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This story is about two girls who are best friends, and become more than friends. |
Chapter One “I can’t do it!” I whined, throwing the phone back down on my bed. Becca rolled her eyes, “Oh come on. You know he’s a creep, so just do it.” She replied, shaking her head. “I’m just not that mean, though!” “Soph, seriously, he’s a creep, don’t worry about hurting his feelings.” “Still..” I sighed, hugging my knees to my chest. Rolling her eyes again, Becca jumped up from my computer chair and began pacing back and forth at the end of my bed. “Okay, look, the guy leaves comments on multiple chicks myspace pictures, masturbates on web cam, and plus you’ve never even met him!” She pointed out, turning to me with her hands on her hips. “Aww, Becky looks so cute when she’s frustrated!” I teased. “Oh hey! Kodak moment!” I reached for my nightstand and snapped a picture of Becca before she could protest. “You and your stupid camera.” Becca muttered, plopping down on my bed in front of me. “So are you gonna?” She asked, grabbing my cell phone and holding it out. Sighing, I grabbed the phone from her hands, “Yea, I guess your right.” I admitted, and called him. “Hi this is Josh, and I’m not here right now so just leave a message, thanks.” “Uh.. Hi Josh, I was just calling to say.. Well I wanna break up. If you wanna know why just email me. Bye.” I said quickly, then snapped my phone shut. By that point, Becca was about to fall off the bed laughing, “Great, simple and short Soph.” She said, smirking. I was laughing too, “God! I can’t believe I did that!” I exclaimed, shaking my head. “Horrible.” “No, brilliant!” Becca replied, grinning. “Wait!” I said, and snapped another picture of her. “If you don’t quit that I swear I’ll throw that thing out your window.” She warned, but she was smiling. “Well, now that we’ve had our fun with that, let’s go get some munchies!” Becca chirped, jumping up and running downstairs for the kitchen. Shaking my head, and silently laughing at her energy, I followed her to the kitchen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Rebecca Gard, aka Becca, is pretty much my best friend. The way met is pretty interesting as well. Basically both of us being bisexual, and Myspace addicts; we met on a group for gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. Primarily people of the sort whom are also Goth, punk, emo, etc. I guess Becca and I both fall under the punk/emo category. Anyways, we met there and discovered that we lived within 20 minutes of each other, so of course, we became good friends, and met face-to-face. Funnily enough, a guy, Josh, from the same Myspace group added us both. The thing is, I didn’t know he added us both at first. He claimed he liked me, etc. He also asked me out a million times before I said yes (and that was in a span of two days!). I thought he was charming and cool, but then I saw he had rather flirtatious comments on Becca’s Myspace pictures. In which, Becca didn’t even realize that he was my boyfriend. He also did the same on multiple girls’ pictures. I found that out by looking at his other friends on myspace. What a coincidence it is that he has over 1000 people on his Friend Space—and probably no more than 5 of them are guys. But another thing was that after I told Becca about him and his comments, she told me something a little surprising. Apparently, darling Josh had Becca watch him on web cam and whipped out his thing and started masturbating. Obviously, Becca closed the window when she realized this. Charming guy, eh? Even though we weren’t together then, that still is pretty creepy. After that Becca and my other friends all encouraged me to dump him. He hadn’t even messaged or called me recently, so I decided to call him… and hoped that his voicemail would pick up instead. Luckily, it did. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “That was so much fun!” Becca exclaimed, spinning and dancing as we entered my bedroom. We had just gotten back from a party at one of my friends house. Before you get the wrong idea, pop was served, not alcohol, and people got high off sugar, not drugs. It was still fun and wild despite the fact there was no drugs or alcohol. Not that I would want there to be. “So you have some pajamas I can wear, right?” Becca asked, sitting at my computer chair and spinning around in it. “Yep,” I replied absent-mindedly, as I pulled so night clothes from my dresser, “They’d probably be big on you, but it’ll work.” “Awesome!” She chirped, grabbing the tank top and pants pajama set I held out for her. “Hah, pink?” Becca smirked, raising a brow at me. Shrugging sheepishly, I smiled slightly, “Mom bought them.” I replied, grabbing my own set of pajamas. Becca crossed the room to my full length mirror, and pulled off her black t-shirt then examined her body, then smirked and pinched her side, grabbing some loose skin, “Look, I’m getting flabby, I better exercise myself to death and stop eating or I can’t be perfect like everyone else.” She said sarcastically with a smirk. I shook my head, “Oh shush, Bec, you are perfect.” I answered. To me, she really was. While I was chubby with a big chest and wide hips, Becca was slender with petite features, including a small chest. Not that I minded; and not that I cared. But I couldn’t help from watching and she did a slow turn in the mirror, examining her reflection. Not only did Becca have an excellent body, but she was pretty too. Similar to my own hair cut, Becca’s hair was short- long in the front and spiked in the back. Hers was light brown, while I fried