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by Reth
Rated: · Other · Other · #1108542
if you are not one of my Reth friends, you will not understand
Wish for a smile

“Friends might end up being more…”

Ryuhi woke up and opened his eyes to see a white ceiling above him. It took him a while to process that he was in his own room.

“Well, you’re finally awake.” Kodachi was sitting in a chair in his room. She stood up and walked to him.

“What happened…?” Ryuhi asked speaking quietly; just above a whisper.

“You just fainted. Ryuhi are you sick again?” Kodachi asked.

“No, I’m not. Maybe I’m just tired… or something” Ryuhi said.

“This used to happen to you all the time when we were younger, and now all of a sudden it’s happening again.” Kodachi said.

“Kodachi, don’t ever mention our past ever again.” Ryuhi said slightly raising his voice.

“Yeah I know… but it’s still there and there’s so way to get rid of it. I’m going now so get some rest and get better.” Kodachi smiled and walked out.

Kodachi walked downstairs and saw Akito walk in.

“Hey, how’s Ryuhi?” he asked curiously.

“I think he’s feeling better.” Kodachi said and walked out, on her way to Kinome’s store.


“You’re not playing it right!!” Sosuke yelled at Hito.

“Shut your mouth! You’re just not hearing it right!” Hito yelled back.

“Sosuke, you play drums. If you think you can play anything else better than us, then go ahead and show us! But if you can’t then don’t you dare open your mouth.” Yuu said, unusually angry.

Sosuke didn’t respond, he just looked away angry.

“I’m sorry guys, but I have to go to work now.” Satoshi said as he shut off his keyboard.

“What? Now?” Hito asked

“I’m just taking someone else’s shift.” Satoshi put on his jacket.

“Okay, we’ll see you later.” Hito said.

“Well, looks like we’re going to take a break.” Hito said.

“I guess so. Hito, you better get it right for tomorrow!” Sosuke glared.

“Yeah, yeah, I suck. I gotta go now.” Hito grabbed his coat and left the room.

“Hey, Sosuke? Do you mind if I just sit here and practice alone?” Yuu asked.

“No, because I’m going to practice!” Sosuke yelled.

“How about you help Kinome with the store? She still has a lot to do, and she’s your girlfriend. You should go help her.” Yuu said.

“What’s wrong with you?” Sosuke asked.

“Kinome is a really great girl and you just ignore her!” Yuu snapped.

“Wait, did you get dumped or something?” Sosuke smirked.

“Forget it, I’m leaving.” Yuu stood up and left, slamming the door behind him.

Sosuke cringed when Yuu slammed the door, but he made him think for a bit. He shut the lights off and went upstairs to the store.

Kinome was now unpacking DVDs to put up.

Sosuke walked up to her, “Hey do you need any help?” Sosuke asked looking away.

Kinome stared at him for a bit, processing what he just said. “Did you just offer to help me?” Kinome asked still a bit shocked.

“Well if you don’t want any help then I guess I’ll go back downstairs!” Sosuke nearly yelled.

Kinome almost glared at him, “I guess you could help… but what was Yuu so angry about?” Kinome asked.

“I don’t know. I asked if he got dumped and then he got pissed off and left.” Sosuke explained.

“Sosuke, you don’t ask someone that!” Kinome said.

“Yeah yeah, so what do you want me to do…?” Sosuke asked.

Kinome smiled, “Do you think you could open all the boxes over there?” Kinome pointed to a pile of boxes.

“Sure” Sosuke walked over to them.

“And then take out the DVDs and out them in alphabetical order?” Kinome finished, smiling nervously.

“…….sure…” Sosuke said, not too happy.

Kinome laughed. “Thanks Sosuke.” Kinome smiled, her eyes closed.


Yuu was walking like he was going to be late…for nothing. Sosuke triggered his anger and now he had nothing to take it out on. He bumped into a few people as he continued to walk. He didn’t apologize to them, which left him with some unfriendly comments.

Kodachi was walking forward as well, slightly angry about how Ryuhi is. She can fake a smile for other people’s sake. Especially Ryuhi. The only thing left from his childhood is her and maybe having a smiling face to look at would ease his pain. That’s what she hoped. Her anger dropped slightly, but replaced with sadness.

