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by Kiah
Rated: XGC · Novel · Supernatural · #1108245
Destiny is changed when a woman takes fate into her own hands and changes everything.
Chapter Three:

“Could you hand me that towel?” she asked softly. “I would rather not,” he stated huskily. Vasha rolled her eyes, “Look you got your peep show, now hand me the towel Vashon was waiting and he looked pissed. She got out and leaned against the car and looked at him, “Now what have I done wrong?” Before Vashon could answer, Dante came through the door, looking angry as hell, grabbed her arm and drug her into the house. “What the Hell?” Vasha got out as she was yanked off her feet and pulled into the house. Dante did not let her go nor did he say a word to her till he got to his bedroom and threw her on the bed. Vasha was in shock as she landed on his bed and looked up at him like he had gone mad…”Dante, what the hell is wrong?” she asked in confusion. “Where the hell have you been? You are not to leave my sight again, unless I know about it?” Dante growled at her. Vasha blinked and realized that he had been worried. “Are you telling me that you were worried about me Dante? Ahhhh how sweet you do care,” she said teasing him. That she learned in seconds that was a mistake.

He pinned her to the bed and looked down at her and growled, “Don’t push me, Vasha.” “Or what, just what are you going to do Dante if I push back?” she growled back. She was tired of this game; she was not going to be bullied by him anymore. This was her fucking house. Dante ground his mouth hard against hers, as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. Vasha’s hands flew to his chest to push him off as she gasped in outrage against his mouth, squirming underneath him. Dante shoved a hard thigh between her legs and worked himself between her legs, pressing up against her hard. Vasha froze with a startled gasp as Dante lifted his mouth from hers. “I told you not to push, but no you have to, now how do you like where you are at Vasha?” he asked as he pressed against her harder, rubbing. Vasha could not help it as her eyes closed and she let out a moan as her body arched up against his. “Deny it now Vasha, deny that you do not want me,” he groaned in her ear.

“I can’t” she whispered as she dug her nails into his chest, through his shirt. Dante’s mouth was on her neck as he bit her gently, his hip rolling against her, pressing his hard length against her. Vasha moaned as she slid her hand into his hair and pulled him closer. Dante growled against her neck, driving himself against her hard, making her cry out. “God I want you and have from the moment I saw you in the kitchen, 200 years is a long to wait to have someone again,” he groaned against her neck.

Vasha jerked like someone had just shocked her and she pushed him up, “You have been watching me for 200 years?” she asked and she looked at him in shock. “Yes, I told you the way you kill is an art and I have enjoyed it, but more then that I wanted you and I finally realized why, we are too hostile towards each other,” he said. “Oh do tell,” Vasha said sarcastically.

“Jesus Vasha, just once can you be civil?” he snarled at her. “You expect me to be civil when you have me pinned to your bed, hard as a rock, pressing into my body, civil is NOT where my mind is at right now,” she stated the obvious to him softly. “This is the only way I can talk to you, every time I try, you walk out on me, are you going to deny me now?” he asked her his voice dropping an octave. Vasha bit her lip as she fought the shudder that ripped through her as his voice seduced her, she felt like she was drowning and he was her only hope of survival. What the hell was wrong with her, this should not be happening. “Something wrong Vasha?” he asked against her ear. “Save me,” she cried out as she pushed up against him. “Save you from what?” he asked as he bit her neck softly.

“Oh God, Dante, save me from myself,” she gasped as her body rocked against his. Dante froze at her words, knowing what she was asking then leaned down and hissed in her ear, “You Bitch!” Vasha smiled as he thrust her from him and got up from the bed. “Not liking your own words used on you Dante?” she asked as she sat up and slid off the bed. “Stay out of my head,” he warned her. Vasha stood up, “Then do the same and by the way, I have a job tonight, so keep Vashon company will ya,’ she tossed out as she headed for the door. He caught her at the door, “I said you do not leave my sight.” “Look, I cannot have you tagging along to each job I do, besides this is personal, to kill this one I will have to get real close,” she informed him. “Real close means what?” Dante asked quietly. Vasha flinched at the coldness of his voice, “It means I have to fuck him,” she whispered. “I think not?” he growled at her, his eyes beginning to glow. Vasha took a step back not sure what he was up to, “Excuse me?” she asked quietly, her defenses up.

“I said no Vasha and I meant it, you are not fucking your mark tonight,” he said his voice ice cold as he gave the order. “You have got to be kidding me, are you giving me an order? Look Dante, my job, my profession is not up for debate nor how I do it, rarely do I fuck a mark before killing him, but this one is special, if I do not he will be suspicious, so back off with the jealousy shit, I am doing this and I am doing it tonight so I get the bonus,” she snapped, shaking his hand off of her arm and walked out.

Dante was seething from her words, not only was she going to fuck her mark, she accused him of being jealous, how dare she. He slammed the bedroom door, walking to the window and looked out at the city. Yet, he was jealous, deep down, he was jealous of any man who had touched over the last 200 years. She had become his obsession and when she was with another, his jealousy ate at him. It really ate at him when she went to the Lycan realm every 2 weeks or so. She just vanished and was gone for 4 days and in those four days his mind raced, wondering what she was doing who was touching her and it drove him mad.

