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by Reth
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1102197
if you arent one of my "Reth friends" you will not understand this.
Wish for a smile

“And those feelings are back”

Sosuke walked into a concert hall. He had on a hat, a hoddie with the hood up, and sun glasses. His disguise was so no one would recognize him. He tried to get past the whole group of fans who were cheering and shouting out the singer’s name.

“Masaki!!” “I love you!” “Masaki, sing to meee!!” Most of the fans were girls.

If only we found this guy sooner. Then I wouldn’t be stuck with that ass whole of a singer, Ryuhi. Even his name is dumb. Ryuhi…It sounds even worse when I think about it. It’s like an animal noise when it’s dying… As Sosuke was letting his mind wander off for more ways to insult Ryuhi, he ran into someone taller than him. The other man seemed disguised as well.

“Sosuke?” The man he bumped into asked.

“…? Hito?” Sosuke noticed the man to be Hito. “So you did listen to me? And not Ryuhi?” Sosuke asked.

“Well I thought that Ryuhi had a point, but I just wanted hear what kind of songs Masaki writes. I’m way better than any guitarist up there.” Hito smirked.

“But you still came. Meaning I’m right? And Ryuhi’s wrong!” Sosuke said.

“Dude, how about we wait for the concert?” Hito asked just ignoring Sosuke. Out of everyone else, Hito was most tolerant to Sosuke’s insults, even though Ryuhi may well be his closest friend.

“So do you know if anyone was planning to come?” Sosuke asked.

“Nah, everyone else is working, or just not caring.” Hito said.

“Then keep mental notes.” Sosuke said.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m just going to stay for the first 2 or 3 songs.” Hito said.

The lights dimmed and the concert started.

A man walked up on stage to announce Masaki. He was wearing a black cloak that covered his entire body, and his face. His hand came out of the opening in the cloak, and reached out for the microphone. His hand was wrapped with leather material.

“Yeah, yeah whatever. No one cares.” Sosuke said.

A girl behind him hit the back of his head, “Don’t talk!” She yelled.

Sosuke cursed her under his breath so she kicked him in the leg.

“Stop it!” Sosuke yelled, loudly.

“Trouble maker?” A security guard asked the girl.

“Yes, he won’t stop talking and he insulted me!” She yelled.

“I’m going to have to ask you to go.” The security guard said.

Sosuke snapped “No way! I didn’t do anything and this bit-”

“That’s it, sir.” The guard grabbed Sosuke by his shirt and pulled him out.

“Aw man, what an idiot.” Hito chuckled.

“You with him, sir?” The security guard asked Hito.

“No way!” Hito said.

The announcer guy whipped off his cloak, and revealed himself. Masaki. It was him all along.

“So he needs to be his own announcer…?” Hito grinned.

“Wait, I have to see this!” Sosuke tried to struggle out of the security guards grip, but the guard was twice the size Sosuke was.

Masaki began his first song and it sounded a bit gothic yet classical, but still had a rock and roll feel to it. It was a strange mix, but there’s no surprise why so many people seem to like it. Other than the fact that Masaki, himself, was quite attractive.

Hito looked at him and the people on stage intently. Interesting… so it’s a combination. It sounds good, I’ll give him that. But it’s not HIM that creates the music, is it? Damn it, maybe I shouldn’t have came. I guess now I’m more worried about being better… Hito thought. He turned and made his way through the crowd to the exit. He walked out of the door and saw Sosuke sitting down, leaning against a wall. He heard the door closed and looked up.

“Hito!” Sosuke quickly stood up.

“Let’s go…” Hito continued his walk away from the concert and on his way home.

“I heard it a little, but it was very faint. It sounds so stupid!” Sosuke said.

“Shut up, Sosuke. It sounds good and you know it. I just screwed myself for coming, because now I want to be better.” Hito said.

Sosuke sighed, “So what do we do? Do we practice more?” Sosuke asked.

“Stop talking…” Hito said. They didn’t talk the whole way to their homes.


It was early in the morning on a Sunday. Ryuhi and Kodachi were sitting on the couch, watching TV in silence. Ryuhi kept flipping through all the channels until they found something good on.

“I think we’ve flipped through each channel 4 times.” Kodachi said.

“Eventually, there will be something good on.” Ryuhi said.

Kodachi smiled, “You’ve been talking more often now.”

