Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1108248-The-Darkness-Chptr-6
by Kiah
Rated: XGC · Other · Supernatural · #1108248
Destiny is changed when a woman changes everything and tempts fate.
Chapter Six:
Flopping on the bed, she groaned as she felt the stiffness in her body. Her neck was killing her, she was weakened by the blood loss, from the injuries she was still healing from and whatever was trying to get in was strong. “Problems, lil Vasha?” a raspy voice from the darkness asked. Vasha was up with a hiss, reaching for her knives, but was just not fast enough as she found herself up against a wall, staring down at the one person she did not wish to see ever again. Kaelan stood before her, his grey eyes dark, like a storm getting ready to break. He held her up against the wall, by her throat with one hand, the muscles on his arm taut from the effort. Kaelan was 6’4”, muscular and of two races. Elven and Sidhe, a combo of dangerous magic & skills. He did not hide who he was or what he was.

His midnight black skin shone in the light as his black hair was shorn very short and spiky. He was like her, a hunter and an assassin, freelancing to whoever would pay him the most. “How did you get in?” she whispered in shock. “I have my ways my lil killer. Have you missed me?” he rasped as he leaned in, inhaling her scent, his body suddenly hard. The sheer beauty of this woman alone drew any elf to her. She glowed with power, beauty and a sensual sexuality that no elven male could resist, including him. He was going to finally have her as he had been promised. “Don’t, don’t you dare, use that fey shit on me,” Vasha snapped crossly as she looked at him. Kaelan noticed her eyes were black then shrugged, did not matter to him if she had acquired more powers, she was going back. “It does not matter, either way you and Vashon are going back,” he informed her. Vasha froze, “Back...back to where?” she asked hesitantly as fear began to gnaw at the edges of her mind.

Damn it, she was better than this, she was stronger, more powerful but unfortunately, she was injured and that weakened her and any magic she did weakened her more. Recovering from Dante’s assault, throwing him out and closing the portal had cost her quite a bit. “I did not assault you,” Dante snarled in her head. “What the fuck...?” she asked out loud startled. “Why back to Karatos of course, is something wrong Princess?” Kaelan asked as he chuckled. “NO, get off of me, I am NOT going back there ever,” she screamed at him as she lashed out, throwing her whole body into him.

Kaelan not prepared for her sudden attack was thrown off balance, releasing her as he fell back. Vasha was over the bed, knives in hand when Dante and Vashon burst through the door, both armed. Vashon froze as he saw Kaelan, “How the fuck did you get in here?” “I have my ways, good I thought I was going to have to go hunting for you as well,” Kaelan rasped in that cold hoarse voice of his. “We are not going back to Karatos ever. I will die first,” Vasha informed him. “That can be arranged Vasha. Would prefer to have you alive,” Kaelan paused then smiled as he said slowly, “Since Saran has promised you to me.”

“Saran has no right to make such a promise he is not my ruler,” Vasha snarled coldly as she moved her eyes locked on Kaelan. “Neither Vasha or Vashon are going anywhere. In fact they now serve the Death God,” Dante told the stranger. Kaelan turned his cold grey eyes to Dante then laughed, “You do not rule my world, so you are not important to me, it is them I desire, especially Vasha, she has the power, the true power, it is why Saran wants her back. He cannot rule without her.” Kaelan told Dante. “So you wish to harness Vasha’s power for yourself, take the throne and defeat Saran. To bad Vasha will not go back with you Kaelan,” Vashon said with a laugh. “Not in this damn lifetime,” Vasha hissed as she moved closer to Dante.

Dante watched Vasha’s movements and realized that she was not as healed as she had pretended to be earlier. If Kaelan attacked, Vasha might just lose, she was too weak, and he could sense it. He was still pissed at her, but he was not going to allow Kaelan to take her. “So, nice of you to care,” Vasha hissed in his mind, using the link that now bound them together. “Do not push me Vasha,” he warned lowly. “Push you, push you? Are you mad? You’re the one that fucking got greedy and took too much and then decided to transfuse me with your damn blood. Thanks a lot, now I have two men in my fucking head. I do not need this Dante,” she snarled as her rage battered at his mind, hard and cold. “Stop right now & let me deal with Kaelan,” he commanded softly. Vasha instantly withdrew, leaving him feeling cold and alone for a moment.

