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Rated: E · Novel · Romance/Love · #1105703
Hes the man she shouldnt fall in love with..she is the one he is hiding from..*unfinished*
Clinton, New Jersey
August 24th, 1991
Nearing his Twenty-first birthday Brady was curious to determine if any women could intrigue him, and keep his interest alive as much a friend of his did. She was not only his friend, but a teenage friend of his little sister. With his good looks and great appeal, Brady had had many choices to try this on. His hair was dark and in good lighting you could geuss it was a deep shade of brown and his eyes were the color of the pond he was born by, a deep rich blue-green mixture. The eyes which captured so many admirers it was hard to tell what about them made them so distracting. Perhaps it was the color, or maybe even the fact that the man with them was so handsome and the seem to be a extension of his very attractive personality.
The problem remained though that she, Alexander Carpenter with her radient smile and long red hair that clashed with her large and honest brown eyes. Brady was laying there pondering when a knock on the door shook him from his thoughts. A curse escaped his lips as he opened the door to reveal a eighteen year old with a mildly innocent face peering at him from under a funny looking hat. The hair that slipped out from under this ridiculaous hat was red, and yet gold at the same time. The expression on her face was confident and playful. ‘I don’t need this right now. I really don’t’ Brady thought a bit agitated with her timing. Planting a smile on his face, which he knew looked fake he opened the door wider so that she could come in. Her eyes cast away from him in sudden sheepish embarrassment, Alex rushed past him and stood by the window. Turning around after closing the door, he sighed and kept a relative distance between them.“What is it that you need from me Alex…? I am a bit busy at the moment.” Brady asked calmly.
Alex looked up into his eyes and smirked. “You always say that, and you always are dreadfully bored before…oh.” Alex replied before clapping a hand over her mouth to silence herself. Her eyes widened and the twinge at the side of Brady’s mouth helped to ease the flush that came rushing over Alex’s face as she yelled at herself under her breath for saying things concerning women and his choice of activities. After a moment to recollect her reasons for being here, she began again. “I am here to... well to lecture you about Serena and how badly you treat the women in your life, Nora and Mrs. Wilson excluded of course.” This said with a touch of sweetly tinged coyness.
Laughter was visible in his eyes as he widened his smile and turned it into a real one. Brady gestured for her to sit down. Every chance she got, Alex would talk about her opinion and say it was Nora’s, and each time Brady bided his time and sat listening to her words and embellished them later for Nora. “Well then Alex, don’t let me cramp your style by appearing unwelcoming.” Brady stated sitting done on his bed knowing that this particular time she was going to again stress that Nora was the one disapproving of him ‘loving’ so many girls in a short period of time. Alex slid into the closest chair and looked at him cautiously.She loved to just look at him, in fact she loved just being by him no matter where it was. This feeling was amplified everytime she went without seeing him and then suddenly was in his company again.
A moment of silence emerged and Alex started when she noticed his smile deepen and his eyebrow rise in question. ‘Damn it Alexandra. Now you’ve done it. Now he’s going to ask why I was staring … oh how I to answer that am one. I know... I know. The truth...’ she thought tearing her eyes away from him and looking down at her fingers. Taking a quick glance Alex noticed something in his eyes that told her he knew exactly what she was thinking, and was not in the least affected by it.
“Correct me if I’m wrong… but weren’t you going to speak to me about….my distasteful behavior towards women?” Brady asked a moment later with a sly grin. Alex blushed and nodded as she picked at her fingernails, a habit she never quite got rid of. Now with a knowing grin, Brady slid a chair next to her and sat. “Or…” he suggested a gleam beginning to flick across his already breathtaking eyes.. “Is something else on your mind?”
Alex blushed again and mumbled. “No… no nothing is on my mind.” Suddenly she stood up and paced the room even though she knew it would seem a bit off to do so. She berated herself for bahving like a love-struck sissy, but on a sigh she conceded that she was in fact a very strong admirer of Brady. She had always been, ever since the day they met. Brady watched her thoughtfully, and then he frowned. She would get like this every so often and it tempted Brady to try to dechipher what it was she could possibly be thinking. Of course Brady knew that Alex may have a crush, but she was just a girl, what possibly could happen between them other then friendship?. Resolving to sit down and talk Alex returned to her seat and kept her face lowered as she opened her mouth to speak, and yet nothing came out. It seemed that she was again at a loss for how to begin.
Brady moved his chair closer to her, even against his own better judgement. Lifting her chin with one finger, he asked simply while holding her gaze with his. “Well?” Brady knew he should not be touching her at all, but he could not help himself. Once she finally found her voice Alex looked deep into his brown eyes with her own innocent brown ones.
All her recent coyness, and courage faltered.“Nora said I should talk to you about it… she doesn’t think it’s right for you to be breaking so many hearts, and not caring anything about it. I don’t mean to imply… actually I don’t know what I mean.” She replied moving her head away from him and looking away. Biting her lip, she let her words sink in, and then she felt his hand on her shoulder. ‘When he looks at me I forget what I am trying to say I choke up and cannot speak. They’ve been telling me to be careful of that.. yes well.. that’s not going to happen if I have to keep coming here.. what am I saying.. I love it here. I wish-no I shouldn’t think that way….ever’ She thought absently.
Thoughtfully Brady studied her face and relized she was extremely nervous again. Frowning again Brady noticed that with his own thoughts racing around, and none of which were about talking he needed to get her out of his room fast. He only just then remembered he had shut the door and almost groaned. Unnerved he stated with utter control.“I am doing it for their sake. I do not want them hurt worse when they find out later that I never loved them, and I would much rather be around a woman I love, not one I do not like at all. Alex… I want you to tell Nora that I love her and I am grateful for her concern…” He paused a moment to smirk and decideing to realate a thought to his his sister. “And that I wish to consume her best buddy whole.” Alex looked back at him confusion in her brown eyes. After a moment, Brady sat down next to her on the bed causing her hip to touch his. She blushed and slightly scooted over away from him. “By the way Alex…does your mother know you’re here? Around me?” He asked smiling now, sure that he could control himself and get her just as unnerved as he felt everytime he saw her.
A shy smile came across her face as she glanced at him. “She trusts you.”
Brady’s smile faded slowly as he thought about that notion.“Does she really? Hmm..and do you Alex?”
Surprised and feeling foolish she answered softly. “Yes. ...” Hesistantly adding “As a friend trusts another friend.”
Brady’s smile returned with a vengeance. “You shouldn’t you know.”
Shocked even more, Alex just stared at him. ‘What was that supposed to mean?’ She thought analyzing his meaning. Hoping she was not being too cautious she swallowed a little and somehow finding the courage, she asked quietly “Why not?” Brady smirked again thinking of that answer throughly and stood offering his hand to her.
“Maybe someday I’ll show you why not but that is for another day. Come on lets go... I will show you out the bedroom door… tastefully.” Still confused and very amused, Alex took his hand and shuddered inwardly at the heat and familiarity in the touch of her hand in his. She followed him in silence and sighed when they reached Nora’s room. “Well … we had a nice chat right?” Brady smiled and winked at her. Her light airy answer imprinted in his thoughts…
“Yes, I enjoyed it….Definitely.”
He turned around and walked back to his room. He needed to think about a lot of things that he was sure he would never think about again. Solemn, he paced around his room deliberating what to do next.
A few minutes later Hannah, Alex’s grandmother, called to tell Alex she needed to come back before her mother came to get her. Alex said her goodbyes to her friend and drove with Mr. Wilson back to her grandmother’s house. Alex and Mr. Wilson were silent for a little while. “ Alex I have been meaning to ask you something…” Mr. Wilson began sounding unsure of himself. Alex glanced at him expectantly and curious. He continued “Well, I need to know about your relationship with Brady.” Alex was so surprised and caught off guard, she uttered no sound. Mr. Wilson sighed and told her to forget he asked as they pulled into Hannah’s driveway.