Vasha winced as she shook her head and continued on to her own room, this was going to be bad, but for now she was glad that Dante had not followed her. Once in her room, she stripped and crawled into her bed, to take a nap, setting her alarm for 9pm. She figured by 10 Mason would be alone and would welcome the visit from her. 4 hours later her alarm went off and Vasha struggled to wake up, lifting a heavy arm to shut off the alarm. She sat up and struggled to wake up, she felt so tired. “Problems, Vasha?” Dante asked from a chair as he watched her. “Just a little tired. Been an exhausting 2 days so far,” she said as she rose up, not caring that she was nude and walked into the bathroom. Seconds later Dante heard the shower and growled lowly. Damn her, she was going to do this, even as exhausted as she was. He rose out of the chair and walked into the bathroom, “I think you should get a few more hours for you go out.”

“Thanks for the advice, but Mason should be alone now and it will be easy to slip in, do what I have then slip back out,” she said. “Your mark is The Senator?” Dante asked in shock. Vasha chuckled, “Yup, high profile. Look Dante, if I do this within 24 hours from the time I was hired, I get my fee doubled and 10 mill for a Senator is just fine for me.” “You get 5 million per mark?” Dante asked in shock, he had not realized that she was paid well for her services. “Yes,” Vasha said as she stepped out of the shower and realized that Dante was in her way. and quit stalling me,” she said grumpily. Dante handed her the towel and she wrapped herself in it.

“I liked the view.”

“That’s nice,” Vasha said as she left the bathroom not caring if he followed her out. She dried off then applied lotion to her skin as Dante took a seat back in the chair. Vasha blatantly ignored him as she walked to her closet, opened the doors and debated on what to wear. “Wear the black outfit you usually wear,” Dante suggested. Vasha turned around and gave him a look, “Stop acting like a jealous lover. I swear you would think we are married,” she told him. Dante growled as he rose out of the chair slowly, “Damn it Vasha, I am not jealous…” “Oh please Dante, you order me not to do the job then you tell me not to sleep with the mark and now you are telling me what outfit to wear,” she said cutting him off with a look. He growled as she chuckled, shaking her head as she reached into the closet and pulled out the black outfit anyway. She preferred it when she hunted. Dante let out a low chuckle as he watched her dress, “You argue with me and yet you pick the outfit I asked for.” Vasha ignored him as she dressed then walked over to him, straddling his lap. “I am still fucking the mark Dante,” she told him as she dared him to stop her.

Dante gripped her arms and leaned in close, “Just make sure you kill him quick, your mine Vasha and I intend to have you,” he told her lowly. “Conceited fuck, who says I am letting you fuck me,” she muttered under her breath. Dante let a smile cross his lips as he looked at her, “No Vasha, I know what your body feel and you think when I am this close.” “Oh shut up,” she snapped crossly as she got up walked to the bed and sat down unwilling to be that close when he looked that good. She hated that he knew her mind and body so well.

She pulled on her boots, closing the straps on them sliding her knives in and placing a nice .45 semi automatic into her coat pocket with a silencer on it as well as a few magazines, just in case. Vasha never left the house unarmed and when she went on a job, she was over armed, just in case things got bad. “He is one man Vasha; do you really need that much firepower?” Dante asked noting that she seemed a bit nervous. “Yes, I never leave the house unarmed. When I do a job, I make sure I am heavily armed, just in case,” she smiled as she paused, “You should see what is in my trunk.” “I can guess, why so nervous, it is just Mason Dixon, a human. You should be able to kill him easily,” Dante asked curiously. Vasha had been adjusting her leather gloves when he asked his question, her startled look gave him all he needed to know. She somewhat feared this human, or something that was attached to him. “I am not nervous,” Vasha denied as she stood up.

Dante laughed low and deep, which did not help Vasha’s nervousness. “Spill it, Vasha, Mason makes you nervous, now why is that?” he asked softly. “He is a politician; would that not make you nervous? They are sneaky and dangerous. Besides Mason has been after me for a while, pursues me at every social event Vashon and I go to. Thinks, I am interested in him, just because I am civil to him,” she said as she pulled her hair back and secured it. “And the casual affair you have carried on with him is not to blame for his interest?” Dante threw out.

Vasha spun around mouth open as she looked at Dante, “How did I know, you seem to forget Vasha...I have been watching you for 200 years. I know about every lover you have ever had, Vampyre or not. Although I am curious as to why you vanish from the radar when you are in the Lycan realm, are you hiding something?” he asked as his dark eyes bore into her. Vasha turned from his gaze as she spoke softly, “That is my business.” Dante rose from the chair moving to her and whispered as he walked by her, “You will tell me soon enough, Princess,” then left the room, leaving Vasha frozen in cold fear. How did he know? When had he found out? Her brain raced with questions and fear. If he knew then that meant he had leverage over her and Vashon, he held their lives in his hands with what he knew.

Jesus she had to do something to ensure that her heritage remained a secret. She spun around to go after him and found him standing in her doorway, leaning up against the doorjamb, watching her as she processed the information he had disclosed, with a dark smirk.

