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This is a short horror story about a haunted road. |
“I don’t wanna do this Sam” I said with terror as we approached the street. You see my friends had dared me and Sam to walk down Emerald Lane at midnight, Halloween night. I had been in terror of the street ever since I was old enough to learn about it. I stood in my shoes, every part of me shaking. I couldn’t think strait everything was going to go wrong….and I knew it. Then as Sam turned to look at me, I fainted. I saw the worst thing I could have ever saw. Sam had turned on me. She had wicked green eyes and fangs the size of a tiger. The last thing I remember was…. “Honey wake up, Are you ok? It’s going to be ok it was just a dream.” I opened my eyes feeling fresh tears drop. My throat hurt awfully bad. As I looked at my mother I realized I just awoke from my nightmare. I sighed a big relief until reality took over. That day was Halloween night…. The night I would be walking down Emerald Lane, not in my dreams but in real life. I was scared to death. I thanked my mother and got up from bed. I slipped on my slippers. Ahhh the feel of warm fuzz beneath my feet. Thank god for my puppy slippers. I slipped into my closet and found my clothes for the day. Next to what I picked was my costume. The boring ole witch costume I wore every Halloween. Except today it looked like it wanted to kill me. I thought nothing of it and god dressed. Now the day would begin. Let me tell you about how this horrid day came about. About one month ago my mother and father had gone out for dinner and they took my baby brother to a sitter. So the perfect opportunity for a party right? Ha what a mistake I made. Well being the 15 years I was, I invited a bunch of my friends from school. Boys, girls, ya no the basics. The party was getting pretty rowdy and I said we needed to cool it so I wouldn’t get in trouble by the neighbors. So I suggested a harmless little game of truth and dare. Man that was my first mistake. You figure at 15 when you play truth or dare its going to be goofy stuff like I dare you to kiss/hug so and so, or is it true you like this person. Ya no the simple stuff. Well was I wrong. I just finished my turn and it was David’s turn. I wished I didn’t invite him because he didn’t really like me anyway. “Okay Maggie… Truth or Dare?” Being the big person I was and not being afraid of anything I choose Dare. OOO god that was bad. “Alright miss high and mighty let’s see if you can handle this. I dare you to walk down Emerald Lane at midnight Halloween night.” I just about fainted. I didn’t want to do that after everything that happened by I had to with hold my status. I straitened out and said “Ok Daaaviid, I will accept your dare. Because nothing and I mean NOTHING can scare me!” He looked at me and rolled his eyes. “Well we will see. I doubt you will even get within 1 mile of it. I laughed at him “Yea right I am not afraid of anything.” He smiled. So that’s how it came about that I have to walk Emerald Lane. But let me tell you about the history of Emerald Lane. You see Emerald lane is a very haunted place. They say that it is the road that the monks buried their loved ones. One couple was said to go walking down in one moonlit evening and never returned. It is said that monks still live there but they have gone completely insane. If you even cross there path they will attack and you, eat you, skin you and other worse things. People also say there are monsters but they are the least of your worries. For if the monks find you, that’s the end. “Sam I don’t want to do this.” I said as we crept along the walkway toward Emerald Lane. I grabbed her hand holding tight as I was afraid we would get separated. I turned and looked around then looked towards her and instead of a monster she was a monk. Her eyes were sunken in her sockets. The skin hung from her face peeling from the bone. Maggots crawled in and out of the spores that covered her face. Again I screamed. Louder then ever. Tears streamed down my face and fell into small pools upon my heaving chest. I felt a hand upon my forehead pushing harder and harder until my head felt like it wanted to explode. My eyes fluttered open. There I lie on my bed tears hardening on my face, my heart pounding in my ears, my throat screaming in pain. I looked up and see my boyfriend Eric. I jumped up and embraced him. I was so happy to have him there when I woke from my night mare. I figured he had come to get me for our date and my parents told him to come up. I explained my situation and cried in his arms. “Honey don’t do this is your so afraid.” I had to. We went on our Halloween date…Tonight was the night. I called up Sam. The dare was for me but she was my best friend and I new she would be there for me. After all she wasn’t afraid of it. “Hey Sam, It’s Maggie Wass up?” I said calmly. “Notin much Maggie sup wit u?”