Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1108773-Fairytale-A-New-Generation
by Maria
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1108773
A funny and crazy fairytale written by my firend and I.
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a king named Hector. King Hector lived with his beautiful daughter Princess Gwendolyn, who was approaching the age of marriage (she was 16 years, 5 months, 13 days and 2 and a half hours). The king, at this time, was truly desperate. His kingdom, Hectorland, was arguing fiercely with the nearby kingdom, Prisidor. The king had decided that there was only one thing to do: marry his daughter off to the son of Prisidor’s rulers. The king summoned his best messenger (named Percival) to deliver the wedding request to Prisidor. Unfortunately the King had no idea of messenger Percival’s fierce love for his daughter…

In the meantime, Priscilla and Theodore, queen and king of kingdom Prisidor, were sitting in the council room discussing the very same problem. The war was imminent. The kingdom of Prisidor had to find a way to solve the problem fast. Just as they were pondering the matter, they heard a knock on the castle door. The king rushed to open the door and saw before him the young messenger (Percival) from Hectorland.
“My dear king and queen” he started.
“I have come from Hectorland.
MY king has told me to tell you
He has got it all planned.

The king’s young daughter
Gwendolyn by name,
Is ready to marry
Without any shame.

The king knows you have
A young, charming son
And the king was wondering,
Could he be the one?”

The king and queen stared a moment and cracked a huge grin. Obviously they agreed- this was the perfect solution to their problem! The queen smiled at the messenger, agreed, and slammed the door on his face.
The king and queen hurried to give the happy news to their son, whose chamber in the dungeons. Sadly, as they were scampering down the stairs, they tripped over the banana peel that the prince had put there to keep away the dangerous enemies. In this unlucky fall, both king queen flew out the open window and found their tragic deaths.

While this whole story was going on, Lucifer, a male witch, was putting the last touches on his potion. He had been brewing this potion for three years. A love potion for Princess Gwendolyn, which Lucifer had secretly loved (just like Percival) since childhood. Lucifer had two sisters: Fairy Mary and Baby Linda. Fairy Mary was the princess’s nanny, and therefore knew her very well. Fairy Mary knew about her brother’s desperate love for the princess, and therefore accepted to give the potion to her when she met her at the castle.
In the meantime, poor old Percival was speaking with King Hector. The king was joyous, as the marriage was going to unite the kingdoms and find his daughter an appropriate husband, so Percival left him alone. He headed for the highest tower, and with a few last words to the world threw himself off. He was attempting suicide because he knew he had no chance with the princess, but luckily (or sadly?) he fell in the moat and survived. Percival ended up being crippled for life and was never heard of again.
While poor Percival was throwing himself off the tower, the princess was sitting in her room, thinking. She hadn’t noticed Percival flying outside her window. She knew that her father was planning her marriage with a prince she had never met, and was determined not to let this happened. Princess Gwendolyn was as peculiar as she was beautiful. She packed her bags (or rather, she made her servants pack her bags), and decided to leave the castle to make an 80 day tour around the world. Hopefully by the time she came back the prince would have changed his mind about marrying her. On her way out, she met her nanny, fairy Mary. Fairy Mary, surprising by the sudden turn of events, had no time to make the princess drink the love potion. Instead she slipped it in her backpack, and the princess left.
The prince came out of his room to find the banana peels misplaced. He ran upstairs to find out which villain the unlucky victim was. He was shocked to find out that it was his poor parents, who had forgotten about the peels. The prince was devastated, as the whole kingdom fell upon him. Everyone refused to serve the prince because they believed that the death of the king and queen was his fault. Soon the kingdom was invaded, the palace taken, and the prince left with nothing. Prince griifin therefore set out for Hectorland. He had spoken to one of the guards who had informed him that a messenger from Hectorland had come. He would look for the king and ask for help.

The princess had been touring the city for a day. She had slept at a tavern and was shocked to find that they did not put chocolates on pillows. She had forgotten to pack money, and therefore had to pay the room by washing plates in the tavern. After two days the princess was desperate. She ran away from the tavern kitchen and headed for a tall bridge where she would attempt suicide to end her misery. She stood on the edge of the bridge and looked down at the hard ground 30 meters beneath her. She did not notice the young man below. Princess Gwendolyn did not want to accept her fate, and therefore decided to blame the goddess of love (which doesn’t really exist but whatever).
“Cruel, pitiless fate
How dare you do this to me?
I have now decided
To put the blame on thee.
You have abandoned me!
Me, the princess!
Therefore I shall end my life,
Poor princess in distress.”

And she flung herself off the bridge.
Prince Griffin had arrived in Hectorland, and was heading for the castle when something fell on him. The something came plummeting down on him at very high speed. It was heavy. This also was the last thing the prince saw before he passed out.

Princess Gwendolyn opened her eyes. She remembered hurling herself off the bridge and regretting it half a second later, but then she had closed her eyes. She opened them to find herself sitting on a battered form on the ground. As she stood up, she realised that the bruised, flattened form was actually a person. He lay flat on the floor, his face stuck in the mud.
“Oh dear me,
Is this where I have landed?
Dear flattened form,
Did you save me single-handed?”
She looked through her bag in search of something to revive the unfortunate young man. At the very top of her bag she found a flask (only she didn’t know that was the love potion which her nanny had slipped in there). She thought it was water and hurried over to pour it into the young man’s mouth. Slowly the young man drank and came back to his senses.

Prince Griffin woke up to find himself severely bruised and aching. He felt a liquid trickle down his throat. As he opened his eyes, he saw before him a beautiful young lady. She was the one pouring the gloppy liquid down his throat. Once the liquid (potion) was finished, there was a flash of light in the prince’s head, and he lost consciousness again.