my hair by dying it black with blonde streaks. Becca had blue eyes, and I had green. Both of us were pale though. Not only that, but we both loved wearing a lot of black eyeliner, and black shirts were a must. Realizing that I had been staring, even though Becca didn’t notice- I looked away and began to change as well. I had my back turned since I wasn’t as nearly as comfortable with my body as Becca was, with her friends that is. After we got changed and removed our makeup, we settled on my bed, laying on our stomachs and put in the movie, “Queen of the Damned” . Another thing we both had in common was our love for the supernatural and mystical. That especially included vampires. Not only that, but we were both Wiccan. While we were intensely into the movie, suddenly our concentration was broken by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Glancing at my alarm clock, Becca scowled, “Who the hell calls at half past midnight?” Picking up the phone, I sighed with annoyance as my caller ID informed me. “Apparently Josh does.” I replied, in which Becca rolled her eyes in response. “Hello?” I said, pressing the speaker phone button the moment that I had the phone flipped open. “Soph?” Josh’s voice sounded small and meek. “That message you left me.. please tell me that was a joke?” He asked, in a rather pitiful voice. Rolling my eyes, I sighed, “No Josh, It wasn’t.” I replied. “Why?” He croaked weakly. “Oh for godsakes!” Becca growled, and grabbed the phone. “Hey Joshie, Its Becca, You know, the girl you posed your weenie for on web cam?” She said, smirking. “…Oh” was his short response. “Yea, ‘oh’. What an excellent response Joshie-poo!” She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes again. “Now, you can go continue your manwhore games with other girls, but leave me and Sophia alone! Buh-Bye.” Becca said, and snapped the phone shut. For a moment, we were both silent and stared at each other. Then we burst into laughter. “That was so mean!” I exclaimed, breathless from laughing so hard. “Yea well the creep deserved it.” Becca answered with a smirk. Suddenly, the phone rang again. Glancing at the caller ID, Becca threw her hands in the air and then answered, “CRAWL IN A HOLE AND DIE!” She screeched into the phone, and shut it briskly once more. Once again, I was laughing. This time I was laughing so hard that tears streamed down my face and my sides ached. “Who- ow!” I cried out, as I fell backwards off the bed. Blinking, I stared up at the ceiling. Scooting to the edge of the bed, Becca peered down at me, with a raised eyebrow. “Uh.. the bed pushed me off.” I said sheepishly. “I’ll bet it did.” She replied, rolling her eyes and moved back to her spot on the bed as I struggled to get up and get back on the bed. “Evil bed.” I muttered. Becca rolled her eyes, “Come on. Let’s get to sleep now.” She said, turning the TV off with the remote. “Alright.” I replied, getting under the covers as Becca did the same. “Night, night.” Becca said with a yawn, and turned towards the wall. “Night.” I said softly, thinking about the same thing I had been thinking all night. How beautiful Becca was. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “So he called you back, and Becca yelled at him to crawl in a hole and die?” my friend Lily said in disbelief, as I pulled my books out of my locker. Lily Shiner, my other best friend. I had known Lily since 7th grade, and she was one of my closest school friends. “Yep.” I replied, slamming the locker we shared shut. “Wowww, that’s awesome!” Lily said with a giggle, as we made our way down the crowded hall to hour second block class. “Mhm.” I replied absent-mindedly. Lily began to chatter to me about her weekend as we entered our Math class. That was, until an unwelcome voice interrupted, “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Spike the Dyke and the fat Raggedy Ann.” It was Andrya McGivillary- the most popular, blondest, bitchiest girl in school. Basically, she was the head bitch, and loved picking on me and my friends. “Oh my god!” I said, pretending to be horrified and pointed to her forehead, “-is that a.. ZIT?” I exclaimed. “What?! No way!” Andrya said in a panic, digging through her purse for a mirror. “She’s too easy,” I muttered, and smirked at Lily, “-In so many different ways.” I finished. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter Two “Ugh, so there is this chick, that won’t leave me alone at school.” Becca complained over the phone. “What does she do?” I asked, frowning as I flopped into my bed and stared at the ceiling with the phone resting on my shoulder. “She like.. stalks me!” Becca answered, “She follows me around everywhere and claims she’s bisexual. No one likes her either, especially me.” “That sucks.” I replied, absent-mindedly. “Yea, so her name is Lacey. She wants me to come with the movies with her Saturday. I don’t wanna go. I don’t even want to be horribly cruel and tell her ‘hell no’ either.” Becca sighed. “Tell her you’re taken.” I suggested. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll come to the movies with you and pretend I’m your girlfriend.” “Hmm… that sounds like a good idea… but I have a similar, but even better idea.” Becca said, in an evil sounding voice. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Okay, so I told her that you’re really interested in her and stuff, okay?” Becca whispered, as we walked up to the entrance of the movie theater. “Hey Lacey!” Becca called out, in a sugary sweet voice to a girl standing at the doors. The girl, apparently Lacey, had longish dark hair, with huge geeky glasses. She was small, thin, and shapeless. “Becca!” Lacey squealed, beaming. Even her voice was annoying. “Hello Lacey.” I said huskily, batting my eyelashes at her flirtingly. Or so she thought. Lacey giggled, an abnormal, annoying, high-pitched giggle, “Hello.. Sophia right?” She asked, beaming more. I nodded, flashing a flirtatious smile, “Just call me Soph.” I replied, pretending to check her out. “I’ll go buy the tickets and you two can get to know each other!” Becca chimed, winking at me before she walked inside the theater. “So, Lacey, Becca tells me you’re bi?” I asked, stepping in close to Lacey. A brief look of surprise and nervousness flickered in her eyes, before she answered, “Uhh yea, I am.” She said, almost uncertainly. “That’s wonderful.” I replied, running my hand down her arm teasingly. “Y-y-yea it is.” She agreed, obviously nervous. “Let’s go inside.” I said coolly, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside. Once inside, I saw that Becca had managed to get tickets and was now buying popcorn and drinks. Becca turned in the line and held out two tickets to us, “Here, you guys go get us seats.” She said, looking at me with a smirk. “Alright.” I answered, grabbing the tickets and dragging Lacey into our theater. “Let’s sit in back, its nice and dark and.. private in the back.” I said, smiling suggestively at Lacey, whom seemed to shift uncomfortably. “O-okay.” Lacey answered, sitting down next to me in the back. After a few minutes, Becca entered with our snacks and the movie started a few minutes after she arrived. About half-way through the movie, I slid my hand onto Lacey’s thigh, causing her to jump slightly with surprise at my touch. Smiling flirtingly at her, I ran my hand up and down her thigh teasingly, causing her to once more shift uncomfortably. Laughing inside, I slid my hand up her side, causing her to shudder. Whether it was a shudder of discomfort, or pleasure, I didn’t know, but the effect was good either way. Trying to not laugh, I moved my hand up to her breast and squeezed it, pretending like I was still watching the movie while doing so. Lacey was trying to do the same, but at my touch she jumped slightly again. She was getting quite nervous now. Struggling to not laugh still, I glanced at Becca, then back at the screen while ‘subtly’ running my hand down the front of her shirt, back towards her thigh. However, this time, my hand touched her, well, you know where. At this, Lacey let out a loud squeak and jumped out of her seat. People turned and glared at Lacey for the interruption, who turned very red. Pretending like the interruption had not fazed me, I pinched her butt, since she was standing up at this point. Yelping, and obviously having had enough, Lacey ran out of theater, leaving me and Becca trying to not kill ourselves while trying to laugh silently. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Now THAT, was great.” Becca laughed, as we entered her bedroom later that night. This time, I was staying at her house. “Do you think I scared her enough?” I asked, grinning. Laughing, Becca grinned back at me, “Scared her? I think you terrified the poor girl. She thought you were gonna molest her, right there in the theater.” She answered. Sitting on Becca’s bed, which was a single unlike my full one, I sighed and glanced up at the ceiling. “Let’s listen to some music.” Becca said, going to her stereo and putting in a CD. Instantly, I recognized the band. It was a small band, called “Flyleaf”. Ironically, the lead singer’s name was Lacey, however, she sang wonderfully and was actually pretty, unlike the Lacey that I had scared off tonight. “Good stuff.” I murmured, laying back on her bed and staring at the ceiling. Becca sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, at my feet, “I don’t know how I can ever pay you back.” She said, laughing softly again. “Uhh.. pay me in sex!” I joked. “Okay.” Becca replied smoothly. Before I knew what was going on, Becca was on top of me, smirking. Surprised, I stared at her, “Are you kidding?” I asked, nervously. “No, are you?” She returned, gazing down at me with her cool, beautiful blue eyes. “I-“ She cut me off by kissing me softly. Shocked, I couldn’t help but stare at her again as she pulled her lips away and looked at me, smirking slightly, “How’s that for a first kiss?” She asked, in a husky voice. However, before I could reply, she kissed me again, kissing deeper and places her hands on my sides. Relaxing a bit more, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed back, excited, amazed, and nervous. Running her hands up and down my sides, Becca licked my lips, silently asking for entrance to my mouth, In which I opened my mouth slightly and allowed her to slip her tongue in. Sliding her tongue in, she teased my tongue with her own and then moved her hands down to my hips, massaging them gently. Teasing her tongue back, I began to rub her back slowly. Suddenly, Becca trailed kisses to the base of my neck, where she nibbled on it lightly, sending waves of shivers down my body at the feel of her lips on my neck. Sliding her warm, soft hands beneath my shirt, I shivered again as they traveled up under my shirt. In a sudden movement, Becca’s nibbles turned into a hard bite on my neck, which caused me to squeak slightly at the surprise pain. However, the pain soon turned to pleasure and she sucked lightly on the bitten spot. Enjoying this, I began hearing the music in the background more clearly. The song, had changed to “All around me” . In which, the lyrics fit so perfectly. My hands are searching for you My arms are outstretched