Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1109190-The-Shadow-Chronicles-Sega
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1109190
Friendship between a Dragon and a Unicorn. Making friends on their journey.
Chapter 1
The Journey

When the world was still new and the magic was strong. The dragons ruled the sky and the unicorns played in the valley. The dragons would help those that needed to be helped and protect the unicorns. This world being so green, so peaceful, and full of life. There are two major mountain ranges. The dark mountains and the white mountains. To the north-east of the big fountain, lays the white mountains and on the other side of the white mountains lays a mystic place called Whispering Hills. There is a castle just before the white mountains called The Kingdom of the Dragons. The Welltin Ocean is to the west. The Dark mountains is a mystic place for all magical creatures and that is just south of the big fountain. There are forests all over the land. There is a large valley that sits in the middle called Big Fountain Valley. This place is just in between the Welltin Ocean and the White mountains. Then came a time when man would hunt the dragons and kill the unicorns for there magic and power. They only left behind death and destruction.

One dragon and one unicorn searching for their own kind, to believed that they are alone. Find each other. The unicorn would run away in fear of being eaten. The dragon would chase this little unicorn (for anything to the mighty dragon is small and easily caught) all over the lands. This unicorn would create trees and vines to keep the dragon from getting her. This angered the dragon and he would breathe fire at everything in his path.

The unicorn just laugh at such sight, that she gave away her location. The mighty dragon drops from the sky right behind her and she fell over. Looking at the dragon… he is a golden red with purple under his wings. Purple like the lilacs. His eyes are soft, but wise. They are a soft light brown. He has very sharp nails that are black. Black like the darkest of night. He is almost the size of a large stable. His tail is long and the tip of his tail is in a shape of an arrowhead.

"You are in no position to be laughing at me, little unicorn." said the dragon. As the dragon looked down on her. She is white as snow with a peril horn and dark hooves. Her main and tail is long with a tint of purple. Purple like the lavenders. Her eyes are common in unicorns. They are purple. Purple like that of an amethyst stone.

"Well you do look funny destroying everything in your way." said the unicorn. The dragon, then breath in and the unicorn said, "WAIT, why do you have to hurt me?"

This confused the dragon and he looked at her as if she was nuts. Tell a mighty dragon to wait.

"You blocked my path with trees and vines." said the dragon.

"You were going to eat me!" said the unicorn. This made the dragon roar and laugh at the unicorn.

"I did not know you where even there. I do not eat unicorns. We dragons protect them." said the dragon.

"What do you mean?" said the unicorn.

The dragon looked at her, knowing that they are not friends, and said to her, "I was trying to find my kind."

"O, me too!" said the unicorn with glee.

They looked at each other and realized that they were alone.

"I am Unaa!" said the unicorn. She is young and do not know that they are alone. The dragon looked at her with amazement and smiled. "I am Drake."

Unaa started to jump up and down, laughing, all the while making a lot of noise.

"Shhhh," said the Drake, "You might have alerted the humans."

"What are you saying?" said Unaa.

"The humans destroyed my kind and as well as yours." Said Drake.

She looked at him with great sorrow and started to cry. "What do you mean?" cried Unaa.

"You do not know?" sneered Drake.

"No!" Unaa yelled.

Drake asked, "How long have you been alone?" Unaa looks at Drake with great confusion and said, “I do not know.”

“The last time, I have seen another unicorn… Was my mother.” sigh Unaa. “That was in a valley with a big fountain in the middle of it. Full of flowers and grass."

This was also a place were the dragons and the unicorns would gather. It was a meeting place. Were the young can meet and the old share stories. It was always a peaceful place. The big fountain gave water to the dragons and it was a place to be at peace. The dragons own this big fountain. It was a symbol of protection to the unicorns.

Drake, knowing he has to be strong, tried not to get Unaa all in a stir. Said, “That fountain was destroyed about a year ago. It was ours.”

Unaa started to cry.

“So, how old are you, Unaa?” asked Drake.

“I will be a year old next month.” cried Unaa.

“Well, you are young!” Drake laughs.

“HAY!” yelled Unaa, “That’s not funny.” She cried.