“I will have you Vasha,” the threat came. “No you will not.”

Vasha’s rage surfaced out into the open and she turned, flicking her wrist, sending one of her knives spinning through the air at Kaelan. Kaelan hand flew up to catch the knife as the force spun him around and dropped him to one knee. He slowly rose from his knee, knife in hand with a smile.

“Been a long time since someone caught me off guard,” he rasped lowly as he flung the knife back. Three things happened at once, Dante dove for Vasha as Vashon dove for Kaelan and Vasha shrieked in pain. Not only had the knife hit it target, but Vasha was pinned to the wall with it, deeply embedded into her shoulder. Kaelan tossed Vashon off of him like a rag doll as he stood up and found Dante between him and his prey. Vasha gasped at the pain as drops of blood broke out on her forehead and upper lip. God, she hated when she was injured, it made her so damn weak. She had dropped her other knife and was gripping the hilt of the one in her, trying to pull it out.

“Vasha, you ok?” Dante asked quietly as he faced Kaelan. “Kill him,” she hissed in pain as she tried to jerk the knife out, but Kaelen’s throw had embedded the knife deep and she did not possess the strength to pull it out. “Does the Death God do your bidding now Vasha? Kill me yourself if you can,” Kaelan said with a laugh. “If I could I would, you know the rules, I cannot,” Vasha said softly, her voice wavering. “That is what I counted on,” Kaelan said with a cocky smile. “You will have to get past me and I can kill you. I will not let her go,” Dante threatened him, his voice cold and low. The room began to hum with a heaviness that threatened to choke the occupants. Vasha gasped as it was heavier on her due to her injuries. It felt as if someone was crushing her lungs, she could not get air and her fear was growing as she clawed at the knife, trying to yank it out.

Vashon was beside her suddenly, his body covering hers as he whispered in her ear softly an ancient spell, “Sleep little one, sleep deep and do not dream, sleep and heal, sleep and find peace, sleep and ease your pain.” Vasha fought Vashon and the spell he was saying. Her fear overwhelming as it gripped her.

Kaelan suddenly went flying across the room and Vasha felt air rush into her lungs and gasped in huge amounts of air. “Vasha?” Dante’s voice seemed strained as he said her name. “Just kill him, kill the son of bitch” she gasped as she felt the air grow cold. “If I kill him, I might take you with him,” Dante warned her. “Just do it! I will not go back to Karatos or Saran,” she said through gritted teeth as she opened her mind to Dante and showing him a lie so he would kill Kaelan & why she could never go back. Dante finally understood her weakness, and why she needed to stay away from Karatos. The world drained her powers. She was attached to the world, and it is where her power came from. Karatos needed her to remain alive, she was the conduit & Vashon was her balance.

The truth was, she and Vashon were part of something bigger, but it was not time for Dante to know that yet. So she distorted the truth just a bit, manipulating Dante just a little to get what she wanted and needed. She would deal with his hate and rage later. Vashon whispered the spell again as the air grew to cold that both he and Vasha began to shake. Just before he slipped to the floor unconscious, Vasha slipped away once again into that peaceful darkness that welcomed, wrapping her it it’s arms as it held her, soothing her, comforting her, easing her fear. She simply faded away.

Dante finally called the storm back into him, easing his power back into him and stood looking around him, his eyes black and cold as he let the storm inside of him calm again till it was peaceful and tranquil. Kaelan lay at his feet dead, his face a mask of horror and terror. Vashon lay at Vasha feet, unconscious. And his beautiful Vasha, she was pinned to the wall, her own dagger impaled in her right shoulder, the blood flowing down her arm and chest. She was silent, her mind and body were silent. He reached out to her, but felt nothing, felt cold empty darkness. He threw his head back and let out a roar as he felt pain, he felt grief. He had killed her.