Yuu turned his head to the side and noticed Kodachi walk on the opposite side of the street. Him and Kodachi always talk together about their problems or how they feel. Actually it was mostly Yuu the one that complained to Kodachi, and she would always help him out… with a smile. Yuu wanted to ask her for help, but judging by how she looked, maybe she wasn’t in the mood for playing psychiatrist.

“(It looks like it’s my turn to help her.)” Yuu thought. He suddenly ran across the street which wasn’t too smart. He heard a few car tires skid on the ground, but luckily for his sake, their were no crashes. Just people yelling.

The noise caught Kodachi’s attention and noticed Yuu running towards her.

“Yuu did you do this?!” Kodachi asked stunned, but quickly went away. Yuu was always reckless.

“Yeah, but no big deal. Everyone’s fine!” Yuu smiled rubbing the back of his head. “But anyways, I saw you walking alone so I decided to see what’s up?”

“Nothing much. I just wanted to go somewhere quiet. Maybe the library.” Kodachi said. She continued her walk, and Yuu went with her.

“Anything other than that?” Yuu asked.

Kodachi looked at him suspicious. “Why?” she asked.

“Just curious!” Yuu said.

“By the way, shouldn’t you be practicing?” Kodachi asked.

“Well Satoshi had to work, Hito left too, and I just left because--” Yuu stopped and realized what had happened.

“You okay?” Kodachi asked turning her head to him curiously.

“Hahaha, because Sosuke’s just an asswhole.” Yuu said.

“What’d he do now…?” Kodachi asked, grinning.

“Eh, the usual. But hey, the library is close. So is that where you want to go?” Yuu asked.

“I guess so. There’s nowhere else that’s quiet…” Kodachi said.

“You sure you’re okay? You’re not acting like the Kodachi I know… If anything’s wrong, then you know you can talk to me about it.” Yuu said feeling nervous about bringing the subject up.

“I’m fine. It’s just that I’m frustrated because Ryuhi’s so stubborn.” Kodachi smiled, sticking her tongue out--which is a usual action from Kodachi. A smile she’s definitely not faking.

“That’s all? Don’t get so frustrated over him!” Yuu said, amusement in his tone.

“I know…” Kodachi didn’t want to say anymore, “Here’s the library. So I’ll see you later then?” Kodachi asked.

“Yeah, see ya.” Yuu waved and walked away. Kodachi walked into the library.


Akito was just ready to relax after a hard day at work. He came out of the shower, and had on his robe and a towel over his head. He walked over to the couch and just as he sat down, the door knocked. Akito sat there for a while wondering if he should get it. If it’s important, they’ll stay. The person at the door kept knocking and seemed to be getting louder… only in Akito’s thoughts. He finally got up and went to the door and looked through the peep hole. The took the towel off his head to make himself look a bit more decent. He opened the door and saw Kinome and Airi at the door, looking concerned.

“Sorry, did we come at a bad time?” Kinome asked.

“Depends, what are you here for?” Akito asked, his lips formed a smirk

“We wanted to see if Ryuhi’s okay.” Airi said, oblivious to the ‘hint’ Akito was giving

“Then, yes you came at a bad time. A very bad one. Bye!” Akito smiled innocently and was reading to close the door when Airi caught a glimpse of Ryuhi walking from the hallway.

“Ryuhi!!” Airi jumped forward, pushing the door open and slamming Akito in between the wall and the door.

Kinome would have helped Akito, but walked in, happy to see Ryuhi as well.

“Ryuhi, how are you feeling?” Airi got closer to him, examining his face.

“Yeah, I was just exhausted.” Ryuhi lied, but he convinced them it was the truth.

“Ryuhi, don’t over do it! This is what happens when you spend all weekend away. You don’t have any time to relax and you have to focus on school during the week.” Kinome said.

“(when you lie once, you have to keep making up more lies…)” Ryuhi thought to himself. He stayed silent.

“Ryuhi, you don’t know how much I worried about you!!” Airi shut her eyes tight as she yelled at Ryuhi.

