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Rated: XGC · Prose · Erotica · #1103562
A spontaneous love-making done through chat by two very bored friends.
Note: This was largely done spontaneously through chat and was minimally edited for spelling and punctuation mistakes, so the flow of the whole piece might seem a little odd.


Kayn caught Chaeyun by surprise and pushed her onto the silken bed.

Kayn stood by the bed, then leaned over, a playful hand reaching to twirl a stray strand of hers while she decided how to react.

Surprised, Chaeyun eyes his face, trying to determine the catalyst emotion of this move, all the same, she placed her hands around him and giggled a bit

Well you took your time, my little kitty, he said, smiling a little as he leaned further in, their lips just shy of each other's embrace, hot breath tingling on warm skin, so close yet never touching.

Taking the initiative, she lifted her head just a little to be able to press her warm lips against his, they tingled with suppressed desire. Chaeyun's hand moved to the back of his head, playing with a few strands of his hair as she heated up

Kayn leaned even closer in, her dress rustled against the pressure of his weight, the small, supple swell of her bosom, their form and shape vividly felt against his body, conjuring images unbidden to his mind of her body unsheathed of its coverings, so pure and wonderful. His tongue went into that kiss as a response to those burning images of desire, teasing around the insides of her small mouth, their lips visibly quivering and shaking, moving rabidly to and fro as Kayn forced his passion into her and made it her own.

Her temperature swelled as Kayn's body pressed firmly with hers, everything she possessed in flesh pushing into his form. It was such a sweet and erotic rush of pleasure.

Chaeyun's lips, embraced his tongue, her own slipping slowly in the opposite direction, heating up the exchange and letting his force and flow excite her further with every move.
subtly, her finger tips grazed the shoulder blades smothered by his coat in a show of longing for a more raw form of contact.

Their bodies were nearly one; Kayn could feel the very warmth from Chaeyun's lithe body radiating to his every responsive nerves, the stimuli nearly overwhelming his senses to the point of bringing him to uninhibited carnal lust for the desirous flesh. He had to draw back from her soft silky lips for a brief moment just to draw breath and allow his brain to maintain some semblance of self-control over the kindling that was slowly growing within his loins. Still, there was just one thing that separated them, and as evident from the little vixen's tug upon his white coat, she knew as well as he what it was. Better yet, she wanted it more than he did...

Without wasting time, his hands slid gently down to the straps of his dress, slipping them off her shoulders. The virginal white dress, no longer supported, gave way to the pull of gravity and Chaeyun's heaving chest, flowing softly down, revealing just part of her well-rounded breasts.

Being so heart-racingly close to him, their passions flowed as one, Chaeyun was more than aware when his internal desire grew almost uncontrollably, his breath shuddered a little as he pulled briefly away from her lips. This brought a coy smile to her, and she rubbed on his back, her tempting little finger tips pressing against the layers of clothing and increasing in pressure and eroticism, trying to heighten that suppressed desire as far as she could. She was overcome with a subtle but deep wave of pleasure herself however when Kayn's hands stroked her bare shoulders, easing the straps of her gown away and letting it fall inch by inch. A soft moan escaped under her breath as her tender bare flesh was exposed to the cool texture of his clothing.

Cue for her to follow his lead. She let her fingertips find way up his chest and under the thick fold of his coat, easing it off his form in fluid motion. The pocket of space in between them that she had to gain in order to do this, gave him a fleeting view of her silky skin, which was to gain further contact with him as that first obstructing barrier was removed.

If his longing for her was to be compared to a rushing river, then his very will alone was the dam that suppressed its crushing force. But that dam nearly well failed and crumbled to pieces as first, his heart melted at the sight of that cheeky smile gracing her lips, a look he knew oh-so-well. Then, he felt the pressure she applied with her hands on her back, kneading through the fabric of the cloth till each calculated point she touched gave the little vixen the response she wanted, adding fuel to the fires that burned with such passion within him. Visibly it appeared as a shudder across his whole body, a thrill of ecstasy as he tried again to withhold the beastly instincts that sought to free themselves from the cage of flesh and bone. Just when he thought he had managed to keep those howling urges at bay, he heard the most melodious of tones. Just a single one and a short one at that, but it was the perfect tone, the tone of such soothing caress that it positively resonated with his very being, causing him to do just more than shudder but grab a hold of Chaeyun with sudden vicious strength as if for dear life.

It was the tone of her soft, beautiful moan.