towards you I feel you on my fingertips My tongue dances behind my lips for you This fire rising through my being Burning I'm not used to seeing you I'm alive, I'm alive Letting the music blend with my feelings and motions, I rubbed her hips slowly, absorbed in her warmth and the soft music. I can feel you all around me Thickening the air I'm breathing Holding on to what I'm feeling Savoring this heart that's healing My hands float up above me And you whisper you love me And I begin to fade Into our secret place Once more, Becca’s lips found mine and she kissed me softly, and I felt her hands travel up under my shirt to my breasts, where she began rubbing my nipples softly. Moaning softly with pleasure, I massaged her lower back and kissed her back, feeling warmth all around me, along with feeling more relaxed yet excited at the same time. Again, the music was fitting what was going on as we kissed. The music makes me sway The angels singing say we are alone with you I am alone and they are too with you I'm alive, I'm alive I can feel you all around me Thickening the air I'm breathing Holding on to what I'm feeling Savoring this heart that's healing. After that verse, the music faded into the background, and all I could hear was the soft sounds of our lips meeting, or our hands brushing on each other. I was being soothed into comfort with her kisses and caresses, until suddenly we both heard feet upon the stairs outside. “Shit.” Becca cursed, jumping off me and straightening her clothes. Sitting up and doing the same, Becca grabbed some nail polish near by and pretended to be painting her toenails. As she did that, I grabbed a book nearby and pretending to read that, as I heard Becca’s mother open the door. “You two okay?” Mrs. Gard asked, stepping into the bedroom and raising a brow at us. Smiling, Becca looked at her mom, “Just fine, mom.” She replied easily. “Oh alright, ah, Becca, don’t paint on the carpet, or at least put newspaper under you.” Mrs. Gard said, sighing and walked out as she closed the door behind her. “That was close.” Becca said, shaking her head. “Yea.” I agreed absent-mindedly. At this point I was thinking, Could I possibly like Becca? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter Three “Wait, pause!” I said to Becca, holding up my camera. Rolling her eyes, Becca stopped walking and waited for me to take a picture. “Beautiful.” I smirked. Becca rolled her eyes once more, “Oh come on.” She said, and grabbed my arm and yanked me forward. It was a wonderful, stormy, Saturday afternoon; and Becca and I were roaming the streets of Detroit. Even better, we were in what we liked to call the ‘ghetto of Detroit’. It was the area where shootings, drive-bys, and cop chases often occurred. The kind of place our mothers didn’t want us to be in. So of course, our mothers thought we were elsewhere in a nice, safer area of Detroit. Anyways, we were there because Becca was my model, and I was taking picture to put in my portfolio for a photo sort of contest. If my portfolio was deemed to have the best photos, I would get a $2000 scholarship for any college of my choice. So currently, I decided to take a few photos of Becca in the city sort of scene. I would take pictures in several different places also though. We started to walk by an alley, but I stopped and tugged on Becca’s shirt. “Wait; stand in the alley so I can take some pictures.” I instructed her. Raising an eyebrow, Becca silently complied and walked partially into the alley. First, I just took a picture of her walking into the alley, and then took another as she turned back towards me. “Okay, lean against that wall and look off into the street.” I told her, and then took a few more pictures when she did so. “Alright, we’re done here.” I said, letting my camera hang by the strap around my neck. “Weirdo.” Becca muttered, grabbing my wrist and pulling us both out of the alley. “So, this summer I’m going away to California for a month.” Becca said in a casual voice. Disappointed that I wouldn’t get too see her for a whole month, I responded flatly, “Oh.” “Yea, I’m staying with my Aunt Cathy. She doesn’t have any kids so my mom forces me to go stay with her every somewhere and let her pretend I’m her daughter for that time.” Becca explained, sighing. “Oh.” I said again, gazing at the sidewalk as we continued walking. “Oh don’t act so damn miserable!” Becca said, stopping and grabbing my arm to make me face her. “You haven’t even let me finish. Aunt Cathy decided to be nice this summer and said I could bring a friend with me.” She finished. “Who would you bring?” I asked, although I knew full well she’d probably bring me. “Oh you know, there is this guy friend of mine from school, Paul, I figured I’d bring him so we could have a little Beach fun.” Becca answer sarcastically. “Lucky guy.” I replied, smirking. “Soph! Come on, you know I was gonna ask you to come.” Becca said, smacking my arm playfully. “I did?” I teased, widening my eyes innocently. “So do you wanna come?” She demanded, crossing her arms. “…can we have beach fun too?” I asked, with a sheepish grin. “What would be a vacation in California without a little beach fun?” Becca replied, smirking. “A very bad one.” I answered, smirking back. --------------------------------------------------- “AGH! The light! It blinds me!” Becca yelled as she stepped out of the airport, into the bright sunshine of California. “It’s a good thing we’re humans then. I think we are anyways. Are we Becca?” I retorted, smirking at her. “Hell if I know. Ask me if I’m female, I can look down my pants and check. But to check if