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When Péré disappears, Anita has to find him and quick. |
I had to get away from Texas. Away from them, and all the terrors it held. I woke up gasping. Sweat was dripping down my back. The creatures were everywhere. In my dreams, in the shadows. I couldn’t escape them. I looked out the window. It was nearly a full moon. I cuddled back down in the bed trying not to think of what was out there. I awoke at about 9am. I was staying in a hotel in New York. Everything seemed foreign here. I was used to the peaceful countryside. Here it was all bright lights and noise. At least here I was less likely to be recognized and the creatures would not attack me in front of so many people. I jumped as someone knocked on the door. I wondered who it could be, no one in Texas knew I was leaving to go to New York. I opened the door. I smiled. “Eric.” I whispered and hugged him. “Come in, how are you?” “I’m fine, thanks Anita. I need to tell you something important.” He looked serious. “Can I ask you a few questions first.” I studied his face. I hadn’t seen him in a year, but he hadn’t changed a bit. He had long black hair, that fell in front of his midnight blue eyes. He was wearing ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. He hung his leather jacket over a chair and sat down, his heavy black boots echoing as he moved. I suddenly became aware that I was still in my pajamas and my hair a mess. Oh well, believe or not I’ve looked worse. “Sure fire away. It can wait.” He smiled and laughed. “Loving your jammie’s.” I smiled. There were purple with little penguins on them. “Fun’s over. Where have you been? Why did you go? Why did you find me?” “I’ll tell you everything over a cup of coffee.” He twiddled his fingers and looked around the room. I phoned room service and ordered two cups of coffee. I couldn’t be bothered to make it. Lazy, me? Never. Room service arrived within five minutes with the order. I curled up in the arm chair, waiting for Eric to begin. “Back in Texas, something strange happened. I was patrolling the graveyard at about 10pm. It was a full moon but demon, vampire and werewolf activity was low. I let my guard down, thinking nothing was going to happen tonight. Boy I was wrong! A dozen vamps surrounded me. I tried to fight, but there were too many. I ran for it. They chased me out of the cemetery then vanished. I didn’t stop running. Sookie was about to swap shifts when I ran into her. The vamps kept appearing and disappearing until we left Texas. We’ve been trying to get back to Texas ever since, all the monsters have gone to extremes just to stop us getting back there. I’ve been trying to reach you for ages. I’ve been staying in an apartment, up west from here. Sookie’s been living with her friends a few blocks down from me. I thought I saw you walk in the hotel, so I checked at reception, and there was your name, Anita Hunt, at room 214. I need to ask you a few questions.” I looked at him remembering what it used to be like. The three of us. Fighting zombies, vampires, demons, whatever came our way. For some reason Texas always attracted bad guys. “Shoot.” “Was there much vampire activity after we left?” “Yeah, they seemed to multiply, all the monsters seemed to get stronger. I could only kill the weak ones with no trouble.” “There’s six of us trying to kill thousands here, we really could use your help and expertise. Hey, why don’t you come stay with me. I’ve got a spare room. Then you could met the others.” “Sounds great. I’ll get changed and pack.” I went into the bedroom and got changed. I got my handbag and put my backpack on. I paid the hotel bill as Eric put my backpack in his car. I walked out and Eric was leaning against his car. A Corvette, brilliant for escaping demons. It was only a five minute journey to Eric’s apartment. He opened the door and ushered me into the spare room. I unpacked and hid my weapons in various places. I had two of my silver knives in my arm straps, a Firestar in my coat pocket and my 9mm pistol in my inner pant holster. When I came out, the room was full of people. “Anita!” someone yelled. It was Sookie. “Hi!” I replied. “I haven’t seen you in ages!” “I know. We’ll have to catch up.” “Later girls,” Eric interrupted. “Anita let me introduce you to the others. This is Sapphire.” She gave a slight nod. She was about thirty. Blond hair, looked like a Barbie doll. Next was Amy. She must have only been twenty and as plastic as Sapphire. She was a black belt in most arts. Chris was in his late twenties. He had spiked green hair, piercings and a punk rock style. His weapon training was as advanced as mine. He was a typical gun loving man. Last was Rosco. He was in his late forties and his knowledge of the supernatural was astounding. After about an hour of trying to figure out what was going on we decided to meet up at dusk to go hunting. At 8 pm we all met outside a lively nightclub. Sookie split us up into small groups. Eric and Rosco, Sookie and Sapphire, leaving me with Amy and Chris. My group took the alley behind the club. A vamps favorite place. Feeding off drunk people, they don’t even need to use mind power on them, they forget everything in the morning. A group of hobos huddled around a small fire. I told the others to get ready. I took a few steps towards the fire then turned and staked the vampire behind me in the heart. “I can’t believe you two didn’t hear him coming.” I smirked at the astounded faces. We patrolled the graveyard after. Nothing happened. Most ghoul activity happens in graveyards. New York is infested with vampires, occasionally you’ll hear about a zombie or ghoul. Texas was full of everything. After a week of patrolling I thought there was no need for me to stay and I decided to go back to Texas. Even though I was scared of what was going to happen. “I’m not letting you go back alone.” Eric grabbed by wrist. “I’m coming with you, so are the others.” “Fine. But it’s not my fault if anyone gets hurt or dies.” When we got to Texas something felt wrong. I had a gut feeling something bad was about to happen. It was 7 pm and already dark. We split up again. Me and Amy, Chris and Sapphire, Rosco, Eric and Sookie. Forty minutes into our patrolling and we had already killed three vampires. Out of