Once Alex got inside she ran to her grandmother’s living room and asked her to tell her a story. ‘ Hopefully it willg et my mind off of him.’ She thought as Hannah chuckled and began to tell a wonderful story of love and fantasy.“Oh grandma, will you hurry up. Mom is going to be here soon.” Alex whined loudly to her grandma in the middle of a story. Laughing softly Hannah lifted her hands in defeat.
“ No sense in telling you anymore, I hear your mom pulling up the driveway right now.” Smiling an apologetic smile Hannah placed her hands in her lap and sighed. She was not happy to be the one telling her daughter her lost love had found another. Alex swatted her grandmother’s arm softly and laughed. They both knew Alex was too impatient for long stories, especially if they had a bad ending.
Before her daughter had to here the news, Hannah wanted to ask one last satisfying question. “Have you grown lately? I will bet so. And those boys aren’t causing you any trouble are they?” She asked with a slight glance to the side.
“No, no troubles.” Alex said as she blushed again thinking about the one man whom she wished to cause her trouble. Just then, Lilly walked through the doorway, still dressed for her job. Lilly Masters was beauty with a big heart; still standing picture perfect at thirty-eight years old.
Looking over at her mother, Lilly smiled a brilliant friendly smile. “Good evening mom.”
Hannah was a little surprised to hear such a nice thing from her daughter that she just nodded. After a moment of silence, she replied with careful wording. “Yes, Lilly good evening to you too. Did anybody tell you that Lucas is in town?” Lilly’s eyes widened in surprise and then clouded with tears that were threatening to fall. “I assume that to be a no. He came by earlier saying he wanted to speak to you. When I told him you were not here, he began to tell me about his new family. I suppose he now has thee boys and a loving wife. I know how hard this must be for you, and you too Alex. But we must try not to think about him anymore. I understand why each of you would, but I know it is not the right, or a very wise choice to pay him any mind.” Hannah said taking each of their hands and patting them gently. Lilly withdrew her hand and slowly perched on the arm of a chair.
“Oh now I must go to Jack and tell him his son is back, that is if Luke hasn’t already been there to gloat and prance around like a stuffed- Sorry mother, I’m getting too upset. Come along Alex.” Lilly exclaimed letting her tears fall.
Alex stepped away from her beloved grandmother and smiled. “Until the next time, right grandma?”
Smiling happily and hoping it would not be an entirely long time until she saw her granddaughter again, she answered with the same carefree tone. “Until then… and love your mom up too, we don’t want her getting the idea that guys are good for her.” With a laugh, Alex nodded and turned to leave the house. Watching her retreating figure, Hannah thought about when she should or could tell Alex what she needed to know, before she fell in love that is. Especially if it was going to be with a certain young man by the name of Brady Wilson.