I’m human? Pfft! We’re probably a sub species of humans or something. Except, more intelligent.” She answered, shaking her head. “Can I check to see if you’re female too?” I asked with a wicked grin. “As long as I can check to see if you are female.” Becca replied, winking at me. “Alright you non-humans and possibly females, lets get to the car.” Her aunt said dryly from behind us. “So, now we’re unpacked and have our Beach gear- it’s time to go the beach!” Becca exclaimed, putting on her giant movie star sunglasses and running outside. --------------------------------------------------- It was lucky for us that her aunt shared a private beach with her two other neighbors. Meaning, we could most likely have the beach entirely to ourselves. Especially since one of the neighbors was off on a business trip, and the others were never home except their son, who was around our age apparently. But Becca’s aunt said she hadn’t seen much of him lately either. Becca’s eyes had gleamed with mischief when her aunt admitted that with all the privacy, she had gone nude on the beach once or twice. Dropping out stuff on to the sand, I concentrated on laying a giant blanket down for us both and pulling out the sunscreen and such, while Becca took off her shirt and shorts, revealing her swimsuit. Actually, it was a bikini. Bit of a revealing one too. It was black of course, and it tied around the neck and under her shoulder blades. It didn’t seem to cover her small breasts much either, and had a grey skull clasp at the cleavage. Her bikini bottom was no better, tied up at the sides with similar skull clasps. Avoiding from staring at Becca, I stared down at my arms as I lathered sunscreen on myself in the meanwhile. Smirking, Becca snatched the bottle from my hands and sat down in front of me, her back to me. “Lather me down, will you?” She asked sweetly. Somehow I could tell she was possibly trying to tempt me. Knowing Becca, I wouldn’t put past her to do so. “Uhh, sure.” I replied tentatively, and took the bottle back. Putting some in the palm of my hands, I rubbed my hands together then began to gently massage it into her shoulders. Moving down her back, I put more lotion onto my hands and got down to her lower back. “There.” I said, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice. “Could you get my front too?” she asked in the same, sweet and devilish voice. Little witch. “Alright.” I answered, pushing away my nervousness as she turned towards me and leaned forward. To my dismay, she seemed to taunt me in doing so, allowing a better view of her breasts under her top. Refusing to look, I concentrated on putting it on her shoulders and arms. “My chest too.” She said plainly, smirking. Oh dear. I thought to myself, getting even more nervous. Silently, I put a bit more in my hands and spread it over her collarbone, tentatively moving farther down. With a lot of self control, I managed to get down by her breasts and started to pull away and relieve myself of temptation. However, Becca had another evil idea in mind. “I think I want to do what my aunt occasionally does,” she said with a pause, her blue eyes sparkling, “-Go nude.” Becca finished. I started to protest, but a voice interrupted me from behind Becca, “Hey, can I go nude with you?” A boy said, walking up to us. Turning around Becca smirked, “Do you go nude often?” She asked, teasing him. “Maybe.” He answered with a grin. “My name is Jake. Jake Howett.” The boy, Jake, grinned once more. “-and you lovely ladies are..?” He asked. “I’m Becca, and this is Sophia.” Becca replied, introducing both of us with a rather flirtatious smile. “Nice to meet you both.” Jake replied smoothly. As I have said, he was quite hott. He appeared to have a rather punk-emo style also. His hair was black, and he had creamy skin. His eyes though, were a wonderful dazzling blue-green colour. They were the kind of eyes that you could stare at for hours and never get tired of looking at them. Outlining his eyes was black eye-liner. He also had a snakebite piercing on his lip. I could tell Becca wanted a piece of him. If you know what I mean. “You girls going swimming?” Jake asked, flashing a charming smile. “Oh yes. Care to join us?” Becca asked, in an obviously flirting tone. “Still going nude?” He teased with a wink. “No.” I cut in flatly. Both looked at me funny, and Becca shook her head, “Maybe another time. For now its swimsuit swimming, not skinny dipping.” She replied, grinning. “Oh bugger, you had my hopes up.” Jake pouted. Bet she had something else up too. I thought to myself with disgust. --------------------------------------------------- “You’re jealous of him aren’t you?” Becca said in a cool voice from behind me. It was a bit past midnight, and Becca and I had finished having dinner and watching movies with her aunt. We were now in the guest room getting ready for bed. “Of who?” I asked, glancing at her and pretending I had no clue. “Oh come on, you know who I’m talking about. Jake.” Becca replied, seeming to be a bit annoyed. “No I wasn’t.” I answer simply, even though was a fat lie. Which Becca obviously knew. “Bullshit.” She said, and grabbed my shoulder to make me face her. Turning towards her, I tried to keep my expression fairly blank. “Do you like me, Sophia?” Becca asked, staring into my eyes searchingly. “Of course. You’re my best friend. I’m required to like you.” I answered nervously. “That’s not what I mean.” She said, frowning. “What do you mean?” I shot back, trying to turn away. But I was unable to, because all the sudden she grabbed me and kissed me deeply. As soon as the shock seemed