Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1102710-Lusters-Co-Op
by Luster
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #1102710
Luster's attempt to become a member of a baby-sitting co-op.

‘Luster’s Co-Op’

Luster wuz pondering one day, bout da extint of drankin......... wut go on in da Mississippi Delta...... Other folks jus ain't as fond of a drank of whiskey, as peoples, back in his home State of Mississippi. Eben Texas folks can't come close to consuming wut Mississippi Delta folks can drank. Luster dun been out in Texas, bout 12 years now and he can count on his two hands da times dat sumbody dun been ober to his house and axed fer a drank a whiskey. Most folks jus want's a glass a wine or a beer.

If ya gonna have 2 or 3 couples ober to yo house.............. you get's a couple of bottles of wine and a couple of 6 packs of beer. Now dat'll take care of dem......But if you’re Luster, …..you got's to have on hand wut you gonna drank, and dat be's substancially mo ….den wut dey gonna drink combined

Well rite after Luster moved out to Texas wit 3 small girl chilllen's, he dun inquired around, bout getting sum baby sitter's. He fount out dey had wut dey calls, baby sitting co-ops, out here. A bunch a people's get's together and keeps each others chillens wen dey get's ready to go out…………But befoe you can join in on da co-op, you got’s to fill out da..... ‘Co-Op Questionaire‘..... to see’s if you be’s qualified fer to keep other peoples chillen's….. ober at yo house . After you fills in yo name an address and all dat stuff, dey axes........ Do you dranks alcohol? Well being somewut of a honest person, Luster put a big ole X in da box wut said ...Yes. Da next question got mo personal.....It axed……… If you answered Yes to da previous question, den how often do’s you drank alcohol? Well not being happy bout all da questions, ....Luster rote in....…“I get’s me a drank a alcohol when eber I wants me ……..a drank a alcohol“......

Well Luster get's on ober to page 2 of da questionaire and now dey want’s to know if der be’s any firearms in Luster’s house? Having brought all his stuff out here from Mississippi,where Luster hunted deer, turkey, doves, squirrels and rabbits, Luster put a big ole X in da Yes box. Den da next question wuz....If you answered Yes to da previous question.........Do you stoe any ammunition in yo house? .......and if so…how much?

Now Luster dun really got pissed-off……….cause they dun gone to meddlin now. So he checked da Yes box again....... and den he got to formulating bout how much ammunition he did have. When he got it all figured up, it come to: a case of 12 gauge shotgun shells, a few boxes of 16 gauge shotgun shells, several boxes of 38 caliber shells, sum boxes of 270 caliber rifle shells and a hole bunch a boxes of 22 long rifle shells.
So Luster rote in ……...bout 2000 rounds .............................. You know........ Luster still ain't heard back from dem co-op peoples yet....................

© Copyright 2006 Luster (tgbarnes3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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