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by Reth
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1100846
If you are not one of my "reth friends" you wouldnt understand this story.
Wish for a smile

Kodachi: Last night was Reth’s very first concert. It wasn’t a huge fancy one, but a small club concert. It was really great though. Kids from my high school came and they saw the band and fell in love with the vocalist, Ryuhi, who also happens to be my older brother. Anyways, Airi fell in love with Ryuhi all over again and tried to jump on stage and maul him. It took Kinome, Tame and I to hold her back. Kinome was working so hard to hold everything together. Thanks to her, the equipment was set up perfectly. Sosuke was being himself and complained about not getting enough light on him, and too much light on Ryuhi. How and why does Kinome stand him!? Because of him, the band was a little bit late setting up. That’s when Tame and Akito, the manager, had to somehow stall the crowd. It was actually amazing how the crowd wanted to hear Reth so badly. Yuu, Hito and Satoshi were being a good sports and did exactly what Kinome had told them to do. I don’t know much about it, but they were friends back in middle school. Yuu is just crazy and ran around a lot, tossing equipment around… I guess he was just excited…and crazy. Hito was so clam it made Yuu look normal. I know one of them was on drugs. Satoshi was so obedient! He was like a loyal puppy following around his master, which in this case would be Kinome. Hm… maybe a duck? No, ducks don’t follow orders right? Anyways, the concert was a huge success and now a lot of people on the streets are talking about them. This is big news for all of us, since we’re all involved in Reth. Now to celebrate, we’re having a party. One problem, Ryuhi isn’t here!!!

“Let‘s have a Party”

“Jeez where is he?”
“Where is he!?”
“Somebody go get him before Airi starts to rip this place apart.”
“Calm down Airi…”
“But…Ryuhi is out in the rain and he’s all alone and he might have gotten hurt. Oh my god!!”
“Airi, you’re going to hurt yourself…”

The chaos got louder and louder as Ryuhi walked closer to the door. He wore a black hoodie; the hood covering half of his face. He went down the several stairs and stopped before entering the door where all the madness was coming from.

“RYUHI!” Airi cried. She was being held down by her other friends, he band, Kodachi, Tame, and Kinome.
“Airi, it’s okay!!” Kodachi said to her, trying to make her stop crying.

Ryuhi took his hood off and revealed his light, slightly wet, brown hair, and showed his “pretty boy” face.
“…who invited her?” He said to himself, walking away from the door.
“You don’t have to come in you know” Someone said.

Ryuhi turned and saw Sosuke.
“I promised Kodachi” Ryuhi said.

“I’ll tell her you couldn’t make it or something” Sosuke said, clearly trying to get rid of Ryuhi.

“You wouldn’t dare to lie to Kodachi, would you?” Ryuhi glared a bit at Sosuke, but he brushed it off

“Hey I’m saving you! You always complain about not wanting to see Airi, and now’s your chance to leave, but you won’t take it!” Sosuke said already getting angry.

Ryuhi turned around, facing his back at Sosuke and looking at the door to the party.

Sosuke turned around, and chuckled silently to himself. (Haha he bought it! My acting skills suck but he’s believing it!!)

Ryuhi glanced behind him, to see Sosuke laughing and whatever he was thinking of. (Idiot…) Ryuhi thought and walked inside the room.

Sosuke turned to face Ryuhi, “Okay, so are you--hey! Damn you, Ryuhi!” Sosuke chased Ryuhi into the room.

Ryuhi walked into the room, locking the door behind him. He found everyone partying except for Airi, who stayed in the corner. Her pink hair made her stand out.

“Ryuhi, you bastard let me in!!” Sosuke pounded on the door from the outside.

Ryuhi hated Sosuke even more every second that just went by. Sosuke's yelling attracted Airi's attention. She slowly turned her head toward Ryuhi. Actually, it was fast, but it felt like slow motion for Ryuhi.

“RYUHIIIII!” Airi stood up from the corner and lunged herself at Ryuhi, who was across the room, and latched onto him. “I missed you so much!!! Why did you let me miss you so much?!?!?!”

Kodachi walked to Ryuhi, with a bottle of beer in her hands. “Hey Ryuhi! You‘re late.” she said.

Ryuhi immediately noticed the beer in her hands, “Hito..! What are you doing to my sister?”

“What!?” Hito was over on the other side of the room, with Yuu and Satoshi, drinking beer. “I’m not doing anything!”

Kodachi looked down at the beer, “No, no, no. I took it from Yuu, cause he’s too young to drink!” She said.

“I’m 18...” Yuu said.

“Oh, don‘t start! It's still underage!” Kodachi went back over to Yuu and they began to argue, as usual.

“Airi, get off of me…” Ryuhi finally said.

“But if I let go you might leave!” Airi whined.