Ryuhi continued to flip through channels, “Really.” Ryuhi asked, not really emphasizing the question.

“Yeah, because if I said something to you, you wouldn’t respond so we could hold a conversation. But look as us now” Kodachi smiled.

“I’m just being polite to my sister, that’s all.” Ryuhi said bluntly. He dropped the remote and stood up, “I’m going back to sleep.”

“Just being polite….” Kodachi thought sadly.


Later that same day, Kinome was in her store setting up Cds and movies on shelves. On the window, it says that the store will open in 9 days. After some time, she heard the back door close, grabbing her attention. She turned and saw Ryuhi walk in.

“Hey, It’s good to see you on the weekend.” Kinome smiled.

“I have nothing else to do” Ryuhi said.

“Did you get bored of wandering?” Kinome asked, continuing her shelving.

“Things got old… and there were too many people on the street.” Ryuhi answered.

“I thought so. By the way, today at 3:00 PM, Sosuke wants everyone to come here. He wants to talk about Masaki’s concert.” Kinome said not taking her concentration off shelving.

“This Masaki guy, what else do you know about him?” Ryuhi asked.

“No more than what you know, unfortunately, but like you said, who cares. Right?” Kinome turned to face Ryuhi, who looked troubled about something. “Hey, are you okay?” Kinome asked.

“I have to go.” Ryuhi walked to the door and opened it.

“Don’t forget to come back at 3!” Kinome said, but the door closed before she could finish. She sighed and then continued to open boxes and put items on shelves.


Ryuhi was walking down the street, just several minutes after he came back from Kinome’s store. He stopped at a street crossing sign that said, “don’t walk”. Down the same street as him, was a child crying that he couldn’t fine his mother. Ryuhi turned his glance at the boy, but did nothing to help him.

Airi walked down the street and heard the sound of a little child crying. She followed the sound and saw a little boy sitting down against the wall with his head resting on his knees. She bent down to him and smiled, kindly. “Can’t find your mom?” she asked him.

The boy rose his head and looked up at Airi, with a tear-stained face. He was crying so hard he couldn’t speak right.

“it’s ok, I’ll help you.” Airi smiled, with her eyes closed.

“You promise?” That was all the boy could manage to say.

“Yup! Stand up and then we’ll go looking for her.” Airi answered.

“o-ok.” The boy stood up and Airi took his hand and lead him down the other side of the street, beginning their search for the little boys mom.

Ryuhi watched the whole thing. He was pretty glad that Airi didn’t notice him, however, he’s never seen Airi so compassionate before. To him, she was just his sister’s annoying friend. The other people started to move and cross the street, bringing Ryuhi back to reality.


Without realizing, it was almost 3 PM. Kinome had put up a lot on the shelves since she worked all day straight. The back door opened and Hito walked inside.

“Wow, you’re almost done.” He said noticing the almost finished Suncoast.

“Yeah, I can’t wait! But I need to find some people to work while I’m at school.” Kinome said now relaxing.

“I’d help, but I have my own job. I can help you find some people, though” Hito said.

“Thanks Hito. Just make sure that they’re not psychos.” Kinome smiled.

“You let Sosuke live in your basement.” Hito said.

Kinome laughed. “He’s down there waiting for everyone right now. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Ok, see ya.” Hito went downstairs, and then right after Yuu and Satoshi walked in.

“Kinome!! What’s up?” Yuu asked as energetic as ever.

“Almost done putting everything up. Sosuke’s waiting for you guys downstairs.” Kinome said.

“He calls us over here all the time for no reason! I’m not about to listen to him complain again.” Yuu said.

“It’s something about Masaki’s concert. It seems him and Hito were the only ones who went.” Kinome said, now ready to go downstairs.

“They really shouldn’t have gone. We’re not trying to compete with Masaki are we?” Satoshi asked.

“Sosuke wants to, but of course we’re not.” Kinome said.

The back door opened again and Tame and Kodachi walked in.

“Whoa, are we late?” Kodachi asked.

“No, everyone just started getting here. Where’s Airi and Ryuhi?” Kinome asked.

“Airi said she’s on her way and who knows where Ryuhi is.” Tame answered.

“Let’s go downstairs and wait for them there.” Kinome said.