After Alex left, Nora kept wondering about what she had told her about her and her brother talking. Slipping into her jacket, she went outside in search of her brother. After for a while she stood near the edge of an old pond where her and Brady used to swim when they were younger. Memories flooded back as she stood there peering into the clear water. Nora remembered the things that had been talked about right there next to the water all those years as she grew up.
Fishing was a pastime that led to a lot of thought and focus on the important topics of the day. Nora used to sit and just look at the water as she was doing now just to think everything over. The Wilson family was close, and yet distance was what seemed to suit Brady evey once in awhile. Most of the time Bady was not around, leaving all involved forlorn and wanting his complete attention in the event that he decided to present himself at his family home. Usually Brady would just go sailing and be gone for days. He never had much preamble to his departures, all were relatively sudden. Nora thought about when she asked her mother why he does the things he does. Mrs. Wilson sat straighter in her chair and sighed deeply and meaningfully. This sigh didn’t dissuade her a bit, and Nora pressed her step mother for something resembling a explaination. Heaving another sigh Mrs.Wilson began by telling her that Brady was a special sort, the kind that can tell what people are thinking. At first Nora could not believe it and within moments her mind filled with a lot of questions for everyone..namely Brady. She wanted to know what it was like. Although this news seemed to be of the sort to be exciting, the company did not appear to think it was anything but a serious matter. The problem, Nora was told, was that this ability hindered Brady’s enjoyment in most things. His mind would cloud with thoughts from every direction.
A few years later Nora got up the courage to ask Brady about how he was coping. Brady surprised her by reacting very calmly and with a look told her he knew she was afraid of his answer. Brady simply sat down on the brown, broken chair they all decided to place in a far corner of a rarely used room and spoke. “ it has actually gotten easy to blot out the people I wish to not hear. The noise was overpowering at first, but now I am almost able to completely ignore peoples thoughts.” A small smile crossed his lips as he again looked his sister in the eye.
Nora’s grey eyes looked back at him with love and hope. Brady smiled wider knowing he would never regret telling her. He never asked how she had found out, he just requested she keep it a secret herself. Nora promised, and until that moment she never thought to go against her word, or that she had to in order to save a friend and her brother each in turn. Though things never seemed to be wrong with the life Nora had lived she always felt she had missed out on something, and that something had a lot to do with Brady.. and of course her grandfathers promise to never let anybody learn of the past that had plagued the entire family for over a decade.
A muffled chuckle shook her out of her reverie. Nora turned to see her brother Brady, smiling at her. “I was thinking… thank you very much.” She said indignantly and shaking her thoughts of Alex away for a moment.
His smile widened and he tilted his head. “Thinking huh? Thought I told you a long time ago that’s a bad habit and you shouldn’t hurt yourself doing it.”
Laughing she shrugged and pushed her brother back lightly. “Yeah I know…. Your worried..”
“Uh oh. Don’t like the sound of that?.” He said with a smirk.
“Yeah well...” She smiled back at him and shrugged. After a moment she got a serious look on her beautiful face.” You can either love her or leave her hanging. Brady, please do not pull her chains ok? She has enough to worry about then you hurting her…”
Slightly nodding he agreed, his voice sounding far away and seeming to waver near the end. His firm, commanding voice tinged with regret and sorrow. “Nora. I know Alex needs to be loved, but I do not think I will be the one to give her what she needs. You know as well as I do that things would not work as well as we all hoped when she first met us. I am worried about her loving me though, she does not know me. I have done things I never wish to think about again. Not to mention seen things in my head. It has been so long since I felt this way and I do not want to hurt anybody anymore. I am not sure I can keep all the things from the past out of my present…..I think I should go away. It will be for the best. I will be gone for a long time this time sis… so don’t wait for me, and please tell her not to wait either. I just.. I just cannot see her until I figure this all out.”
Nora sighed and softly asked disappointment flickering in her eyes as she frowned. “When are you leaving?”
Sighing and looking back at his house, he shrugged. “After dinner I believe.”
Walking back to the house they were silent and remained quiet the entire meal. Mr.Wilson asked what was wrong and both glanced at eachother sending a unspoken message. Brady swallowed the chicken he was consuming and set down his fork. “I am going to go on a long trip. And I’m leaving as soon as I can arrange my plans.”
Once Brady said he was leaving and rose from the table to leave, Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson both looked at Nora for an explanation. Sighing Nora carefully and simply set down her untensils as well. Mr. Wilson sighed and clucked his tongue turning to go to his study realizing that Brady’s gift had reappearded and muct have been triggered by Alex’s presence so often. Brady was always more capable of reading into women and that meant that if he read her mind, he might have thought it best to leave. Deep in his heart he did not want that to be true. Mrs. Wilson shook her head and sighed deeply. “We can only hope that Brady leaving is the best thing for them both. Did he say how long his was going to gone?”
Nora shook her head. “He only mentioned it would be a very long time.. maybe your right and it will all come out alright…I still don’t like having to go behind her back like this, she is my best friend and I don’t know why he’s going. I hope he comes back soon enough not to lose any chance. Honestly, would it be that bad if they did fall in love?” Nora asked with pleading eyes, the grey darker and more intense then it had been in a long time.
The blue eyes of Mrs.Wilson widened and then a flash of something swept across her features as she shrugged. “ who knows. Perhaps not, but I am not sure it would be wise to hope for it my dear. Love is tricky, especially between a man and a lady who has yet to realize that she is the one that scares him.”
Surprise lit up Noras eyes. “Do you mean.. tha-” before she could finish the question the nod that was given stopped her short. Nora’s heart leapt and new joy she had never experienced cam over her. The two sat in silence until it was unbearable, and Nora replayed the day to her ever curious listener.

