Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1111363-When-I-dont-have-my-own-pen
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1111363
I wish I had a match to reignite the flames of the youth!
I have noticed that my best writing is the least censored of all my work, and it makes sense, you can't write in fear of conviction and expect it to be affective. When I look back on poems ect. that I have written, they hardly even affect me. I was censor-writing to protect myself, from?-- the world? Ridicule? But I am trying to break myself free from that straight jacket.

I am stuck in this drab office on a Saturday waiting to answer the phones that don't ring, and all I have is this keyboard when I really just want a pen; my pen and my notebook (emphasis on my). So I am using writing.com as a notebook and I am posting this message to all of writing.com's readers.

I have a book, of course, but the more I read the more I want to write. The book is FOXFIRE by Joyce Carol Oates, and it is the second time I am reading it. It is one of my all time favorites. It makes me want to rebel, but rebel for a purpose. Not like my little brother who is sixteen and thinks that shelling out his allowance to Phillip Morris is rebellion. He talks about the cameras set up around his high school and the teachers enforcing rules and regulations that violate the students’ rights while he sits passively in back of the school smoking and watching the cameras. Why not destroy them? Why not rebel against the suffocation that our society and others encompass us with, especially the youth? Why give money to "the man?" It is passive rebellion at its lamest. Rebellion seems to be a right of passage into society, it is expected of our adolescents, but it seems that they do not know how to rebel. There is so much to rebel against, so much to question, so much to reform, and yet our youth sits there smoking and watching the cameras. Sure, they get angry about it, they see that it is not right, after all they have brains of their own (most of them), but they do nothing, they sit there and smoke. Well I think it is about time that someone reignites the flames of the youth. It is about time we wake up these kids and pull them out of their dark rooms. Tell them "stand up for your rights, stand up and do something." The passive rebellion infecting my brother and other adolescents is not the same as the passive resistance that Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi were so adamant about. No, passive rebellion is the equivalent to a duckling sitting on a rock in a pool of alligators. It is rebellious, yes, but it is self destructive.

There is my rant for you. That is what happens when I don't have my pen and notebook: I rant to the world. Why is it that there is not a genre for rants?

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