Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1111089-Redemption-Ch1---part-2
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1111089
A young woman finds her future in the forest, and learns to acecept her past.
         Sunlight sliced through the canopy and warmed my face as I roused from sleep. I blinked in the glare, and tried to get my bearings. Something pricked my bottom when I sat up and I jumped. “Damn twigs.” I brushed them aside and looked for my clothes. The last thing I wanted right now was to be caught out here naked. The memories of last night were foggy. They often were. There was a time when I could recall my nightly escapades with crystal clarity. But lately, well, everything lately was foggy. I vaguely remembered hurrying outside to Shift, but drew a blank on the rest.

         I shivered despite the pleasant atmosphere and began the age-old quest for my garments. I found them about a hundred yards later, and didn’t waste any time putting them on. At least I had the sense to put the key on top. I had been inconvenienced many times because of losing these little devices.
         The desk clerk smiled at me as I walked past. Had she been there last night when I snuck out? I couldn’t remember, so I gave a quick nod and went straight to my room. God I was a mess, no wonder Shawn left. I paused before opening the door, my hand frozen in front of the lock. It wasn’t my fault. I plunged the key home. Why did I do that to myself? What Shawn and I had shared… I tossed my key onto the end table and it clanged loudly. I needed a bath.

         The smooth tiles of the bathroom floor were cool beneath my bare feet. Hot steam rose to fill the little room as I blew out the match. I looked fondly at the row of votives I had set up along the shelf and flicked off the light. I loved baths like this. A good long soak in the tub by candlelight did wonders for my mood. I stepped in, leaned back, and let my mind wander.

“What do you see when you look into my eyes?” He whispered softly, caressing my cheek.

“Your soul.” I gazed into his deep blue eyes. “You’re an angel sent by God, and I don’t deserve you. I love you more than the moon and stars. More than the sunlight on a perfect summer day. I see your soul, Shawn, and I love you for it.”

He looked at me for a long time. “You’re the angel, not me. You deserve so much more than this. Things I can never give you.”

“You are the only thing I want…the only thing I need. I have to be near you just to breathe. You’re everything to me. I’d die without you.”

“Don’t say things like that. I’m nothing special.”

“Yes you are. You’re so much more than you think. You’re the best thing God ever made.” I kissed him gently, and held him close. My heart was breaking from the awful things he was saying. He made it sound like he didn’t want to be with me. Like he didn’t deserve me. But there was nothing in this life I needed more than him. I’d do anything he wanted – anything but let him go. My whole world would shatter if I had to live without him. I squeezed him tighter and tried not to think about it.


         A soft noise roused me from my memories. I listened for it again, and realized someone was knocking. At first I didn’t move. Who the hell could that be? No one knew I was here. I got out of the tub and wrapped myself in a bathrobe before unlocking the door. A police officer and the motel manager stood in the hallway. My heart stuttered, and I pushed down a wave of panic. My mind raced, desperately trying to think of anything I might have done wrong. Did I park in the wrong spot? Had my credit card been denied? Did someone see me Shift last night? Nausea threatened to make my knees buckle. No, if someone had seen me, they wouldn’t send just one cop. They’d have the whole damn squad busting down my door, or maybe even the S.W.A.T. team-- assuming they could get someone at the precinct to believe them, that is. Still, whatever they wanted, it couldn’t be good.

         “I’m sorry to disturb you, miss,” The manager said with a weak smile. “But there’s been a car accident, and the officer would like to ask you a few questions.”

         “May I come in?” The officer asked politely.

My brain was numb. A car accident? What could that possibly have to do with me? I was hundreds of miles from home. I had no family here, no friends. It didn’t make sense. “Sure.” I said, and stepped aside.

The officer thanked the manager, and closed the door behind him. He stood in my room and gave me a slight smile. All at once I felt trapped. This was wrong. Something about the man in front of me wasn’t right. My pulse raced. Run. My instincts were beating at me almost as wildly as my heart was. I forced it down. Running from the cops wasn’t a smart idea, no matter what the cause.

         “Is there something I can help you with, officer?” I asked, noticing his handsome face. He looked like a model for the latest G.Q. issue. Forty-something. Black hair. No wedding band. Cold blue eyes. I blinked and looked again. Exceptionally cold. His eyes shone bright, almost luminescent. Too bright for a human. I discreetly checked the scent. Werewolf. The realization must have shown on my face, because the man in the uniform relaxed and sat on the edge of the bed. Anger welled up inside me and I barely held it in check. Twenty-four hours! I wasn’t here twenty-four hours and already the locals were breathing down my neck.

         “I’m not an officer. But you already guessed that, didn’t you?”

         “What ever gave you that idea?” I didn’t mean to throw the words at him, but that’s the way they came out. I inhaled, closed my eyes, and tried to calm down. If he was sent here to threaten me, I doubt he’d do it casually leaning on my furniture. “I’m sorry. I meant no disrespect.”

         He looked at me for a moment, then gave a pleasant show of white teeth. “My name’s Nick. I’m second in command of the Stonegate pack. And you are…?”


         “Nice to meet you, Teresa. What brings you to Crystal Lake?”

         I swallowed dryly. What could I say? That my boyfriend left me after my sister was murdered, and I was here because I felt responsible? Somehow I didn’t think wallowing in self-pity would gain much sympathy. “I’m on vacation.”

         “Vacation? That’s nice. How long do you plan on staying? You probably have school soon. It starts in a week or so. That right?”


I wasn’t sure I’d heard him right. I was young, but I wasn’t that young. Maybe he meant college. I glanced at him and the laughter in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. I relaxed, smiled, and let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. Nick stood and grasped my hand, kissing it warmly. He looked at me with a startling spark of mischief that could disarm any woman past her teens. I felt my cheeks flush, and knew I was giving him the reaction he was used to. Damn.

         “Let me take you out to dinner tonight. We can get to know each other a little; I’ll give you a proper welcome to Stonegate territory. After that, we’ll introduce you to the boys. What do you say?” He tucked my hand under his arm.

         “The boys? Does that mean there are no women here?”

         He chuckled low, the sound vibrating deep in his chest. “No, there are plenty of women here. Just not many with your particular talents.”

         I knew what he meant. I could look forward to a night of ogling by a pack of testosterone-filled hound dogs. Although, if Nick’s manner was any indication of the norm for the rest of the pack, maybe, just maybe, I could get out of this mess before things got too serious. Besides, I couldn’t hide from them. It would be impossible. Werewolves can pick up a scent from over a mile away. Any werewolf traveling out of their territory could expect to arouse attention. Most packs didn’t take kindly to strangers, either. And seeing how I was practically in Stonegate’s back yard, it would probably be a good idea not to piss them off. Nick was being polite in inviting me out to dinner, but we both knew the truth... I didn’t have a choice.

         “That sounds nice.” I said.

         “Great! I’ll swing by around seven and pick you up. Uh, without the uniform.”

         He grinned and winked. It gave him such a boyish charm that I felt myself blushing again before I realized it. He said good-bye and left, leaving me spinning with disbelief. I hadn’t expected to be sniffed out so soon. But I guess that’s part of the pack’s duty; to know the very minute their territory is invaded. And I may not know Nick, but I knew his type. Send a friendly face to assess the situation, avoid conflict if possible. I had to admit, he had a very friendly face. It had taken all of three seconds to woo me. I mentally kicked myself for that one. But I could definitely see why he had the responsibility. Any woman with eyes in her head and a… well, um, let’s just say I couldn’t really blame myself for liking him.
© Copyright 2006 Bluest of Grey Souls (marina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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