She sighed, with a bit of sadness.
Naki, " My Father's hokage." naruto grunted.
Naruto, " so? that doesn't mean you get to wear 2 headbands!" She turned away. Sasuke knew that she was trying not to cry.. Something bad must have happened to her.. And talking about it was making it worst.
Sasuke, " naruto Shut up. Its their village and thier rules. Now leave her alone."
naruto glared at sasuke, " Well Your father's not doing a good job if you don't have much ninja's." She couldn't take it anymore. She bursted out in tears.
naki, " Most of them died trying to protect the village and my father from some evil ninja with two red eyes like your sensi's. My father sacrificed himself so i could live!"
Sasuke had a look of both anger and shock on his face. Stupid brother.. What are you planning.. Attacking such a weak village. You can do better. kakashi looked over sasuke and placed his arm on his shoulder.
kakashi, " Don't worry. Naki, Take us to your village." she wiped her tears, sighed.
naki, " he's gone by now. and there's barely anyone left. I came here to tell your hokage about our mis-hap. And to tell him there won't be any new village for awhile."
---------End Of Part Two----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( key Notes: Sometimes i don't capitalize peoples names. )

Part Three:
Sakura, " Why don't you stay with us for a bit?" Naki Smiled.
Naki, " But i don't even know who you are.." Naruto jumped up all smilling.
Naruto, " I'm Uzamki Naruto! And One Day i'm going to be the geates hokage ever!" He holds out his thumb smiling. Sakura whispers to naki, " He says that alot." She laughs.
Sasuke, " Sasuke.. That's all you need to know." Naruto grunted.
Kakashi, " Hatake Kakashi. I'm the sensi of this group. And you can't join us. Your not from the leaf village and only 3 ninjas to a sensi."
Naruto, " But she needs freinds. and like you said she's not from this village so she doesn't have to follow the rules."
Kakashi, " Naruto's Right." Sasuke is in utter shock.
Sakura, " Gosh i hope hell didn't freeze over." naruto grunts.
Naruto, " Shut up Sakura!" naki just blinks in utter confusion. She closes her eyes and holds her two middle fingers up on her nose She speaks quietly.
Naki, " Hidden Chameleon Jutsu." She blends in with the tree behind her. Kakashi looks over to not see naki.
kakashi, " Naki?" They all trun around to see she's not there.
Sakura, " She probaly wants to be left alone. Alot of her people died." She felt bad for her. sasuke grunted.
Sasuke, " So did mine but you don't see me crying about it."
Inner Sakura, ' Poor thing.' Naruto peeed around the side of the tree to see nake lifting up her shirt just below her breast, Revealing her left side. Her left side was covered in 3 burnt colored red slash marks. about 1 inch deep. She took out some water and spalshed it on the marks. She winced and pulled down her shirt. naruto looks up to see a shocked kakashi, sakura, sasuke. naki screams, " AHH!" sasuke holds her, " calm down. We need to get you medical attention." She sighed. Naki," He said it won't go away. It's like a curse or something. Only he can remove it. And If i kill him i'll die and if i don't then i die slowly. Rather make it quick." She stood up and started heading to the hokage.
naruto, " There has to be something we can do." They all watched as she walked off.
kakashi sighs, " all of you be careful. We can't trust her." They nod and catch up.
------End Of part Three------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Key Notes: No i don't love sasuke. He's too emoy and whiney. I'm more of a kakashi fan. but him falling in love with her seemed wrong.. so i made it someone else..Who's around her age. *coughs*)