to wear off, Becca pulled away again and walked to the dresser drawer silently. Shocked, I wasn’t sure how to respond. I suppose there was no need though, because Becca didn’t mention it, or do anything else but say “Goodnight” to me and then we went to our shared bed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter Four The next morning when I woke up, Becca was already gone. Standing up and stretching, I got up and walked to the dresser to change into my swimming suit. A few minutes later, I was ready to hit the beach. When I went outside, I gazed down to the shoreline, looking for Becca. To my disgust, I saw she was laying down on the shore sunning- with Jake. Annoyed, I walked down to where they lay and managed to squeeze myself between them on Becca’s towel. “Hello.” I greeted in a feigned cheerfulness. Raising a brow, a small smirk played upon Becca’s lips, “Hi.” She replied in an amused tone. Jake frowned, “Hi.” He also greeted. “So what are you two up to?” I asked casually, eyeing Jake suspiciously. “Oh, nothing. Tanning, Talking… Screwing.” She added the last one in with a grin. I scowled as Jake laughed and Becca gave him a playful shove. “How long have you been up?” I asked curiously. “Few hours.” Becca shrugged. It was already noon. “Yea, I guess we’re both early risers.” Jake said, as he and Becca seemed to share a smile almost as if they had a secret between them. “Early risers. Right.” I muttered. Raising a brow, Jake stretched out and jumped to his feet. “Well, I have to be going. I have work in an hour.” He said with a goofy grin. “Talk, Tan, and Screw later?” He joked with Becca. “Sure,” She replied with a smirk, “Maybe again tomorrow morning.” Becca winked at him teasingly. “See ya.” He said, and walked off. Sticking my tongue out in disgust, I shook my head. “What?” Becca asked, seemingly innocently. “Nothing.” I sighed, and layed down on the towel. “Nothing. Oh come on, Soph, something’s up.” Becca said, looking down at me with a frown. “I’m fine.” I answered dully, flickering my eyes to her. “Soph..” Becca frowned. “What?” I answered. Without a word, Becca suddenly leaned down and kissed me hard. Too shocked to respond, I lay there as she pulled away, looking at her wide eyed. “I…” I started to speak, but Becca quieted me by covering my mouth with hers again, and kissing my deeply. This time, I could hardly resist from responding, and kissed her back, gentle at first, but when Becca’s kiss grew more demanding, I responded back and kissed her back harder and deeper, my arms going around her. Suddenly, she broke away, pulling herself away from me. Breathing heavily, Becca stared at me in silence for a moment, but then spoke softly. “Don’t tell me you didn’t feel anything.” She said softly. I struggled to even speak, “I..” I paused, and instead of speaking, I instead grabbed her and kissed her again, telling her silently how I felt. --------------------------------------------------- In silence, we walked back to the condo holding hands. Becca’s aunt was at work, so we were going to be alone for another few hours. We went into the bedroom, and sat quietly on the bed, not looking at each other. Quietly, Becca scooted back on the bed and hugged her knees to her chest. I sat on the edge in silence, unable to look at her. “This is weird for me too.” She finally spoke. “More than weird..” I croaked. “Yes… more than weird to be in love with your best friend.” I glanced at her, “In love?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat. “That’s what I’d call it.” She said quietly, and grabbed my hand. “I don’t feel just only physical attraction for you Soph, It’s never been just that. I’ve liked you more than a friend for your personality, for you.” Becca finished, in the same quiet voice. I stared at her, feeling extremely shaky. I glanced down at our linked hands, and then back up her face. “I.. I love you too.” I responded quietly. She didn’t say anything more, just leaned over and kissed me softly. Grabbing my shoulders, she pulled back and looked into my eyes, “I don’t want to sound corny, Soph, but… be mine?” Becca asked. Smiling, I kissed her back and pulled away as well, “Of course.” I answered, and sealed the deal with another long sweet kiss. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter Five The next morning, Becca and I both headed to the beach at about 10 am. Becca, I noticed, was already developing a tan. I, on the other hand, was still paler than a white sheet; in which I was completely content with. After we laid out our beach towels and set up an umbrella for shade, I watched in amusement as Becca ran to the shore and dived into the waves. Her head bobbed up after a moment, and she grinned at me. “Come in, Soph!” She called out, “The water is awesome.” Shrugging, I walked down to the shore and waded in, only to be quickly knocked off my feet by a brisk wave. I struggled back up to the surface, choking and spluttering and glared at Becca, whom was laughing at me. I splashed her playfully, and she merely laughed again. “You’ve got to ride the wave, silly. Become one with the wave!” Becca teased me, and demonstrated as I sat back in the shallower, calmer water. She turned around, facing me and waited as a small wave came up behind her. As it swelled up, she jumped at the right moment, and managed to ride with the wave, rather than be dunked under by it. “Now you try.” Becca encouraged, grabbing my arm and pulling me in deeper. Grinning, I joined her in her wave surfing. We ‘body surfed’ for a few minutes, and then eventually got tired out and moved to the shallower waters, where the waves were gentle and relaxing. “That was fun.” I commented, smiling. “Yea, well y’know what’s even more fun?” Becca asked with a mischieveous grin. She didn’t wait for my response, but instead, slipped her arms around me and kissed me deeply. After a moment, she pulled away and look at me with a smirk. “Yea, I’d have to agree.” I replied breathlessly. Tugging gently, Becca led me up to the beach to our towels, and we laid down together under the shade of the umbrella. With a smirk, Becca lay on her side and kissed me again, this time gently, and longer. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed back, pulling her closer so that our bodies touched. Her tongue ran on my bottom lip, and a thrill ran through me as Her hands explored my body and mine entangled in her short hair. Becca deepend the kiss, sliding her tongue into my mouth and exploring bravely, massaging my tongue with hers as she slipped her hand down my back. I shivered with delight at her touch, and responded to her kisses, now rubbing her shoulders. Moving my mouth down her skin, I kissed her neck gently, and leaned over her, trailing kisses down to her chest. Nervously, I was unsure how much farther to explore, but Becca grabbed my hair gently, and seemed to signal she wanted more. Unsure of myself, I kissed the fabric on her left breast, in which she moaned softly in pleasure at. Exploring further, I moved to the right, and this time, brushed the fabric of her bikkini away and kissed her nipple gently. “Sophia..” She gasped, and I moved back up to meet her lips, her kisses more demanding and harsh now. I kissed her deeply, and she rubbed the small of my back gently. Quite suddenly, we both froze as we heard footsteps approaching. We pulled apart, and adjusted ourselves to look presentable. I did my usual trick of grabbing a book and pretending to read, and Becca pretended like she was simply tanning her legs in the sun, her sunglasses shading her eyes. “Hello, ladies.” Came Jake’s smooth voice, as he walked around and stood in front of us. Propping herself up with her elbows, Becca smiled calmly and nodded, “Hello.” She replied coolly. Still nervous, I pretended to be deep into my book and just nodded a greeting. “So, what have you been up to?” Jake asked, plopping down on to the sand in front of us. As I continued to pretend to read, Becca answered for us, “Swimming, tanning, the usual.” She answered casually. Jake nodded, and leaned back slightly, propping himself up with his arms. “So.. you wanna go to the movies tonight?” He asked. He was really asking both of us, but out of the corner of my eye I could see he was plainly admiring Becca’s body, and the question was more directed at her. Becca shrugged, “Sure.” She replied, before I could say anything to protest. I opened and closed my mouth, swallowing what I wanted to say. I’d rather spend the evening alone with Becca, not with Becca AND Jake, as I knew he would be making passes at her all night. I frowned, and he grinned, then jumped to his feet. “Great, I’ll pick you two up at Seven. See ya.” He said, and then ran off up to his own condo. Uneasy, I dreaded seven pm coming. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Warning: Explicit scenes in this chapter Chapter Six Much to my dismay, seven pm unfortunately did arrive, and Jake arrived on time. “Hello Ladies.” He greeted smoothly. 'Give me a break.' I thought, rolling my eyes. 'The jerk thinks he's such a ladies man. Little does he know Becca... is taken.' “Hello.” Becca said pleasantly as we walked down to his car. It was a nice shiny bright red Ford Explorer. Politely, Jake held open the door to the front seat for Becca, and she hopped in cheerfully. I noticed that he noticed her short denim skirt. Becca had not dressed subtly. She in fact, was wearing a slightly showing black tank top, with a short denim skirt that was frayed on the bottom, fishnets and high heels. She claimed it was for amusement and to see what kinds of looks she got. I stuck to wearing a black Evanescence t shirt, jeans, and my air walk canvas shoes that had little designs all over it. I wasn't surprised that Jake didn't reserve his politeness for me and walk around to the driver's side and hopped in. Reluctantly, I got in the back. The whole ride to the movies, I was quiet. Becca and Jake chattered away, and I watched warily as he placed his hand on her thigh while talking. Subtly, she brushed it away. When we got to the theaters, Jake got our tickets and handed me mind, then shoved money into my hands, “Here, go buy some popcorn and drinks.” He said dismissively. I gaped in disbelief as he tried to pull Becca away into the theater, but Becca pulled away from grasp. Smirking, Becca shook her head, “It'll be difficult for Soph to carry three drinks and a popcorn. I'm going to help her.” She said cheerfully and skipped over to me before he could protest. “Hello, darling.” Becca said teasingly, hooking elbows with me. I rolled my eyes. Arms linked, I could tell Becca was as amused as I was as people gave us dirty looks. With her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint, Becca sudden smacked my butt, causing me to jump and yelp slightly in surprise, but then I laughed. “You're evil.” I whispered to her. Becca smirked slyly, “No darling, you'll have to wait for that till later.” she said loudly. “Becca!” I hissed, hitting her arm gently, which just made her cackle. I rolled my eyes as I heard a few mutters of “lesbians” and “faggots” in the lines around us. “Homophobics.” I muttered as I stepped up to the counter and we got our drinks and popcorn. The previews