August 25th 1991

Alex sat with her mom talking in the cozy kitchen of their home about Lucas. Her mother’s tired expression was sign that she had not slept since the news of her brother coming back to town.
“Promise me Alex, that you will never fall in love with a man... I am sorry, I am being unfair to you. Just don’t fall in love until you are sure he loves you back.” Her mother Lily said looking at her daughter with so much love and hope in her eyes.
“ Mother don’t worry about me… I’ll be just fine.” Alex said putting her hand over her mother’s to comfort her. Lilly smiled a little then quietly told Alex she was going to go tell Jack about Lucas’ return. Alex asked to go along with her to ease the announcement a little bit. Lilly agreed and they both decided to go after they had snacked a little bit. Lilly glanced back up at her daughter and decided she would ask her the question that had bugged her all day.
“ Alex, did you go to Nora’s today?” Alex looked down at her food guilty.
“Yes mom, I did. I know you said I shouldn’t, but I needed to talk to Nora.” With only a hint of irritation Lilly responded with a sigh. “ Alright, I suppose I cannot punish you for disobeying because Hannah must have let you go, I am just watching out for you Alex.”
“ I know, and I’m sorry. I wont do it again.” Alex stated looking over at her mother.
Lilly frowned and carefully said “ I know you wont. Let’s get ready to go to Grandpa Jacks.” Both of them rose to put the food they were snacking on away in the cupboard.

“Lucas has no doubt come back to flaunt his success in my face. Have you heard he has two sons now, each one the spitting image of himself? Oh, and his wife, there is no good way to explain her. Her beauty is about the only good thing about her.” Jack Crispin stated once Lilly told him about his son being in town again. “Well, now that, that has been said, let us talk of better things.” He added turning towards Alex and her mother.
“Alex, we both know that you love Nora, and grandma, but we would like you to stay here for a while.” Lilly said putting her hand lightly on her daughter’s shoulder. “Of course, if you don’t want to, that is fine too. We will both understand. We just want you to be safe and away from Lucas and his new family…. I hope you understand kiddo.”
“I’d love to stay Jack.” Alex answered excitedly after frowning for a second to think on it. Smiles lit up the room as they began to talk about how long Alex would have to stay, and very subtly why she had to in the first place. Lilly’s smile grew as she thought of her daughter being safe from any harm. As long as she stayed with her grandpa Jack, she would be spared a life of worry and possibly shame.
Lilly and Jack knew it was the only way to keep Alex and Brady apart. No attachment should be made, for everybody’s sake. After talking a little bit longer, Lilly walked hesitantly out of the big brown door separating her from her daughter.
“I see that Copper has warmed right up to you child.” Jack said smiling brightly walking into the big kitchen after his granddaughter.
Glancing up Alex pursed her lips. “Will I see Nora often?” Jack looked down and shook his head. Alex knew that meant not to expect to see her often, but before she could continue, he eyed her.
“ And Brady will be away for a long time as well… so we probably wont hear anything about him for the time being either. Alex’s heart sank and her pursed lips bent into a frown.
“Alright..then. I’ll go to my room. Don’t forget to call me for dinner okay?” Smiling he agreed and watched her walk lazily out of the room.
Jack hated lying to the girl, but he had to do it in order to protect her from getting her heart broken by the man that could give her all she needs, but wont. Jack waited a few then called Lilly.
“How do you think she is handling it. The whole thing about Brady and all.”
“I don’t think it has really sunk in… I think she is upset all around about the whole thing and she is being a brave soul holding her head up high and dealing with it.”
“That’s what I expected. She is always doing her best to cope. I hope she forgives us some day.” Jack said with an air of disdain. Lilly made a sound of agreement.