And before he knew it, his coat lay discarded on the floor. He remembered naught how it came off but it no longer mattered to him. All that was important here and now lay before him in his arms, this goddess of such heavenly features beneath his earthly body of mere clay. The sight of her raiment nearly disgusted him. They paled in comparison to the silkiness, the softness of her skin, made her look less of a woman than what she truly was. He wanted to shed her of those earthly drab things. Without bothering to take it off properly, he grabbed for the neck of the dress and with enough skill that assured no harm to her skin, wrenched it down quickly and savagely enough to break the straps with two sharp, resounding cracks. And there before his very eyes lay the hidden treasure that was her true self.

As the low-laying ecstasy finally gripped him, his hands took hold of her in shameless lust that mirrored her own. She was able to free his body of the heavy coat and barely watch it slip to the floor before he gripped the tightly-hugging bodice of her dress and force such a tug on it that the sturdy stitching snapped violently, the dress jerking downward and melting into a soft folded heap just under her chest.

She lay still for a lingering movement, her gaze melting into Kayn's as her body was exposed, although it didn't take a moment for his eyes to wander elsewhere. She arched her back in this moment, just a little. although it was only half intentional. She bit on her lower lip as the pleasure of her form being exposed to his eyes coursed through her.

The blazing desire for him took her, as her slender fingers slid over his own, bringing his palms to cup over her breasts and pressing them down. Letting her suggestive eyes and the slight shimmer of wet on her lips express the desire to be kissed once again.

All the while, another sweet but strong pressure from his lower body pressed into her thighs and she had to half suppress another moan at the thought of what was to come.

Kayn watched Chaeyun arc her back in what he could only presume was an expression of nothing but the most ecstatic of fulfilment. Before he could move in and hold steady that heated body of hers though, her small fingers found their way around the palm of his hands. Smiling appreciatively at the small gesture insecurity, Kayn then was caught off-guard when those sly fingers pulled his hands towards her chest, arranging them neatly cupped around her small, firm breasts. For a dazed moment, he could only glance back at her face but only a pair of seductive eyes and luscious lips awaited him, as if tempting those primal urges within him again. As his lips seized hers with a ferocious growl, he was visibly aware of his hips ramming into her small, delicate ones, effectively spilling himself into the pants he still donned. But even through the fabric, he could feel her sensitive virgin lips shift and excite like a cat in full heat. In a moment of wildness, his fingers went for her hard nipples and pinched them till he could feel her whole body quivering as hard and as vigorously as her vaginal lips. Her squeals of pain were left unheard as Kayn refused to relinquish its hold on Chaeyun's struggling lips. Her chestnut hair flew madly in strands in time to the rhythm of her thrashing, with Kayn maintaining a gradually accelerating tempo as he squeezed her reddening nipples harder and harder.

That brief moment of tense but beautiful serenity was swiftly followed by ruthless sexual aggression. His hands gripped her breasts as their lips came together quickly, with heated passion, their tongues wasting no time in finding each other again. Taking this excitement up yet another notch, Kayn's fingertips found her small but perking nipples, gripping the silky texture of the delicate flesh and increasing pressure with each moment as his sexual desire grew. A flurry of unsuppressed moans escaped her, breaking the humid quiet with her sweetly distressed voice, although this seemed only to bring further pleasure to Kayn who took a fuller grip on her sensitive flesh, pouring his deep carnal desire into those actions.

Evident also was the push of his groin into her crotch, a forceful and deeply satisfying move. Her until now un-touched vaginal area became warmly moist as the pre-emptive lubrication seeped just subtly out of the virginal pink of that desired area, the lips rubbing slightly together as Kayn exerted more force into that sweet sensitive area. Now that this aspect had been touched upon, she gripped at his shoulder blades in seductive manner, urging him to give her more and more.

Her cries, an odd mixture of squeals and moans of sweet joy, awashed Kayn with the realization that despite how they both enjoyed this violent bout of sexual dominance, he was truly causing her a lot of pain. His fingers relaxed and he let his hands slip away, not without misgivings, from her breasts to grasp her lovingly by her small waist, lifting her to an upright position so that he could face her on a somewhat level plane. Her tattered dress fell completely now, the voluminous folds rolling down across her smooth skin to join the rest of its crumpled heap on the silken bed, just barely hiding the liquid discharge spilt generously around her hot, wet vagina. Her hair was a complete mess, strands of it hanging in front of her face, some sticking out and curling at odd angles. Tears beaded her porcelain cheeks as Chaeyun sobbed uncontrollably from the rigorous session they had. She was such a picture of pity that Kayn just had to stroke her head, whispering soothing words into her ears. Then he noticed the soreness of her nipples, so red they were, and almost throbbing with heat. "It's okay," he continued, withdrawing his hand. "I'll make you feel better." And with that, he lowered himself to those injured nipples and, cupping one breast between his hands, began to gently lick those sore-red nipples, his tongue feeling its way around those small, hard forms as gently as he possibly could. The cooling saliva a remedy for the painful, fiery sensation, he hoped.

