Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1105370-Torn-Apart-Yet-Stuck-To-You
by Mewlon
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1105370
Outcasted,Siegfried tries to find a way to purify Soul Edge.Someone decides to follow.
All thanks to playing SC3, I got very obsessed with it. I finally am going to write SC stories, which I’ve always wanted to do since SC2. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy this story. I don’t want to make it long or anything like that.

I don’t own anything Soul Calibur wise except for my original characters.

Torn Apart yet Stuck to You

Chapter One: Nightmare and the Annoying One

A lovely wind breeze touched the evergreen leaves that hung upon the tree branches. A lone figure walked through the forest carrying a rather large sword. His long blonde hair danced along with the wind as his armored feet took him through the forest. His body was covered with a long brown coat to hide his silver armor he wore.
As he took another step, his sparkling blue eyes trailed back to his right arm. He knew what used to be there and still wondered how it all happened. For four years he lingered not as himself, but as an entity. The scar upon his right eye reminded him of what had happened before. As he closed his cerulean eyes, all the memories he had came back to him.
Even though his will could not control his body, he did see the countless of people that were slaughtered during the reign of Nightmare. The screams of horror and pain still echoed in his mind. He could still feel the fire ate the dozen of villages he walked through. He flinched a bit as he remembered it all. The man could still remember the one last battle that saved him.
Back at Ostrheinburg chapel, there stood the once invincible Nightmare. A rather large and grotesque looking claw replaced what used to be a human arm. His entire body had been deformed and was covered by the dark armor. The only thing one could see of this entity was the pair of glowing yellow eyes. Nightmare held a large sword in his claw. The sword had a large bulging eye and from that eye grew a web of veins that entangled the blade.
Nightmare looked out from the broken window and viewed a lone figure approaching the chapel. Nightmare let out a smirk and waited for this opponent to arrive. A man with short blonde hair had approached Nightmare. His dark red shirt and long brown pants looked quite stylish that one could guess that this man was a nobleman. The nobleman took out his rapier and proclaimed to fight Nightmare.
Both men engaged in a fierce battle. However, Nightmare has much of an advantage as he was stronger and with the Soul Edge, he was able to overpower the nobleman. Just as he was about to finish him off, a strong feeling returned to Nightmare. The soul of Siegfried was able to overpower Nightmare’s will and regained his body. The nobleman known as Raphael managed to help Siegfried as he took down Nightmare.
The holy blade known as Soul Calibur had appeared before both men. Siegfried took a hold of the sword and slammed it down Soul Edge to destroy it. During that time, his beast form was demolished and soon reverted back to his human form. Ever since that incident, Siegfried took the now merged Soul Edge and Soul Calibur along with his cursed armor in hopes to purify them.

It had been months since that incident. Even though Siegfried was now himself, he wasn’t exactly one to be close with. Men from all over the country would search for him to cross swords. Each one of them claimed to want to kill him for killing a loved one. Siegfried would defeat them and ask for their forgiveness. However, no one would actually forgive him.
“Nightmare!” shouted a voice from behind Siegfried.
Siegfried stood silent as he slowly opened his eyes.
“I came here to avenge my brother! You killed him in cold blood two years ago!”
Siegfried slowly turned around to see a young man. His short brown hair barely covered his head. Upon his right eye was a bandage. He took out a sword that hung from the sheath around his waist. He took a fighter’s stand and glared at Siegfried with much hatred. His right hand was covered in a bandage as well, but Siegfried could tell that his arm was burnt.
“Prepare to die, Nightmare!” shouted the man as he rushed over towards Siegfried.
“I don’t wish to fight you, but if you insist,” replied Siegfried as he grasped his sword.
The man swung his sword at Siegfried’s head. Siegfried used the Requiem to block the sword then stepped back a bit. Siegfried swung his blade at the man. The sword slashed right towards the man’s chest. The blade managed to cut a bit of the man’s skin, causing him to bleed. The opponent fell back a bit before he regained his strength.