August 26th 1991

“Mother, you know as well as I do that she is safer there.” Lilly stated with annoyance.
“Is it really that big of a problem, that you would sacrifice your own daughter’s chance of loving, no matter the consequences? You cannot shield her forever you know.” Hannah replied looking up at her grown daughter questionably.
In a voice barely audible and with a sigh Lilly whispered. “Yes, I know. I know.” Placing a comforting hand on Lilly’s arm Hannah stood up and mentioned that she was going to call Nora’s parents. The call was short and to the point.
“Hannah?”Mrs Wilson asked quietly.
“Yes mam”answered Hannah brightly.
”Will Alex come over soon, Nora says she already misses her.” Mrs. Wilson asked.
“….no she’s not going to see her for a long time” replied Hannah sadly.
Sighing now Mrs. Wilson stated. “Well I suppose I should also tell you Hannah that Brady’s running away from his heart again.”
“Oh… and when is he going to be home?” Hannah inquired.
“We are not sure.. he said it would be awhile.. if that means years.. well then I guess years.”Mrs.Wilson said shrugging as she talked.
“Yeah.. I guess that would be the case, well Alex is at Jack’s for her own well being.” Hannah admitted solemnly.
“ Of course”Mrs.Wlison replied.
“Lilly says it is a good thing and I trust her.I admit this is a bit strange though.. going through all of this to keep these two apart.” Hannah said kindly looking at her daughter as she spoke.
“I know, Ernest says we should stop our meddling and let it happen. but we are scared right Hannah. Just worried about them?…yes, of course we are. well suppers done. Sorry to have to leave at a time like this.. well talk again soon.. good bye Hannah.” Mrs. Wilson said before hanging up the phone.
“ Goodbye.” Hannah stated nicely as she set down the receiver.
After placing the phone back down, Hannah paced about the room. “Are we satisfied now that she will miss out on the greatest experiences of her life? We both experienced it, and now that it is her turn, we turn her away. It made us who were are Lilly, if not for love Alex would not have been born. Your wise Lilly to want to lead her in the right directions, but if she is meant to love, even if it is him. She’ll find a way.” Lilly looked at her mother now, her blue eyes shining with the tell-tale shine of tears.
“Oh mother, What if it is Brady whom she falls in love. What then?”
“We will have to hope it is not. What is meant to be will always find a way.” Mother and daughter shared a silence, a silent reverie of love and hope; the dream they awoke from to find it gone and a distant memory.

August 26th 1991, Homestead fishermen village, carribean coast

The evening breeze coming across the waters gently drifted into Brady’s hardened face. As he sat there and thought about Alexandra he remembered faintly what had happened the last time he had the gift, it all seemed to fade into reality and something like a dream filled his mind.

It was the spring 1985 and the Wilson family was away on vacation. Brady had just eaten his morning fill, and was outside playing in the yard, when his sister Caroline walked up to him. Caroline was only a few years past beign able to speak and at this age her family was what interested her the most, especially Brady. He seemed to always have a knack for knowing just what to say and just when to say it. Although the love in the Wilson family was aboundant,there was something missing in life that Brady just never could find. Just a boy himself he was still in the phase where brothers still enjoy their sisters company.
Brady looked up at his sister and frowned saying “ Ask what you will, but don’t think ill love you any worse for it.” Of course, Caroline was frightened that he knew what was going through her mind and told him so. He did not want to admit he was scared himself. The two stood and looked back at each other for a while. Brady turned and ran down the silent lane bordered by ripening trees and apple blossoms. Caroline just watched as her brother rushed away from his destiny. A police officer found him lying in a ditch, dirty and irritated, when asked why he was so upset and not at home he only replied he had not run away and didn’t do anything wrong. The officer seemed a bit reluctant to go any furthering questioning him, but he proceeded.
“Have a name son?” The officer asked politely.
Brady scowled at him and stated firmly “Brady Wilson sir.” Pleased to have gotten something from the boy, the officer turned to go about his business. Brady cursed under his breath and ran back home to find his sister lying dead in the yard. The part that haunts Brady now is the pictures that raced through his mind when he touched her skin and looked into her mind. Brady didn’t know what he was seeing and certainly didn’t want to see I again. He couldn’t risk losing another person he loved.

Edging out of his memory by a shrill voice calling to him to get out of the way, he turned and crossed the street. A corner store owned by a fisherman and his wife provided little solace from the beckoning that he so desperately needed to stay away from. After picking up a few things from the store, he headed down the street again remembering that day and the horrible things he had to describe to find that killer. Two years after Caroline was murdered Brady went to visit her grave and met that same policeman kneeling over her like a pirate searching for treasure. Upon approaching him, Brady asked what he was doing, the man replied visiting an old flame. Brady couldn’t help but chuckle out loud.
Caroline was not the sister to be around men, boys in general for that matter. The man didn’t seem to want to leave so Brady grabbed his arm. In doing so Brady’s’ mind flashed that this officer of the law was the one who killed his sister and caused him so much agony. Brady began to attack the man yelling ‘Murderer’, and the man apparently knew he was defeated and caught. The officer sank to the ground with a soft thud and Brady ran away from the scene. Later he figured it was safe to return to the grave and visit his sister. The News reports told of an officer being beaten in the cemetery and that the man was still unconscious. Brady was surprised that he had done so much damage to the little man. Still, he felt bad and went to the police station to straighten everything out. They gave him a hefty fine and told him never to return to this city, and he did not ever intend to.

For another few years, he lived on the street searching for home. In the winter in 1996, a familiar crying child walked up to him and called him Brady. After a short time the two talked a little and Brady explained as much as he could to the little sister he nearly forgot about. With eyes teary he raced home with that girl and lost himself in the pleasures of home. His family welcomed him home and in that same year, Alex just happened to enter his life. Nora was then fifteen and she was going through her time where friends were extremely important.