“Please, you cannot tell anyone who Vashon and I are. We can never return to our home world no matter what, we do not belong there anymore,” she begged as she pleaded with him. Dante looked at her for a full minute, “So what are you willing to give me Vasha to ensure my silence?” he asked slowly, making it very clear he was in charge. Vasha now knew that Dante had known all along about everything and had played her. She realized that she was going to lose this game and already had. With a sigh she whispered defeated, “What is it you want?” “You, in my bed and at my side willingly,” he rumbled, his voice slicing through her body, making her shiver. There it was, the truth, finally out in the open and she suddenly knew that he had played the Council as well. “How long have you known?” she asked not answering his demand.

“Since the beginning, when you were forced out of Italy. Being fey, you can smell others who are magical and your magic, Vasha, is powerful as is Vashon’s,” he told her. “Then it was you who arranged this and not the Council?” she asked as she sunk into a nearby chair. “I suggested it; they took the hint and ran with it. You were getting out of hand.” Vasha did not respond she just sat there pale as the realization fully took hold. “All you have to do is agree and your secrets stay just that, hidden from the rest of the world and universe,” he told her softly as he watched her. With a sigh Vasha looked at him, “I need time to think about it.” “24 hours is all you have,” Dante told her then walked out. Vasha snarled as she rose to her feet. Seconds later she was in her car peeling out.

Chapter Four:

“Nice one Dante, you could have given her more time,” Vashon said from behind. “I could have, but I did not care to be lenient about it, considering what she had been doing. And also that she is about to fuck a mark,” Dante informed Vashon. “Who is the mark?” Vashon asked, not surprised by that information. “Mason Dixon,” Dante said coldly. “Are you serious?” Vashon asked as surprise filtered into his voice. “You mean you were not aware of your sister’s affair with the Senator?” Dante asked as he finally turned too looked at the younger vampyre. “You lie, my sister would never take a human to her bed,” Vashon snarled in outrage. “Oh yes she would, in fact your sister would take a human to her bed to ensure that your secrets stay secret. She had been seeing the Senator behind your back as well as feeding, were you aware of that lil brother, were you aware of your sister’s betrayal?” Dante growled at him, his patience gone for these two.

Vashon paled at the information, “No, I was not aware,” he paused, “Are you going to ask the Council for her life?” “No, I have told her that for her secrets, she will willingly become mine, stand beside me and come to my bed willingly,” Dante told him. “Christ Dante, you can’t do that, it is forbidden. Vasha is not…You just can’t do that,” Vashon gasped then covered his mistake. “Vasha is not what?” Dante asked his voice cold. “Nothing, she will not come to you and I will tell her to refuse you,” Vashon snarled angrily. “Don’t press your luck; your secrets are at stake here to breeder.” Vashon went silent as Dante called him a breeder, now knowing what Dante knew. “So if your sister denies me, I will go to the Council, demand both your lives and the method of punishment, either way Vasha will be mine. Do we understand each other Vashon?” Dante asked coldly. “Yes, we do,” Vashon bit out and then left the room. Dante smiled as he headed out into the night, following Vasha’s trail, he both of them running scared, good would make them think clearer.

Vasha meanwhile found a back way into the parking lot and parked in the dark shadows, she wanted to make sure that she was not seen. She slipped out of the car into the shadows, looking up at Mason’s office she pictured it, placing everything where it was suppose to be. For a second she felt a fuzzy feeling then it was gone. She opened her eyes and she was in Mason’s office, alone. The light was on at the desk but Mason was not in the room. He was in the building, she could sense that which meant she was going to have to wait for him. She took a seat in a dark corner and waited. Her wait was not long. Mason entered his office and headed for his desk, sitting down he went back to work. Vasha watched the man she had come to kill. Mason was 6’2”, with premature gray hair and ice blue eyes that could melt or freeze you in a heartbeat, depending on his mood. He had a strong square jaw, very handsome and sexy for 34. He was muscular for a politician. “Working late Mase?” she asked huskily from the dark corner. Mason chuckled, “Always Vasha, is this social or business?” he asked in that raspy deep voice of his. “Why Mase, you should know me better then that, when I come this late it is personal,” she purred as she rose and walked into the light. Mason leaned back in the chair and looked at the beauty before him,

“Dressed to kill, God, you look good baby,” he said huskily.

Vasha walked over moving between him and the desk; she sat on it and looked down at him with a seductive smile. “Do you want me, Mason? she purred huskily as she noted the increase in his pulse. She could smell his hunger for her. “You know I do,” he rasped as he started to lean forward. Vasha brought a boot up and placed it on his chest and pushed him back into the chair, “Not yet, you know the rules,” she chastised softly. Mason groaned, but sat back, reaching up to unbutton his shirt as he watched her. Vasha removed her boot, settling it between his legs as she watched him, as she sat on the desk in front of him.

Once his shirt was off, he reached for her boot and undid the straps, sliding the left one off first then the right. Then he leaned forward, his hands sliding up her thighs to her waistband and undoing the zipper. Vasha eased up as he jerked her leather pants down and off of her. He pushed her back onto his desk as he wedge himself between her legs unzipping her vest so that Vasha was lying on his desk, in only her vest and trench coat, body fully exposed to him. Mason pressed against her, already hard as he kissed her, his hand sliding across her breast, squeezing it working the nipple. Vasha arched up against him, whimpering as she pulled him closer to her. Seconds later his mouth was on her neck as he groaned against her skin,

“God, I have missed you, why do you tease me so by staying away for so long?” “I have a life and you are married, Mason,” she told him. He rose up and undid his pants, “Yes, but my wife cannot do what you do to me, we have to meet more often, I need you,” he said as he thrust into her. Vasha arched up, with a moan, her body opening to accept him inside of her. “What exactly is it you need, Mason, my body or me?” she asked huskily. “Both. You know I am falling for you and would leave my wife for you,” he told her as he slid back till only the tip was in her and then thrust back into her. “You would leave your wife for me, right in the middle of your career, I am touched, Mason, but not necessary,” she gasped as he drove into her deeply.