The man began to swing wildly at the German warrior. Each stroke hit a part of Siegfried’s armor and sword. The sword cut part of his brown coat. Siegfried swung his blade once more and this time it connected with the man. The blade cut at the assaulter’s leg, causing him to fall down to the ground. Blood flowed from that cut and down to the ground, coating it with its color.
“I’m sorry,” apologized Siegfried.
“Monster!” shouted the man. “Ugh! My leg! You tried to kill me, didn’t you?”
“No…I wouldn’t do that!”
“Do you wish for me to join my brother? God rest his soul while he’s in heaven and away from a beast like you!”
“Did you see that?” asked a voice hidden in the shadows of the trees.
“He tried to kill Mark,” replied a woman, “he’s a monster!”
Just then a group of people who were hidden amongst the trees had appeared. All of them had carried weapons and were now ready to fight. A young woman rushed over to Mark’s side and took a good look at his wound. Her eyes winced at sight of the wound. She then shifted her eyes over to Siegfried’s figure. Her glare pierced right through the warrior and stabbed his heart like an ice cold dagger.
“Monster!” she shouted. “First you take away my husband, and then you try to take away my brother-in-law. Do you wish to take my son as well? You took away his brother!”
Siegfried frowned at them. No matter how much he did apologize, they only saw him as Nightmare the monster. The blonde warrior then turned away from then and began to walk down the path he was heading towards. He could hear them shouting out to him, telling him to come back and fight them, but he had no desire to do so.
Siegfried finally got out of the forest and walked through a field. His eyes caught the glimpse of a small village. His will manage to lift up a bit before he walked over towards the small village. Once he managed to walk in he looked over at the people. There was the fish market man cutting up a fish. As he finished cutting another fish, he looked over at Siegfried.
“Would you be interested in some fish?” asked the fish market man.
“Not at the moment, though later I shall buy some,” replied Siegfried. “How much are they?”
“I’d say about fifteen gold out to do it.”
“Then I shall bring you fifteen gold. Can you direct me where the inn is?”
“Sure thing, you just go down this path and head over to the library. Once you reach there, take a left turn and walk down that path. The inn will be located on your right side.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“No problem there, stranger.”
Siegfried bowed his head then left. The fish market man then continued his work. Soon thereafter, a rather lean looking man walked by. He looked over at Siegfried then over to his sword. Just then, his eyes widen as they landed upon the enormous sword. He dropped the pipe that he had in his mouth. The fish market man looked over at his companion.
“Yo, Ichilo,” said the fish market man, “what’s wrong? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“No,” replied Ichilo, “more like I’ve seen a demon. Don’t you know who that man was?”
“No…should I?”
“That man wields a large sword…he may look different right now, but it is said that demons take different shapes. That man…he’s Nightmare. He’s the man that murdered your wife, Gustaf.”
“What?!” shouted Gustaf as he stopped working. “Are you sure that, that man is Nightmare.”
“I’m sure of it…didn’t he have a scar on his right eye?”
“Yes…but I thought it was because he might have been a mercenary.”
“No…he got that scar by fighting some villager I heard. He killed the man in cold blood.”
“I can’t believe it,” let out Gustaf, “Nightmare was here and yet he showed me the kindness of an angel. The demon that killed my poor wife spoke with me as if nothing happened.”
Just then the whispers from the people began to spread, like wild fire through a dry plain. Talk about the legendary Nightmare rose up and caused quite a commotion to the people. Everyone knew each other since the village is small, so spotting who they were talking about wasn’t hard. News hadn’t arrived yet to the inn, which was fortunate for Siegfried.
The blonde warrior walked inside of the tiny inn and asked for a room. The old woman that ran the inn smiled at him warmly and told him if he needed anything, just for him to ask. Siegfried thanked her kindness, but knew that it will end shortly once she found out about his past. He walked up a couple of steps before he got to the second floor of the inn.
The quiet little building had a pleasant feeling for the German warrior. It was hard to find tranquility since war was constant in this land. Siegfried opened the door to his room and walked in. Much to his surprise, the place was quite neat and tidy. One tiny little bed stood onto the side of the wall and next to the tiny window of the room. A small table stood near the beside which held a lamp.