. “Nothing just kinda freaking about tonight I guess. Your still coming right”. “Of course Maggie I wouldn’t ditch you were best friends.” I sighed with relief. “Ok I’ll meet you tonight at 11:30 pm at the intersection of CR 18 and Douglas St. Okay?” “Yea that’s fine See ya there.” “Bye Sam” “Bye Maggie”. That’s it. Everything was set for tonight. I grabbed my pack sack. I stuffed it with a bottle of water, a flash light and a small switch blade that my dad gave me before he passed away. I wiped my brow and slipped out the door. My poor mother didn’t know about it but I left her a note. Mom, Don’t freak out I’m with Sam. We went to Emerald Lane to see what all the fuss is about. Don’t worry I have daddy’s switch blade so I’ll be ok. I also have my cell phone but don’t call me unless it’s an emergency. I wouldn’t want to disturb the sprits. LOL. I love you mom with all my heart. Take care. Your daughter, Maggie I looked into the sky at the waning moon. It was beautiful. I closed my eyes and thought of me and Eric and our love. I was ready to go. I stepped out into the street walking at a quick pace towards CR 18 and Douglas St. I sighed. I kept looking at the stars. I kept my hand on my cell phone and it was ready to grab the switch blade so commonly known as Danny. As I approached the street light there was Sam as cool as ever. Sam was great. We had been friends since Kindergarten. Now we were in high school. She stood with her long black hair framing her face. She had her delicate hands in her long baggy pants. Some called her Emo and some called her Goth but to me she was just a friend. She never looked at me as a style but at who I was. I guess you could say I was a mix. A little skater, punk, Goth, emo, prep, redneck. It just depended on my mood buy my every day style was redneck. I was raised with horses and animals of all types. I lived in the suburbs but I had horses out in the country. No mater what me and Sam were always the favorites of the school. We set the trends. She would set the Goth trends and I set the others. We were always in style. If one of us was upset the other and the whole school was the same. The whole school body was a whole with us. It felt great. Anyway. She looked up from her brown eyes at me. She gave me a smile and a wink. I sighed and walked up to her. “Hey sexy wats up?” I said “nothing much” She replied with a certain coolness that made me relax. “Alright miss cool breeze lets get the ova with.” “Without a doubt”. I stepped of and she followed. We were in perfect step. It took me back to when we were in school and when we would walk together everyone got out of our way and no one crossed our path. Boy’s tried to get to our hearts but we had picked ourselves a couple of sweet men who loved us for who we were not what we were. I looked at her from the corner of my eye and she was looking at me. I winked. She looked forward. She stopped. I looked ahead and there was Emerald Lane. We both looked at each other and nodded. This was it. We interlocked hands and strode forth. We set our eyes on our destination. We passed the first row of trees on Emerald Lane. I felt like everything was going to be okay. It was now past Midnight but all was well. Daniel made me go with someone as a witness and I am glad he did but this was cool. We were about 2 miles in when everything went down. I heard a horrid scream that seemed to surround us. Me and Sam looked around wide eyed. We crept on. Another scream and then a monstrous shout that echoed from tree to tree. We kept on going. Our steps quickened. Then something jumped in front of us. We both screamed bloody murder. We focused our vision it was Daniel. “Daniel you fag what the heck is wrong with you!” I screamed. Sam’s pupils shrunk in size as she stared at with certain hatred. She stepped up to him and got right up in his face. She stood taller then him by at least 2 inches. She was so close I thought she was going to kiss him. She bent over him and he had to bend back. She lowered her voice almost sounding deadly like a viper going in for the kill. “Listen here you little fag you every do that again and your going to meet my friends bloody nose and black eye you hear me? No one and I mean NO ONE even screws with me or any of my friends. As soon as I heard that you were the one who dared Maggie I should have beaten you up but I had the courtesy not to so just be lucky I don’t do what I should have done 5 years ago. You hear me loud and clear?” Her voice rose at the intense parts and lowered again into the venom at the meaningful words. He cowered in fear. Sam was one to be feared she had gotten in a fight a while back and was almost put in jail for murder but luckily I was there and she stopped before she could do anymore harm. Daniel looked like a cowering little puppy in the face of danger. He straitened up and so did she. He dusted himself and looked at her. “Yea wateve don’t get you thong up in a wad.” He gave a low chuckle and she looked up quick at him and hissed “shut up Daniel”. He did and looked around grabbing his head with his hand and started scratching trying to make a diversion. He locked at me like a piece of lifeless meet. “watsup princess did you get scared?” Again Sam growled. He looked at her and rolled his eyes. “Well everything was going fine until you showed up. I’m no little fraidy cat I’m not going to chicken out on something like this.” I said in my normal to good for you voice. “Well ya never know do ya princess?” I stared at him. “Don’t ever call me princess I ain’t your princess.” I said. “You wish you were pumpkin now lets see if you will keep your dare. “Whatever Daniel.” I scurried over to Sam and started walking with her again. Daniel was behind us. I knew he was looking up and down me and Sam I could feel his eyes on my back. I