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by Mellie
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #1105014
Britta is a interesting girl who finds out she the truth about herself.
The Goddess

“Oh my! Cloris, you’ve truly out done yourself!”
I truly meant that phrase, it was two days before my 17th birthday and Cloris (My best friend), had just given me five bouquets of the most abundant, lustrous, and rousing flowers that I had ever seen in Krelia.
“Anything for my best friend on her golden birthday - well, on her two-days-before-golden-birthday! And I’ve an even more phenomenal gift for you on your real birthday”
It actually was my golden birthday, I was born on the 17th of August, and I’d been getting gifts from total strangers even. And knowing Cloris, my real birthday gift from her would really be phenomenal.
“What do you want, more than anything, this year?” She asked.
I stumbled a bit, my life had been pretty weird up to now and no one had ACTUALLY asked me that before...
“Most likely… to escape- have an adventure, a grand adventure, which would change everything!” I almost yelled that, but I didn’t.
I had looked at Cloris, beautiful Cloris; she had a look in her eye when I had said that. An almost exited, grievous look, as if she was about to explode. But then, at that moment, I didn’t pay much attention of it.
“Splendid, that would be fun! If you ever do go on an adventure, be sure to invite me.” She had said that in a reassuring-type of manner.
“Of course!” I replied, all oblivious at the time to her.
“Oh drat, I must go, my dear Britta! I will see you on your wonderful birthday.” She frantically said as she got up and headed for the door.
“Oh… all right, see you.” I was sad to see her leave so soon. She had been my best friend, and she always was a good one to talk to.
She opened the door, and a rush of wind blew on her just so that her beautiful wavy, blonde hair had flowed, and she turned around for one second and her enchanting blue eyes had made me think she had been a goddess. She truly was beautiful and I had envied her for every last second.
It was 10 minutes to Nine O’ Clock and usually I went to sleep around then. So I went into my bedroom, and to my surprise, there was a flash of light straightaway, burning my eyes, and filling the whole room and then I saw a handsome man standing dead center in the room,
“Britta the High Goddess has been found! Such an honor it is for Horus!” The man, apparently named Horus, had said. He was so enchanting and handsome, at the time I just stood still, under his radiant and beautiful spell as he walked up to me and kissed me on the left hand and disappeared.
At the time I thought to myself, “Ok… Does this happen to everyone, or am I hallucinating?” But that kiss had left a serious mark on me…
I fell on my bed, thinking about things, as I always did right before I fell asleep, and I started to think about things like my future, you know? Which lead to who made us? Which lead to mom and dad, which lead to an empty pit of a feeling in the deepest part of my stomach. Oh how I missed them at the time, only then did I think they were on a “journey” and not kidnapped or possibly even criminals of the sort. It was funny that I hadn’t thought of “that subject” by then, even though that could’ve been brought up in my mind, before bed. But I’d finally fallen asleep.


“Wake up! Wake up! It’s noon already Britta! You’re missing the big game. Britta! Come on! Come back to earth!” Straight away I recognized that voice, it was Sarda.
“Oh shoot, is it really?” I whispered as most tired people would.
“Yes! Yes! Come on now; let’s get up and at them! Come on!! I won’t let you miss this! I KNOW you’ve wanted to see this game, and it would be tragic if you miss this game!” Sarda was the most hurried guy I had ever met.
“Hector is in this one! Ooh! I know you don’t want to miss this.”
It’s like he hadn’t been paying attention, because I had already walked out my bedroom door, all dressed, when he’d realized that I was actually out of bed. He came out to find me rushing breakfast down with a huge glass of water. I’ve always been quick in the mornings, because this usually happens – which is the reason I can sleep in later than most people. I put on my shoes quickly and ran out the door, followed by Sarda, who was very confused at the time.
I ran across the field in front of the house to the town center, the shortest route of course, and I winded through all of these streets in hopes of seeing free samples on the way, alas that didn’t happen. I cut around Vivial Lane and met the field. Hector was on already, and oh boy did he look good! He was a natural Soccer player. Don’t get me wrong, in this town, soccer was a little different. The goals were slightly smaller, the field was two-times bigger, and there was 4 players on field. Hector was one of the best offensive soccer players out there. At least that of what I know.
I rushed to the stands and found a good spot and started to scream my little head off. Soccer truly was magnificent here, and I loved watching it, too bad this game was over in 30 seconds…
As the last 10 seconds came in, with other team winning, people worrying, Hector took a risky shot and won us the game. Truly magnificent! The whole town had been needing this victory, and so half of the town was carrying him up by their hands, chanting,
“Hector the Victor! Hector the Victor!”
I joined in, though he couldn’t hear me. Once the crowd had cleared, I ran up to congratulate him, but when I got close, that evil girl, Desdemona had come and started to swoop up and flirt with him. I had no hope against her; she was one of those girls that guys fall for way too easily.
With my hopes crushed hard, and my heart beating fast, I turned back to town for lunch, this time I walked.
Once I got home (around four or five O’ clock) I went to my room, and collapsed onto my bed. Without thinking, I fell asleep, as most people couldn’t before their birthday. I MIGHT’VE forgotten.
I awoke at exactly midnight by a voice - a strong, pretty voice.
“High Goddess Britta – please wake up at once!”
That was enough to wake me up, so I quickly looked up to see a beautiful woman in a pretty, but powerfully defensive looking armor. She looked very important to me.
“High Goddess Britta! It’s been so long, I am Cardea, your faithful warrior. We’ve finally found you, so says Horus! He doesn’t lie! This is a rare occasion for him.”
She paused for a moment or two,
“You must dress Britta, and then we’re off.”
I stumbled,
“What? Where? Huh?? And why do you keep calling me Goddess?”
The Lady almost looked offended,
“Besides of your wish to go on a journey on your birthday, we must go, for you are the goddess of goddesses — you’re THE Goddess! We couldn’t keep you here in this ‘Land of Krelia’! We’ve finally found you… After your parents had escaped our hands they took you away, they said they didn’t want you growing up in all of ‘this’. You should be glad the Flower Goddess found you and watched over you all of these years. Cloris was the best Goddess for the job, I’m glad. But I’m disturbed she never told us she had.”
I was so stunned I took at least two minutes just sitting there, in that dim room, while “Cardea” had been standing there. I had finally took it all in and asked,
“Why hasn’t my friend told me she was a Goddess?!”
“You can ask her when we leave, she will come with us.” Cardea was so straight-forward.
“Where are we going exactly?” I whimpered out.
“Not so many questions, High Goddess. Let us leave and let the future unfold itself. Please get dressed; we must meet Feivel at the gorge in Harilem.”
Not wanting her disturbed, I did as I was told. As much as I wanted to ask all of my immediate questions, like is this a dream?? I did not, so I took my warmest clothes and put them on, and then looked at “My faithful warrior”.
“What have they taught you about dressing here? You will soon learn the ways a Goddess dresses. ” She walked out the door and into the living room where Cloris sat. I was so surprised, I didn’t even speak to her, knowing what she was, how she lied to me, and because I was SO confused at the time. She didn’t speak to me either, her knowing that I knew what she was. She was wearing a magnificent dress, pastel colored dress. Now I figured she really was a Goddess. I guessed that’s what I’d have to wear in the near future.

© Copyright 2006 Mellie (ritaskeeterhp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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