As Kayn drew back, the quiet returned to the air, disturbed only by her short, quivering breaths as her tired body gasped for air. He sat upright and took her with him, and she rested her head upon his shoulder as he cradled her. The remnants of her creamy dress slipped from her form and the bed, leaving only the tight hug of her silken, but now soaked, rose coloured panties against her supple skin. The drenched delicate texture clung to her desirable form as if it were glued, giving him sight of the tight lips that lay underneath. His soothing gestures put her as ease as her breathing slowed a little, and she clutched his opposite shoulder, attempting to wipe off a little of the perspiration that lay about his bare skin.

As he lowered his tongue to her sore flesh, Chaeyun was refreshed with a sweet soothing sensation, that healed the subtle wounds of their sexual deviance. This however, was a double-edged sword as it sent yet more waves of deep pleasure through her delicate body and she grasped gently at his hair, and pressed down gently as she urged him to go on with it. Reaching for what was just about out of her grasp, she was only just able to cling to the band of Kayn's pants, then lift one of her legs, and pushing it down and away from his hips, exposing his own underwear. The sight which was kept from her, in addition to the pressure of his bulge brought ever closer to her and the gliding of his tongue, was enough to inspire another sweet moan from her lips.

Just barely aware of what Chaeyun was doing, Kayn preoccupied himself with the arduous task of licking clean her warm, hard nipples. The texture was so pleasing to his refined tongue, the taste simply exquisite beyond belief, especially so when traces of perspiration, carrying both her natural perfume-like body scent and the embodied flavour of raw, sexual lust, trailed along onto the surface of his tongue. So when he felt his head being urged on further to complete the job, Kayn knew it was time to assume control once more. He gave the area around those nipples a final series of deliberately long licks, meant to titillate Chaeyun as much as he could before his mouth seized upon her right nipple and suckled it slow and softly, remembering well how sore they already were. As if that weren't already enough to arouse her, Kayn left the task of groping that breast to one hand while the other reached down for her hot, wet panties, his fingers slipping through the elastic band and making their way through the tight-fitting undergarment, verily aware of the sticky substance that layered the insides, till they reached to their playground on which they could ride the forbidden swings of vaginal pleasure, playfully twisting and turning in the seats as they sought to defy the laws of gravity with their constant teasings.

Their two bodies rubbed each other closely as the love making went on. For such sweetly invigorating pleasure to go on so long was a blessing.

As Kayn's hungry tongue enveloped her now soothed nipples, he cushioned some of their perky form between his lips and sucked on them erotically, causing Chaeyun to push her head back in a ripple of ecstasy. His generous fingertips also found her lower body, sliding just subtly over her stomach as they dipped to that soaked fabric which clung to the sweet prize of this session. His touch approaching it, drove her crazy inside, and as his fingertips disappeared slowly under the band that held the panties in place on her delicate hips, she gave out a single moan, one more meaningful and pleasure-wrought than any that had formally passed her lips. As he slipped to the top of that sweet slit, he disturbed a trickle of hot liquid which had accumulated in the tight hold of her virgin flesh. Chaeyun shuddered as he took it lower until he had cupped not only her breast, but this second of pleasure zones on her sensitive body, breathing erotically and audibly for him, she reach her fingertips as far as possible and let let them touch just slightly on the fabric of his own undergarments, giving him just a taste and reminder of what pleasure and rewards they were soon to reap.

