Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1102003-Mysterious-Owl
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1102003
Love affair of an Owl
Today is April 18th, and Mr Owl is back.

Yesterday a co-worker here at my job pointed out this big owl to me. I don't really know how long he has been here, but I find it a bit on the strange side that he is here at all.

Usually when you think of an owl you think of him in an area where there are trees or it is a wooded area, or something of that nature. No not this owl he is in the city.Right in the middle of downtown Little Rock. Can you believe that one. Well it is true.

I work in a parking garage for the City of Little Rock Arkansas and it is located right smack dab in the middle of downtown Little Rock, and right next to the garage is the Interstate 30 freeway. Actually it is an over-pass that crosses over downtown. This is where Mr Owl has perched himself. Now to me this is totally amazing. Mr. Owl? So tell me do you think I should give this Owl a name. So you do,do you. OK then I will name him. I will now call him King James.
Why this name you ask. Well I do have my reasons and I will tell you just what my reasons are for giving Mr Owl the name of King James.

He is sitting on a steel beam under the over-pass. Sitting there so tall and regal. There is all the noise of the traffic driving right over him and does this seem to bother him,no he just sits there so staunch and with such royality. So this is where the King comes from. That is what he reminds me of. A King sitting on his throne. And I decided on the name James for that is my husbands name, and he is the most important person in my life. He is the love of my life. I not only love my husband but I do so love owls to.

When I lived in Texas before I met my husband I lived in the country. There we have lots and lots of beautiful owls. Now one year a mother owl came and laid her eggs in our deer stand and over time the mother owl began to trust me and let me go up into the stand to see her eggs. After awhile I started to bring bread from the house and give to her so that she would know that I wasn't going to hurt her or her eggs so she let me hang around as much as I wanted. Then one day while I was up in the stand looking at the eggs I noticed that one of the eggs started to crack and all of a sudden a tiny little baby owl poped his head from the egg shell. There were five eggs in all and after the first one started to hatch it didn't seem to take long before the others were hatching too.
After they were all hatched I went to the house got some water and bread for the mother and left it in the stand and then I climbed down and went home so that the new mother could have some time with her new babies.
After that I would go every day to see the babies and watch them grow and then it wasn't long that the mother was teaching her babies to fly and before long they had left the nest and were all on their own. So because I love my husband and my love for owls I decided to name this owl King James. And that is how I got the name.

Several days have pasted by. Every day I go to work at 3:00 P.M. and I look over to see if King James ( the owl ) is still there and sure enough he is. Now when I leave at 11:00 P.M. to go home as I drive past I look to see if he has flown away but he is still sitting there. No King James hasn't gone anywhere. He is always there still guarding his post, when I leave to go home.

I have been thinking a lot about this strange and mysterious owl who sits so still under the over-pass bridge. I wonder does my King James eat! Oh yes he has to eat. I mean after all if he didn't eat he would die, and then who would guard the post.
Could it be that he is sick or has a broken wing and can-not fly. Please! No this can't be so. Because if this is true and there is no one to take care of him, that would bring death to him.
I truly wish to stop having these thoughts because I don't want anything bad to happen to King James.

WAIT!! What if King James is not really King James. Could he be a lady owl. OH MY!!! A lady owl. I never thought of this before I named him . Gee King James could in fact be a lady. Now that would help to explain why I don't see him { or her if the case may be } leave the post.
If not the post then what??? Could it be a nest? Could that be what it is??
YES! YES! that is it. It is not King James the owl guarding his post after all. It is a lady owl guarding her nest. Oh Wow you know what this means don't you. If it is a lady we can't call her King James now can we. No we can't. We must give her a name also. Let me think. What can we name this lady owl. If for in
fact she is a lady then we do want her to have a name as great as King James'. I know. How about Lady Pin-Shaw. Don't you think that sounds as honorable as King James. Ok then Lady Pin-Shaw it is. Lady Pin-Shaw the owl. Yes I like that.
So it is not King James that I see guarding his post day and night it is Lady Pin-Shaw and she is not guarding a post at all. She is guarding her nest. Now I bet you are curious as to why Lady Pin-Shaw is guarding this nest so closely.
Well let me tell you what I think the reason is. I think that maybe just maybe she has eggs in that nest. What do you think. Is Lady Pin-Shaw going to be a mother. Could this really be it? OH me oh my I think that is it. Lady Pin-Shaw is guarding her eggs so closely because she is going to be a mother soon. Yes that has to be it.
It isn't King James the owl after all. It is Lady Pin- Shaw the owl and future mother.
Ok now that answers some of my questions. Like why , why I haven't seen the owl fly away.
She probably waits to leave the nest to go for food until very late at night, when the city has gone to sleep and there is no danger of any other bird or animal getting to the nest and getting her eggs. And when she feels it is safe to leave her eggs then and only then does she fly away to find food. Now I am sure this is what she does so that is why no one sees her come and go for it is really late and we are all asleep.