Mason leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I know what you are and I want to know what it is like to truly be with a Vampyre. Show me Vasha; show me what true pleasures can be had for a human when they are with a Vampyre.” “No Mason, it is forbidden,” she said calmly, not wanting to alert him to her surprise. Mason snarled and put his hand on her throat, holding her to the desk as he rose up, deep inside of her, “Then I will make you do it,” he said, picking up his letter opener and shoving it deep into her side. Vasha let out a scream of pain as she hissed at Mason, struggling to get up off the desk, but Mason had leverage and held her down. “What the fuck, are you mad?” Vasha gasped as she winced at the pain. “No, with you wounded you will have to feed,” he informed her as he rocked his hip back and then thrust into her.

“Alright, you win, let me up and I will show you,” she said softly. Mason released her neck and Vasha wrapped her legs around him as she sat up sliding her hand up his chest, curling around his neck and pulling him to her, kissing him as she pulled out the gun and put it to his side, her hips rolling as she fucked him. Vasha pulled the trigger and put a bullet in his side as she sunk her teeth into his neck, his scream of pain filling the room. Vasha fed on his fear and pain, drinking in the crimson liquid that flowed down her throat, feeling the rush as it slammed into her body.

God, his blood was sweet and powerful as the fear and pain mixed in it. She moved her mouth over the wound on his neck as his blood flowed hot into her mouth and down her throat. She was not sensual or seductive in the way she fed off of him; she was cruel and harsh, causing pain, to increase his level of fear. It drove her, igniting her hunger.

Mason jerked back, ripping his neck from her mouth “You fucking cunt,” he snarled as he backhanded her. Vasha pushed him into the chair and was on him, feeding from the open wound in his neck as he bled freely from his side. She finally lifted her head and yanked out the letter opener from her side and impaled it into his chest. “I came to kill you, Mason, not fuck you,” she growled as she flicked her claws out and ripped his neck out. She stood over him, watching as his eyes went blank and he died. Nothing she still felt nothing when she killed or amused herself with other men. She had to force it. It was only when she was with Kerr did she feel anything, it was with him she came alive.

Once dead, she jerked her clothing back on, zipped up her vest, pulled on her boots. Seconds later she was back outside, never once having been seen. She leaned against the wall breathing rapidly, the pain in her side annoying using magic took its toll on her when she was injured or hurt. Shimmering from place to place was a low energy power, but when hurt, it took as much out of her as any other spell she did or magic that she used. It was a set back of who she was. Sometimes it just sucked to be an all powerful being, the drawbacks were a bitch, she thought as she tried to ease the pain a bit. “Must have been good for you to scream like that,” a deep voice said. Vasha jerked up and found herself face to face with Dante. “Fottere” she muttered in Italian.

Dante saw her face and the bruise on her cheek. “He hit you,” he snarled. Vasha just laughed as the rush hit her again. Dante noticed her eyes glowed unnaturally bright, “You fed off of him didn’t you?” he accused. “What do you care, Dante. You played the Council. You played me all for what? Power & Sex? If you want it then take, it does not matter anymore, you got what you wanted, both Vashon and I under your control. So take it, Dante, push me up against a wall and take what you want, feed your fucking hunger. But do not think for one moment you have won, or that we can be controlled,” Vasha taunted him.

She found herself up against the side of the building and she cried out, as pain erupted in her side sharply as Dante pressed his mouth to her neck and growled against her skin, “I warned you, Vasha. You were mine and that I would have you. Did you not think it would happen?” “Just do it,” she groaned half in pain and half in ache. Dante licked her neck, smiling against her skin as she cried out. “Still want me to save you from yourself?” he whispered lowly.

Vasha could not catch her breath, her side exploded into intense white hot pain as Dante held her against the wall. “Help me,” she gasped out then slumped in his arms. Dante drew back and realized that Vasha was unconscious and there was blood on her body, running down her leg. He unzipped her vest and saw the wound in her side. The son of a bitch had stabbed her, no wonder she had screamed, he had forced her to feed off of him. Good thing he was dead, otherwise…

Dante would have killed him.

Chapter Five:

He picked her up, moved to her car, set her in the passengers’ seat then settled in the drivers’ seat. He started the car up and took off, headed for the house. “Don't wreck it please,” Vasha whispered in the darkness. “I have to get you home to the healer, who cares about your damn car,” he grumbled. “I do. This is my baby,” she said as she struggled to sit up, but was having a hard time.