Drake just looked at her and could not stop laughing. Unaa just had this funny look on her face that you could not resist, but laugh. Unaa just started to rear up and kick at Drake, but to all her efforts, she just fell over and just laid there. She ended up in the clovers and white flowers.

Drake watched Unaa lay there for about an hour. Still smiling and thinking to himself on how funny she is and cute. Then explain to her that he did not mean anything by it. He just never met a young unicorn before. Drake told her that he is over 100 years old, and that he believed he is the last of his kind.

Unaa just looked at him and said, “Well then, that explains the funny smell you have!”

“WHAT!?!” Roared Drake. “What do you mean I smell funny?”

“Well, you just do!” laugh Unaa. “I mean you kind of smell like old musk.”

“Ok!?” sigh Drake. “Look, lets see if we can go to the next pool and rest there.”

“OK!” squealed Unaa.

As they headed to the next pool, Unaa just bounced everywhere and Drake just walked slowly with her. The pool was a fresh water river. It had a glorious waterfall. At the bottom of the falls, there was a pool. Clear and clean. This was a place were no humans have ever been too. This place was well hidden from the humans. Trees, vines, and bushes surrounded it. Drake just had no clue why he is making friends with this unicorn. After all, he believes that they are the last of their kind. If they are gone then the magic and kindness will be lost. They traveled threw the lush green valley and headed to the fresh pool of water, just at the base of the mountain.

There they stopped and rested for the night. So Drake thought. They were just half way there. It takes a day of walking to get there. It is just that Unaa would just be everywhere, making noise, causing a big scene, and trying to push Drake over.

“What are you doing!?” bellowed Drake.

“Aw, come on… let’s play!” said Unaa.

“We need to get to that pool at the base of that mountain; we can not stay here long.” Drake explained.

“WHY?” screamed Unaa. “Why can’t we play here?”

“The last time I seen the humans, they where two days behind me.” Drake said. “If they catch up to us, we are both, good as dead.”

Unaa did not understand why Drake was so upset. He just wanted her to be quiet all of the time.

“WHY, Do I NEED TO BE QUITE?” yelled Unaa “All I want to do is have fun.”

Drake looks at her and realized that she does not understand what is going on. “I am sorry, Unaa, but you see, if the humans find us they WILL kill us both.” Sigh Drake.

Drake slowly explained to Unaa about what had happen and the dangers that will come. Unaa, now fully understands what Drake means, kept quite and still. Drake had explained to Unaa for about three hours. They just cannot make a lot of noise. As the clouds started to roll in and the sun slowly sets, Drake said, “We will rest here for the night“. They were in a small gully. There were big bushes everywhere.
The air had a sent of rain. There were rocks and stones in this gully. They were in an old riverbed. The sand was still soft. As they sat there, watching the sunset, it started to rain. Drake watched Unaa shake.

“Are you cold?” Drake asked.

“A little. Can we have a fire?” Sigh Unaa.

“No, we can not. I do not want the humans finding us. I am sorry.” Drake said sadly.

Then it started to rain very hard. It was the coldest rain, either of them felt. Therefore, Drake put his wing over Unaa, to keep her dry and warm. His wing being so long, it was like Unaa was in a barn. Unaa got closer and started to cry.

“Why are you crying?” asked Drake.

“I know we are not suppose to be close, but I have no friends.” cried Unaa.

“Nor, do I.” said Drake.

“Can we be friends?” asked Unaa.

“Yes, we can be friends.” smiled Drake.

Unaa stopped crying and lay down next to Drake. Drake put his wing closer to Unaa and just held her there. As she slept, he kept a watchful eye out for anything that moves. As he watches, he tried to remember all of his friends. As he tried not to laugh at him self for being friends with a unicorn, he hears something in the bushes.

As he looked, he saw humans coming his way. Therefore, Drake carefully put his wing tighter around Unaa and used his illusion to turn himself turn into the color of the grass and stones. As he did this, Unaa started to move. He told her to be still, the humans are there with them. Unaa did not move. As the humans moved closer, he could not tell if they are the ones hunting him. The humans started to look everywhere. As it got darker, they started to move away......
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