Part Four: ( My Arms hurt from typing XD)
Naki sighed as the nurse took her into the room and locked the door.
kakashi, " After she gets fixed we bring her to the hokage and then leave her be."
Sakura, " No.. She's a good ninja. She needs our help."
kakashi, " We can't trust her."
naruto, " Right now she needs us and you know it!" He sighs.
sakura, " please sensi..Were the only people she's got." he sighs again.
The nurse, " She's badly burnt. We were able to stop the bleeding and stitch the slashes but she'll have some scars." They frowned as Naki walked out sighing.
Naki, " It won't hold for long.." She passes out and sasuke runs over and catches her.
Sasuke, " What happened?" He has a worrried look on his face. The nurse carries her back into the room.
Nurse, " stubborn girl. she needs to recover." They sighed as kakashi pulls them outside.
Kakashi, " were leaving." They get angry.
Sakura, " What about Naki?"
kakashi, " she can't come." Sauske grunted angerily.
sasuke, " I'm not leaving without her!" They all gasp.
naruto, " sasuke?"
sasuke, " me and her are the same. If you leave her, you leave me."
Inner Sakura, ' WHAT!! GRR! Sasuke never said that to me!!!'
kakashi nods, " Fine but be careful." naki arose from the ground behind them.
naki, " HI!" They Jump. " I feel better now." She sighed inside knowing she was lying.
Kakashi, " alright then let's go train." They all moan..
----End of part Four----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Key Notes: Key notes will be at the end of every part. Also, There are like nurses in the leaf village right? XD..)

Part 5: ( Warning:... There's going to be a crap load of parts)
Kakashi, " we will practice aim. Throw your konai's at that tree."
naruto, " this is easy." The tree comes alive and they all gasp.
Kakashi, " while its trying to attack you. There are certain weak points on the tree. every point you hit the more it becomes like a regular tree. GO!" They all jump up and throw thier konais. Mya does some hand movements, " hidden ninja jutsu." She turns invisible and jumps on the tree stabbing it in the eye. It screams and naruto looks over to see the eye dissapear, and throws a konai at the other eye. The tree blocks it and shakes naki off. She lands on her face and looks over at sasuke to show him shes fine. He jumps onto the tree stabbing it, it screeches loudly. Naki jumps onto its left arm stabbing it angerily. He Uses his other hand to grab her and throws her off preety hard. She skids across the grass, as she stands theres a bit of blood on the grass, and her upperside of of her leg and bottomside of her chest. kakashi looks over and gasps. Sasuke looks over aswell.
Sasuke, " you alright?" She just smiled and brushed herself off.
naki, " Im fine. Just skidded across a rock." She charged at the tree again.
Kakashi thinks, she's determined just like naruto. He looks to see him biting the tree... But Smarter. (Yes i dissed his stupidness. Fan girls go crazy)
Naruto, " hey Kakashi! Turn the tree down a notch. I mean are you trying to kill us?"
Sakura clinged to it's left arm holding on while it tried to shake her off, and Naki on the right while sasuke and naruto were on the back.
Kakashi, " Then Don't attack up close!" The tree jumps up and as it lands the vibration shakes everyone off. Naki growled.
Naki, " Thats it! Shadow clone justu." They all gasp as clones of naki appear all throwing konais at the tree. The tree turned into a shadowy figure catching the konai's and throwing them back at her. They hit her lower chest, splattering blood everywhere.The figure runs off as mya collapses to the ground.
Sasuke, " I knew you didn't trust her.. But killing her?" He glared and ran over to her.
kakashi, " i didn't i swear." Sakura and naruto glare at him and run to naki. Mya stood up holding her chest as her new freinds helped her up.
Mya, " It wasn't his fault. I told you it can't be healed." She stumbled and sasuke held her up, as he glared at kakashi. They Carry her back to the village.
-----End of part five-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Key note: Sorry for the utter shortness..)

