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Rated: E · Fiction · Young Adult · #1108163
Jordan Walday is a poor girl with big dreams and an even digger family. Love and family.
Already Written

The sun brightly shone over the playground of the local neighborhood in Columbus, Indiana. Small children played all around, taking in the essence of youth. It is said that as kids get older, they lose their sense of compassion and caring because of the lives they lead. Maybe this is true, I think it is. Why do all seem to forget what it was like back on the playground, when days were simple and things stayed the same. There was no need for any change or drama. Now that’s all there is, and that’s all there will ever be. Unless, of course, we all take time to go back to those days. When the sun always shone and the dark was nothing to be afraid of, because we knew of the evil that lay within the darkness.
Jordan Walday walked down the lonesome road that separated her house from the rest of the world. She sometimes considered not even turning onto this dreaded path. Sometimes she just wanted to keep on going straight. All the way to the end of the world, then she would decide whether or not she would come back. She looked up at her house. Her brothers were outside doing yard work. It would be very likely to find her sisters inside the house, if you could call it that, doing housework. That’s how things worked around the Walday house though. Girls come straight home from school, do their homework, and do their work. The boys came home, did homework, and then did yard work. If they didn’t have their things ready, you did it till you got it done. It didn’t matter how long it took you.
Jordan had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Her brothers were Cody, Derek, and Billy. Cody was only 4 and had more energy than any could think possible. Derek was 10 and was the laziest person ever. He was usually the last one to come inside at night, and the last one to leave in the morning. Billy was 16 and barely ever around. Jordan’s father thought that once a man was 16, he could go out on his own. He was here today though. Probably got rejected. Jordan thought. Her sisters were Emily, Lauren, and Ashley. Emily was 4 and was Cody’s twin. She shared his energy and enthusiasm. Lauren was 13, a year younger than Jordan. Ashley was 15 and overly protective of everyone, especially the twins. Jordan had to say, though, she was beautiful. She had long black hair and bright blue eyes. She looked a lot like their mother. Her skin was naturally tan like the rest of the family’s was. Her smile could light up any room, and she made everything fun
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