“Stay still, he hurt you pretty bad. What the hell did he stab you for?” Dante asked. “He knew what I was,” she gasped as she struggled to breathe through the pain. Dante pulled over, throwing the car into park. He leaned over Vasha and started chanting. Vasha brought her hand up and stopped him, “No, don’t you dare use any of that fey magic on me, I can handle this,” she snarled. “I am trying to ease your pain, let me help you Vasha,” he told her. “Kill me then,” she told him coldly. “No, Vasha...Why not Dante, it is what you truly want, to make me full dead like you, so that I can never leave, just do it and be done with it,” she hissed at him stopping him. “I will not Vasha, you are more useful to me alive, not dead,” he finally told her.

“Why?” she asked breathlessly as she fought to deal with the pain, drops of blood breaking out on her brow and upper lip.

“Because you can go places and do things I cannot. I am feared because my power is death. But you Vasha, people fear you when they realize what you are capable of doing, not all your marks are dead are they?” he asked quietly. Vasha looked at him, her eyes very bright, pain laced them, “No, it depends on what the client requests, some are zombies, some are human servants, some are locked in their own personal hell, in comas,” she said softly, between breaths of air. “Exactly, you are more then just a killer, you are creative,” he said as he put the car in drive and took off again.

Vasha remained silent and Dante realized that she was out again. He sped up and pulled into the garage and parked. He was out and over to her side of the car, when Vashon opened the door. “What the hell did you do to her?” Vashon snarled angrily as he rushed over. “Nothing Mason did it, now move,” Dante snarled back as he pushed his way past Vashon. He rushed up to Vasha’s room laying her on the bed as he summoned a healer. He had Vasha nude on the bed when Alexia walked in.

“What do you need Death God, I hate being summoned during feeding time, she said grumpily. “Vasha needs to be healed,” he told her. Vashon burst in and moved between Dante, Alexia and his sister, “You are NOT using one of your witches to help my sister all she needs is me,” he told them coldly. “Fine I will leave,” Alexia said. “You will stay and Vashon you will get the hell out of the way,” Dante ordered. Alexia pouted, while Vashon refused to budge. It was then that Vasha spoke, “Get out all of you and let me heal. I will not have some half breed witch heal me. I told you in the car Dante, no fey magic & I meant it all I need is Vashon, let him in and get out,” she said coldly. “See Dante she does not want me to heal her, can I go now?” Alexia asked.

GO,” Dante snarled as he rose and stepped aside for Vashon to tend to his sister.

Vashon knelt beside the bed and placed his hand on her wound and began to whisper ancient words. “I said, Get Out Dante, this is not for you to see,” Vasha snarled as she sent him hurtling out of her room, slamming the door behind him with what strength she had left and effectively locked him out as the power rolled out of the two of them, merging into the air and then funneling back into Vasha. She screamed as white hot pain, burst through out her body then surrendered to the peaceful darkness as her body began to knit itself back together. For 4 days, the spells and ancient magic Vashon had called upon, kept anyone and everyone out.

It was day five when the door was open and Vashon retreated to his room shutting himself inside recovering from healing his sister. Vasha was in a deep sleep while her body healed and Vashon was in one while his body recharged. Dante paced the floor in Vasha’s room furious at the two of them. “They did not have time to explain everything to you before all this happened. Vasha needed to be healed,” a soft female voice said from the doorway. Dante looked up to see a young woman about 22, standing in the doorway, watching him.

She was petite, tiny and had a mane of long silver hair flowing down her back. Her eyes were tri-colored, green, blue and grey and they seem to dance about. She was beautiful in an ethereal way and he realized she was Sidhe, fey. “Well this is a surprise, I was not aware that Vasha had anything to do with the Sidhe realm,” Dante commented. “There is a lot you do not know about my godmother,” she giggled as she moved to Vasha’s side and touched her cheek. It was warm. “Who are you?” Dante asked. “I am Arianna, Ari to most Queen Adoni’s daughter,” the girl answered as she placed a cool cloth on Vasha’s forehead.

Dante blinked in surprise, what the hell was the Princess of the Sidhe realm doing here, living in the mortal realm, with two vampyrs? “They are not just vampyrs, they are so much more,” Ari’s soft voice whispered in his head. “What are they?” he asked out loud. "You will have to ask Vasha or Vashon to explain that. I am here because they are the best and can protect me from those who wish to see me dead or harmed. They are my guardians, they see to it that no one uses me to hurt my mother or the Sidhe realm, in anyway,” she told him then turned to Vasha who was getting restless on the bed. “Adoni has some explaining to do,” he grumbled. “Then why don’t you go and see about getting your explanations, I need you to leave right now, you cannot be here,” she said softly. Dante nodded and walked out of the room and when the door slammed he realized that he was once again on the outside and it pissed him off.

He was definitely going to change that, when Vasha was healed and Vashon was back to full strength he was going to set both of them down and they were going to tell everything. Right now, he needed to speak to Adoni. He closed his eyes and concentrated and seconds later opened his eyes and found himself in Adoni’s inner sanctuary. Adoni who was reclining in her pool, gasped as Dante suddenly appeared, eyes a bit wide. “I do hope this is a social call and not business Dante,” she said softly, her voice sensual and seductive, but having no affect on him. “It is business, I want some answers,” he said as he took a seat and stretched out his long legs.