Oh no my mind is spinning again. Now that we have solved the feeding delimma I am wondering why I never see Lady Pin-Shaw move at all.
I have taken a great interest in this silly owl and I watch her off and on through out the whole time I am at work.
I never see Lady Pin-Shaw move. She never turns her head not even a little bit. In fact I have never seen anything on this mysterious owl move. Not even a fraction. Now I am begining to get really worried. Is it that Lady Pin-Shaw is sick, so very sick she is unable to move.
Please I don't want to think like this. If this is really what is going on, no it can't be.
Lady Pin-Shaw can-not just can-not be seriously sick.
Who would take care of her see that her babies all hatch. There is no-one around who really cares but me. Just me. Oh I do care about her. I am so very scared for her and her babies. I have become very attached to Lady Pin-Shaw and if something bad were to happen to her my heart would break into. I can't even stand the thought of something happening to my mysterious owl.
OH WOW!!! Here is a thought. What if I could take care of her. I would take such good care of her and her soon to be babies. I would never ever let anything bad happen to Lady Pin-Shaw or her babies.

Today I didn't have to go to work but for some reason I have had Lady Pin-Shaw on my mind. I just can't seen to stop thinking about her. I do so worry about her.
Here she is all alone in a Big City. Alone by herself. She has no one to take care of her or to watch out for her, and although I have come to love her she has no way of knowing this.
You know she must be so terribly frighten being so far away from her home, and all her other owl friends. I wish with all my heart that I could figure out something to do to help her.
I just can't think of what to do. But I know that I am not going to give up. I will just think and think until I can come up with an idea that will help this beautiful, mysterious and lonely Owl.
And when I go to bed tonight in my prayers I will ask God to help me to find a way to make sure that Lady Pin-Shaw and her soon to be babies will be safe and happy.
So what do I do. I have to do something, anything would be better than letting Lady Pin-Shaw and her soon be be family perish.
I have thought and thought, but nothing is coming to mind. Nothing at all. I must think harder. I just have to figure something out. If I don't then for sure she and the babies will die.
OH WOW! I know what I will do. I will rescue the Owl. Yes that is just what I shall do.
My husband { James } told me that if I wanted him to he would build me the nicest cage he could for my Owl.
So now it has began. The building of a new home for Lady Pin-Shaw and her family.
The sun is shinning today and it is a pretty day. What a beautiful day to build Lady Pin-Shaw a new home.
James { or as his friends and I call him Jim } has began building on the cage. Or at least that is what I think he is doing. All his noisy is what woke me up this morning. ALL THOSE NOISES!!!!!!! Hammers are hammering Saws are sawing. Mercy he is making so much noisey I can barely hear myself think. I get out of bed and get dressed and I go to the back door to see just what is going on. I open the door and I peak out and sure enough it is Jim making all of that racket. He is working so hard that he doesn't even notice that I am watching him. I wish you could see him. He is so happy. He looks just like a little boy who is seeing all the Christmas presents under the tree for the first time on Christmas morning.
Finally he realizes I am watching him and he looks up and smiles at me, and ask me if I would like to help him . I told him you are doing such a fine job that I think I will just sit here and watch you work.
Before I knew it he had forgotten all about me being there and was back to building Lady Pin-Shaws new home. It didn't seem long until he was putting the final touches on it.
When he finally got it all finished he looks at me and ask! How does it look? Tell me what you think about it. I looked at him with a big smile and tears running down my cheeks and I told him it was the most beautiful owl house in the whole world.
Now that lady Pin-Shaws' house is finished Jim and I put it in the garage for safe keeping.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day for Jim and myself.
As Jim and I are sitting at the dinner table finishing our evening meal we are talking about Lady Pin-Shaw and how we are going to catch her and put her in a cage. This is not going to be a easy task he says to me. I looked at him and with a deep sigh shook my head in agreement.
Jim and I got up the next morning and decided to go check things out. You know to see what was needed to get Lady P. and move her to a safe place.
So we get up get dressed and leave the house. Now we are on our way to rescue my owl.
As we are driving along we are talking and laughing about how we are soon to be not only new parents but grand parents too. It is only about 15 or so mile drive to where Lay Pin-Shaw is so before I knew it we were there. We pulled into the parking garage and paked the car. Just as we are getting out of the car I looked over to where Lady Pin-Shaws nest is and saw she was gone. I looked at Jim and started to cry, because I just knew something bad had happened her. That is when Jim points to the sky and says look! look up there in the sky. There she is. I looked up through my tears and that is when I saw her. There was Lady Pin-Shaw flying high up in the sky. Then all of a sudden she flies down low right in front of me to let me know that she is safe and happy and all is well. I knew then that Lady Pin-Shaw was going to be just fine.
Although Lady Pin-Shaw finally did leave and I didn't get to take her home with me and take care of her I knew she was safe and happy and wheather I ever get to see her again or not I will always and forever love Lady Pin-Shaw, my mysterious and beautiful Owl. And I know she will always love and remember me. Good-bye my beautiful Lady Pin-Shaw..........

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