Siegfried let out a sigh before he sat down on the bed. He took off his armor, leaving him only in his pair of dark green pants and green shirt with brown boots. He laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He didn’t know how long it had been before he had time to just relax. Slowly he closed his dark sapphire eyes and began to sleep.
He woke up a few hours later. No dreams came to him, though he preferred it that way. Siegfried looked over and saw a shadow hidden in the darkness of his room. He knew and this was probably an assassin. He closed one eye and hid his open eye within his blonde bangs. He pretended to still be asleep. The figure began to walk towards Siegfried. Armed with an axe, the figure sent it down on Siegfried.
Just then, the blonde warrior took out a small dagger and parried the axe. Siegfried got up on his feet and kicked the assassin. He lit the lamp and saw it to be the fish market man. Siegfried stood in horror then frowned at the man. He could tell by his eyes that he was hurt by something. He probably lost a loved one, he thought.
“Listen,” said Siegfried, “whatever it was that I did when I was Nightmare, I apologize. I didn’t mean to hurt or kill anyone. It was the power of…”
“I really don’t care what it was,” said Ichilo, “the point is you killed my darling wife. I just want to know from you…why did you do it? What could have that sweet woman do to you to make you want to kill her?”
“I…I really don’t know. Soul Edge wanted souls…and my body gave out…”
“Listen…I’m going to say this to you once and only once, get out of this village. You are not welcome and you’re a danger to us all.”
“I’ll leave in the morning if that is what will make you all happy.”
And without another word Gustaf left Siegfried’s room and headed back to his home. Siegfried let out a sigh as he knew the kindness was too good to be true. His ears perked up as he started to hear the old woman begin to yell out things hysterically. Most likely she heard that Nightmare was here, he thought. Maybe I should just leave now.Siegfried got off his bed and began to put on his armor.
His stomach growled rather loudly. He gave off a somewhat disturbed look.Perhaps I should eat something, thought the blonde, but perhaps it is best if I get out of this town. I doubt they would serve me any food, even if I do pay them triple the amount.Just as Siegfried was about to finish putting on the armor on his legs, he heard a scream.
Quickly the blonde warrior rushed to the door and opened it. He saw men draped in capes and such begin to threaten the old woman. One of the men hit the old woman’s neck, rendering her unconscious while the other men began to rob the place. Siegfried let out a growl before he jumped from the second floor and landed on the first. He held out his sword and glared at the intruders.
“It’s Nightmare!” shouted one of the men.
“Crap…I didn’t think he’d be in this inn,” said another man.
“Drop everything you have or be prepare to defend yourself,” spoke Siegfried as he pointed at them.
“So sorry there, but we really have to go. Besides you have other things to worry about.”
Two of the intruders had bottles of wine and other alcohol in their hand. They threw the liquor onto the floor then threw torches upon the liquid. The entire place lit on fire. The intruders got out from the inn just as the fires started. Siegfried snarled as he quickly lifted the unconscious woman and out to safety. The fires managed to singe some of his blonde hair, but he didn’t mind.
Siegfried then lowered the old woman down on the grass and sighed. He could hear the screaming of the other people that were trapped in the inn. As he was about to react, a couple of villagers carrying torches and pitchforks approached Siegfried. The blonde warrior knew that this wasn’t going to end well. One of the villagers walked over to him.
“You…” he sneered, “you did this, didn’t you?!”
“You’re gravely mistaken,” replied Siegfried, “I didn’t do this.”
“You were planning on finishing off the inn keeper, Nightmare! We all know this!”
“Listen, you can accuse me all you want, but there are people trapped in that inn. I’m going to go get them out.”
“No,” replied the villager as he stuck out his arm. “You will not do that. You will leave this village now and never return! Leave now, Nightmare!”
Siegfried felt a bit hurt but didn’t show it. He bowed his head then began to walk quietly out of the village. He could hear their cries and yells s they tried their best to put out the fires and save the people. Siegfried took one last look behind him before he walked out into the forest. Once again he was marked as Nightmare instead of Siegfried.