Adoni glided through the water and relaxed against the side of the pool closest to him, “What are the questions?” she asked with a soft smile. “What is your daughter doing in the mortal realm, being guarded by two vampyrs?” he asked lowly as he looked at her. “Ah right to the point, you never were one for small talk. My daughter Arianna is there because Vasha and Vashon are the best at what they do and considering it is their job, I felt it would be the best place for Arianna and besides she can spend some time with her godmother and get to know her,” Adoni said with a shrug. “What do you mean it is their job?” Dante asked slowly. Adoni gazed turned sharp as she searched his face and then shrugged with a smile, “They are assassins, so they are the best at protecting as well as killing.”

“I am curious, why Vasha, why pick a Drow to be your child’s godmother, considering the terms you are on with the Elven nation,” Dante asked as he watched Adoni, she was hiding something. “Vasha and Vashon have been through a lot. They lost both their parents, were banished to the Lycan realm for protection turned by a Master Vampyr, who, they later killed for betraying them.. They were driven from Italy because Diego could not keep his mouth off of the locals. I did not see any benefits to ending my relationship with them,” Adoni told him. He did not believe her Adoni did not do anything unless it benefited her. “Then I guess most of my questions will be answered by Vasha and Vashon,” he said lowly then vanished.

Adoni bit her lips and then rose from the tub, pulling on a robe as she strode into her advisors chambers and ordered him to contact Vashon. Her advisor went to work, chanting over a mirror, but got nothing. “He is not responding Your Majesty,” her advisor said. Adoni snarled and walked out. She needed to know what was going on. She summoned Drogan to her and told him to go to the mortal realm and check up on Ciara and the twins then report back to her. Drogan left.

Dante returned to the mortal realm and back to Vasha’s home. He entered to voices raised in anger and went in search of the commotion. “What the hell are you doing here Drogan?” Vashon growled as he poured himself a drink. “Queen Adoni sent me she was concerned when she could not reach any of you. She wishes a progress report on Arianna,” he said softly, trying to soothe Vashon. Dante stood in the shadows listening. “You know it is not polite to eavesdrop, Death God,” Vasha said huskily as she looked at him. Dante turned his eyes to hers and smiled slightly, “Feeling better?” he asked lowly as he stepped out of the shadows towards her. She took an automatic step back, wary of him as she nodded. “Arianna is fine, there is nothing going on, so report back to Adoni that we are fine and nothing has changed,” Vashon growled, his voice low and angry. Vasha sighed as she stepped into the living room.

She knew how Vashon felt about Adoni’s messengers and he had a particular dislike for Drogan. Drogan had at one point in time, set his sights on Vasha and had not heeded the warnings given to him. He had taken Vasha one night during a Fertility festival, using her body for his pleasure, not thinking the impact it would have on Vasha. Vasha had become mad and had to be subdued by Sidhe magic till Kerr and Kel could retrieve her and take her back to the Lycan realm and nurse her back form the madness that had taken over her mind. Yet Drogan still wanted her and Adoni knew it and used that to her advantage. “Drogan, tell Adoni that all is well and there is nothing to report at this time,” Vasha said quietly as she stepped to Vashon and laid her hand on his arm. He seemed to simply go quiet and relax. “As you wish,” Drogan said softly as he gazed at Vasha, his eyes darkening with lust and desire for her. “She said to Go Drogan,” Arianna commanded coldly as she walked past Dante, catching Drogan’s look for Vasha. Even she knew that a mating between those two could never happen again, nor would Kerr let it happen again.

Dante just watched everything with amused eyes, taking it all in, committing to memory everything each person did, or how they reacted to another person. Arianna walked over to Vasha and bent and whispered something in her ear. Vasha’s reaction was immediate, she paled as her eyes went widen and she got nervous. “Oh no you do not Sis you will face Goran with that iron will of yours. Now is not the time to pass out at The Wolf King’s messengers feet,” Vashon said as he gripped Vasha’s arm and gripping it hard. Vasha yipped in pain as she turned to her brother, a low growl developing in her throat.

Dante stepped into the living room to break them up, when a tall man, thin, older, with hair of white, that fell to his waist entered the room. Eyes of a dark gold color gleamed underneath white bushy eyebrows and long white lashes. He was muscular but in a thin and lanky sort of way. He had long fingers that tapered at the end. He was dressed in royal robes of the Lycan realm. “Forgive my intrusion by The King has requested your presence in Lycan immediately,” Ambassador Goran said quietly. Arianna smiled as she moved to the Ambassador and purred softly in a low silky voice, “If the King is in need of his shavi barroc right now Ambassador Goran, then he should be informed that they are not up to 100% right now and need time to rest and regain their strength.”

Dante watched as Goran turn to the small slip of a girl and smiled at her, “I shall inform him, but that may bring the King himself here,” Goran said softly as he gazed at her, adoration in his eyes. “Oh god no,” Vasha gasped as her knees gave out and she sat down suddenly. Vashon turned to his sister as Dante moved to see to her as well. Goran turned as Dante’s movements caught his attention confused, “Why is a Death God here?’ he demanded. “Now Ambassador Goran that is not your concern, your concern is your King, please convey to him, it is not necessary for him to come. His shavi barroc are fine, they just need sometime to rest. They will come when they are fully back to strength. I will see to it,” Arianna said her voice melodic and soft as she wove the spell around him. “Yes, your Highness, I will see that King Kerr is made aware of the situation and that he is not needed. I will also convey to him that his shavi barroc will come when they are fully healed,” he said softly as he nodded his head then he turned and left the room.