“Is that really necessary Dante?” Arianna asked softly as she walked in. Dante turned and looked at her. Arianna gasped as she saw the pain in his eyes, the hurt and sadness. She also saw the tears on his cheeks. She realized that he was in love with Vasha. She looked at Vasha and reached out with her mind and felt nothing at first then she caught the tiny spark of life within her, glowing in the darkness. It was weak, but it was still glowing. Arianna suddenly caught sight of something within the flame, a darkness that should not be there. She reached out more only to be slapped back hard. She withdrew quickly as she realized what it was. She looked at Dante then moved and put a hand on his arm and spoke softly to him, “She still lives, barely, but she still live. What have you done?” “What do you mean?” he asked as relief swept through him. “I see her essence, I see Kerr’s and Vashon’s and now I see yours in her, what did you do?” she accused, her voice low and scathing. “It was an accident, I had to transfuse her quickly or she would have died,” he stated the arrogance in his voice thick.

Arianna gave him a cold look, “Accident or not, you should have called Vashon to heal her, instead of transfusing her. I told you before, she was not for you and yet you just took what you wanted from her once again. The first time may have been willing, but this was not. You have no idea what you have done, do you?” she asked angrily. She could not believe him; he felt no remorse for what he had done. In fact, he felt it had been his right to save her, since he had been the one who had almost killed her. Dante grabbed Arianna’s upper arms, his cold gaze on her,” Then why don’t you tell me,” he snarled at her, his patience finally at an end. Arianna’s eyes went wide,” She, They are Shadroc Wyvern. One half of the other. They hold the soul of Bane inside of them. She is King Kerr’s shavani, his lupa, his soul mate, his lifeblood and he is hers. She is Drogi,” she babbled fearfully.

Dante let her go so suddenly that she stumbled and would have fallen if a hand had not caught her. She turned to see who had caught and found herself looking into Vashon’s glowing purple eyes, the rage and hurt lay in them. She turned and clutched his shirt as she whispered over and over, “I am so sorry.” Vashon pulled her to him and held her, his hand stroking her hair gently as he whispered softly, “Shhhhh piccola, it is not your fault and it is not you I am angry with.” Dante looked at Vashon and then to Vasha then back to Vashon, “I did not know,” he said helplessly. “Then you should not have gone where you were not suppose to. You have always taken instead of asking. You have always demanded of her, instead of letting her come to you and now you have made us something we were never suppose to be, Chavi Dravek, The Unholy Ones, The Destroyers all because you could not keep you dick in your pants where my sister is concerned,” Vashon said, his voice low with rage barely in check.

Vashon had awoken to hear Arianna demand to know why Dante had transfused his sister. He had felt a difference but was not sure what it was. Soon they would both feel the change; the pain that would come would be real and harsh. Vasha might not survive the change due to her current injuries. She might go mad from this and if she did there would be nothing that could stop her once the beast was fully unleashed inside of her, once the darkness had consumed her. And Kerr, Dio Mio, he did not even want to think of the effect this would have on him since his bloodline was tied to theirs through Vasha. Kerr was going to kill someone and it was probably going to be Dante.

Dante paled as he heard Arianna say they were Drogi. Jesus what had he done. Her blood had not given him any indication that she was nothing more then Drow. “That is because a spell hid our true nature. Our parents did a lot to insure that no one knew of our existence except Ambassador Goran,” Vashon told him as he could easily pick Dante’s thoughts out of the air. “Get the hell out of my mind Vashon or you and I will be doing more then talking,” Dante told him coldly. “And you will be the one who dies Death God,” a soft silvery voice whispered in the air in the room. Dante looked around the room, his power snaking out to find who or what was in the room now. “Stop it Shovan,” Vashon growled as he released Arianna.

Shovan Lyranis shimmered into the room with a soft smile on her lips. Tall, wild and savage, she was beautiful in a primal way, with her golden eyes and dark black hair that fell to her waist. It was wild and loose yet managed to enhance her beauty. She had full, voluptuous breasts, a slim ribcage and tiny waist. Her legs were long and supple and underneath it all rippled muscles of steel. She was beautiful, yet lethal. Her eyes were a molten gold color and they glowed as she looked on the occupants with excitement. Vashon bowed as Arianna curtsied. Shovan turned to the one person who did not bow and glared at Dante, “I expect a small amount of respect from you due to my position,” she stated coolly. Dante bowed slightly, “Forgive me your Highness,” he said softly. “Better, now is it true, that you are a part of Vasha and Vashon now?” she asked quietly. “Yes,” Dante replied with a sigh.