Ryuhi still didn’t say anything.

“Ryuhi, it’s not nice to ignore them..” Akito stood up, finally, and walked up to the 3.

“I’m not ignoring them. I have nothing to say” Ryuhi simply said and turned his head.

“Ryuhi, just get some rest. You’re still acting kind of weird.” Akito said.

“I’m fine” Ryuhi said.

“Sorry ladies, but Ryuhi’s grounded and has to stay in his room.” Akito said motioning the girls out the door. “See you soon!” Akito smiled.

“But, Ryu--” the door slammed in Airi’s face, interrupting her.

“Ryuhi looks really sick…” Kinome said worried.

“Yeah I know… how did this happen all of a sudden?” Airi asked.

“Well there’s only one thing left to do!” Kinome said.

“Ask Kodachi!?” Airi asked quickly.

“Yes!” Kinome said.

They ran downstairs beginning their search for Kodachi.


“Ryuhi, are you moping again?” Akito asked him.

Ryuhi turned and looked at Akito.

Akito sighed and headed over to his room. “I’m too tired to lecture you right now.”

“Don’t treat me like I’m 12.” Ryuhi spoke up.

“Could have fooled me. You’re actually acting like a spoiled 10 year old.” Akito smirked innocently and walked into his room.

Ryuhi was about to speak again but the door closed before he could. Ryuhi took a deep breath and walked outside, leaving the apartment. He saw Minami walk up the stairs.

“Oh, hello, Ryuhi.” Minami said.

“Hey” Ryuhi said and continued walking downstairs.

Minami was about to knock on the door, but Ryuhi interrupted her.

“He’s sleeping.”

“Too bad for him, because this is really important!” Minami pounded on the door, loudly. She could hear loud shuffling from inside the apartment. The door swung open, with a not-too-happy Akito standing in the door way.

“Yes?” Akito asked trying to be calm.

“Could I talk with you please?” Minami asked, blushing.

“Could you come back later, please?” Akito asked, closing his eyes.

“This would only take a little bit.” Minami said.

“Then could you come back later, please?” Akito asked again.

“No, I’ll be too busy later!” Minami raised her voice but quickly covered her mouth.

“Okay, but I’m really busy now. So good day and I will see you later.” Akito smiled and attempted to close the door but Minami held her arms out, stopping it from closing all the way. She looked down for a bit but then looked up at him with sad, watery eyes.

Akito looked at her, feeling bad about leaving someone with that look alone, but really wanted to sleep. Akito sighed, “Minami…”

“Oh Minami!!”

Akito and Minami turned and saw Tame walk up the stairs.

“There you are Minami! Ryuhi told me you were here, and I need to talk to you about Sosuke. He’s beating up Satoshi!” Tame said.

“what?!?!” Minami’s eye shot open as she was ready to run out of the building and strangle Sosuke.

“Yeah, yeah, so you have to hurry up and get him!” Tame said enthusiastically.

“SATOSHI!!!” Minami ran downstairs and out the building.

Tame watched her leave and then turned her attention to Akito. She smiled. “You’re welcome” She said.

“Tame, you’re my hero!” Akito sighed of relief, hanging his head low..

“Well you better relax now, because she’ll find out that Satoshi isn’t even at Kinome’s and come back.” Tame laughed.

“Right. I’ll see you later then. Thanks.” Akito smiled and closed the door.


Airi and Kinome opened the door to Kinome’s store and ran downstairs to find Sosuke passed out on the floor, his head bleeding.

“Sosuke!” Kinome ran to him and bent down. “What happened?” She asked, confused.

Airi kneeled down and poked his head. He moved. “Ahhhh!!!” Airi freaked out.

“Airi that hurt!!” Sosuke sat up fast and held his head.

“Sosuke why were you on the ground?” Kinome asked helping him up.

“Because Minami came out of nowhere and assaulted me on every part of my body. Every…single…part…” Sosuke said falling back down.

“Minami? Why?” Kinome asked.

“Because she’s a bitch and she hates me!!!” Sosuke yelled.

“You should really start being nicer to her…” Airi said.