Dante looked at all of them and then simply stated, “Someone had better start talking willingly before I decide to implore methods that will make you talk,” his voice was low and cold. “Dante, you are too suspicious, you need to relax. Vasha and Vashon are King Kerr and Kel’s shavi barroc, royal bodyguards. They are duty and honor bound to the Kings to guard them when the Kings travel in their own or other realms,” Arianna said softly. “Don’t use that fey magic on me ever Arianna or I will be forced to show you why I am immune to the various powers of the different realms,” he growled at her. Arianna bowed her head and murmured, “I am sorry, it is habit.” “I’ll just bet,” he snapped as he turned his eyes to Vasha and Vashon as they sat whispering to each other.

He watched them noting their growing agitation then felt it was time to interrupt them, “Care to share with the rest of us?” he asked lowly. “Not really,” Vasha snapped back as she cut Vashon a cutting glance. She hit the wall behind her hard. “Fucking hell Dante, what the fuck gives? She is injured still,” Vashon snarled as he moved to his sister and helped her up. She glared at Dante as she held her side, “Did I offend you delicate sensibilities?” she asked in a low voice, trying hard to not let the anger bled in. “You are on very thin ice with me right now Vasha, so I would be very careful what you say to me right now,” he growled at her. “And you would do well to stop pinning me to walls and tossing me about like a rag doll,” she paused, “if you want answers,” she growled right back.

“Are you hurt petit? Goran said you were injured,” Kerr’s deep voice suddenly broke into her thoughts concerned. “Non, just stiff and sore. I am healed for the most part. I will come when I am back to full strength,” she told him softly, using her voice to soothe him. “Then explain to me why a Death God is in my shavani’s ancestral home?” he asked lowly. “Babysitter,” she grumbled. Kerr laughed, it was deep and sensual & sent little slivers of pleasure racing through her body. “It is not funny piccolo lupo,” she chastised. “Do not push me Vasha. This Death God wants you as his, I can smell it through you I can smell it. Make no mistake, if you do anything other then fuck him, I will make you very sorry,” Kerr threatened lowly, his voice ominous. Vasha simply shut him out and expelled him from her mind. She knew he would be back soon enough, he was never gone for long and besides he was always there in her mind, always lurking.

Dante snarled and before anyone could move he threw Vasha over his shoulder and left the room. Once in her bedroom, he shut and locked the door then turned to Vasha, “You are going to start talking, because if I do not know what is going on then I am not allowing you to go anywhere with Kerr Lyranis,” Dante told her lowly, the jealousy and warning thick in his voice. Vasha looked at Dante and began to laugh, Dio Mio, both he and Kerr were acting the same way. “This is not funny Vasha,” Dante growled lowly at her. “Oh yes it is, you lay claim to me and I am not yours to lay claim to. I am bound to my King, something even I cannot get out of,” she explained slowly. “It is my right to claim her. She is mine by the laws of nature and by our kind. I have claimed her and she is mine,” Kerr snarled in his head. “Get out of my fucking head Wolf King, or you and I are going to fight,” Dante snarled into the air. “No, you are not,” Vasha snapped angrily. Dante turned to her and glared at her as he snarled, “Explain!”

“I am the King’s shavani, his wife, his mate. I am bound to him by honor and by my soul. I cannot leave him ever. I spoke the ancient oath the vows that binds one Lycan to another and I became his mate for life, his for forever,” she explained without giving away what she really was. “But you are not Lycan, why would the King, marry a Drow and taint the bloodline?” Dante asked in shock. “Excuse me, taint the blood line?” Vasha asked coldly. “My apologies, I did not mean it to sound like an insult. Lycans do not like to breed outside of their own bloodline, why would a King marry outside of his own race, what about you made him want you enough to break tradition?” Dante asked, trying to soothe her. Vasha just shrugged as she moved to the window and looked out. She needed to distance herself from him, her sense were overwhelming her.

She was still healing and hitting the wall had not helped. Her dreams while she had been in a deep sleep had been tormenting. She had dreamt about Dante, about having him, about tasting his blood. She did not understand what was going on, it confused her. She was Kerr’s mate, his soul mate, his lifeblood and yet she wanted Dante, she felt alive when she was near him; her hunger was awakened when he got to close. And that is what was confusing her, never before had she wanted a man, except Kerr and yet here she was dreaming about the Death God and wanting to feed off of him. This was not happening, she was bound to another, and she could not want Dante like she did.

Dante could not help himself; he was drawn to her and followed, coming to rest behind her. His hands settled on her shoulders letting them slid down her arms as he brought her body back against his. Vasha sighed as his scent enveloped her and drew her in. Dante bent his head and whispered low and hot against her neck, “What is it about you Vasha that makes men want you so badly? What is about you that makes them so crazed with need for you?” His hands curled around her waist and slowly slid up her ribs to cup her breasts as his thumbs ran over her nipples. Vasha moaned as her hands fell to her sides as her hunger slammed into her with tremendous force, causing her to tremble at the voraciousness of it. “What is it about the smell of your skin that makes a man weak with hunger? What is it about your body that calls to him, making him insane with desire and lust for you?” he murmured against her neck as his mouth and teeth moved over the skin.