The change was immediately, “Do not take that kind of tone with me ever Death God, you are lucky you are still standing and you are very lucky that she,” Shovan jerked her finger in Vasha’s direction, “is in a deep sleep, or Kerr would be here instead of me, demanding your head and blood for the rules you broke to have her,” she snarled at him, her rage surfacing. “Let’s get something straight lil wolf, I am far more superior to you in power and strength, do not try to go up against me, you will lose and lose badly,” Dante threatened lowly. “And you Death God, will die, if you try to harm her,” Vasha’s pain filled voice cut the tension and anger in the room.

Everyone turned startled by her words. “Vasha, are you ok?” Shovan asked. “Do I look alright, piccola lupa,” Vasha snapped as she reached up and griped the handle of the knife and jerked. Nothing happened; the knife remained embedded in the wall and her shoulder. “Do not be insulting, I am just asking,” Shovan said softly, using that silvery voice of her to soothe Vasha as she moved, reaching up and pulled the knife easily from the wall and her shoulder, catching Vasha as she fell forward the pain intense.

“You are hurt mon petit,” a voice growled in her head. “Of course I am tu bastardo why not state the obvious,” she snapped back. “Damn it, I am coming,” Kerr snarled his patience at an end finally. “No, I forbid it,” she snarled out loud. Shovan let out a soft laugh, that was both melodic and sensual as she looked at Vasha then whispered, “So defiant you are to your King and mate. How he tolerates it, I do not know petit sauvage.” Vasha withdrew from Shovan, standing on her own feet, wavering a little and she rose her hand up into the air and began to chant and make gestures in the air as it writing in the air. Vashon and Shovan gasped as they realized what she was doing, but found they could not move, “Non, you cannot do this,” Shovan pleaded with Vasha. “Vasha, undo it now,” Vashon ordered.

“To late, it is done,” she stated as she turned to her brother and looked at him. “So now what, you presume to order me about as well, nay piccolo, I will not be ordered about like some subservient. I am just as powerful as you and older, you would do well to remember that,” she told him as she slowly walked towards him, forcing him to his knees. All watched as Vashon was driven to his knees by some unseen force, pain contorting his handsome face as he cried out. Shovan struggled but could not get free to help him as she felt his pain.

No one saw Arianna move but she did and she struck hard sending Vasha flying into a nearby wall. Vasha hit the wall hard and slumped to the floor, breathing hard, her body bruised, battered and severely injured, intense pain ripping through her. “How dare you, How dare you use your power to make him bend to your will, you are no better than my mother or Kerr, when they force someone to do as they ask. Damn Lycans such savages in their need to control and dominate,” she spat, her distaste for Lycans very clear. Shovan moved to Vashon and helped him to his feet as she murmured, “Oh mon cher are you alright?” Vasha lifted her head as she struggled to get up, her eyes on her brother and Shovan, disbelief in her eyes.

She could not be, there was no way, no way in hell that Shovan was Vashon’s lifeblood, his mate, and his soul mate. “I am fine mia cara,” he replied softly. Vasha growled as she unleashed her powers, changing as she did. Everything moved in slow motion as Dante turned to see Vasha glaring at her brother as she transformed into a huge Black Dire Wolf. Vashon shoved Shovan behind him as he slowly pulled two long wicked looking daggers out of his boots and faced his sister, “So this is how it is going to be?” “She cannot be, not another Damn Lyranis, not another tie us to the royal bloodline,” she growled, her voice deep, rough and gravelly.

“Why do you hate them so?” he asked as he kept himself between Shovan and Vasha. “Because they made us what we are today, Because of the Lyranis bloodline, we are Drogi," that single word came out like a curse as she hissed it with fury and venom in her voice. "Our blood is tainted with the blood of Bane & Lochlyrin,” Vasha told him, her voice growing colder as she hissed those names as well, her rage and hate finally surfacing. Shovan moved out from behind Vashon, “So you seek to destroy us because we tainted your bloodline?” she demanded. “No piccola, to do that would mean the death of myself and Vashon. I want to survive, but because of what your grandfather did to ours, we are tied to your bloodline for all eternity and now I truly understand what was done to ensure our survival, I am no longer as forgiving as I use to be. I hate you all because I never wanted this, I wanted a normal life and everything, up to this point I have done because I was destined to. NO MORE," she snarled as she bared her teeth.