On this particular day, Mrs. Wilson needed help with the snow so she asked Nora to call up the neighbors to see if they knew anybody who could come help. Mrs., Frostee said she heard of a new family in town and said they might help and they had a daughter about Nora’s age. Excitedly Nora squeezed her brother and rushed off with her stepmother to ask them. As soon as the front door shut, Brady sat down with his father and talked. Brady found out about his mother dying and how Angie was married to him soon after, strangely though Brady had no objections to this and held his sorrow in bravely. “ So how have you been son?”
“ I know who killed Caroline and I can read minds dad… if I tune the voices out, I cannot hear it. It all appears to me.”
Mr. Wilson glanced at his son with a sigh. “ I figured someday you’d have your gift shown to you. I wish you didn’t have to figure it out by the horrible death of a loved one.”
“Yeah, me too. Nora’s growing up fast isn’t she?”
“Sometimes I hardly recognize her, she is so mature and beautiful…so much like Dorothy.” Brady looked at his father and gave him a pat on the shoulder. The touch was comforting and welcomed. ‘It’s good to be home.’ Brady thought looking around the spacious living room. “ ah and Brady… try not to listen in on the girls conversations. Or thoughts now that-“
“Dad. With this gift, the minds that are the most clear are the women, so I will be careful.. I wont pry. Satisfied?”
With a smile, Mr. Wilson stood up and offered his hand. Brady took it and began to bundle up to help with the yard. A few moments after the two men stepped outside the green car, which left with two occupants turned into the drive with a third. Curious Brady approached the vehicle with caution. Nora was out of the car first and sprang to her Father’s arms. Laughing she turned around and hugged Brady tightly. “ Look Brady, we brought help.” Mrs. Wilson said quietly with a friendly smile. Brady regretted glancing in the direction of the car, there in the gathering snow stood a half-grown women dressed in a deep blue coat ,matching gloves, hat, and scarf. The girls face reminding him of many women he had had the pleasure of knowing, and hinting at something he couldn’t describe. A smile spread on his face as he stood there watching as the girl stepped forward and cautiously eyed him.
Presenting her gloved hand, she said “Alex. I assume your Brady.”
With an inward chuckle, he smiled taking her small hand in his. “ You assume correctly Alexandra Carpenter.” Alex sharply withdrew her hand as if a shock of electricity passed between them. “A pleasure to meet you.” He said smirking. Nora came up and hit him square in the chest.
“That wasn’t very nice to do Brady.. shouldn’t scare he like that.” Nora said glaring into her brothers amused eyes.
“Incredibly sorry.” Brady said pulling off a sincere face in the midst of his humorous mood.
After a little while of shoveling, Mrs. Wilson said lightly “ Well in light of the snow stopping I think we should go in. Don’t you kids.”
“Trying to ease the mood a little?” Mr. Wilson asked his wife smiling. Mrs. Wilson gave shrug and a blush in answer.
“Mom we are not kids anymore.” Nora said
“No your not are you.” Mrs. Wilson said ushering her daughter and husband inside.
Alex remained rooted to the ground, to weary to move. Brady turn toward her again and smiled.” Do you wish to come in where it is warm, or are you actually going to believe you had to come over and actually shovel snow.” Feeling as though he knew her somehow, he proceeded. “ We don’t bite you know.” A small flicker of amusement crossed her features and she smiled faintly.
“ I don’t suppose you do…are you going in?” was her shy response.
After studying her a moment he shrugged. “ Nope gotta shovel.” Picking up a shovel, he turned from her smiling rosy-cheeked face and began to shovel the snow. Ten minutes went by with those eyes of hers praying on him as if he were prey. His mind reeled, and he fought the temptation to peek into her thoughts. Finally, he paused and looked at her. She seemed surprised to still be standing there, as if she were in a daze. Blushing furiously, she rushed inside the house. Brady shook his head a moment then proceeded to finish the shoveling. Praising himself for his great strength in diluting the feelings that he hoped would never betray him. That was his saving grace.

And so began the ordeal of Brady keeping his gift hidden and his deliberate attempts to subdue his feelings for another. A week passed and he was no longer feeling others thoughts or seeing their desires. He felt cured, yet dissatisfied. The only one who seemed to see it was Nora, and he talked to her many times about it. He needed to stay away not let her family join with his…. The gift of hearing thoughts and seeing the future. Brady had it, and somewhere down in the line of Carpenters another soul was harnessed to it, and condemned to a life of headaches and confusion.