nowhere dozens surrounded us. “Get in the car and go now.” Each pair had got a fast getaway car. Amy hesitated, then went, I watched as she pulled out onto the road. “NO!” I screamed as two werewolves appeared and ran after her. I turned back to fight the vamps but the’d gone. Amy sped off. The car skidded out of control as the werewolves jumped on it. And crashed. I got my gun out but they were out of range. Steam poured out of the bonnet. Amy screamed as they clawed their way to her. “Anita!” I spun around. Eric and Sookie were standing further up. “So now it’s just us three.” “Quiet!” I dragged them into the woods. We hid under a big bush and laid down. At 11 pm a rustling surrounded us. I froze with fear. A spider crawled across Sookie’s hand. She was petrified. She ran out and fell. A growl vibrated through us. Sookie screamed as something jumped on her. Silent tears fell down my cheeks, I didn’t like sitting here watching my best friend die. I had never seen anything like this creature before. It was grotesque. She screamed as the creature threw her against a tree. Her neck snapped and she died instantly. The creature limped over to her body and carried it off. We followed the creature to its lair and waited for it to come out. Dawn soon approached but still no sign of the creature. We went in after it, armed with weapons. We knew we could handle it. Fear is the key to failure. We cannot fail now. Not after so many people have died. A man lay on the floor. Ripped jeans clinging to his waist. He moaned. I crouched down by the man. ‘Are you okay?’ I asked. ‘My head.’ He glanced at my weapons. ‘Please, you’ve got to help me.’ ‘How?’ Eric bent down. I guessed this was the creature we had seen last night. ‘Kill me.’ He whispered. ‘No.’ I glanced at him. ‘You have to help me.’ ‘I’ll get a car. I still have my house here. We’ll go there.’ Eric had already got him outside by the time I drove the car round. He gently put him in the back and lept in the front. ‘His name is Péré. He’s some kind of monster. He’s an outcast , all other creatures fear him. He wants to be chained up tonight.’ “Okay. I still have thick, silver chains in the attic. I’ll go see Xavier later he’ll know what to do” I readjusted the rear view mirror and drove home. Darkness came too quickly. I’d only just chained Péré up in time. Eric went out, leaving me alone with the creature. There was a loud commotion coming from the attic. The breaking of chains. Loud howls. Smashing windows. The loft door creaked shut behind me. I brushed the cobwebs away from my face. It was too late -he’d gone. The ripped curtains flapped about in the night’s breeze. I put my gun back its holster and sighed. I ran outside pausing in the driveway, I drew my gun. It was out there somewhere. There was a piercing howl. I looked up. It was a full moon. I had to find Xavier now. I pulled the car door open, it groaned with old age. I climbed in and slammed it shut behind me. Something stood amongst the tree’s shadows. My heart was beating in my throat. I shut my eyes tight. I fumbled around to turn on the headlights. A hideous shriek came from up ahead. I opened my eyes. The figure had vanished. I breathed a sigh of relief and drove off quickly in case the thing came back. I stormed into Fang, Xavier’s night club. I went to knock on his office door when it opened. Xavier was a tall, pale man with long black hair, and looking extremely good for his age, he is seven hundred years old and doesn't look a day over thirty. He was wearing jeans with a white lace top. He smiled at me, his fangs glinting in the hall light. “Hello Anita.” He gave me a slight nod, one thing I’ve learned from vampires is that they never shake hands or anything, just give the slightest of nods. He was the Master Vampire of New York which made him the most powerful vampire in this state. Most of the people living there are oblivious to the fact that the dead walk among them. I used to think that too until a werewolf broke into my house. Xavier saved my life so now I am in his debt. He has taught me a great deal about vampires and werewolves, and how it's not always their fault if they turned rouge. He trained me to track and kill the werewolves that kill innocent people. Some people are born with Lycanthropy and learn to live with it. They are like vampires; only kill when they need to. Other werewolves just go around killing people, even in human form. Those are the ones that I kill. “Xavier…” I began. He raised his hand to silence me. “Not now.” “But Péré’s lose.” I shouted. “What! Péré. The creature whos been wrecking havoc upon Texas.” "That might be him." I bit my lip, afraid of what was coming next. "What happened? And how do know about him?”" I filled him in on the whole story. "You should have killed him when you had the chance, when he was chained down.” He warned me. "Do you know where he went?" “He was outside my house as if he was waiting for me. When I turned the headlights on he vanished, into the woods.” I hoped Xavier didn’t get any angrier. I was already petrified of him. “You’re lucky you made it out alive, he’s more powerful than any other Were you have ever slayed." He warned me. "I have to go find him.” “It’s my fault he’s loose. I’ll find him.” I said slightly shaky. I had already killed one Were this month. It took me two months to track it down. Killing a Were was always tricky business, if it scratches or bites you, you become one of the night creatures too. “No Anita, you stay here. I’ll go fetch Péré,” he demanded. I watched him disappear down the hallway. No puff of smoke or turning into a bat. Just walking away. I can see why people believe they’re humans. I rang phoned Eric, he told me he would wait at my house for a while see if Péré showed up there, then come over to Fang. I went and sat down in Xavier’s office chair. There were a few files open on the desk. I started to flick through them. Xavier wouldn’t be back for a while. The door flung open and a cold breeze filled the room. I looked up. There was nothing there. I had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen. I walked out into the hallway. “Hello. Is that you Xavier?” I shouted out into the darkness. I turned to go back into the office. It was standing there. I screamed as it jumped on top of me. |