Dante gripped her by the scruff of her neck and stopped her from attacking Shovan. “That would not do you any good besides Kel might take exception to you attacking his daughter, who you are sworn to protect,” he told her softly as he knelt to whisper in her ear. Vasha fought the seduction at first but in her weakened state she could not fight for long and Dante simply took over her mind and sent her back into the darkness. As he lowered her to the floor, she changed back. “See what I mean, your blood is corrupting her, changing her, the madness is already taking over her mind. She was going to attack a member of the royal family,” Vashon growled at Dante as he pushed him aside and picked up his sister and shimmered out of the room.

Deep in the caverns below the house, Vashon laid his sister on the bed and closed himself off to anyone but her as he began to light candles and incense. He lay on the bed next to her and pulled her into his embrace and began to chant the ancient spells that would heal her body and hopefully her mind. Shovan growled as she was now forced to stay in a realm she detested with two people she was not fond of or liked that much. Arianna left the room and Shovan looked at Dante, “Go find somewhere else to be, while Vashon heals her, I am going to use her room till I can go home, since she closed the portal between our realms and only she can send me home or summon someone from the Lycan realm to her and right now she is to weak to do that,” she said snippily as she stretched out on Vasha’s bed.

“What do you mean to weak?” Dante asked. Shovan sighed as she looked at the Death God. She felt sorry for him, she truly did, he was in love with Vasha and he would never be able to have her for she belonged to Kerr Lyranis and there was no way in hell he would ever give up his soul mate, his lifeblood. “A drawback to being so powerful, when injured it makes them weak, vunderable, if they expend any kind of magical energy it drains them even more. Vasha expended what energy she had left to seal the portal, to seal the elven portal, to toss you out of the room, to lock the door behind her, to change into a Wolf, she used what remaining strength she had left to keep Kerr from coming. But do not think for one minute that Kerr is not trying to find a witch or Sidhe that can open the portal and he can come and collect his errant wife. She openly defied him when she forbade him and then sealed the portal,” Shovan explain as she rolled over onto her side and propped her head up with on delicate hand.

“So Kerr will come for her and then what?” he asked as he took a seat and stretched out his long legs. Shovan looked at him and realized that Dante DeSantos was a very gorgeous man and she saw the appeal that Vasha saw, but she knew better then to go there, Vashon would have her head, “He will take her back to the Lycan realm and punish her for her defiance after she is healed,” she said quietly. “Why punish her?” he asked confused. “She is his wife, his lifeblood, his shavi barroc, and yet she is so much more, but she is also Lycan and thus his subject, she cannot defy him like she does and why he tolerates it I have no idea,” she shrugged. “I thought she bound herself to him?” Dante asked. “She did but not in a way that she was suppose to, she did not give over to him willingly, they are soul mates but their souls are not complete one, she has not taken the final step and offered herself to him willingly, she has fought him the whole way and he refuses to force her to do it,” Shovan told him, the annoyance in her voice very clear.

“You think she should?” he asked. “Well of course she should, it is what lifeblood means, you are of one mind, one soul, one heart and one blood, for all eternity. But Vasha refuses to surrender to him and he refuses to make her surrender to him. All he has to do is say a simple spell and she will come to him, say the words that will make them one and complete the ritual. But neither of them will do it,” she said in exasperation as she sat up, giving him a look. “Look, I do not know all of the rules of the Lycan world, it is a world that is forbidden to me, unless I am summoned or sent to deliver a death sentence,” Dante growled at her. “I wonder why that is Death God” Shovan asked coldly. Dante shrugged as he rose up and walked out. Shovan sent out a small wave of magic and slammed the door shut behind him as she lay back on the bed and closed her eyes and reached out to Vashon to help him heal Vasha.