August 26th 1991

Looking at an old photograph, Alex walked across the living room thoughtfully engrossed in figuring out who was in the picture. She knew one was a great great grandpa of hers, but she wasn’t sure of the other man and woman. She decided she would ask Jack, thinking he may know. Searching for him proved to be fruitless, he was nowhere in the house. Copper was lying by the fire snoring, so she knew he wasn’t far. Just then, she spotted another faded photograph lying folded on her grandfather’s coffee table. Curious she walked the few feet to the table and picked up the photo. This photo though must have been her mother as a baby and her parents. She recognized her grandma Hannah right away. As to her grandpa, it surprised her to find he looked like her mother. At first glance, she didn’t recognize the background. The picture seemed to have been taken in the same spot the other photo was, only this time a man stood a little ways off smiling an amused smile that was so much like Brady’s.
Copper began whining and she turned to look for a cause. Seeing none, she turned back to the picture. Sensing she was being watched a moment later, she looked toward the doorway and saw Jack frowning. “ I suppose you would have found it some day. Sit, there is something I must tell you. It has a lot to do with the past.. and I can guarantee you wont like it anymore then we all do.” Confused, but curious, she sat down across from him and listened. “ Your mother is afraid for you. She knows you need love and she knows you feel strongly for this Brady person, but Alex. It just wouldn’t be right. He will break your heart and leave you to suffer. I know it sounds harsh, but you have to tell your heart to love elsewhere. Hannah doesn’t want you to know about Lilly’s her own love experiences. You must just learn to live without a man beside you. I know you can… you just have to try.”
“I understand….but what does this all have to do with Brady… how do you know he’ll break my heart?” Alex said cautiously.
Looking straight into her eyes, Jack noticed something hidden, something she did not even show herself. He trusted her to find out why on her own, yet he figured a clue would never hurt. “Because, Alex. That is what boys do when they get mixed up with pretty women. They never actually reach for that something they want, and most defiantly ignore their feelings. He may be different my dear… but that remains to be seen.” With that confident statement Jack pushed himself up off the couch and walked out of the room smiling. Alex on the other hand was not smiling, in fact she was frowning. She had never realized how she actually felt about Brady until then, and undoubtly he would never know, and that was something she was determined to change.

Alex was unaware of the fact that, that phone call from her beloved friend was the last she would hear of her for three long years. Jack didn’t want to tell her, and he didn’t want her to worry. Lilly arrived shortly after noon to find her daughter asleep on the window seat. In her hand a book, a novel she used to read to herself every night before bed when she was younger. Pleased to find her comfortable, she went around the house searching for Jack. “Don’t you worry about it Lilly…It’s all taken care of. He wont be bothering her for a long enough time to get him out of her mind. All we need to do now is get her attention on another man..”
With a hint of happiness Lilly smiled as she said “ Really. Well that eases my thoughts, has she found the pictures…by the look on our face I am guessing she did. And what did she think?”
“I don’t think it has really sunk in… I think she is upset all around about the whole thing and she is being a brave soul holding her head up high and dealing with it.”
“That’s what I expected. She is always doing her best to cope. I hope she forgives us some day.” Jack said with an air of disdain. Lilly nodded in agreement.

Clinton, New Jersey
November 17th, 1992

The phone rang surprising the Wilsons and their guests. Mr. Wilson’s voice was heard answering the phone outside the dining room. Mrs. Wilson shrugged her shoulders and continued with her game of Scrabble. When Mr. Wilson hung up the phone he called to Nora. Nora left the room to see what her father wanted, only to return to Mrs. Wilson with a sad look on her face. “ What’s to matter darling?” Mrs. Wilson asked. Nora just glanced up at her and sighed. “He’s not coming home soon is he?” She asked curiously, already knowing the answer. Nora shook her head and sighed again. A few moments later she added. “Are you going to call over to Jacks?” Nora thought a moment then got up to call Alex.
“Hey.. Umm Jack? Is Alex around?”
“Yes.. she is,and I think I know what you need to tell her… Brady is not coming around for a long time right?” Jack asked curiously.
“Yeah, he is on another ‘ cast away my feelings’ quest.” Nora replied sighing deeply.
“I know what you mean. Here hold on a minute. I will go get her, I am sure she’ll want to hear it from you.”
“Thanks Jack.”
“No problem Nora.” He said putting the phone down to search for Alex. Nora waited patiently and when Alex’s voice came on the phone it was so excited it made it hard to say the depressing words.
“Alex…Brady called a few minutes ago and told dad he wasn’t going to come soon, he said maybe a year or so. Who knows with Brady.”
Alex was silent and her cheery mood seemed to drift away. Alex’s heart sunk. “ Hmm…nice. How is everybody?”
“Um,they are all fine. And I guess he met these people who will let him stay with them for awhile.”
“ Good to know he’s safe at least. Do I get to see you anytime soon?”
“ Good question.” Nora said with a laugh. Nora yelled her question across the house and got no answer. “I dunno, maybe for thanksgiving.. or Christmas.”
“That’s good. I guess I’ll see you then. I got things I gotta clean.”
“Alright lexi. Talk to you when I can.. Bye”
“Bye” Alex said smiling at her friends name for her.
As Nora walked back into the dining room to finish up the game they were playing she frowned. “I hate lying to her… I hope she won’t forget us.”

Mr. Wilson sorted the lists on the desk into piles. The least important ones he placed farther away and the ones that were urgent went closer to him. Satisfied he had done as good a job as he could, he leaned back in his chair and thought of what Brady’s next phone call, or letter may contain. One such letter arrived two days after Brady called. The letter stated that he was fine, and wished to say hello to everybody. And he expressed he needed to see them in person. Something about his plans he said. He was not obvious, but the Wilsons were sure it had a lot to do with Alex and staying away.