Morning arose soon. Siegfried had been walking for the past four hours. His stomach growled a bit. He stopped walking and took off his armor. Taking a small dagger, Siegfried began to whittle a stick he found on the ground. Once he made it into a mini spear, he crawled into the bushes and waited for any upcoming animal. A tiny rabbit hopped its way over to a patch of berries that were on the ground.
Taking that moment, Siegfried slowly rose from the bush and threw the stick at the rabbit. The sharp tip pierced the rabbit’s side. The rabbit let out a screech as it struggled to take the stick out from its side. The German warrior walked towards the rabbit and put it out of its misery. Siegfried took the rabbit’s carcass and began to skin him using the small dagger he carried.
Once the rabbit was skinned, he placed the fur into a small pouch he carried then began to look for some firewood. When he found enough twigs and leaves, Siegfried began to make a small fire when he found two pieces of flint. The spark caught on and soon a small fire was started. Siegfried began to roast the rabbit peacefully.
The soft rabbit meat began to cook into a golden brown color. The soft smell of the meat was pleasant to the warrior’s nose. Once the meat was crispier, he took a bite into the soft meat. As he was about to take another bite, a dagger flew passed his left cheek. Siegfried looked around him to see where the dagger came from.
“Fu, fu, fu, fu,” a voice chuckled, “I found you now, Nightmare!”
“Who’s there?” asked Siegfried.
“Heh, heh, heh, wouldn’t you like to know? Since I’m feeling generous I’ll give you a proper introduction!”
Just then several small bombs dropped from the ground. The bombs annoyed Siegfried and thought that whoever this was was probably more bark then bite. Another dagger hit the ground and pierced its blade into the ground. Just then a figure jumped for treetop to treetop in a stylish manner. The figure dropped to the ground and landed near the dagger.
The silhouette revealed that it was just a girl with medium black hair that was tied together into a ponytail. A rogue part of her bangs covered her right eye. Her clothing was a torn sleeveless blue shirt that was held together by a black belt. Her dark blue pants were held together by a pair of brown boots. A muffler covered part of her face and hung over like a scarf. She took up her dagger and took up a fighting stance.
“Nightmare,” said the girl, “you’re going down. You reign of terror will end as of today, as I, Lara Watts, will be your end!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” replied Siegfried as he stood baffled by this girl’s entrance.
“I kid you not! Just because I look young doesn’t mean that I don’t lack the maturity of an adult. I came here to fight you and kill you using my great stealth and element of surprise.”
“You know if you are going to use stealth and the element of surprise, shouldn’t you have not did that atrocious entrance and not announce yourself like a nuisance.”
“Ulg…” replied Lara as she soon had reality hit her. “Crap…he’s right…”
“If you’re done, will you leave me alone so I can eat in peace? I rather not have my day ruined by someone trying to try to kill me.”
“What?! I’m being serious here! I’ll be your end and then I’ll take your head back to my hometown so I can show the entire world!”
Siegfried stood baffled by this girl’s yells. He didn’t know what was worse having people actually be serious about fighting him or having crazy kids come up trying to be serious about fighting him. The German warrior didn’t know if he should laugh at this or ignore it. So instead, he went back to his meal and began to eat it.
“Hey!” shouted Lara. “Don’t be ignoring me! I’m dead serious! I may be a girl, but I can sure whip your butt! I dare you to fight me…or maybe you’re too scared to fight your destiny. Ha! I knew you’d be too scared to fight me!”
“Don’t you ever shut up?” asked Siegfried as he took another bite from his meal.
“What?! You’re really rude, do you know that?! I’m a woman and probably of higher status then you! How dare you not show respect for the one that will kill you.”
Siegfried now knew that he wasn’t going to have a quiet meal if he stayed there any longer. He stuck the stick where the rabbit was on the ground and began to put on his armor. Lara saw what he was doing and smirked.Ha! He finally acknowledged me, thought Lara, so he’s finally going to fight me. Heh, what awaits him he will not have a single idea.