Vasha whimpered under the touch of his teeth and his hands as she was unable to stop the seduction he weaved around her. Truth is she was not longer in control, her hunger was and it wanted him, it needed him. Dante plunged a hand into her robe and cupped her breast, kneading it as his other hand slid between her legs and touched her wet heat. Vasha arched up against him with a loud moan as her nails dug into his thighs. Her breathing erratic as her heart pounded in her chest. There was no rational explanation for what was happening to her, what she was doing, “Enjoy him while you can Vasha, because once you are back on Lycan, you are MINE!” Kerr growled in her head, the possession very clear. Vasha shuddered at the way his voice did things to her and a voice in her head said she should stop but she could not. Her hunger was out of control and it was driving her to do things she should not. She knew she should stop him, but she could not say the words, she could not summon up the strength to pull away. She just road the waves of pleasure and hunger as they raced through her body, hot and ravenous as it consumed her.

Dante worked two fingers inside of her as he raised his head, just slightly and then lowered it and pierced the skin deep. Vasha stiffened against him and cried out as white-hot pain seared her then intense molten hot pleasure rushed through her veins like liquid lightening. Hands in his hair and shoulder, she gripped him as he drank from her as she rode the waves of pleasure over and over as Dante fed from her. Dante had forgotten how sweet and intoxicating her blood was. The amount of power it held in it left him weak kneed and dizzy. He could not stop he wanted more, it sung to him, it whispered in his ears sang in his veins and he kept drinking. Lost in the haze of euphoria it created in him.

Vasha struggled against him as she felt him draining her he was taking too much, the pain piercing the haze of pleasure sharply. She began to push at him, trying to tear her neck from his mouth, but Dante held her to him, his grip like iron. She could not breathe, could not speak, her mind shut down to all but the pain as she tried to get loose. Her struggling pierced the fog in his mind and he realized she was pushing against him, fighting to get away. He lifted his head to ask what was wrong as she slumped against him. He picked her up and carried her to the couch and laid her down, looking at her. Vasha was pale and her breathing shallow as the bite marks oozed slowly.

Drops of blood broke out on her forehead as she began to sweat and he knew what was wrong, he had taken to much blood, he would have to transfuse her, give her some of his blood to replenish hers before she slipped in a deep coma & died. He lifted her head and drew one of his nails through the sinewy muscle and flesh of his neck and then forced her mouth to it, holding her head in one hand firmly to his neck. At first nothing happened and then Vasha awoke fighting as she swung out, pushing as she tried to pull her head away but she could not, so she was forced to drink the hot blood that poured into her mouth.

She choked on it at first, and then she was on him, her hands in his hair and around his neck as she drank hungrily from him, her mouth moving over his neck, sensually and erotically. Dante could not stop himself as he held her to him, shifting as he freed himself and entered her hot wet tight body, wringing a low deep groan from him as she moaned low in her throat as she drank from him, her body moving against his, riding him as she drank. He was so floored by the way her body moved over his sensual, seductive and erotic, as she rode his hard thick length deep inside of her as she drank his blood her teeth sunk deep into his neck.

Finally Vasha lifted her head, licking her lips as she rode his body as she cupped his face, her mouth open against his, breathing into it as she rode the storm as it built inside of her. She was oblivious to anyone or anything but what was going on inside of her. The sensations and feelings she felt were overwhelming, intense and strong. It made her weak, dizzy and yet strong and powerful all at the same time. Dante held her hips as he urged her on as he looked up at her breathing as one with her as they fucked. The orgasm that exploded within them caught them both by surprise, their cries merging as one as they held each other as they shuddered against each other.

Vasha slumped against him as she lay panting for air, that haze in her brain slowly fading as the hard cold realization of what had just happened was left behind. Shit, shit, shit, she was in big trouble, Kerr was going to kill her or punish her in a very severe way. She had drunk a Death God’s blood, she had taken his essence into herself and now he was part of her. His powers would mix with her and there was no telling what would happen now, since whatever happened to her would happen to Kerr & Vashon.

She jerked herself away from him as she looked at him in horror. “What have you done?” she gasped, her voice trembling as the shock took over. “I saved your life, you were dying,” he said arrogantly. “No Dante, I cannot die ever, neither can Vashon,” she informed him angrily as she began to pace back and forth. “Oh you can die Vasha and so can Vashon, you are not that immortal. Is it that bad to have the blood of a Death God running in your veins? You are part of me and I am part of you now,” he explained to her, confused as to why she was acting this way. “One time Dante, one time, I asked for your blood, but when I saw what it did to me, I never wanted to feel that or see what I saw again. But now, now I am not the only one affected,” she spat at him, her rage boiling over.

“What the hell are you talking about?” he demanded starting to get angry at the way she was acting. “I am bound to the King of the Lycans; everything I do is shared with him. And Vashon is my twin, what I do is shared with him as well,” she snarled as she moved around the room, trying to calm herself as the air grew thick. “What do you mean…What the hell is that?” he asked suddenly as a portal opened. “Get out now Dante, this is between me and the elven realm,” she told him as she hurtled him out of her room and shut the door & began to chant. The portal slammed shut.
© Copyright 2006 Kiah (kiah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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