October 6th 1999

‘Breathe in, breathe out… come on Brady you know the drill’ Brady thought sitting in the office he had assigned to him at the Sales&Communications Firm of New Orleans. Tired and irritable he trudged through the paperwork that never seemed to end. ‘Alex would have done this for me if I asked... now why am I thinking of her... it’s been almost nine year since I spoke to her and I wish I could forget her.’
“Working like a true champ…Huh Brady my boy,” Mr. Reynolds said eyeing him carefully with amusement in his soft brown eyes. Brady smiled and shook his boss’ hand. “Still got your handshake. bet the ladies still flock to your door.”
Brady laughed aloud and stood up. “So, what do you need Mike? Another blind date?”
“Nah, you got a visitor…no it’s not her... but it is a wonderfully beautiful young lady. Think she said her name was Nora. Pretty name. mind if I show her in?”
Brady’s heart skipped a beat when he heard his sister’s name. Mr. Reynolds turned and walked out of the office to get Nora. His smile brightened and her smile intensified the air with electric happiness. Nora shut the door silently and rushed to her brother. Finally, Nora stepped back and smoothed her pants. Looking into his eyes, she sensed him hiding. “I had to come. I know you said we all should stay away, but I just had to see you. it’s your birthday.” Looking over her shoulder at the calendar, he smirked while he replied happily.
“So it is.”
“I would have brought the cake, but I decided you wouldn’t want everybody cheering and so on... so I just came to say happy birthday and congrats on the promotion…. Umm need to know anything about back home?” Nora asked anxiously. Brady suddenly frowned and turned back to his desk. He picked up his pen and began working again. “Well I am going to tell you anyway. Dad is doing fine despite the surgery on his heart scheduled for next week, Angie’s fine too... a bit worried but fine……I saw Hannah the other day..” She said pausing for his reaction.” She said she and Lilly are fine, Luke has lost another child to phenomena…and of course Jacks lungs are giving out, so you know what will happen then don’t you.”
Brady tore his eyes away from his work to look into his sister’s mind. Sensing no hard feelings, he spoke slowly... “Yes. I do... and that is another reason I am staying out of the way.”
“You cannot hide from her forever you know… god... I have not even spoken to her since you called up dad and told us all you were not coming back. It has been hard on my heart Brady. And I don’t blame you, so don’t think I do, I just don’t agree that you two should suffer for what happened years ago.”
“And what do we have to look forward to Nora? What can I give her that no other man can?” Brady asked setting his work aside again to stand up in front of his sister.
Nora glared and turned to go. “Love that lasts... Brady that’s what.”
Brady caught her arm before she reached the door. “Will she still want me Nora? After I am done finding out who I am… no... Alex is unlike any one I have ever met. if she wants me she will have to come get me.” Brady’s stubborn heart guided him into this action and it was the thing that would get him out, only now he would need another heart to help.
“Brady, don’t kid yourself. She adores you, and in a way, a wife loves her husband. I saw it in her eyes a long time ago, and I will always see it lighting her eyes, that is, until you scoop her dreams away and break her heart as everybody thinks you will... let me go Brady. You have made your choice. Just remember I told you so. When you are lost without her, don’t come running to me for support,” When Brady just looked at her a surprised expression on his face, she continued. “I love you, enough to want you happy. And I see it in your eyes too, even now. It is no use hiding it.” She said calmly turning away. “I must go, but don’t hesitate to come home when you are ready. We all miss you.” With a final smile she walked out of his office and out to her car.
Brady settled himself back in his chair once he regained his senses determined not to dwell on the words that his sister placed into his mind. Those dangerous thoughts we not welcomed kindly, when work was to be done. “I know.” Was his only response to the aching in his heart, and the yearning in his stomach.

October 7th 1999

On into the night he worked, drowning himself in the work. All his coworkers had gone home to their families, and he stayed there working by the lamplight. ‘ Don’t give in.. don’t give in.’ he thought typing the last few lines on the data file. A low growl came from his throat, as he smelled a familiar smell.. that of innocent perfume. And he knew that smell could only come from one person…Alexandra Carpenter.
Reluctantly he began to shift his gaze from his computer screen to the door.. He blinked and looked away resisting the urge to speak. She broke the silence between them, and she seemed not to recognize him.
“Sir?umm… sorry to have bothered you, but I’m looking for the owner of this business, do you happen to know where I could find him?” The woman asked sweetly avoiding his eyes. Smiling to himself with satisfaction, he rose to greet her. She stepped back unsure of what to do.
“Yes.. I do know where he is....” Brady said calculating her completely.
It had been eight years since they last saw one another and she still looked as sweet as she was when they first met. With a swallow, she lowered her eyes again. “Well. I need to leave a message with you for your boss. Tell him I came, and I wish to have lunch with him tomorrow to discuss the closing of-well I need to talk to him. Do relay the message please.” With that, the most beautiful creature Brady had ever seen, confidently walked away back out of his life. His mind raced as he stood rooted to the spot. With a long indrawn sigh he decided to continue with research about this deal Brady was supposed to close on the very next day at lunch. The very same he dreaded with every bone in his body. It was bad enough he had crammed all of his research in at the last minute, he really didn’t need to think about the person he was going to have to speak to. A small smile came upon his face as he thought of a great idea to surprise Alex, and get the deal to go the way he wanted.
© Copyright 2006 Sarah C (cravens at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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