I have myself a couple more of my bombs…well…not that much. Thanks to that intro I wasted about 9/10ths of in inventory which means that I only have two bombs left now. Crap…I wonder if that will be enough for Nightmare? Well I’m going to have to throw one of the bombs at his crouch while the other one will go to his face. Then I will take that advantage and finish him off. Ha, ha, ha! It’s perfect!

Siegfried finally finished dressing in his armor; he took up his rabbit, strapped on his sword, and then began to leave. Meanwhile, Lara just waited until her right time to turn around and fight him. She then twirled her dagger as she turned around.
“All right, Nightmare, I…” Lara stopped in mid sentence when she saw that she was now alone. “Where the hell did he go?!”
A raven that stood perched on one of the branches flew off as the scream that Lara emitted for her body echoed horribly. Meanwhile, Siegfried continued his journey down the forest. He ate while he walked since he feared that the tranquility that he had now would be interrupted by that crazy girl. He shook his head as he thought of her being serious.
He stopped as he took a seat down on a log. A raven perched on a tree branch nearby Siegfried. The German warrior looked at the raven then turned his attention back to the ground. He closed his eyes as he tried to relax. He moved his head out of the way as a dagger zipped through the air and landed on a tree. Siegfried let out a sigh.
“I knew I shouldn’t have stopped,” he spoke softly.
“Nightmare!” shouted Lara. “How dare you run away from me!”
“You obvious don’t have anything better to do.”
“Listen here and listen well, I left my hometown for one sole purpose only: to avenge my father! You killed him four years ago and drove my mother into a depression! Because of that, she had to work very hard to sustain the remaining members of our family!”
“Listen; forgive me for what I have done years ago, but that was…”
“I don’t care nor would I forgive you. You hurt so many back in my hometown and I promised that I will bring back your head to the village. Now fight me!”
“I don’t want to fight you,” replied Siegfried, “I could accidentally kill you and then I will soil my hands with the blood of an innocent child. Listen, I will ask you once more please go home and leave me be. I don’t want to kill you.”
“No! If you run away I will follow you until the ends of the Earth!”
“Don’t be stupid.”
“Ready or not, here I come at you!”
“Foolish girl!”
Lara took out her dagger and ran towards Siegfried. Siegfried took out his sword and placed it in front of him. He waited for his chance to parry. Just as Lara was about to reach him, a twig stood before her. Her foot got stuck on it and she tripped down on the ground. That round ended with the young thief having her face on the ground. Siegfried’s eye twitched as he saw what happened.
“Ow,” whined Lara as she slowly got up and sat right up. “That hurt!”
“Clumsy much, are you?” asked Siegfried.
“Ugh! You probably put that there so I can trip! I know you’re type! You’re sneaky and you want to defeat me! Well guess what? I have a destiny to fulfill and that’s to kill you!”
Lara got up once more and ran at Siegfried. She then began to swing her dagger at him. Siegfried merely moved out of the way. He only moved his sword to block her meager attacks. Lara took a hold of Siegfried’s arm then flipped herself onto his other side. She then used her weight to lift the warrior and flip him over. Siegfried caught the ground and landed on his feet.
Damn!Thought Lara.He’s good…too good. He’s not even fighting me with all his entire power. I have to unleash my bombs!Lara sent out a punch to Siegfried’s face. Siegfried just used his hand to block her fist. Lara just then used her weight to lift herself and send out a kick to his face. Siegfried dropped his sword then grabbed her leg.
“Heh,” giggled the raven haired girl, “I gotcha!”
“What?” let out Siegfried.
Using her spar arm, Lara placed her hand inside of her shirt and took out a bomb. She smirked as she bit into the fuse and ripped it out. Two small pieces of flint that were wedged right before the actual bomb ignited a spark. She then pressed the bomb over to Siegfried’s stomach. The bomb exploded while she had still grabbed onto it. Both fighters were sent flying in opposite directions. Lara rolled on the ground. Her left hand was now bleeding lightly from the explosion.