Airi was only minutes away from reaching Kinome’s store. “(I can’t believe how happy the mother was when I brought her son to her. I feel so happy knowing I made them happy.)” She thought. She looked down, smiling, and without realizing it, she ran into someone taller than her. “I’m sorry!” Airi said, looking up. The man she ran into looked young and had a side parted dark brown hair. He wore sunglasses.

“It’s alright, but you better pay attention because most people aren’t that nice.” He smirked.

“Umm… ok. Good bye” Airi said a little suspicious of him. She quickly walked past him but he stopped her.

“Do you know someone named Ryuhi?” He asked.

Airi wanted to announce her love for Ryuhi, but not knowing who this man wanted with him, she decided against it. “Nope. Sorry, but I have to go now.” Airi bowed and ran off.

The man turned around the other way and noticed Ryuhi walking his direction. He smirked and looked down, walking right past Ryuhi, only centimeters away from touching him. Ryuhi’s eyes widened and he stopped walking. The other man glanced behind him and smirked even more malicious and then continued his way. Ryuhi held his hand around his throat and his breathing was shallow. He couldn’t breath. He leaned against a wall, staring at the ground. Kinome’s building was only a few blocks away. But as he stared at it, it seemed to get further away.

“Hey, are you alright?” He heard a female’s voice near him. It seemed that as soon as she spoke, Ryuhi felt better. He looked up to see a girl with fiery red hair and a black hoodie. “You’re Ryuhi right? I’ve seen you at Tokyo U. Are you okay?” She asked him, her eyebrow raised.

Ryuhi stood up straight. “Yeah,” Ryuhi turned and began to walk away, still feeling a little bit dizzy about what just happened. Why did it happen? As soon as he passed that man with sunglasses, he felt like he was going to pass out.

“Hmph, I’m just trying to help…” The red headed girl said a little bit disappointed yet cold.

“I don’t need it.” Ryuhi said letting his mind wander off again.

“Hey, seriously. I know you don’t like to talk to people, but you really don’t look so good.” The girl said.

Ryuhi stopped and looked at the girl, “Whoever you are, this has nothing to do with you. It’s nice that you care about a complete stranger, but we’ll probably never even see each other again so it won’t matter.” Ryuhi turned around and was about to walk.

“You’re such an ass whole! Do you act like this around your friends, too? Stranger or not, I’m trying to help you and you blow me off! I hate people like you.” the red haired said angrily.

“You don’t know what’s happening, so don’t talk.” Ryuhi said calmly as ever.

“Which is why I asked if you were okay, because if I don‘t, maybe nobody else will and then you might get hurt even worse. And face me when I’m talking to you!” She was about to hit him across the face.

“I’m fine, trust me. If you don’t believe me, I’m sorry, but it’s not my problem. I have somewhere to go now, see ya.” Ryuhi said and finally continued to walk off.

“See ya? So that means we will see each other again. My name is Saruih Tanuki, don’t forget it!” Saruih said.

Ryuhi lifted up his arm as a ‘goodbye’, but didn’t turn around as he did so.

Saruih smirked as she watched him wave.


“If Ryuhi doesn’t come in 5 minutes, I’m starting without him! I swear!” Sosuke yelled.

“No, we’re going to wait until he actually comes. It’s only 3:30. How long will this actually take?” Kinome asked.

“I have other things to do, Kinome!” Sosuke yelled.

“Don’t yell at your girlfriend.” Hito pushed Sosuke’s head into a wall, holding his head there.

“Hito, you ass whole!” Sosuke said trying to get Hito to let go.

“Don’t insult your friends!” Yuu grabbed Sosuke’s arm and bent it backwards.

“Ow! OWWW!” Sosuke yelled.

“Tame, take a picture!!” Kodachi cheered.

Tame grabbed a camera and snapped a picture of Hito and Yuu in a victory pose as they were torturing Sosuke. “Sosuke, if you don’t be nice then I’ll show this to everyone and you’ll look like an idiot.” Tame smiled.

“Let go of me and give me back that damned camera!” Sosuke yelled.

“Stop yelling!!” Kodachi kicked his shin.

“DAMMIT THAT HURTS!” Sosuke yelled.

“Stop swearing!!” Tame kicked the back of his knee, making him flinch.

“Okay fine!! Just let me go!” Sosuke yelled.

“Until Ryuhi gets here, we’re going to keep you like this” Hito said.

“Ryuhi, get your ass over here now!” Sosuke growled.