“I’m not going to leave….Sosuke is outside, okay?” Ryuhi said blandly.

“Ok, you have a point… You better not leave, though!” Airi let go of him, reluctantly.

Ryuhi started to walk over by Hito, Yuu , Satoshi, and Kodachi.

Airi stood there wondering what else to do now. (Maybe if I leave him alone for a while then… he will start to love me, too. Airi glanced over to Ryuhi. But I can’t leave him alone!!! He’s so cute, and adorable, and talented, and beautiful--)

Tame and Kinome walked down the stairs from the store, to the basement. They stopped their laughing when they saw Sosuke leaning against the wall.

Sosuke turned his head and noticed them. “Kinome, Ryuhi locked me out again!” He said.

“Sosuke, you’re like a 5 year old!” Kinome said, walking towards him.

“And so whiney! Jeez, you’re what, 21?” Tame teased him.

“Sh-Shut up, who asked you?” Sosuke glared at Tame.

“Can’t think of any come-backs…?” Tame smirked.

“Kinome, if you don’t open the door right now, your friends about to get hurt.” Sosuke continued to glare daggers at Tame.

“Sosuke, you’d hit a girl?” Kinome couldn’t say anything more because she was trying to hold in her laugh.

“You think this is funny!?” Sosuke was shocked.

“Calm down… the door’s open. You have to control that temper of yours….” Kinome smiled and walked in.

The three walked in to the basement room. Everyone was still doing their usual things.

Airi was still standing, daydreaming about Ryuhi. (And charming, and smart, and calm, and strong, and tall---)

“What’s wrong with Airi?” Sosuke asked, completely calmed down now.

“Oh, Ryuhi finally came!” Kinome said, happily. She walked over to the table and put down bags, “Okay, we have chips and snacks and soda” Kinome was spazzing out when she noticed the 4 in the corner with beer around them. “Hito, how dare you have beer in my presence!? Especially when it’s in MY house?!”

“Why the hell does everyone blame me for bringing the beer? I don’t even like this kind!” Hito walked away from the beer and sat down on the couch.

Yuu walked over to the couch and sat down next to Hito. He sighed. “So what kind of pop did you buy?” he asked.

“I’m not telling anyone anything until I find out who brought this!” Kinome was standing in front of the bags.

“Kinome calm down… and breath.” Kodachi walked over to her and was helping her calm down. “Now if you’re ready to know who brought the beer then turn around…”

Kinome turned around and saw Sosuke. “You brought it? You may live in the basement, but it’s still my house. Did you even ask?” Kinome asked him.

“Heh, some boyfriend.” Tame grinned. She obviously loves to test Sosuke's temper.

“Stop talking!” Sosuke yelled.

“He got his feelings hurt…” Kodachi whispered to Tame.

“Kinome, I brought it to loosen everyone up. We had a concert and people might … I’m sorry….” Sosuke said.

“No, don’t accept his apology!!” Tame said.

“It‘s a trap!!” Kodachi added. Both her and Tame were in the background, cheering for them not to make-up.

“Hahaha.” Kinome laughed.

“Why’re you friends with them?” Sosuke asked.

“They’re your friends, too, Sosuke.” Kinome smiled.

“No they’re not!!!” Sosuke said defensively.

(And warm, and soft…) ”Oh hey, everyone’s here!!” Airi finally came back to reality and walked over to the party.

The door slammed open. Everyone went silent and turned to the door.

“Augh! I new you kids were slacking off!” They saw the woman who yelled that out. Nobody seemed too thrilled.

“Minami…” everyone grumbled.

“You are all such aggravating little brats!! Except you, Satoshi. You don’t talk. But the rest of you!!” She yelled.

“Where’s Akito?” Sosuke asked.

“He’s busy. Now all of you, go home and sleep!! You will have another concert in a few weeks and this one will be bigger! If you do good, then you will be loved even more! If you screw up, even a little bit, I will beat you to a pulp! Now go!!” Minami ordered.

Nobody moved.

“Didn’t you hear me?!”

“Okay, lady? You were talking…sorry…screaming so loud that we couldn’t understand you. If you go outside, then maybe we could understand” Yuu said bluntly, obviously tried to get rid of her.

Everyone else agreed in long, quiet mumbles.

“… I don’t want to wake up anyone…Maybe Akito is asleep and I wouldn’t want to- nice try kid. If you think I’m that stupid then I will have another punishment ready for you!! Now leave!! All of you who don’t live here!” Minami continued to speak with her annoying, screaming voice, that can and will scare little children.

“Okay, fine.” Hito stood up from sitting on the couch, and walked over to the doorway, passing Minami, “But know this… there will be another party.” With that, Hito shut the door and left the room.

