Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1103775-Love-Triumphant
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1103775
Tis a Midieval tale of love, courage, might, and valor.
By: Sir William II, Defender of the Righteous

He was lead to the field in green and gold
He was charged with treason, so it was told
He stood before the king
Then bowed and kissed his ring
Presenting to the crowd strong and bold.

He was charged of loving the King’s daughter
The King’s best Knights were brought for the slaughter
The King had no reason
To charge him with treason
Except for the love the Knight felt when he saw her

He fought that day better than he thought he could
He fought better than the crowd thought he would
He did not fall that day
The King’s best Knights were slain
The Kings chosen were piled around where he stood

The silence was broken with the King’s shout
"Trickery, he cheated to win this bout"
Her hero turned toward him
Flesh wound on his left limb
And bowed as victor before the King’s crown

"Standup, for you were not to kill my Knights"
The King screamed, still not thinking it was right
The Knight looked up to speak
"Your Knights lay in defeat
My Lord, ask the Princess who won this fight"

The King did not ask, it was easy to see
The man who won the fight was on his knee
The crowd held back their cheers
The Princess’s eyes teared
"If you did win, what is your prize to be?"

The Knight was surprised by the King’s question
But the King was well known for deception
So he had to be wise
Wrong answer - he dies
Blood and sweat did not lessen his concentration.

"My King, My only desire is to serve you
Whether it be fighting or cooking food
Scrubbing floors as a slave
Shining armor as your page
Please let me live so I can honor you"

"You answer admirably noble Knight
It was for my daughter you did fight
I have no heir, no son
Cannot trust anyone
You shall marry her by tomorrow night.

You see, I had to find a worthy man
To replace me and to protect my land
For my days are very short
Tonight shall be my last court
And my kingdom has many more foes than fans

I had to know if your motives were true
Because for a crown, much evil will men do
But you sir risked your life
Not for a crown but a wife
And a servant’s heart means that GOD will rule

Let it be known this is how glory is found
In all cultures and under every crown
Serve only our GOD above
Never betray your love
And your name will be known in every town"
© Copyright 2006 SirWilliamII (sirwilliamii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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