“The first time he actually wants Ryuhi here…. Anybody have a tape recorder?” Yuu asked.

Tame whipped one out of her pocket. “Say it again!” Tame said. Kodachi agreed in the background.

Satoshi smiled sheepishly, feeling kind of bad for Sosuke.

Kinome started at all of them, holding in her laugh. Sosuke actually deserves this. She turned her head to find Airi sitting on the couch, looking sad. She tapped Satoshi on the shoulder and pointed over to Airi’s direction. He followed her directing and noticed Airi, too.

“Airi, you alright? You haven’t said anything for the past 20 minutes.” Kinome said, sitting on the couch with her. Satoshi just walked up to them.

“All of a sudden I got this really weird feeling and then Ryuhi was the first that came to mind. I hope he’s okay.” Airi said.

“Aw, I’m sure he’s fine. He’s always late and we always worry, well except for Kodachi because she’s psycho, but he always comes eventually.” Kinome smiled.

“And it’s only been a half hour.” Satoshi added.

“Yeah, but I never worried this much.” Airi looked down.

“… Um, I…never mind” Kinome said.

“If it’s about Ryuhi, please tell me Kinome! I don’t care what it is, but I have to know!” Airi said, pleading.

“…Ok, earlier today… Ryuhi asked me about Masaki and he looked really worried. Something unusual for Ryuhi to be, right? It made me wonder. But I really do think he’s okay.“ Kinome said.

“Of course, he’s fine. He’s not stupid, you know” Satoshi said.

“You’re right, I’m not.” Ryuhi walked in.

Airi’s face brightened up, “Ryuhi….!!” She smiled, but tears formed in her eyes. It seemed that all of her worries were relieved and they left her body in tears. She wiped her tears quickly so nobody noticed, but it was too late. Kinome noticed, but didn’t say anything.

“Ryuhi, look what we’re doing to Sosuke!” Kodachi said.

Hito and Yuu finally let him go and Sosuke cursed Ryuhi.

“Okay, now you’re finally here, Masaki has to be defeated!!” Sosuke said.

Hito nodded, “Yeah, we went to his concert and--”

“And he sucked!!” Sosuke interrupted.

Hito grabbed Sosuke’s collar and threw him in a closet near-by.

“No, actually he was really good, but it’s nothing like us. Nobody is going to compare us.” Hito said.

Sosuke pounded from in the closet, “get me out!!!”

“Maybe his music will get old eventually.” Yuu said.

Hito sighed. “We can only wish. Anyways, what I was thinking is that maybe we can get together more often and write music more. All we do is practice our old songs, but it doesn’t really make us better. We already know our songs, even in our sleep.” Hito said.

“So we need a new schedule now.” Satoshi said.

“I don’t know how much I’ll be able to help. Suncoast is going to open soon, and I still need to find some people to work during the day.” Kinome said.

Yuu thought for a moment “Our schedule should mainly be based during the evening because we all work during the day, or go to school. But I have a part time job, too, so maybe I should just work less hours.”

“No, don’t worry about it yet. We’ll figure something out.” Hito said, and they continued to discuss.

“Ryuhi..?” Airi spoke up to Ryuhi.

He turned his head to her and realized she wasn’t latched onto his arm or something.

“You’re okay right?” Airi asked trying not to make Ryuhi know that she’s worried.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that…?” Ryuhi asked himself quietly.

“Hm?” Airi turned her head.

“Yeah I’m fine. But… are you?” he asked.

“Huh?” Airi asked, surprised.

“Your eyes are kind of red and you’re not on my arm.” Ryuhi said not looking her in the eye.

Airi nodded. “I’m fine! I was just worried that you weren’t going to show up! That’s all!” Airi smiled with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes moments later and saw Ryuhi look worried. “No… you’re not okay…” Airi said just above a whisper.

All of a sudden, Ryuhi’s legs went weak as he fell back and leaned against the wall. He looked down like he was having a hard time breathing.

“Ryuhi…? What’s wrong!?” Airi asked.

Ryuhi began to cough, and it was horrible because he couldn’t even breath.

“Ryuhi!” Airi caught everyone’s attention and noticed the fact that Ryuhi didn’t look so well.

Ryuhi opened his eyes and all he saw was his friends blurred figures and then he closed his eyes and everything for him went black. The last thing he heard completely was Airi calling out his name.
© Copyright 2006 Reth (reth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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