Vasha slept a deep sleep, but it was not one that peaceful, it was riddled with images, dreams of madness. She found herself locked in a battle that would either leave her mad or would save her. She did not know what her fate was, but she knew that it would change things in a major way. Vashon with Shovan’s help tried to soothe her restless soul but could only do so much. Her soul was crying out for Kerr and her mind was crying out for the darkness to take her, to invade her and save her. The war in her was beginning. For a week no one heard or saw Vashon or Vasha. Shovan stayed in Vasha’s room, entertaining herself with movies or she went out at night to hunt being careful to not kill any humans, as much as she wanted to, she focused on deer and wildlife she found in the nearby forest.

Damn cities she hated them and their metal buildings. How Vashon could live here she had no idea. She knew he stayed with his sister, because he needed her. She paused as she roamed, she needed him as well but she had no right to ask him to stay in Lycan with her. They had not taken the vows yet. Vashon could not; he had to stay with Vasha till she finished hers. Shovan growled as she caught scent of a deer and went after, angry at Vasha. Mon Dieu, how long before she finally said the words that would make her and Kerr complete, make them one. Shovan took her anger out on the deer as she found it and brought it down, tearing at it viscously as she ate. When she was done she left and ran back to the edge of the woods, changed and then shimmered back to Vasha’s room.

“Did you enjoy your hunt mia cara,” a deep silky voice cut through the darkness of the room. She turned and smiled as she looked at Vashon then she tackled him on the bed and kissed him. “Mmmm, I sure did and I missed you mon cher. How is she?” she asked as she snuggled in his arms. “She is healed, but she is not well. If we thought it would be easy for her to say the words now, it will not, she has pulled away from Kerr and myself even more,” he told her softly as he stroked her hair. Shovan sat up and looked at him, “What can we do? She has to say the words, she has to join with Kerr, she cannot live without him,” she asked the concern in her voice was thick. “Shhhhh cara, we will find away to help her back to the light where she needs to be, now come here, I have need of you,” Vashon growled lowly as he drew her to him, his mouth descending on hers as he bore her to the bed. Shovan wrapped her arms around him as she opened up to him. Vashon went weak and dizzy for a moment as the rush of pleasure drowned out everything.

Just to touch her was incredible, but to feel her body moving against his eagerly was intense. Vashon could not wait and pulled at her clothing but it was taking to long so he simply shimmered them off of them. He was hard and she was wet and ready, she always was for him. He slid a finger against her slick wet heat and into her. He groaned as she cried out, as she gripped at his finger, wet and hot. He removed his finger and slid between her legs, he could not wait and positioned himself over her and then slid deep into her with a hoarse cry of pleasure. Shovan cried out as she gripped him, clenching around him as she felt him slide deep into her.

When buried deep inside of her Vashon just lay there shaking against her. “Mon cher, are you alright?” Shovan asked. He lifted his head and looked at her is purple eyes dark and intense, “I am fine bella, it has been so long and it is intense, these feelings I have for you,” he rasped, his voice thick with emotion. She pulled his mouth to her and kissed him. Vashon’s tongue swept into her mouth and demanded things from her in a very seductive and erotic manner as he slowly withdrew from her then slid into her, wringing a cry from her. He found an easy rhythm and moved within her body. She held him tightly within her as she arched her hips to meet his thrusts as she moaned and cried out her pleasure.

Vashon let himself go and let the pleasure take over and feed his hunger for her body as he rocked in and out of her. Shovan wrapped her legs around him as she clawed at his back, leaving long red scratches all over till her orgasm caught her and she cried out as her body shook under his. Vashon was so close and with a few more strokes her sunk into the orgasm as he threw his head back and let out a hoarse cry, his body shuddering violently with the force of his orgasm. He slumped on top of her and rolled over bring her with him as he lay there trying to catch his breath.

“Now that you’re done, you can tell me where your sister is?” Dante said from the dark shadows. Vashon rolled Shovan off of him sat up and glared into the shadows, “You could have fucking waited till we were done,” he snarled coldly at Dante. “I did, now where is Vasha?” he asked again. “Healing, and until she is fully healed and one hundred percent full strength, I am not telling anyone where she is,” Vashon told him, the implication very clear, Vasha was off limits period.
© Copyright 2006 Kiah (kiah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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