Part Six:
kakashi walked in to see galring faces and naki's chest wrapped in bandages.
nurse, " They are too deep to stitch but the bleeding stoped. man you ninja's train hard." Naki stumbled over to him.
Naki, " i know you wouldn't trust me and i got your message loud and clear. I will leave now." Kakashi grabbed her.
Kakashi, " I Didn't know.." she just smiled and walked out. They all glare and run after her.
Sakura, "Please stay." She kept walking.
Naruto, " Kakashi just is protective of us. He'll trsut you soon enough."
Sasuke, " if you go you'' just be a coward." They glare at him.
naki smiled, " well then i better not be a coward." They smile. Kakashi runs up.
kakashi, "i'm really sorry but i rember noticing when the konais were thrown back at you, you knew that they were going to hit you but you didnt move?" They looke at her.
Naki, " Cause Sasuke was right behind me.." Sasuke frowns.
Sasuke, " I would have been hit.. But i can handle myself." He grunted.
Sakura, " So i guess this means we can trsut her now."
Inner Sakura, ' GRR! how dare she save sasuke! that's my job!'
Kakashi sighed he still didn't trust her but he would have to deal. " You feel up to joing us?"
Naruto smiles, and Sakura hugs Naki and she winces in pain. Naruto laughs and sasuke smiles but then quickly gets rid of it.
-----End of Part Six----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Key Note: Thank god for microsoft word and Spellcheck! Will edit later)

Part Seven: ( I'm predicting maybe 20 parts.. XD)
Kakashi yelled at them to run faster. Sakura panted as she ran behind Naruto and sasuke going head to head. Naki grunted as she stood next to kakashi.
Naki, "Kakashi I'm fine. I want to run too!"
kakashi, " Your injured, So your resting."
Naki, " well i don't care.." he sighs and lets her go. She ran out to them and caught up with naruto. " hey guys." Sasuke looks over angerily.
Naruto, " How'd you catch up to us so quickly?" she laughed and ran in front of them crossing the finish line first.
Sasuke, " Your preety fast for an injured person." She growled.
Naki, " i told ya i'm fine." a konai flew by her.
kakashi runs in, " we're under attack." Sasuke grabs naki and puts her behind him.
Sakura's Inner Demon, ' UGH! i wish sasuke would protect me!'
Kakashi, " good Idea sasuke." Naki grunted and jumped into the air doing fast handmovements.
naki," Ninja Style, Sygnification!" The trees, and surrondings dissapear to show the same shadowy figure from before.
Sakura, " Amazing." Sasuke threw his konai at it but it just grabbed it and threw it back.He jumps out of the way.
naki, " WHO ARE YOU!" The shadow reveals himself.
Shadow, " I always hated that spell." His eyes glow red.
Sasuke, " Itachi!" Naki looks over at sasuke to see intense anger. Itachi smiles moving his hands fast, anki knew the attack and she pushed sasuke down.
Itachi, " Shadow shurikens!" He throws one Shurikens and tons of shadows of it appear and fly out toward them. Naki Pushes down kakashi getting sliced across her left arm. She rushes over to a screaming sakura and takes a hit in her right side. She then dashes infront of naruto getting hit in the left leg. She finally grabs the real one and the shadows dissapear. She throws the shuriken back at itachi and does quick hand movements.
Naki, " Shadow shurikens." (Itachi copied her attack. Not vica versa) Itach quickly grabs the real shuriken and puts it away.
Itachi, " Stupid girl..saving your freinds." He held his 2 thumbs up, pinkies out and for fingers joined together. " I'll use it later." She grunted.
naki, " you can't do that! it's my specail attack handed down from my clan!"
Itachi, " What clan?" And he dissapeared. sasuke helped her up.
Sakura, " Waht justsu was that?" she frowned.
Naki, " a very Deadly and acurate one. You can't stop it.." She stumbled and fell down. Sakura gasped and helped her up. " It's an attack so deadly and silent you can never predict when it will hit. Not even a sharigan can predict it." kakashi grunted.
Sakura, " But if itachi copied it he must have saw it which means you used it on him.. So shouldn't he be dead?"
Naki, " I stopped it in the middle..it was too overwhelming."
Naruto, " And that's how you got those burn marks?"
Naki, " And Slashes.."
Sasuke, " Itachi cursed you with fear. if she does do that attack theres a possibilty she die and he live. " She frowned know that was true.
kakashi, " whats it called?"
Naki, " Sacrifical Bomb silent style. 50-50%i die they live. They die i live. These burns and slashes were from that attack. he's scared to do that attack as well. i can see it in his eyes." They were tons of slash marks in her clothes and legs, blood driiping down unto the ground.
Sasuke, "

© Copyright 2006 Luna (kakashinoodles at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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