Oh how I massaged those soft yet assuredly firm breasts - quite the phrase isn't it? "soft yet assuredly firm"? But trust me, you'd never know the sensation of such irony till you truly have felt a real woman's bosom. But I'm forgetting something, aren't I? The warmth of the liquid reminds me instantly, my other hand was practically steeped in the orgasmic product, relished the sensation, the subtly arousing effects it had on every nerve of that very lucky hand. It had enough fun though, so I withdrew its exhausted form, giving a final playful slap at those quivering lips of her moist vagina - as if a sign to say "I'll be back for more" - and after promptly wiping away the excess juices on the silken sheets, rejoined its brother at pleasuring the already spoilt twin curves. I angled myself so as to face my beloved Chaeyun's back now, both hands still massaging deeply into her breasts, both bobbing up and down in tandem of excitement; more of her juices spilt to overflowing her rose-coloured panties, thoroughly messing the bed - heck, who cared about the bed - and being at the edge, drops spilling even onto the marble floor. I was too distracted to notice by then though for her hair, though by now mussed up from all that we had engaged in so far, was too great a temptation for me to simply ignore. Carnal desires overcame me and before I knew it, my face was against the back of her head, nuzzling against her silky smooth hair, sniffing the scents of pure heaven it evoked. I wondered what it felt like, what it tasted like and no sooner had I wondered that my teeth parted and allowed a few strands of the cascade of brown to flow through between, my tongue feeling its texture and taste as vividly and carefully as it had while traversing the other sensitive parts of her body. And while hands massaged her breasts, my tongue massaged her hair...

Having his hand leave her panties, she let out a breath of what could be assumed; relief. Not in the way that she didn't want it anymore but that the mere touch of his hand there, made the most unbearably overpowering lust build up inside her, and she knew she could only take so much more before she would find herself begging Kayn to put her out of her misery.

As his hand trailed up her bare skin and once more met her breasts, she let her head drop back slightly, so as to rest it and also give him better hear of her pleasure-induced moaning, each sweet tone meeting his close-by ears. The heavenly massage was shortly accompanied by another, as Kayn's face found it's way into the back of her silky hair. She could feel himself indulging his senses in that unlikely pleasure-zone, and giving her yet more pleasure as he tugged the strands gently with his lips. It was to her, like a violinists joy of making song with his strings, only the strings and the subsequent sound were composed by Kayn and she was the instrument so sweetly played.

But even a symphony, no matter how beautiful it was, needed to end at some point. But Kayn wasn't satisfied on just a plain ending, a cadence expected by all like a V-I progression. No...perhaps he'd end it like a V-VI, an interrupted cadence, a 'hanging' part if you may, never quite expected at the end. His hands bid farewell to Chaeyun's small, pointed breasts and made their way to his trousers, loosening it properly, then discarding the other garment within. And just as Chaeyun began to breathe deeply and slowly once more, recovering from the hard-paced action they had that night, he caught her by just beneath her shoulders, spun her around to face him and lifted her body into the air in one fluid motion while he allowed himself to tumble on his back amidst the silken pillows. He caught her again as she fell on top of him. Folding his arms around her small waist he brought her closer to him and while playfully nibbling at her ear, he whispered, "I'm all yours now. Do as you will."

Glancing at his naked body, it would occur to her that he had a highly desirable form, normal which was clothed heavily and masked from view. Smiling devilishly at his words, she briefly lied down beside him, her head rested on his chest and strands of her already wet hair, sticking to his moist chest. His tired breath was fading as he regained breath from the excitement but she didn't plan on letting him slip out her hold just yet, and a quick glance at his groin made it all too clear to her that he had a little bit left in him yet. Crawling on the sheets, she made her way upwards from his feet, and sat on his thighs, the wet of her christened panties rubbing into his skin. Taking her delicate fingers in the air, teasingly she brought them down, stroking his firm manhood, releasing newfound pleasure that he had yet to taste in these hours of erotic discovery.

Taking saliva from her tongue, she rubbed and massaged it onto him, trying to heighten the tension they had built up, to a very last extreme before she inched her hips forward, and eased off the long soiled panties.

Placing them in his hands. She was just seconds away from the climax, and each experience of the evening played in her aroused mind as she inched herself closer...Pausing slightly before she looked him in the eyes and gave a foxy wink. Then she positioned her sweet wet vagina over his erection which looked almost certain to rip her asunder on her virgin experience. All the same, she slowly pushed herself down, missing the target unintentionally a few times before he finally started to enter her.

The thickness meeting tight folds made her moan out loudly and a wicked mix of pain and pleasure wrought her virgin body, pushing all her weight down on that so-tight seal which was proving hard to defeat in this moment that she craved the ultimate carnal pleasure. Clenching her fists and letting another sweet yelp escape her, she gave a final push downward, breaking her delicate white skin apart.

The pain course through her lower body and her eyes watered as she sunk and he slid inside , slowly filling her completely. Despite the pain, her body craved fulfilment, and she grinded her tight vagina forward and back, letting her tight soft tunnel tug at his sensitive shaft.
© Copyright 2006 Mercura (mercura at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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