took my left hand and put it behind my back and flipped him the bird. I felt his eyes shift gaze. We all heard another scream and we all jumped. Then we heard Daniel let out such a scream it is indiscribeable. Me and Sam locked behind us just in time to see Daniel scratching at the gravel road being dragged back. His eyes were full of terror. Me and Sam each grabbed one of his hands and tried to pull. I kept looking at him, but then I looked up. I saw the face I saw in the dream the night before. The maggots more visible then what I had dreamed. The eyes glowed like little beams of death. I screamed dropped Daniel. He was going and there was nothing left to do but save ourselves. I grabbed Sam and turned and started running. We were too far in to turn back so we went straight. I dug in my pack sack and found my switch blade. I had tossed the flashlight when we tried to get Daniel. I flipped open Danny and we ran. My mind didn’t even cross the thought about my phone. I looked down and then looked up and there was a monk. He stood solid and stared blankly at me. His eyes drooped out of his face. They hung on by a string. His face was slowly dripping of his face. The spores multiplied on his face and the maggots went crazy. A bird landed on his shoulder and pecked at his eyes devouring it in one bite. I tried to scream but only emitted a small moan. My throat was dry. Sam stood with pure horror in her eyes. He smiled. His teeth were sharp and told a story of death. I turned around to run again and there stood on of his monsters. The monster was huge. He stood at least 7 feet tall. His breath slipped from his jaw almost making me faint. His eyes were a bright red. He was pitch black. He had claws longer then my hand. He was all fur and his fangs reached from his mouth to his shoulder. He took a step towards me and grabbed my shoulders. He had a paw on Sam’s shoulder. She didn’t say anything. He urged us close and close to the monk. We were so close I could smell his rotting skin. I could tell that he wore an orange robe that was torn to shreds. I tried to use Danny but my reactions weren’t strong enough. He grabbed him. It was almost like liquid. His hold body didn’t move just his arm. One minuet it was down by his side. The next it had my hand that held Danny then it had Danny. He wiped around me like a swirling whirlpool of deathly water. Danny’s cool steel blade was placed on my neck. A small pressure was put on him. I felt the tip of the blade enter my jugular. I glanced at Sam and the monster was holding her with the tip of is nail upon her neck. I could feel her pain and fear. I let a tear curse my cheek then I knew I had to do something. I tried to kick out my leg towards the monk’s crotch but to my avail he only pushed Danny harder into my neck. This time I could feel my warm blood drip down my neck and make a pool at my feet. I blacked out. The last thing I remember was seeing Sam on her hands and knees on the floor next to me. Then my life flashed before my life. Then I saw the light. I walked closer and closer but at an alarmingly slow pace. My body shudder and the light engulfed me. Then I saw Sam, Eric, Daniel and my other friends and Family surrounding me. I was in a white room. I was on a soft bed that felt like heaven. I heard all kinds of sounds. Beeps and blips and all other types. Eric was holding my hand while my mother stood at my side. I tried to talk but something moved in my throat. I tried to grab at it but I was tied to my bed. I sighed with relief and suddenly felt very drowsy. I drifted off into a calm sleep. I dreamt about me and all my friends and of Eric who I loved deeply. I remember come in and out of coherency. All the time Eric and Sam where there. I recall several times I couldn’t breath and I was in severe pain. I thought I was in the hospital for a long time. I was come to find out in the hospital for almost a year. What had happened was when my blood dripped from my jugular vein in hit my phone and triggered something in it to call my mother. She heard Sam scream on the phone and found the note. Sam had crawled over to me and said that there were tons of monks ready to eat us but she found Danny and defended us. She said the monster didn’t draw blood on her, just took away her breath. After my mother had gotten the call she called 911 and told them to call us. They arrived shortly after. They said they had seen some movement but they really only saw Sam clutching my throat. They had gotten me to the hospital just in the nick of time. They said I had a broken leg, some broken ribs and my throat was severely cut. They said I wouldn’t be able to talk for about 6 months after being out of the hospital. My broken bones were unexplainable. I guess this is where my story ends. I don’t know how Daniel got free and he didn’t remember but we were all glad he got free. He apologized for his dare and he knew he shouldn’t have done what he did. Me and Eric are still together and he said he will always be there for me. He is helping with all my school work and helping me communicate with others. Me and Sam are still best friends but closer then every. Were always with each other. I tell my story to others and I had interview with the news and newspaper so I have become a local celebrity. This is where my story ends. Just remember never ever walk on Emerald Lane. |