Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1110745-The-Shadows-Chronicles-Saga
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1110745
Chapter 1 continues
The ones that were near are the ones trying to help the dragons. Drake slowly wrote in the mud, that he has a unicorn friend. This made no effort do to the heavy rain. The rain kept coming down and it was hard for Drake to write this message. He then whipped his tail to the near by tree. With a loud “CRACK” the tree fell. The humans ran over to see what the noise is about and seen the fallen tree. On the tree was a message stating the dragon befriended the unicorn and needed some food for them. When the rain stops and the sun is shining then he will let them know what is going on. The humans left and Drake told Unaa that these humans where friends of the dragons at one time. If they are still friends of the dragons, then he will talk to them. Unaa was confused, first Drake tells her that the humans are going to kill them and now they are not. Unaa was too tired to ask Drake about it.

Therefore, Unaa decided to wait until the sun was shining to see what was going on and to ask Drake to explain the reason for him wanting to talk to the humans. As she snuggled closer to Drake, for warmth, she then drifted right to sleep. Drake felt her going to sleep and he had to think of a good explanation on the reason for wanting to talk to the humans. Drake was still unsure, about the humans. He has lived too long to trust them. As he looked into the distance, he could see the humans settling down for the night. Drake knew that it would be a long night keeping watched.

The rain kept pouring down on them and got colder every time. The night seemed like it was going to take forever. Drake then decided to keep his illusion and fell fast asleep. As soon as Drake fell asleep, the shadows started to move closer to him. The shadows did not know of Unaa and wanted too see why the dragon did not kill the humans, but cut the tree down instead. The shadows are friendly creatures and have helped the unicorns when in great need. As soon as the shadows moved closer, Drake woke up. He felt that something was near. To near for his liking. He opened his large eye and seen the shadow. He knew they are friendly and just watched them.

The shadows seen Drake and asked, “Why, did you not kill the humans, like the other dragons that were here.”

“Shhhh, my friend is asleep and I do not wish to wake her.” Drake quietly said.

“What friend?” questioned the shadow.

“Dragons have no small friends.” explained the shadow.

“I have a friend and she is a unicorn.” Drake said.

Knowing that the shadows are the unicorns’ closest friends, he had to tell them. The shadows then understood why he did not kill the humans.

“Can you do me a favor, shadows’?” asked Drake.

“What is it you like dragon?” said the shadows’.

“Can you see if the humans are friends of the dragons?” asked Drake.

“I just do not want Unaa to be harmed.” pleaded Drake.

“Yes, we will see if the humans are friendly and on our side.” said the shadows.

“Thank you!” Drake said with relief.

Now Drake can sleep. The shadows may be friendly to them, but to the humans, well that is another story.

The shadows went over to the humans, who were fast asleep, found out that only one human was friendly. The camp was about two yards away. It was behind some big bushes. There were eight humans sleeping around the campfire. There was one human away from the fire. He was also in chains. The shadows released him and told him about the dragon and the unicorn. The man was grateful and told him that he did not tell the others that the dragon was there. As the human pointed into the direction of where Drake and Unaa lay asleep, the human told the shadows that the others wanted the dragon alive. They want to use him in the war they have with the kingdom of friendly people. These people want to see the dragons and unicorns, in the valley. He also explained that he was trying to mislead the others in the wrong direction. The shadows then told the man that they will keep it dark after the sunrises, so he can explain this to the dragon and help them escape into the mountain.

The rain had stopped and the sun started to rise, Drake opens his eyes to see if it was safe for him to turn back to normal. When he believed it was cleared, he unfolded his wing so Unaa could wake up.

“No, five more minutes please.” Yawn Unaa.

“Come on, the sun is up.” Drake said.

Then out of the bushes came this man. Drake lunged at him.

“WAIT!” said the man. “The shadows told me to warn you of the others.”

This got Unaa up real quick. She took off behind Drake and shook. When the man saw this, he went to his knees. He thought that the unicorns were all gone.

“Please, forgive me mighty dragon.” the man said. “I did not know you were protecting the last unicorn.”

After the man said ”The last unicorn”, Unaa jumped out behind Drake.

“What do you mean the last unicorn?” Yelled Unaa.

This made the man cowered to Drakes great talons.

“The men that held me captive had killed a herd of Unicorns last year.” said the man. “My name is Jacob.” the man calmly said.

He is a young man, in his early to mid twenties. He wore black trousers, long green shirt, and gray boots. His hair is brown. He had a go-tee. His eyes were also brown. He is tall.

“I am Drake and this is Unaa.” Drake said.

“How long do we have here?” asked Drake.

“Not long.” Jacob said. “I will lead you too the base of that mountain.”

As Jacob pointed to the dark mountain, he explained what the shadows were doing. He told them that the shadows were keeping it dark around the camp. This way Jacob has time to explain the plan and to escape. He also told Drake and Unaa about the unicorns and two dragons that were destroyed last year. This made Unaa cry. She had no idea that the humans were so cold and ruthless. Unaa jumped in front of Jacob and Drake.

“Why would I want your help, since it was the humans that killed my family as well as Drakes?” Yelled Unaa.

As she lunges at Jacob, Drake picked him up and let out a great “ROAR”.

“Unaa, calm yourself.” roared Drake. “This man is trying to help us.”

“I do not care, how can we… I trust him?” cried Unaa.

As Unaa hung her head in sorrow, both Drake and Jacob looked at each other and “SIGHED”.

“I am truly sorry for the terrible news I have brought you.” Jacob said with a sigh. “I was not a part of that, nor will I ever be. “

Drake slowly put Jacob down and went over to Unaa.

“He is a good man.” Drake said. “He is also a young human.”

Drake put his wing around Unaa and calmed her down. They then silently walked towards the dark mountains.
© Copyright 2006 Lilac Riverbrook (lilacnienna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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