Minami watched him leave with a glare. She turned back to everyone else. “So who’s next? I’m going to make sure everyone leaves!!”

Yuu stood up, “Yeah, I kind of live with him so I’m going to go now. See ya guys later.” Yuu walked towards the door.

“Ryuhi should we leave, too?” Kodachi asked.

“NNNOOOO!!!” Airi yelled almost instantly.

Minami ran to Airi’s face. “Don‘t stop them!” She yelled. Somehow, it felt like there was an evil aura around her.

“But Ryuhi said he wouldn’t leave!” Airi said.

“It’s okay. Airi, you can sleep over!” Kodachi said.

“Really?!” Airi’s eyes were sparkling.

“What!?” Ryuhi asked, quickly glancing at Kodachi.

“It’s okay, come on!” Kodachi pulled Ryuhi and Airi out of the room. Yuu followed behind them.

“So we got Satoshi-kun, and you” Minami pointed to Tame.

“I’ll see you later Kinome.” Tame said, obviously trying to keep a smile.

(Yes, you better leave…)Minami gave an evil grin.


Everyone turned around and saw Satoshi near Kinome and Minami.

“Awww…Satoshi! You’re such an innocent sweetie!” Minami squealed. She moved off into a corner and giggled to herself.

“Tame, would you like me to walk you home?” Satoshi asked Tame.

“Yes, thank you!” Tame smiled.

“Satoshi-kun?!” Minami was surprised why a ‘sweetie’ like Satoshi would walk home one of her worst enemies, Tame.

“I was going to leave, too, so I thought we could go together. Minami, you should leave these two alone now. The party’s over” Satoshi smiled.

“Yeah, you’re right… Okay I’ll see you all later!” Minami smiled and closed the door, and left.

“Wow…Satoshi, she adores you.” Kinome was surprised.

“I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, but I guess it helps.” Satoshi smiled.

“Okay, I’ll go get everyone now.” Tame walked out the door and a few moments later, everyone that left, with the exception of Minami, came back.

“Party’s back!!!” Yuu screamed when he ran back in.

“I don’t get to sleep over Ryuhi’s house…” Airi sobbed.

“Who cares, let’s party!!” Yuu cheered.

“Sosuke, get more music.” Hito said.

“Why do I have to get it?!” Sosuke yelled.

“So we can party!!” Yuu continued to cheer.

“Good god, Yuu, if you say that one more time--!” Sosuke began to say.

“Just get the music!!” Most of the people in the room yelled.

“I have to do everything!” Sosuke ran off to his room, where he had the music.

“Such a complainer!” Tame said, “Kinome, maybe we should lock him in his room.”

“Oh yes! Let’s!” Kodachi agreed.

“Hahaha, if only it were that easy” Kinome smiled.

Airi ran to Ryuhi. “Ryuhi, can I still go to your house?? Pretty please???” She begged.

“No” Ryuhi simply said.

“PRETTY please?? With everything you like on it?” Airi asked.

“No, I have to go talk to…” he looked across the room, “Kinome… I have to talk to her” Ryuhi began to walk in the direction of Kinome. He walked to her and began to talk.

Kinome found herself blushing when he started to talk to her.

Airi saw this. “Why won’t Ryuhi talk to me…?”

Sosuke walked up to Airi, “Airi… do you want to dance with me?” he asked.

“Umm… I think I’d rather dance with Ryuhi….” Airi smiled. She then walked over to Ryuhi.

Sosuke’s eyes twitched. “Dammit Ryuhi, you always get in my way!!!”

Yuu walked over to Sosuke “Sosuke, don’t talk to yourself… I think you should-”

“Yuu, if you tell me to party I’m going to throw you into a wall!” Sosuke yelled.

“Uh, yyyeeeaaah, I was going to say to ask someone else to dance. Partying is for me!” Yuu pushed Sosuke’s back forwards and ran off to Hito.

Kodachi ran over to Ryuhi. “Hey… I think you should dance with Airi. She’ll leave you alone for a while, if you do” Kodachi whispered into Ryuhi’s ear.

Ryuhi thought that Kodachi may be right so he turned around to face Airi. “Airi… let’s dance.” Ryuhi said reluctantly.

“YAY!! Okay let’s dance!!!” Airi pulled Ryuhi and began to dance with him. She looked like the happiest girl in the world. Ryuhi on the other hand….not too happy.


Airi:: I’m so happy I danced with Ryuhi!! He’s so warm and soft! He smells nice… Why does he act like he hates everyone though… I want him to love me!!!

Ryuhi:: ………

Sosuke:: Damn Ryuhi… he’s stealing everything from me!! GAH!!!

Satoshi:: Minami called me this morning… she said hi and then hung up. I live alone, and I’m kind of scared of her now.
© Copyright 2006 Reth (reth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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