“Are you blind?! I don’t do anything to her! Yeah she came in screaming about Satoshi, so I didn’t do anything!” Sosuke continued to yell.

“Well it looks like you’re feeling better.” Kinome said.

“No, I’m bleeding!” Sosuke yelled.

“Then stop screaming…” Ryuhi walked downstairs.

“Ryuhi! You’re feeling better?” Airi jumped up and hugged Ryuhi.

Kinome stood up, too, leaving Sosuke all alone. “Akito let you off the hook?” Kinome asked referring to Akito ‘grounding’ Ryuhi.

“he went to sleep. I need to know where Kodachi is. She left home kind of mad at me and I didn’t see her all day.” Ryuhi explained.

“Actually, we’re trying to look for her, too!” Airi said.

“Um…ummmm… We don’t know where she is!” Kinome said nervously. Airi seemed to just realize the reason that they’re looking for Kodachi is to ask her about Ryuhi.

“Sorry Ryuhi, we don’t know.” Airi said.

“Haha, what idiot looses his sister?” Sosuke asked, laughing on the ground.

“He didn’t lose her, he’s just worried about her!” Kinome said.

“I bet you were the type of person to lose their sister in the park!” Airi said.

“So you got beat up by Minami already?” Ryuhi asked.

“Hey, did you have anything to do with it!?” Sosuke asked yelling.

“No, it was just about time that she got to you.” Ryuhi said. “I’m going to find Kodachi.”

“Ryuhi, need our help?” Airi asked.

“No let me do it myself. Just stay here.” Ryuhi said and left.


Yuu sat in a restaurant quietly. He rested his head on his arms, which are on the table. All he could think about was what happened yesterday. That same occurrence was what made him so angry.

“Yuu, I don’t ever see you anymore!” A girl with short black hair said angry, but the way her voice sounded, said that she was going to cry.

“I know, but Sosuke--”

“Sosuke, Sosuke, Sosuke… that’s all I hear! Stop making excuses! You spend more time with your band in a day than you do with me in a week!” She said.

“I know, and I’m sorry… I promise this Saturday we could--”

“No! I’m tired of your promises that never come. It’s over, Yuu!” The girl turned around and ran off.

A waitress walked up to Yuu and put down a cup. “On the house” she said and walked away.

Yuu put his head back down. He felt someone tap his back. He slowly looked up and saw Kodachi.

“Kodachi? What are you doing here?” Yuu asked her. He sat up straight.

“I just saw you sitting alone.” Kodachi sat down across from him. “What’s the matter?” she asked concerned.

“Well… Kana dumped me…” Yuu said putting his head back down.

“Why?” Kodachi asked.

“I guess I didn’t spend enough time with her.” Yuu answered, his head still down. “Because of Reth.”

“I’m sorry…” Kodachi said. “But if she didn’t even try to come over and watch you practice, then she shouldn’t be one to talk. Don’t blame yourself.” Kodachi said.

Yuu looked up, his head still resting on his arms. “You’re right. But it still sucks, because I didn’t even see it coming.”

“You’re not one to mope around like this… it must have hit you hard.” Kodachi said,

“Yeah… hey I don’t want to complain. You should go back home soon, It’ll get dark soon and we have school tomorrow.” Yuu said.

“What about you?” Kodachi asked.

“I’m just going to sit here some more. I wanted to stay somewhere quiet, too, but the library would have been too quiet.” Yuu smirked.

“…well then… I’ll stay here with you.” Kodachi smiled.

Yuu brought his head up, surprised over what Kodachi had just said. “R-really?” he asked.

“Yeah, is it that weird?” Kodachi asked.

“No, no…well… thanks….” Yuu said quietly. “(I tried to help her out this morning, yet she still ends up being my hero…)” Yuu thought.

A girl with short black hair walked past the restaurant Kodachi and Yuu were at. It was Kana, Yuu’s ex-girlfriend. She was with a friend. She had long blonde hair.

“Hey Kana, is that Yuu?” the friend asked.

“Yeah… looks like he found a new girlfriend to ignore. Haha, poor girl.” Kana said. “She’s not even pretty…” she added.

© Copyright 2006 Reth (reth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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