Princess Gwendolyn was getting bored to tears. No matter how charming the battered young man was, she was fed up of waiting for him top wake up again. After the few moments of consciousness, he had fallen back to sleep. Now the princess was sitting on the ground, staring at her flattened saviour. He was extremely handsome, and the princess found herself wondering when he would get to meet her father.

The prince woke up once again, this time to find himself with a splitting headache. But as he turned to look at the young lady beside him, his headache went away. She was the most attractive thing after chocolate. The prince found himself irrevocably in love. He stood up to introduce himself, but he found that he did not remember anything. Speechless for a couple of seconds, the prince then bowed (winching from the bruises) deeply and spoke:
“Dear Lady,
Was it you that splattered me?
I find myself now
Utterly in love with thee!”

The princess stared at the bowing fellow like he had sprouted another head. No matter how incredibly stunning the man was, he was obviously a wacko. Well, that didn’t matter now. The princess realised that she couldn’t run away alone, being totally useless and lacking bribes. The only option she had now was asking someone for help, and this young psychopath looked like he could come in handy. He didn’t look particularly bright, but that could be helped.
Prince Griffin looked at the mysterious girl. It didn’t look like she was taking him seriously, but he took no notice. He just stood gawping. Suddenly the young woman spoke:
“Say you,
I’ll make you a deal.
You help in my journey
And with royalty you’ll kneel.”
The Prince had no idea as to what it meant, but he was ready to do whatever she said. In normal circumstances he would have had her arrested for lack of respect, but because he had completely forgotten about his royalty (and everything else too, for that matter) that was no major issue. The prince limited himself to nodding, grabbing his pack and setting off after the girl.
Lucifer was packing, heading off for the city in search for the princess. He had heard she had left the castle, and was worried sick. Half of the reason he wanted to marry the princess was because she was (obviously) a princess. If her father decided she was not a good enough daughter and kicked her out of the palace Lucifer would not get his chance to become a prince. The other half was obviously love, but that wasn’t a problem. He knew that after the princess drank the potion nothing could stop him.
Princess Gwendolyn was getting annoyed. She had spent an afternoon with the young man, and she still didn’t know his name. He said he didn’t remember, and he looked like he was too dumb to have one anyways, but it was still infuriating. She stomped off around the corner, and collided with something coming her way- Lucifer.
Lucifer was extremely delighted and at the same time utterly confused. He was happy to find Princess Gwendolyn, but couldn’t understand who the young man with a bruised and flattened face was. Anyway, the male witch decided to take action and use his perfect chance. He began:
“Dear princess,
The beauty queen,
With you I’m in love,
And forever have been.

So now may I ask you,
To marry me?
Please reply, goddess,
And from me do not flee.”
Lucifer was delighted with his poetic declaration. He was sure the princess would say yes, but at that moment came the prince(who was also in love with the princess), and threatened to kill Lucifer if he did not take his words back.
“Male witch,
The demon of hell,
You shall take that back,
Or I will ring your death bell.”
Lucifer was exasperated. He was physically stronger than that revolting flattened guy. How dare he say that? Lucifer decided not to waste any words and get into action. He threw his body weight on the prince and the proud guy helplessly fell over and flattened even more.
Fairy Mary and her younger sister Baby Linda were sitting in their fairy room drinking tea when their big crystal ball showed them a life-threatening scene. Lucifer was beating the life out of a prince with permanent brain and body damage. With a pang in her soul, Fairy Mary realised her mistake in trusting the dense princess with such an important potion. She decided not to waste time and send Baby Linda for help. After all, she always cleaned up after people’s mistakes. Baby Linda grabbed a huge glass bottle and hurried over to Lucifer, the prince and the princess.
She arrived at the last moments of the prince’s life. Just before Lucifer gave prince Griffin the last blow and offered to hear him murmur his last words to life, baby Linda smacked him hard on the head with the bottle, and he lost consciousness.
Prince Griffin came back to consciousness felling even more bruised and compressed. When he with great difficulty stood up, he saw before him a little fairy, Lucifer lying face down on the floor, and the mysterious young lady running towards him. The little fairy pointed her magic stick at him, and he had a slight flash inside his head. In a moment, he felt his memory come back to him. He finally realised that he was a prince. When the young lady finally ran up to him, she announced that she was a princess of kingdom Hectorland, and suggested that he hurries over to meet her father. The Little Fairy disappeared, and the young lovers headed to kingdom Hectorland.
The Princess was exhausted after cheering for Prince Griffin during his fierce fight with the peculiar male witch, Lucifer. The young princess was very delighted that Baby Linda had rescued Prince Griffin, and could hardly wait to introduce him to her father.
King Hector
King Hector was extremely delighted that his daughter’s life companion would be a prince, just like he had wanted. He quickly agreed to set up a marriage.
The prince sued the people who had taken over his kingdom.
Soon the marriage took place. It was a huge feast, with all the characters invited. Prince Griffin and Princess Gwendolyn united into a happy family.
King Hector got money from both of the kingdoms, and sat everyday in his golden chamber and sang a song:
“Dear Prince Griffin
What a saviour you are!
I won’t end up like my friend Midas
And you’re still my shining golden star!”
Lucifer the male witch ended up being a male cleaning lady in the royal place- Prisidor and Hectorland united making Hecsidor.
Fairy Mary and baby Linda soon found themselves some young charming wizards and married off as well.
And of course, even in this new fairytale generation, they all lived happily ever after.

© Copyright 2006 Maria (queenbee111 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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