were almost done when Becca and I finally entered the theater and found Jake waiting inside the door for us. “Thanks.” He said, snatching a drink from my hands, and then walked down the aisle. “I should have put cyanide in it.” I muttered, causing Becca to giggle as she pulled be down the aisle with her. Jake was waiting midway down the aisle, and gestured for us to go on by. Becca went down the row of seats, but before i could also, he jumped in the way, getting between Becca and I. I paused at the end of the aisle in disbelief at his rudeness and also blunt attempt to get between us. As Jake set next to Becca, and I was forced to sit next to him, she just raised a brow at me and I simply scowled, handing her the popcorn over his lap. I was annoyed as the movie began, and struggled to pay attention. Not even fifteen minutes into the movie, I saw Jake's hand moving out of the corner of my eye, sliding on to Becca's knee. She just ignored it. 'I swear I'm going to fucking kill him.' I thought to myself, clenching my fists. Throughout the whole movie, his hand creeped to hers and she pushed it away. He also tried to the old “stretching” trick where the guy stretched and his arm mysteriously ended up around the girl, but she brushed away his arm again, coolly. We all road home in silence. When we arrive at the house, Jake glanced at me, forcing a smile, “Hey Soph, go ahead into the house, I need to talk to Becca a second.” “Whatever.” I replied, annoyed and jumped out of the car, not even looking at Becca. I stomped up to the front door, and leaned against the condo as I waited for Becca, watching them through the darkness. Unsurprisingly, I could tell by the look on his face he was probably hitting on her, and she just listened with a calm expression. I watched as he tried to lean over and kiss her, and suddenly drew back sharply. Though I could hear no words, it appeared that he was cursing as Becca hopped out of the car and up to me. I raised a brow as Jake idled by the curb. “What did you do to h-” Becca cut me off by kissing me deeply. She kissed me for what seemed a long while and I kissed back, and we didn't pull apart for a few seconds until we heard Jake speed off. She snickered as she pulled away from me, and shook her head. “What happened?” I asked, as we walked into her aunt's house. “He tried to hit on me, and tried to kiss me, so I punched him in the gut.” She replied calmly and tugged me up the stairs into our 'room'. I shook my head as we kicked off our shoes and I sat on the bed. For a moment, Becca paused and looked at me slyly and eyed me in a rather mischievous way. “You know what I've been wanting to do all night?” She asked softly. Before I could reply, Becca shoved me on to my back on the bed and slid on top, kissing me deeply and her hands running down my sides. I was caught off guard, but not displeased. I kissed her back, my arms sliding around her waist. Suddenly Becca drew away, her breath slightly ragged, “Get up on the bed all the way.” She said, and I slid up the middle of the bed, and she once more climbed up on top of me, and suddenly pulled off my shirt. This, definitely surprised me. But before I could react, my body was tingling as she kissed down my neck, groping my right breast and squeezing it gently. I gasped as she hastily pushed away the fabric of my bra and kissed my nipple, then began gently sucking on it. Emotions and feelings ran through me i had never felt before, and I found myself, well, lost in the passion. I responded with soft moans and my own hands roamed up under her shirt, and she suddenly moved away from my peaked nipple and kissed down my stomach. I was shocked at how fast she was going. A little nervous too, but then again hormones overruled me and I tensed slightly as she quickly unbutton my pants, tugging them down and off my legs. “Becca,” I breathed, shocked even more. “Shh.” She murmured, and suddenly kissed my thigh, pushing my legs apart. “I-” my words were cut off as she tugged down my panties and pressed her finger in between my legs. I gasped, thrills going through me. “I knew it.” She looked up at me and smirked. “What?” I said, gaspingly. “You're already wet.” She murmured, and stroked me softly. “Ohmygod.” I muttered, closing my eyes as a chill ran down my body. She laughed softly, and continued stroking me, softly at first. I trembled under her touch and she slid up and kissed my lips softly, then deeper as she began to stroke me faster and faster. I moaned and felt my body tense slightly, and she moved her lips down my body again, and then moved her hand away. I was only disappointed for a moment, until I felt something softer, and indescribably more pleasurable in between my legs. I forced myself to look down and saw her tongue running.. down there! “Oh god.” I gasped, as she licked me slowly and tantalizingly, massaging my clit with her tongue. She pinned down my legs and continued, causing bigger sensations of pleasure to go through me, and i felt my body suddenly tense up more than before. I gasped, feeling as if time had suddenly stopped, and a deep thrill went through me, then what felt like I could only describe as a release. A moment later, Becca was by up next me again, smirking. Breathing heavily, I looked over at her with wide, shocked eyes, “What.. was that?” I asked weakly. She laughed, “An orgasm.” Becca answered, as if the answer should've been obvious to me. “My first orgasm.” I murmured. Becca laughed again, and leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Want another?”. ******************************************* To be continued... |