“Crap…” she hissed, “the bombs didn’t have enough gun powder to make a bigger explosion. All this was was just a big firework.”
Siegfried’s stomach stung a bit from the explosion.Not a lethal explosion,he thought,, but certainly one that hurts.He growled as he slowly got up from the ground. His green shirt was cut open. The blood stopped flowing since the fire from the explosion managed to burn the wounds. The warrior lifted his sword and rushed over at the girl.
Lara’s dark blue eyes widen as she saw Siegfried run over to her. She tried to get up, but her arm stung with such pain. As she tried to crawl away, she Siegfried was now inches away from her. Lara placed her arms right in front of her and shook with fear. Just then Siegfried swung his sword then smacked Lara’s bottom with it with a loud smack sound. Lara quickly got up and began to scream.
“Ahh!” she shouted as she tried to massage her now hurt rump. “That hurt! What was the meaning of that?! Are you some kind of a pervert that gets off at smacking women?”
“No….that was a warning hit,” said Siegfried as he stood stoic. “It meant I want you to go home and stop following me if you don’t want to get hurt. If that smack hurt you as much as you’re making a big fuss about it, then there is no way you can actually fight me.”
“Ow! But you didn’t have to hit a poor innocent girl! That was beyond cruel! As for fighting you, take a good look on your stomach. I managed to hurt you. That’s more then anyone else has done.”
“Oh please…I’ve fought against way strong warriors then you. Even some of the idiots that actually challenge me managed to do worse then you.”
“Fine!” shouted Lara as she took out her last bomb. “This one is going to your pretty face! A make over might do you good to rearrange that face to a monstrous one like the one you deserve!”
Lara threw the bomb directly at Siegfried’s face. Siegfried stood his ground then took out the Requiem. He swung his sword which hit the bomb. The bomb then flew back towards the thief. Lara let out a yell before the bomb hit her body. Parts of her clothing ripped. Cuts and bruises now appeared all over her body. She fell on the ground in a terrible pain.
“Damn,” hissed Lara as she laid on the ground, “defeated by the one I wanted to kill. This is so shameful.”
“Foolish girl,” said Siegfried, “now you know that you’re nowhere near strong enough to defeat me. Just go home, child.”
“Grr…as soon as I feel better I’ll go after you!”
“I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
“Why are you apologizing?!”
“I didn’t mean harm to you.”
Lara stood silent as Siegfried then began to walk out from the forest. Lara slowly lifted herself up to her knees. She spat out a bit of blood before she looked at her hand. She took out a pair of gloves and some bandages. She began to mend her arms then placed the gloves on her hands. I so should have worn these before I did those bomb techniques,she thought,still…I have to go after him. There is no way I’ll let him get away so easily. Hmm…wasn’t there a saying that goes ‘keep your friends close but your enemies closer’? Either way, I’m not going to let him get away so easily!
Lara soon got up from the leafy ground and began to slowly follow Siegfried. The raven that was perched upon the branch view the entire thing. It soon flew off deep into the forest. Just then a gloved hand stretched out. The raven landed upon the arm and crowed a bit. The woman holding onto the bird had short green hair tied together in strange buns. Her face was covered in overly done make up. Using a strange source of power, the woman saw everything through the raven’s eyes.
“So…” she said, “I can’t believe that he exists. After being once combined with Soul Edge, that man’s soul shouldn’t be. Somehow he was strong enough to break through Nightmare’s will and regain his body. Very soon I shall soon find out the limit of his power as I cut him down to pieces. You, follow him and that annoying brat as well. She isn’t worth my time, but just to see her cut down into ribbons gives me the shivers.”
The raven then took off through the air and began to fly towards their direction. The woman smirked as she moved her extremely large iron ring. Her deep and darkest desires have yet to unfold as she kept her eyes on the man carrying Soul Edge.

End Chapter

Yay! I finished this chapter. I didn’t want to make it too long nor too short. So far this was just the beginning. I don’t want to make this story too long but not too short either.
© Copyright 2006 Mewlon (mewlon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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